Chapter 15. How Do I Work with Text?

15.0 Introduction

This chapter will cover the basics of creating, formatting, and interacting with text fields and the text therein. Focusing on the mechanics of using text fields, rather than on string manipulations, this chapter will bring you up to speed with the essentials you need to add text to any project.

Flash uses three different kinds of text fields: static, dynamic, and input. The latter two types can be created and affected by ActionScript; they’re the focus of this chapter. Whenever you wish to exert ActionScript control over text, you turn to a dynamic text field. However, if you require user input, including anything from entering a user name and password to completing an essay, then you need to graduate to an input text field—essentially, dynamic fields with added user input features.

You’ll see in the first recipe of this chapter that you can very easily create a text field, and setting it to behave as a dynamic or input field is simply a matter of using a single property. This capability also means that you can switch between these two types, if the need arises.

The third text type, static, is accessible via ActionScript to a very limited degree, but only the Flash interface can create static text fields. You can retrieve text from a static text field, using the StaticText or TextSnapshot classes, but you must walk through the display list to find the desired field. Additionally, the Flash interface may break your text into multiple fields after compilation, as in the case with vertical text, so the ActionScript queries to static text elements are of marginal use.

15.1 Creating a Text Field


You want to create a text field using ActionScript, rather than the Text tool in the Flash interface.


You can create text fields in the same manner as other display objects, using the new keyword and appropriate class, TextField.


Creating a text field is consistent with creating any other display object, but setting the type property of the field determines its functionality. Regardless of whether you want a dynamic or input text field, new TextField() is still used to create the object, and the field must be added to the display list to be visible. The following example simply creates two different text fields to demonstrate the use of the type property.

var score:TextField = new TextField();
score.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

var userName:TextField = new TextField();
userName.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;

New fields will be added to the display list using all their default properties, including a somewhat awkward 100 × 100-pixel size, so it’s necessary to style the field after creation. In this case, style is a loosely used term for defining basic appearance and functionality.

15.2 Styling a Text Field


You want to establish a look and basic feature set for a text field.


Use a variety of properties of the TextField class that apply to the field, rather than the text therein. Formatting of the text itself is discussed in a later recipe.


The following script creates and styles a basic dynamic text field. The first block of code creates the text field.

var txtFld:TextField = new TextField();
txtFld.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtFld.width = 300;
txtFld.height = 20;

txtFld.border = true;
txtFld.borderColor = 0x666666;
txtFld.background = true;
txtFld.backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;

txtFld.multiline = true;
txtFld.wordWrap = true;
txtFld.selectable = false;

The second block sets the width and height of the text field. This is important because, without this, adding a text field to other display objects conforms those objects to a minimum of 100 × 100 pixels, if the dimensions or size characteristics aren’t changed. This process can be confusing at first, especially in situations where the text must be small, such as in the case of a label for a button.

The third block sets the graphical appearance of the field, manipulating the border and background. Both characteristics are optional and, if turned on, can be colored. This example uses a charcoal border and light gray background.

The last block defines three basic behavioral features of the field, letting any text the field may contain wrap to multiple lines and not be selectable. The latter option’s useful when you want to prevent text selection highlighting from marring a design. If the ability to select text (to copy to the clipboard, for example) isn’t part of your product feature set, setting the selectable property to false is a good way to override this default behavior.

Finally, one more feature can be helpful in a big-picture way. You can, at the field level, set the color of all text in the field. Setting text color would ordinarily be a formatting task but, if you don’t need character- or word-specific color formatting, you can set text color this way:

txtFld.textColor = 0x660000;

See Also

15.1 Creating a Text Field for creating a text field.

15.3 Creating a Password Field


You want to hide user input to avoid password entry from being viewable to the casual onlooker.


Use the displayAsPassword property to replace input characters with asterisks.


To display asterisks instead of user input characters, you just need to use an input field and set the displayAsPassword property to true.

var pssWrd:TextField = new TextField();
pssWrd.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;

pssWrd.displayAsPassword = true;

Additional text field properties, however, might also prove helpful for password input. The maxChars property limits the number of characters the user can type in the field, and the restrict property limits which characters can be entered. The latter can use limited regular expression patterns to specify characters, including simple ranges like lowercase a through z (which converts all uppercase letters to lowercase) and numbers 0 through 9, as seen in the next code block.

It also helps to clearly define the size and visibility of the field so the user can easily find it. Here, width and height are specified, as are the use of a border and background.

pssWrd.maxChars = 15;
pssWrd.restrict = "a-z0-9";

pssWrd.width = 100;
pssWrd.height = 14;
pssWrd.border = true;
pssWrd.background = true;

Next, let’s create a minimal setup for checking a password. The first two blocks of the following script segment create a button to submit the password. When the button’s clicked, the listener at the end of the script checks the text of the field to see if the text entered by the user matches “actionscript3”. If so, then it traces “success” to the Output panel. If not, then the script empties the field for a subsequent user entry.

var sp:Sprite = new Sprite();
drawSquare(sp, 0x000099);
sp.x = 110;
sp.buttonMode = true;

function drawSquare(obj:Object, col:uint):void {
    var g:Graphics =;
    g.beginFill(col, 1);
    g.drawRect(0, 0, 14, 14);

sp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick, false, 0, true);
function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    if (pssWrd.text == "actionscript3") {
    } else {
        pssWrd.text = "";

15.4 Focusing a Text Field


You want to programmatically place the text insert cursor inside a text field.


Use the focus property of the stage to give focus to a specified field.


When clicking on an editable text field, the text insert cursor is typically placed into the field, letting the user begin typing. This process is referred to as giving focus to the field. In some instances, however, you may need to accomplish this goal programmatically.

Consider, for example, the previous recipe, in which a user types a password into an input field. If the password is incorrect, then the field is cleared, but the user must still click in the field to type. The following code block adds one new line (shown in bold) to the last function of the previous recipe, automatically preparing the field for text entry. It does this step by setting the focus property of the stage to the text field reference—in this case, pssWrd.

function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    if (pssWrd.text == "actionscript3") {
    } else {
        pssWrd.text = "";
        pssWrd.stage.focus = pssWrd;

The syntax in this new line demonstrates access to the stage through a display object. This line could have been written in a slightly simpler form:

stage.focus = pssWrd;

However, this would work only because the optional this reference to the main timeline, though omitted, is implied. The stage is, in reality, being accessed through the main timeline, a movie clip display object. Using the syntax featured in the script segment helps remind you that ActionScript 3.0 has no global reference to the stage. You can also remember this principle by always using the this reference.

this.stage.focus = pssWrd;

See Also

15.3 Creating a Password Field for creating a password field and 13.11 Referencing the Stage Through a Display Object for referencing the stage through a display object.

15.5 Populating a Text Field


You want to add text to a text field.


Use the text property of the TextField class to replace text, or add text to an empty field. Use the appendText() method to add text to the end of an already populated field.


While using the text property of a text field isn’t new for ActionScript 3.0, and was demonstrated in 15.3 Creating a Password Field, the new appendText() method of the TextField class warrants attention. Briefly, this method achieves the same goal as txtFld.text += "string value", but much faster. That is, rather than manually appending text to a field using the compound operator +=, use the appendText() method to accomplish the same task.

To easily demonstrate this process, start with the field setup from 15.2 Styling a Text Field, and then add the following two lines to your script:

txtFld.text = "I Am";
txtFld.appendText(" the Fly");

The result is the string “I Am the Fly” because " the Fly” was appended to the starting text without overwriting it.

See Also

15.2 Styling a Text Field for creating and styling a text field.

15.6 Automatically Sizing a Text Field


You want a text field to expand to accommodate dynamic input.


Use the autoSize property of the TextField class to resize a text field based on input and alignment choice.


This recipe continues the previous code example, which has been collected here again for convenience. The first portion of the following script initializes a field and populates it with a single line of text, “I Am the Fly”.

var txtFld:TextField = new TextField();
txtFld.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtFld.width = 300;
txtFld.height = 20;

txtFld.border = true;
txtFld.borderColor = 0x666666;
txtFld.background = true;
txtFld.backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;

txtFld.multiline = true;
txtFld.wordWrap = true;
txtFld.selectable = false;

txtFld.text = "I Am";
txtFld.appendText(" the Fly");

txtFld.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
in the ointment");

The two new bold lines are responsible for adding a second line to the field, and automatically resizing the field to accommodate. The text field’s autoSize property is set to automatically resize the field, using its left edge as an anchor for left-justified text. The new line is added using the appendText() method, but preceding the string with a new line character, .

To see the property in action, test the script with and without commenting the autoSize instruction. You find that, despite enabling the multiline and wordWrap properties, the field shows only one line of text without the effect of the autoSize property.

This outcome occurs because the height of the field is fixed at 20 pixels, so, even with the text spanning two lines, the second line isn’t visible. The autoSize property automatically resizes the field in one or more directions, based on the setting you use.

The constants of the TextFieldAutoSize class are LEFT, RIGHT, and CENTER. If you choose LEFT as the autoSize anchor, then the field expands or contracts on the right side, as well as the bottom side, in the case of any new lines or carriage returns. RIGHT has the opposite effect, resizing to the left and down, and CENTER equally distributes field resizing to the left and right, as well as along the bottom edge if new lines are added.

In all cases, if the wordWrap property is turned on, the specified width (or default width, if nothing is specified) of the field is preserved, and only the bottom edge of the field is resized. You can see this in action by commenting in and out the wordWrap instruction during testing.

15.7 Scrolling a Text Field


You want to programmatically scroll text within a fixed field height.


Use the scrollV and scrollH properties of the TextField class.


The first part of the following script is similar to several of the previous recipes in this chapter. It creates a dynamic text field, configures basic appearance and functionality attributes, and populates the field.

In this case, two subtle changes warrant comment. First, the height is fixed at 150 pixels, instead of 20, to show multiple lines. Second, text is added to the field with a loop, using a newline character, which ensures that multiple lines exist for scrolling. However, the bolded code, explained following the script, controls the scrolling.

var txtFld:TextField = new TextField();
txtFld.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtFld.width = 150;
txtFld.height = 150;

txtFld.border = true;
txtFld.background = true;

txtFld.multiline = true;
txtFld.wordWrap = true;
txtFld.selectable = false;

txtFld.text = "I Am the Fly";
for (var i:int = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
" + i + " I am the fly in the ointment");

this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onScroll, false, 0, true);
function onScroll(evt:Event):void {
    if (mouseY < txtFld.height/2) {
    } else {

In this simple example, an enter frame event listener monitors the mouse, and scrolls the text based on the position of the mouse relative to the field. If the mouse is above the horizontal center of the field, the text scrolls up until the top of the field is reached. If the mouse is below the field center, the text scrolls down until the bottom of the field is reached.

If you would rather use a scrollbar to manage text scrolling, you can easily create a dynamic instance of the UIScrollBar component. Making sure you have a copy of the component in your library, you can replace the manual scrolling code (in bold) from the previous example with the following:

import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;

var uiScroll:UIScrollBar = new UIScrollBar();
uiScroll.scrollTarget = txtFld;
uiScroll.x = txtFld.x + txtFld.width;
uiScroll.y = txtFld.y;
uiScroll.height = txtFld.height;

This first line of this new code block imports the necessary class because component classes are not automatically accessible during compilation. The next two lines create a scroll bar instance and add it to the display list. The next line associates the scroll bar with the desired field. Finally, the remaining lines position the scroll bar at the upper-right corner of the text field, and set the scroll bar’s height to match that of the field.

You can also scroll a text field horizontally. This ability’s useful when you want to enable long lines without line wrapping—for a navigation system, perhaps. In the case of manual scrolling, the principles behind the process are similar, but the scrollH property is measured in pixels, rather than lines (as is the case with scrollV). Proportional typefaces prevent you from relying on character width for consistent scrolling.

When using the component, you need to set the direction property of the UIScrollBar instance to a horizontal equivalent, as when using the ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL constant in the revised code that follows. (Note that you must also import that class if you plan to use the constant.) You also need to reposition the scroll bar (to the bottom of the field in this example.

import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
import fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection;

var uiScroll:UIScrollBar = new UIScrollBar();
uiScroll.scrollTarget = txtFld;
uiScroll.direction = ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL;
uiScroll.x = txtFld.x;
uiScroll.y = txtFld.y + txtFld.height;
uiScroll.width = txtFld.width;

To see this in action, you can modify the previous script by replacing the scroll bar code as indicated; changing the width and height of the field to narrow and tall (100 and 270, respectively, should work nicely); and setting the field’s wordWrap property to false.

See Also

15.2 Styling a Text Field for defining the display attributes and functionality of a text field, and 15.5 Populating a Text Field for populating a text field.

15.8 Using Embedded Fonts


You want to use a custom font, but you want to make sure the font is viewable even on computers that don’t have that font installed.


Use the embedFonts property to support the use of an embedded font when formatting text.


Using system fonts keeps your files small and efficient, but typically restricts you to using only fonts commonly found in most operating systems. To use a custom typeface reliably, you must use an embedded font so the required font outlines are included in your SWF file.

Furthermore, embedded fonts are required for certain graphical effects, such as rotation and alpha transparency, when used on text fields. Without embedded fonts, text can disappear from fields when these and similar transformations are applied.

To use embedded fonts, you need only one parameter, embedFonts. The following example code uses embedded fonts in a hypothetical field called txtFld. The next few recipes cover specifying the use of a particular font.

txtFld.embedFonts = true;


In the Flash interface, you can’t embed fonts using only ActionScript. See Chapter 7, for an overview of embedding fonts using the Library panel.


If you enable support for this feature, but fail to specify an embedded font with the correct linkage class, then the text doesn’t appear. If this situation occurs, you may be able to quickly test to see if the embedded font is the problem by commenting out the embedFonts line of your script and switching to using a local system font. If the text appears, you can then investigate the embedding process and correct the problem.

15.9 Formatting Text Using TextFormat


You want to create a text-formatting object that can be applied to text fields.


Create an instance of the TextFormat class.


Arguably the simplest way to use ActionScript to format text is to use TextFormat instances. Like Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), you can apply them to many fields, and edits to the instance are reflected across all its uses. However, TextFormat instances are somewhat easier to create.

The first step in formatting text this way is to create a TextFormat instance. It must exist before attempting to apply it to a text field. The first block of this recipe’s code creates the instance, and sets the font and color of the text. It then turns on bold, italic, and underline, but as separate Boolean properties to make it easier to mix and match these effects.

The second block controls common type attributes for size, leading, and letter spacing. All values are in pixels, but the leading value only applies to the space between lines of text.

The last block sets the left and right margins as well as the indent of the first line in every paragraph, both in pixels.

var txtFrmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
txtFrmt.font = "Arial";
txtFrmt.color = 0x990000;
txtFrmt.bold = true;
txtFrmt.italic = true;
txtFrmt.underline = true;

txtFrmt.size = 14;
txtFrmt.leading = 4;
txtFrmt.letterSpacing = 1;

txtFrmt.leftMargin = txtFrmt.rightMargin = 3;
txtFrmt.indent = 9;

The next step is to apply the TextFormat instance to your text field. The following code block instantiates and populates a text field, and shows the first way to use the formatter you just created.

var txtFld:TextField = new TextField();
txtFld.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtFld.width = 200;
txtFld.height = 200;

txtFld.border = true;
txtFld.background = true;

txtFld.multiline = true;
txtFld.wordWrap = true
txtFld.selectable = false;

txtFld.defaultTextFormat = txtFrmt;
for (var i:int = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
    txtFld.appendText("All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.");

The for loop in the last three lines populates the field with a single paragraph. Immediately before any text is added to the field, however, the defaultTextFormat property of the field is set to the TextFormat instance you created. By using this approach, new text added to the field inherits the formatting. This characteristic is most helpful for formatting an empty field for user input.

The next approach is to make a one-time change to text that already exists. Instead of using the defaultTextFormat property before the text’s added to the field, you can use the setTextFormat() method after the field is populated. To see this change in action, comment out the defaultTextFormat line in your script to prevent any initial formatting, and then add the following line after the loop.


The visual appearance doesn’t change because you’re using the same formatting code, but you can use this approach any time, instead of only before adding content to the field.

When formatting existing text, you can also specify a range of characters rather than changing all text in the field. To do this, you must add two indices to the setTextFormat() method, as seen here:

txtFld.setTextFormat(txtFrmt, 43, 85);

The first is the index of the first character to be formatted, and the last is the index of the character after the text you wish to format. That is, the text formatted is firstIndex to lastIndex-1. (This method is a fairly standard way to identify character ranges, and offers the benefit of being able to specify the length of the string as the last index.)


Using TextFormat instances doesn’t work on fields that use a style sheet. For more information, see 15.11 Formatting Text Using CSS.

15.10 Formatting Text Using HTML


You want to use HTML to format a text field.


Use the limited HTML rendering capabilities of text fields.


Flash supports a limited number of HTML tags that you can use to add formatting and functionality to text fields. Table 15-1 lists the tags available in ActionScript, as well as relevant notes, if applicable.

Table 15-1. HTML tags supported by Flash Player

HTML tag



Supported attributes include: color, face, size.


Bold version of font must exist to work.


Italic version of font must exist to work.




Supported attributes include: class.


multiline must be enabled to work. Supported attributes include: align, class.


multiline must be enabled to work.


All lists are bulleted. Ordered and unordered qualifiers are ignored.


Supported attributes include: src, width, height, align, hspace, vspace, id. Can embed external images (JPG, GIF, PNG) and SWF files with automatic text flow around source.


Supported attributes include: href, event, target.


Used to apply limited subset of TextFormat properties to enclosed text. Supported attributes include: blockindent, indent, leading, leftmargin, rightmargin, tabstops.

To demonstrate that HTML can also be combined with other features for added effect, a simple example will be constructed over the next few recipes. To begin, this script shows the use of paragraph, bold, italic, and font tags to style a line of text. Related upcoming recipes will also make use of span, list, anchor, and break tags.

var txtFld:TextField = new TextField();
txtFld.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
txtFld.multiline = true;
txtFld.selectable = false;

txtFld.htmlText = "<p><b>Interactive</b>
 <i>Text</i> <font color='#FF0000'>Demonstration</font></p>";

Beyond the somewhat restrictive subset of supported tags, working with HTML is quite straightforward. In the ActionScript 3.0 implementation of HTML, the only point worthy of note is that you no longer need to first enable HTML support. Simply adding text with the htmlText property (instead of the text property) automatically makes HTML features available.

15.11 Formatting Text Using CSS


You want to use Cascading Style Sheets to format text.


Use the StyleSheet class and corresponding styleSheet property of the TextField class.


As with HTML, ActionScript supports a limited set of CSS properties. You can see these properties in Table 15-2. Note that, for consistency, the corresponding ActionScript property names don’t have hyphens.

Table 15-2. CSS tags supported by Flash Player

CSS property



Font color in 0xRRGGBB format.


Controls display of item. Values include: none, block, inline.


Font name. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to fontFamily.


Font size in pixels. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to fontSize.


Font style. Values include: italic, normal. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to fontStyle.


Font style. Values include: bold, normal. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to fontWeight.


Turns kerning on or off. Values include: true, false. Works only when using embedded fonts and in SWF files created on the Windows platform.


Font leading in pixels. Not officially supported. Similar to: text-height. Works well in internal style object, but may not be reliable in loaded CSS.


Tracking in pixels. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to letterStyle.


Positions left margin in pixels. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to marginLeft.


Positions right margin in pixels. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to marginRight.


Specifies text alignment behavior. Values include: left, right, center or justify. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to textAlign.


Underlines text. Values include: underline, none. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to textDecoration.


Indents first-line paragraph indent in pixels. Corresponding ActionScript property changed to textIndent.

You have two ways to work with CSS in ActionScript. The first is to create style objects inline, which is covered in this recipe. The second is to load an external CSS document, which will be covered in Chapter 17.

The style sheet’s application is the same in both cases. So, the basics of the inline method involve creating an object for each style, and then registering that object with its corresponding HTML tag or CSS class. The following script creates a simple example style sheet that contains two arbitrarily named styles for use over the next few recipes. Together, they demonstrate the use of class-based and tag-based styles. The first is called task, and is a custom class for adding emphasis to items or subheads. The second style is called link, and is associated with the anchor HTML tag for use in the next two recipes.

Building on the HTML of the prior recipe, the bold code is new. The first two segments create custom objects and assign the desired CSS properties and values. The third segment creates an instance of the StyleSheet class, and uses the setStyle() method to associate the objects with the class and tag identifier. Upon completion of this process, the StyleSheet instance css can be applied to a text field (discussed following the script).

var task:Object = new Object();
task.fontFamily = "Verdana";
task.fontSize = 14;
task.leading = 4;
task.letterSpacing = 1;
task.textIndent = 14;

var link:Object = new Object();
link.color = "#0000FF";
link.textDecoration = "underline"
link.fontStyle = "italic";

var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
css.setStyle(".task", task);
css.setStyle("a", link);

var txtFld:TextField = new TextField();
txtFld.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
txtFld.multiline = true;
txtFld.selectable = false;

txtFld.styleSheet = css;
txtFld.htmlText = "<p><b>Interactive</b>
<i>Text</i> <font color='#FF0000'>Demonstration</font></p>";
txtFld.htmlText += "<br /><span
 class='task'>The following tasks are possible:</span>";

The last line of this script is standard HTML fare for using CSS. A custom class is applied in a <span> tag that surrounds the desired text. (The next two recipes use the anchor tag.)

However, the application of the style sheet is noteworthy because you must apply it before text is added to the field. This action happens in the first line of the last code block, before the field is populated with the htmlText property.


You want to place a hyperlink in a text field


Use HTML, and an anchor tag, to add the link, similar to the corresponding approach of adding a hyperlink to an HTML page.


Adding standard hypertext links in ActionScript uses the same process as adding links in HTML. The optional target attribute is also supported for opening links in another window.

txtFld.htmlText += "<li><span class='task'>Search:
 <a href=''>Google</a></span></li>";


Although this code works on its own if a field called txtFld already exists, it’s designed to be added to the previous recipes as an ongoing example. The list tag is added simply to demonstrate additional use of HTML formatting.

See Also

15.10 Formatting Text Using HTML and 15.12 Adding Hyperlinks to Text for information on formatting with HTML and CSS, and 15.13 Triggering ActionScript from HTML Links for additional functionality triggered from HTML links.


You want to execute an ActionScript 3.0 function from a link in a text field.


Use HTML and an anchor tag to add the link, but use the ActionScript 3.0 event: protocol instead of the http: protocol, which is reserved for standard links.


Triggering ActionScript from HTML links in ActionScript 3.0 is similar to the same process in ActionScript 2.0, but the system now makes use of the ActionScript 3.0 event model. Previously, the link’s http: protocol was replaced with asfunction: and a corresponding function was typically created for each unique use of this feature.

Currently, the process is similar in that the http: protocol is replaced with event: but the corresponding executable code is less tightly coupled with the link. That is, the link now dispatches a TextEvent that can be handled in the usual event listener manner, granting much more power and flexibility to the process.

txtFld.htmlText += "<li><span class='task'>Trace: <a href='event:showMsg'>
    Show Message</a></span></li>";

txtFld.addEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, linkHandler);
function linkHandler(evt:TextEvent):void {
    if (evt.text == "showMsg") {
        trace("Specific function code executes here");


Although this code works on its own if a field called txtFld already exists, it’s designed to be added to the previous recipes as an ongoing example.

See Also

15.10 Formatting Text Using HTML through 15.12 Adding Hyperlinks to Text for additional HTML and CSS formatting, and hyperlink use.

15.14 Selecting Text


You want to programmatically select text in a field, akin to if a user selects the text with the mouse.


Use the setSelection() method of the TextField class.


The following script passage initializes a field, and populates it with a simple line of text. It then attaches a mouse down event listener to the stage that programmatically selects five characters of that text, characters 6 through 10, thereby selecting the second word, “ipsum.”

var txtFld:TextField = new TextField();
txtFld.width = 200;
txtFld.selectable = false;
txtFld.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
txtFld.text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.";

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onSelectWord, false, 0, true);
function onSelectWord(evt:MouseEvent):void {


Remember that text operations like this typically specify a range using the first desired character and the last desired character plus 1. Additionally, the character count is zero-based, with the first character having an index of 0, not 1. See 15.9 Formatting Text Using TextFormat for more information.

The next code block adds another feature that lets you replace selected text with a new string. A similar listener structure is used, this time listening for a mouse up event, and replaces the selection, after first checking to make sure a selection exists. This latter task is accomplished by making sure the beginning and end of the selected text aren’t the same (which would indicate no selection).

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onReplaceWord, false, 0, true);
function onReplaceWord(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    if (txtFld.selectionBeginIndex != txtFld.selectionEndIndex) {

Finally, if you’ve struggled with text selection and object focus in the past, you’ll be overjoyed to know that ActionScript 3.0 handles this issue quite well. ActionScript 3.0 even has a feature that prevents the selection highlight from disappearing when the field loses focus, as seen here.

txtFld.alwaysShowSelection = true;

To see this feature in action, add the previous line to the end of the onSelectWord() function, and comment out the listener that invokes onReplaceWord(). (You need to do this step because, if the word is replaced immediately, you don’t see the effect of maintaining the selection.) Clicking alternately on the stage and directly on the text shows the visual difference between when the text field has focus and when it doesn’t.

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