Abbeel, Pieter, 89–90

Accelerating returns, law of, 12–13

Addison Lee, 8–9


health care in, 76–77, 121

technology in, 14–15, 23, 79n, 190, 197–199

AIC Chile, 190

Airliner, supersonic, 7

Anderson, Chris, 120

Anger in society, 3–4

Apple Watch, 84–85

Argus II (argus retinal prosthesis), 176–177

Artificial general intelligence (A.G.I.), 40

Artificial intelligence (A.I.), 7, 12–14. See also Siri, specific topics

applications, 209–210

assistants, 43–44, 46, 89

benefits of, 43

fostering autonomy vs. dependence, 44–46

hard, 40

how it will affect our lives and take our jobs, 40–44

killing machines, 97

and the labor market, 101

in medical field, 40–41, 77

narrow/soft, 38

Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence, 45–46

quantum computing and, 207

risks of, 45

Asimov, Isaac, 183

Atala, Anthony, 181

Automated online assistant. See Artificial intelligence (A.I.) assistants

Autonomous cars. See Driverless cars

Autopilot, 101, 119–120, 150, 160, 163

Autosteer, 150–151

Bansal, Preeta, 29

Big Data, 69–70, 130

Bio-ink, 180, 181. See also 3-D bio-printing

Biohacking, 106, 128, 183

Biometric theft, 20

Bionic eye. See Argus II

Bioterrorism, 136, 144–145

Bladders, bio-printed, 181

Blade Runner (film), 210

Boxtel, Amanda, 179

BRETT (Berkeley Robot for the Elimination of Tedious Tasks), 89–90

Brown, Micah, 100

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 101

Cancer, 40, 41, 129–132

Car accidents, 157–158. See also Driverless cars

CCR5 gene, 143

Cell phones, 14–15

Cheney, Dick, 106–107

China, 118, 159, 199

Clearwell (software), 42

Clinton, Hillary, 3

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. See CRISPR-cas9 system

Computer security, 209

Computers in the classroom, 53–54

Concorde, 8

Copyright laws, 29–30

CRISPR, 140–145

CRISPR-cas9 system, 140

Crohn’s disease, 134–135

Cyberattacks, 108–109, 173, 183. See also Hacking

Cybersecurity, 106–107, 209. See also Hacking; Internet of Things

all your weaknesses, in one place, 111–112

citizens caught in the cyber crossfire, 107–111

the race to make it accessible, 113

DARPA Robotics Challenge, 91, 92

Data breaches. See Hacking

Davenport, Thomas, 42

David, Lawrence, 130

Deepfakes, 209–210

Dell Computer, 169–170

Diamandis, Peter, 15, 200

Diets, 66, 135

Digital enhancement, 184

Digital pills, 69

DNA, 136–139

altering, 30–31. See also Synthetic biology

medical privacy and, 83

DNA sequencing, 128–130, 132. See also DNA

Doudna, Jennifer, 140, 142

Driverless cars, xi–xii, 19–20, 32, 149–154. See also Google cars; Tesla cars

fostering autonomy vs. dependence, 162–164

a massive disruption caused by giving A.I. the keys, 160–162

moral argument for, 157–159

reinventing the car to forgo a human driver, 155–157

in various countries, 159–160

Drivers in the driverless car, 164

“Drone Age,” 120

Drones, 118–123

benefits vs. risks of, 124–127

the darker side to, 123–124

fostering autonomy vs. dependence, 127

DropSynth, 137

Dystopian worldview and dystopian future, xiv, 3–7

Education, 47–52. See also Learning; Online education

back to the future of, 52–53

promise of exponential technology for personalized, 53–56

Einstein, Albert, 202

Ekso Bionics, 179, 184

Electric vehicles, 195–196, 199, 200

Electricity costs, 192–195, 198, 199

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP), 210, 118

Employment, future of, 101–102

Encryption. See RSA

Endotronix, 182

Endotronix system, 183

Energy technology, 188–197. See also Solar power

fostering autonomy vs. dependence, 201

free power means a more peaceful planet, 199–201

Equal benefits, 62–63

Ethical standards, 29

Exoskeleton. See Robotic exoskeleton

Facebook, 30, 44, 113, 116

Farming, vertical, 200

Fecal transplantation, 134–135

Flipped education, 59, 60, 63

FoldiMate, 91

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 28, 29

Food delivery by drones, 118

Frey, Carl Benedikt, 101

Gates, Bill, 45

Gene synthesis, artificial, 137–139. See also Synthetic biology

General Electric (GE), 169–170, 173

Genetic engineering, 31

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, 82

Genetic testing, 82. See also DNA sequencing

Genetically edited babies, 143

Genetically modified food, 141

Genetics, revolution in. See also DNA

driving health care, 68–70

Genome, human. See Synthetic biology

Genome editing, 143

Genomic data, 82–83

Genomic targeting, shift from broad-stroke medicine to precision, 130–133

Gibson, William, xiv

Go players, 94

Goetz, Thomas, 78–79

Goodman, Marc, 144

Google, 93, 94, 102, 133, 184. See also specific topics

Google buses, 6

Google cars, xi, xiii, 101, 149–150, 152–153, 157, 163, 168–169

Green, Eric, 131

Gut flora, 134–136

Hacking, 106, 109–113, 115, 119, 166, 206. See also Biohacking; Cyberattacks

companies preparing against, 114

and lifting personal information, 170–171, 173

Hawking, Stephen, 45, 97

Health care

entrepreneurs to the rescue, 71–74

revolution in genetics driving, 68–70

self-diagnosis, 70

self-guided, 70

shift toward home-based investigation, 79

the waistline and the new paradigm for personalized medicine, 65–68

Healthcare technology, xiii, xiv, 64, 73–76, 176–187

consumerization of, 78–80

equal benefits, risks, and dependency, 80–81

fostering autonomy vs. dependence, 185–187

and medical diagnosis, 70–76

reducing the costs of medical testing, 72–74, 76

risks and dependencies, 81–85

HealthCube Pro, 73–77, 79

HealthCubed, 73, 74, 79

HealthKit, 69

Hinds, Pamela, 161

Hole-in-the-Wall Education Project, 59

Hollister, Scott, 178

Honan, Mat, 111

Human Genome Project, 128

Iamus (computer), 39

IBM, 16, 17, 204–205, 207

IBM Watson, 40–41, 132

Identity theft, 104–105, 112, 115, 117, 173

Implants, 176, 178–179, 181

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), 56–57

Individual choices, importance of, 25–26

Intelligence, 14. See also Artificial intelligence

Internet access, 22–23, 63

Internet of Things (I.o.T.), 11, 25, 109, 165, 166

the awesome things about, 166–170

benefits vs. risks of, 173–175

defined, 165

fostering autonomy vs. dependence, 172–173

the frightening thing about, 170–172

Japan, aging of, 96–97, 118

Kahol, Kanav, 71–72

Kelly, Kevin, 43, 117

Khosla, Vinod, 41

Kim, Tammie, 161

Kurzweil, Ray, 12–13, 16–17, 98, 194

Labor market, A.I. and the, 101–102

Laptop computers in educational settings, 53–54

“Late-mile problem,” 118

Laundroid, 91

Laws, 29–30, 42, 43

Laxminarayan, Ramanan, 71–73, 76

Learning. See also Education

the flipped future of EdTech and personalized, 59–62

Lethal autonomous weapon systems, 98–100

Lulu and Nana controversy (genetically edited babies), 143

Maduro, Nicolás, 123–124

Mahan, Steve, 152–153

Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 54

Mavic 2, 120

McAfee, Andrew, 101

Medical identity theft, 112. See also Cybersecurity; Identity theft

Medical supplies, drones used to deliver, 121–122

Medical technology. See Healthcare technology

Medicine. See Health care

Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, 132

Microbiome, 134–136

Microbiota, human. See Microbiome

Minimally invasive education, 58

Mitra, Sugata, 56–59

Moore’s Law, 11–17, 27, 63, 92, 150, 177, 206

Musk, Elon, 8, 45, 97, 103, 196

Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0, 137

Naam, Ramez, 192

National Microbiome Initiative, 146

Nest Learning Thermostat, 166–168, 171, 173

Netflix, 69–70

NIIT, 57, 58

Nilsson, Mans, 195

Nixon, Richard M., 130

NotPetya ransomware, 109

Nykvist, Bjorn, 195

Obesity, 65–66

Occupations that could be automated, 101

Office of Personnel Management, 108–109

Online education, 54

history of, 56–59

Open Roboethics initiative, 98, 100

Orwellian future, xvi

Osborne, Michael A., 101

Pang Kin Keong, 160

Perovskite, 197

Personnel Management, Office of, 108–109

Peterson, Garrett, 178

Peterson, Jake, 178

Petya (malware). See NotPetya ransomware

Plasma-based water purification technology (PWSS), 189–190

Politics, 3, 6–7, 109

Population aging, 96–97

Power grids, central, 197–198

Powered exoskeleton. See Robotic exoskeleton

Preeclampsia, prenatal testing for, 74–75

Prenatal testing for preeclampsia, 74–75

Presidential campaign of 2016, 3, 6–7

Privacy, 113–117, 164, 166, 171, 174–175. See also Cybersecurity

driverless cars and, 19–20, 171

Internet and, 171

I.o.T. and, 166

medical, 83, 112, 113

vs. vanity, 117

Pulmonary-artery pressure, wireless sensor reader for monitoring, 182

Quantum computers, 18, 206, 209

contrasted with semiconductor-based computers, 203, 204

cracking codes, 204–206

and the future, 205, 207, 208, 210

performance, 203–204, 206, 207

qubits and, 18, 203–205

race to build, 204

Quantum computing, 17, 203–208

benefits vs. risks of, 209–210

fostering autonomy vs. dependence, 208–209

Quantum entanglement, 202–203

Quantum mechanics, 202, 203

Qubits, 203–205

Reiner, Jonathan, 107

Renewable energy, 193–194. See also Energy technology

Robotic exoskeleton, 179–180, 184

Robots, 89–91

benefits vs. risks of, 100–103

everyone benefiting equally from, 103–104

fostering autonomy vs. dependence, 104–105

how they may save the world, 96–97

killing people, 97–100

Rosie is coming, 92–95. See also Rosie

Rosie (robot maid on The Jetsons), 44, 89–95, 103–104

RSA (cryptosystem), 206, 209

Russian interference in 2016 U.S. election, 109

Samantha (virtual assistant from Her), 46

Sanders, Bernie, 3, 7

Schier, Robert, 41

Schools. See Education

Science fiction, vii, xvi

Security. See Cybersecurity

Security, computer, 209

Security breaches. See Hacking

Self-driving cars. See Driverless cars

Singapore, 160

Siri, 37–38, 93

Six-Million Dollar Man, The (TV series), 180

Skype, 56

Sloan Kettering Hospital, 132

Smartphones, 14–16. See also Siri

Social media, 117. See also Facebook

Software-based technologies, 44

Solar power, 189–197

benefiting everyone, everywhere, 197–199

Star Trek (TV series), 176

Star Trek future, xvi, 125, 127, 211–212

Superposition, 202–204

Swasthya Slate, 72, 74. See also HealthCube Pro

Synthetic biology. See also DNA: altering

benefits vs. risks of, 144–146

rise of, 136–144

“Synthia” (Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0), 137

Technology. See also Healthcare technology; specific topics

advances on the horizon, 17–18

fostering autonomy vs. dependence, 44–46, 104–105, 127, 162–164, 172–173, 185–187, 201

for personalized education, 53–56

questions to ask regarding, 31–33

seeks society’s forgiveness, not permission, 27–31

Technology triad, 11–12

Telemedicine, 77

Terrorists, use of drones by, 123–124

Tesla, 8

Tesla battery technology, 196

Tesla cars, xiv, 101, 103, 150–151, 155, 156, 163, 169

Thermostats. See Nest Learning Thermostat

3-D bio-printing, 178–182

Truck drivers, 160

Trump, Donald J., 3, 6

Tug (robot maid), 94–95

Uber, 7, 9–10, 27–29, 160

Ukraine, 2017 cyberattacks on, 109

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), 119. See also Drones

Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), 119. See also Drones

Utopian future, xvi

Vaginas, implanted, 181

Venter, J. Craig, 13, 133, 137, 194

Virtual assistant. See Artificial intelligence (A.I.) assistants

Virtual reality (VR), 50, 56

VISOR (for Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement), 176

Vogl, Ronald, 175

Voice recognition, 93, 94

VTech, 170, 173–174

Wadhwa, Tarun, 180–181, 189–190

Water, drinking

access to clean, 188–190

Water sanitization, 188–190

Water tanks and water quality, 190–191

Watson (computer), 132

Weapons. See Lethal autonomous weapon systems

Weight loss, 66

Wind power, 192–195

Wozniak, Steve, 97

YouTube, 21–23

Zhang, Feng, 140

Zolezzi, Alfredo, 189–190, 199

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