
You probably have an image in your head of a book writer: holed up in an attic office space, alone, sleep-deprived, heading downstairs occasionally for coffee and sugar and the stray bit of protein. Well, let me disabuse you of that fanciful illusion—I ate enough protein while writing this book. Also, I wasn’t alone. Well, physically alone maybe, but always connected to a fantastic group of people who helped make it possible and who have my thanks.

At Apple, Teresa Brewer, Keri Walker, Jennifer Hakes, Janette Barrios, and Jai Chulani provided me with equipment and answers when I needed them.

At Sony, Greg Belloni and Aaron Levine loaned me a beautiful Sony 40-inch Bravia widescreen LCD television so I could get the full effect of playing HD video from the Apple TV. Want it.

Liane Thomas provided her usual high degree of sharp-eyed copyediting. Rebecca Plunkett shouldered the unenviable task of producing the index on a tight deadline.

My editors and production coordinators at Peachpit Press once again applied the right combination of hand-holding and whip-cracking: Cliff Colby, Connie Jeung-Mills, Tracey Croom, and Nancy Davis.

I also want to thank my officemates Kim Ricketts, Melody Clark, and Glenn Fleishman, who shared his wireless networking knowledge. I referred often to his book Take Control of Your 802.11n AirPort Extreme Network (

Most deserving of thanks is my wife, Kimberly, who endured my work schedule while encouraging me the entire time.

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