Chapter 10. Making Up for a Reduced Component Set

In spite of the component improvements discussed in Chapter 9, the overall number of components in the Flash authoring tool has been reduced for ActionScript 3.0 FLA files. The data components, in particular, have been removed completely and now belong to the Flex framework. A handful of user interface (UI) components, such as Accordion, Tree, and Window, are also absent.


See Table 9-2 through Table 9-5 in Chapter 9 for a full list of new and removed components.

These components are still available for ActionScript 2.0 documents, but the Components panel adjusts its contents based on a FLA file’s publish settings (File→Publish Settings→Flash→Script). Even if you start in an ActionScript 2.0 document, and then add components to the Library panel and change your publish settings, you will only see error messages when you compile. Components designed for different versions of ActionScript can’t be mixed in the same FLA file. This chapter discusses a number of ways to work around (or work without) Flash components no longer supported in ActionScript 3.0.

Working Without Data Components in ActionScript 3.0

The data components in ActionScript 2.0 offered a panel-based interface for configuring sophisticated data interactions among UI components and even external data sources, such as XML documents and databases. In a sense, they provided a more complex, but similar apparatus to the Script Assist feature of the Actions panel, best suited to older ActionScript. Developers who routinely work with complex data binding are generally going to find a more comfortable workflow in Flex Builder 3, which is specifically geared toward Rich Internet Application (RIA) development. You may, however, encounter the occasional need for some of these features in the Flash authoring tool. The following sections discuss the implementation of a pair of popular data components in ActionScript 2.0, and then recommend a replacement workflow for ActionScript 3.0 documents.

Creating an XMLConnector Scenario in ActionScript 2.0

In ActionScript 2.0, one of the XMLConnector component’s uses was to load, parse, and use XML data to populate UI components. During this process, a copy of the DataBindingClasses component (Window→Common Libraries→Classes) was automatically added to the library, which facilitated nearly codeless data binding among components; that is, components could be configured to influence the data content and visual display of other components automatically. You could do this with barely any use of ActionScript, but the process was fairly involved and required a well organized bit of fiddling among tabs of the Component Inspector panel, as demonstrated in the following example. Although the XMLConnector component was potentially helpful to designers, you can reproduce the functionality illustrated here with relatively little effort in ActionScript 3.0. One approach is discussed immediately after the ActionScript 2.0 version.

  1. Create a new ActionScript 2.0 FLA file, and then save it as XMLConnector.fla. In the Timeline, rename the default layer to scripts, and then add a new layer named components.

  2. Open the Components panel. With the components layer selected, drag a copy of the XMLConnector component to the stage. It doesn’t matter where you position this component, because, like all data components, it becomes invisible at runtime. Select the XMLConnector component, and then use the Property inspector to give it the instance name xmlConn.

  3. Drag a copy of the ComboBox and TextInput components to the stage. Give the ComboBox component the instance name myComboBox, and the TextInput component the instance name myTextInput.

  4. Create a new XML document in the same folder as XMLConnector.fla, and then save the new document as cds.xml (this is the same file used in Chapter 1, so you may copy that one, if you like). The contents of this XML file should read as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
        <artist name="The Beatles">
            <album name="Abbey Road">
                <track title="Come Together" />
                <track title="Something" />
                <track title="Maxwell's Silver Hammer" />
                <track title="Oh! Darling" />
                <track title="Octopus's Garden" />
                <track title="I Want You (She's So Heavy)" />
                <track title="Here Comes the Sun" />
                <track title="Because" />
                <track title="You Never Give Me Your Money" />
                <track title="Sun King" />
                <track title="Mean Mr. Mustard" />
                <track title="Polythene Pam" />
                <track title="She Came in Through the Bathroom Window" />
                <track title="Golden Slumbers" />
                <track title="Carry That Weight" />
                <track title="The End" />
                <track title="Her Majesty" />
  5. Select xmlConn, and then open the Component Inspector panel (Window→Component Inspector). Select the Parameters tab, and then enter cds.xml as the value of the URL parameter. Set the direction parameter to receive, as shown in Figure 10-1. This associates the XMLConnector component with the cds.xml document.

    Configuring the XMLConnector component
    Figure 10-1. Configuring the XMLConnector component
  6. Select the Component Inspector panel’s Schema tab. Select the existing results schema, and then click the far right arrow button to browse for the cds.xml document (Figure 10-2).

    Establishing the XML for the results schema
    Figure 10-2. Establishing the XML for the results schema
  7. When the XML document is displayed in the Schema tab, notice the resultslibraryartistalbumtrack node, as shown in Figure 10-3. This node represents the numerous <track> elements of the XML document, which are going to be displayed by the ComboBox component.

    Selecting the <track> elements of the XML document
    Figure 10-3. Selecting the <track> elements of the XML document
  8. Select the myComboBox instance. In the Component Inspector panel, select the Bindings tab, and then click the button to add a binding. This opens the Add Binding dialog box. Select dataProvider, and then click OK to close the dialog box. In the Bindings tab, double-click the bound to parameter to open the Bound To dialog box.

  9. In the Bound To dialog box, as shown in Figure 10-4, select XMLConnector, <xmlConn> on the left (this is the xmlConn instance) and the deeply nested track node on the right, as noted in Step 7. Click OK to close the dialog box. This action automatically adds the DataBindingClasses component to the library.

  10. At this point, the myComboBox instance is associated with the <track> elements of the XML document, thanks to the XMLConnector component. Now you just need a trigger. Select frame 1 of the scripts layer, and then open the Actions panel. Type the following ActionScript:


    Select Control→Test Movie to confirm that the ComboBox component displays the names of the tracks from The Beatles’ Abbey Road album (Figure 10-5).

  1. To demonstrate data binding between the ComboBox and TextInput components, close the SWF file, and then continue with a few additional steps. Select the myTextInput instance, and then return to the Component Inspector panel’s Bindings tab. Click the button to open the Add Binding dialog box. You see one choice for text, which refers to the TextInput.text property of the component (the text it displays). Select the text binding, then click OK to close the dialog box.

  2. In the Bindings tab, double-click the bound to parameter to open the Bound To dialog box. As shown in Figure 10-6, select ComboBox, <myComboBox> on the left, and selectedItem on the right, which refers to the ComboBox.selectedItem property of the myComboBox instance.

Binding the ComboBox component with the XMLConnector component
Figure 10-4. Binding the ComboBox component with the XMLConnector component
A ComboBox component displaying data from an XML file
Figure 10-5. A ComboBox component displaying data from an XML file
  1. Turn on the “Use path expression” checkbox, and then enter the expression title, as shown in Figure 10-6. This associates the title property of the currently selected item in the ComboBox—namely, a <track> element’s title attribute—with the TextInput.text property of the myTextInput instance. Click OK to close the dialog box.

  2. Select Control→Test Movie to confirm that the TextInput component updates automatically to display the current value of the ComboBox component.

Binding the TextInput component with the ComboBox component
Figure 10-6. Binding the TextInput component with the ComboBox component

Recreating an XMLConnector Scenario in ActionScript 3.0

ActionScript 3.0 has no data components to recreate the XMLConnector, but you can reproduce the features just described in ActionScript 3.0 with surprisingly little code. It’s a matter of loading the XML document and responding to a couple pertinent events.

  1. Create a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, and then name it XMLConnectorMimic.fla. Rename the default layer in the Timeline to scripts, and then add a new layer named components.

  2. With the components layer selected, open the Components panel, and then drag a copy of the ComboBox and TextInput components to the stage. Give the ComboBox component the instance name myComboBox, and the TextInput component the instance name myTextInput.

  3. Select frame 1 of the scripts layer, and then open the Actions panel. Enter the following code:

    var myXML:XML = new XML();
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("cds.xml"));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
    function completeHandler(evt:Event):void {
        myXML = XML(;
        var len:int = myXML..track.length();
        for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++) {
        myComboBox.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeHandler);
    function changeHandler(evt:Event):void {
        myTextInput.text = myComboBox.selectedLabel;

    In the first four lines, the variable myXML is declared and set to an instance of the XML class. Another variable, xmlLoader, is set to a URLLoader instance and used to request the cds.xml document. Finally, the Event.COMPLETE event, which indicates that the XML document has loaded, is associated with a custom completeHandler() function.

    The completeHandler() function parses the XML document, and routes its contents to the myXML instance. Using ECMAScript for XML (E4X) syntax, the remainder of this function uses a for loop to repeatedly invoke ComboBox.addItem() on the myComboBox instance in order to supply it with labels. Finally, the Event.CHANGE event constant is associated with a custom changeHandler() function, which updates the TextInput.text property of the myTextInput instance.


    See the section Namespaces in Chapter 3, for more detailed information on E4X and the navigation of XML documents.

  4. Select Control→Test Movie to confirm that the ComboBox component correctly displays track information that the TextInput component updates automatically to display the current value of the ComboBox component. Compare the ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 SWF files for this exercise, and you’ll see that the ActionScript 3.0 SWF file weighs less than half of its companion’s file size.

Creating a WebServiceConnector Scenario in ActionScript 2.0

Web services provide an XML-based mechanism for data exchange by way of a protocol called Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), (, whose specification is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the same body responsible for the HTML specification. SOAP messages can be consumed with the ActionScript 2.0 WebServiceConnector data component.

  1. Create a new ActionScript 2.0 FLA file, and then name it WebServiceComponent.fla. In the Timeline, rename the default layer to scripts, and create a new layer named component.

  2. With the component layer selected, open the Components panel, and then drag a copy of the WebServiceConnector component to the stage. Use the Property inspector to give the component the instance name wsConn.

  3. Open the Web Services panel (Window→Other Panels→Web Services). Unfortunately, this panel is active only in ActionScript 2.0 documents, but it provides a handy way to check what methods are available from any number of Web services, in addition to what parameters those methods expect. Click the Define Web services button (a blue globe) to open the Define Web Services dialog box. In this dialog box, click the button to add a new Web service URL. Enter, and then click the OK button to close the dialog box. This action updates the Web Services panel (Figure 10-7) to show the name of a particular Web service provided by, TempConvert, which features two methods. Open the params node beneath FahrenheitToCelsius() to see that a single string parameter is expected: a value in Fahrenheit, to be converted to Celsius.

  4. With the WebServiceConnector component selected, open the Component Inspector panel, and then set the WSDLURL parameter to, the operation parameter to FahrenheitToCelsius, and the other two parameters to true (Figure 10-8). This action prepares the wsConn instance to use the FahrenheitToCelsius() method of the TempConvertWeb service.

  5. Select frame 1 of the scripts layer, and then open the Actions panel. Type the following ActionScript:

    wsConn.addEventListener("result", resultHandler);
    wsConn.params = ["451"];
    function resultHandler(evt:Object):Void {

    This associates the WebServiceConnector.result event with a custom resultHandler() function that traces the value returned by the Web service. The WebServiceConnector.params property of the wsConn instance is set to an Array instance (the square brackets, [], are a shorthand for the expression new Array()). In honor of Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451, the string "451" is provided as the sole value of the params array. Some methods receive numerous parameters, would be added in a comma-delimited list. Finally, the WebServiceConnector.trigger() method nudges the wsConn instance into action.

  6. Select Control→Test Movie to confirm that the value 232.777777777778 (the Celsius value for 451 degrees Fahrenheit) appears in the Output panel. In the menu bar of the SWF file, select View→Bandwidth Profiler to see that the file weighs 40KB.

Reviewing Web service methods in the Web Services panel
Figure 10-7. Reviewing Web service methods in the Web Services panel
Preparing to consume a publicly available Web service
Figure 10-8. Preparing to consume a publicly available Web service

Recreating a WebServiceConnector Scenario in ActionScript 3.0

No ActionScript 3.0 equivalent to WebServiceConnector ships with the authoring tool, but a free third-party extension, written by Pieter Michels (, neatly fits the bill. Pieter kindly granted permission for the use of his extension in conjunction with this book. His WebService component extension, available at, provides three Web service–related classes, demonstrated in this exercise.

To reproduce the WebService connector feature in ActionScript 3.0, you need to download Pieter Michels’ WebService Component extension from When the download is complete, unpack the ZIP archive, and then double-click the wellconsidered_ws.mxp file to open it in the Adobe Extension Manager (Figure 10-9). Click the Accept button, and then click the OK button to see the extension included among your list of extensions, which will vary from the one depicted.

Agreeing to the standard Adobe Extension Manager disclaimer
Figure 10-9. Agreeing to the standard Adobe Extension Manager disclaimer

Make sure the new extension is turned on by ensuring the checkbox in the Enabled column is selected in the On/Off column (Figure 10-10).

Shut down the Flash authoring tool, and then launch it again so that the extension is activated at startup.

The WebService component extension, installed and active
Figure 10-10. The WebService component extension, installed and active
  1. Create a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, and then name it WebServiceExtension.fla. Rename the default layer in the Timeline to scripts.

  2. Open the Components panel and note that a new folder, named wellconsidered, is now available. Open this new folder, and then drag a copy of the Operation, OperationEvent, and WebService components to the library. These provide a virtual package for three classes corresponding to the three components in the library. These classes will be referenced in the ActionScript in Step 3.

  3. Select frame 1 of the scripts layer, and then open the Actions panel. Type the following code:

    var ws:WebService = new WebService("¬
    var op:Operation = new Operation(ws);
    op.addEventListener(OperationEvent.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
    function completeHandler(evt:OperationEvent):void {
    op.addEventListener(OperationEvent.FAILED, failedHandler);
    function failedHandler(evt:OperationEvent):void {

    After the required classes are imported, a ws variable is declared and set to an instance of the custom WebService class, which is fed the URL of the TempConvert Web service as a parameter. An op variable is set to an instance of the custom Operation class, which is associated with the ws instance. The remote FahrenheitToCelsius() method is invoked on the op instance, and passed in the string "451" parameter.

    Finally, two events are associated with respective custom functions: the OperationEvent.COMPLETE event is triggered when the Operation instance receives data from the Web service, in which case the value 232.777777777778 is sent to the Output panel; if the Web service is unavailable, or some other error occurs, then the OperationEvent.FAILED event may be handled to gracefully deal with the situation.

  4. Select Control→Text Movie to verify that the Web service communication succeeds. In the file menu of the SWF file, select View→Bandwidth Profiler to see that the file weighs a mere 6KB.

ActionScript 2.0 Components in ActionScript 3.0 SWF Files

Even though you can’t include ActionScript 2.0 components in ActionScript 3.0 FLA files (and vice versa), an interesting detour lets you load ActionScript 2.0 SWF files at runtime by ActionScript 3.0 SWF files. Intercommunication between such SWF files is possible by way of the native LocalConnection and ExternalInterface classes. Renowned Flash guru Grant Skinner ( offers a set of free classes named SWFBridge, written in ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0, to facilitate this communication. In this way, ActionScript 2.0 components, such as Accordion and DateField, can be incorporated into an ActionScript 3.0 workflow.

Download Grant’s classes from When the download is complete, unpack the ZIP archive, and then decide on a folder in which to store the files used for the following exercise. The SWFBridge classes are organized into a com.gskinner.utils package, so make sure to create corresponding com/gskinner/utils subfolders inside your chosen exercise folder. Place the and files into the utils subfolder before continuing.


You can also store these classes in separate folders, such as a repository of routinely accessed ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 classes, as long as you configure your global classpath settings to be aware of those locations. See Chapter 5 for more details.

  1. Create a new ActionScript 2.0 FLA file and name it ContentAS2.fla. Rename the default layer in the Timeline to scripts, and then create a new layer named components.

  2. With the components layer selected, open the Components panel, and then drag a copy of the Accordion and DateField components to the left side of the stage. Use the Property inspector to give the Accordion component the instance name myAccordion, and the DateField component the instance name myDateField.

  3. To provide some content for the myAccordion instance, use the Create New Symbol dialog box (Insert→New Symbol) a few times to create two or three movie clip symbols. In turn, double-click each symbol in the library to enter its timeline. Use the drawing tools to draw a few shapes to distinguish each symbol, or import a unique graphic file into each symbol. When finished, right-click (Ctrl-click) each symbol in the library, and then select Properties. Select the Export for ActionScript checkbox to provide a unique linkage identifier for every symbol.

  4. Select the myAccordion instance. In the Component Inspector panel, double-click to configure the childLabels, childNames, and childSymbols parameters to correspond to movie clip symbols created in Step 3. For example, if you have three movie clips that contain photos of a child building snowmen in the sand, showing off her braids, and jumping, you might configure the childLabels parameter with descriptive labels like Sandmen, Braids, and Jumping, as seen in Figure 10-11. The childNames parameter refers to yet-to-be-created instance names for these symbols, so you might use mcSandmen, mcBraids, and mcJumping. Finally, childSymbols refers to the symbols’ linkage identifiers, so you might use sandmen, braids, and jumping.

  5. Select Control→Test Movie to verify that the Accordion component displays your content, as seen in Figure 10-12. Click from pane to pane to switch from one movie clip to the next.

Preparing the Accordion component
Figure 10-11. Preparing the Accordion component
Verifying the Accordion component
Figure 10-12. Verifying the Accordion component
  1. Close the SWF file. Select frame 1 of the scripts layer, and then open the Actions panel. Enter the following ActionScript:

    import com.gskinner.utils.SWFBridgeAS2;
    var myBridge:SWFBridgeAS2 = new SWFBridgeAS2("connectionID", this);

    The SWFBridgeAS2 class is imported, and a myBridge variable is declared, and set to a instance of the SWFBridgeAS2 class. This variable will manage the bridge of communication between this SWF file and the host ActionScript 3.0 SWF file that’ll eventually load it. Two parameters are provided to the myBridge instance: an arbitrarily named connection identifier ("connectionID"), and a reference to the current SWF file (this).

    Continue entering the following code:

    function selectSegment(segment:Number):Void {
        myAccordion.selectedIndex = segment;

    Here, a custom selectSegment() function selects which pane of the Accordion component to display, by setting the Accordion.selectedIndex property of the myAccordion instance to an incoming parameter, segment. The ActionScript 3.0 SWF file that loads this file at runtime will trigger this function.

    Enter the remainder of the ActionScript 2.0 code:

    var accListener:Object = new Object();
    accListener.change = accChangeHandler;
    myAccordion.addEventListener("change", accListener);
    function accChangeHandler(evt:Object):Void {
    var dfListener:Object =  new Object();
    dfListener.change = dfChangeHandler;
    myDateField.addEventListener("change", dfListener);
    function dfChangeHandler(evt:Object):Void {

    These two blocks of code do practically the same thing. In each case, a listener variable is declared, and set to an instance of the Object class. These listener objects act as event handling stand-ins on behalf of the myAccordion and myDateField instances. Each listener is associated with the change event of its corresponding component, set to trigger a companion function that sends a message to the forthcoming ActionScript 3.0 SWF file by way of the myBridge instance.

    Each event handler invokes the SWFBridgeAS2.send() method on the myBridge instance, and tells the ActionScript 3.0 SWF file what to do. For example, when the user changes the myAccordion instance, it uses the myBridge instance to trigger a function in the ActionScript 3.0 SWF file by way of the string reference "notifyComboBox", passing a parameter whose value is the number of its own index.

  2. Select Control→Test Movie again to update the ActionScript 2.0 SWF file.

  3. Create a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, and then name it ContentAS3.fla. Rename the default layer in the Timeline to scripts, and create a new layer named components.

  4. With the components layer selected, open the Components panel, and then drag a copy of the ComboBox and TextInput components to the stage. Use the Property inspector to give the ComboBox component the instance name myComboBox, and the TextInput component the instance name myTextInput. Arrange these components on the right side of the stage, in order to make room for the ActionScript 2.0 SWF file.

  5. Select the myComboBox instance. In the Component Inspector panel, double-click to configure the dataProvider parameter to correspond to the movie clip symbols displayed by the Accordion instance in the ActionScript 2.0 SWF file. For example, click the button to add a new entry. In the new entry, change the label field to Sandmen, and the data field to 0. Add a second new entry. In the second new entry, change the label field to Braids and the data field to 1. Create a third new entry. In the third new entry, change the label field to Jumping, and the data field to 2.

  6. Select frame 1 of the scripts layer, and then open the Actions panel. Type the following ActionScript 3.0:

    import com.gskinner.utils.SWFBridgeAS3;
    var myBridge:SWFBridgeAS3 = new SWFBridgeAS3("connectionID", this);

    So far, the code’s nearly identical. The ActionScript 3.0 version instantiates its own myBridge variable, only this time the variable’s set to an instance of the SWFBridgeAS3 class. The "connectionID" parameter here matches the one specified in the ActionScript 2.0 file, which opens a single channel of communication between the two SWF files.

    Continue entering the following code:

    var myLoader = new Loader()
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest("contentAS2.swf"));

    Here, a Loader instance loads the ActionScript 2.0 SWF file and adds it to the display list.

    Continue with the following code:

    function notifyComboBox(num:int):void {
        myComboBox.selectedIndex = num;
    function notifyTextInput(str:String):void {
        myTextInput.text = str;

    These functions define the behavior of the notifications sent by the ActionScript 2.0 SWF file, whose event handlers trigger notifyComboBox() and notifyTextInput() by way of the string references "notifyComboBox" and "notifyTextInput" (see Step 6).

    Continue entering the remaining code, which sends a message to the ActionScript 2.0 SWF file, using the by-now familiar SWFBridge.send() method:

    myComboBox.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeHandler);
    function changeHandler(evt:Event):void {
  7. Select Control→Test Movie to experience the collaboration between ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 SWF files. Note that selecting various panes in the Accordion component updates the ComboBox component in the host SWF file, and vice versa. Note also that various selections of the DateField component update the TextInput component in the host SWF file (Figure 10-13).

Collaboration between ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 SWF files, thanks to Grant Skinner’s SWFBridge classes
Figure 10-13. Collaboration between ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 SWF files, thanks to Grant Skinner’s SWFBridge classes

For alternatives to SWFBridge, experiment with the free ActionScript Bridge component by Jumpeye, available at, and FlashInterface, by Robert Taylor, available at

Exploring Third-Party UI Components

Numerous third-party companies have developed components for Flash, some of which require licensing fees and some of which are free. A Google search on “ActionScript 3.0 Flash components” will lead you to a number of component repositories, as well as tutorials to help you create your own. Here is an example of two ready-made component providers.

Yahoo! ASTRA Components

The Yahoo! Developer Network ( offers a number of ActionScript 3.0 UI components under the BSD free software license, as part of a Flash component set ( called ASTRA. Components are installed with the Adobe Extension Manager and closely match the API, syntax, and library folder structure of the built-in ActionScript 3.0 component set. ASTRA components include:

  • AutoComplete: provides a list of suggestions from a supplied dataset based on the characters entered by the user

  • AlertManager: manages the queuing of alert windows

  • AudioPlayback: conceptually similar to FLVPlayback, but for audio files

  • BarChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, and PieChart: display tabular data in various graphical representations

  • Menu and MenuBar: ActionScript 3.0 versions of the native ActionScript 2.0 equivalents

  • TabBar: facilitates switching among various application states

  • Tree: an ActionScript 3.0 version of the native ActionScript 2.0 equivalent

Here’s a quick demonstration of the Yahoo! ASTRA TabBar component.

  1. Download the ASTRA component set from When the download completes, unpack the ZIP archive, and then double-click the Astra.mxp file to open it in the Adobe Extension Manager. Follow the steps described for installing Pieter Michels’ WebService component extension earlier in this chapter (see the Recreating a WebServiceConnector Scenario in ActionScript 3.0). Shut down the Flash authoring tool, and then launch it again so that the extension is activated at startup.

  2. Create a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, and then open the Components panel. Drag a copy of the TabBar component from the Yahoo! folder to the stage. Use the Property inspector to give this component the instance name myTabBar.

  3. Select the myTabBar instance. In the Component Inspector panel, double-click to configure the dataProvider parameter. In the Values dialog box that opens, click the button to add a new entry. In the new entry, change the label field to Home, and the data field to home. Add a second new entry. In the second new entry, change the label field to About Us, and the data field to about us. Create a third new entry. In the third new entry, change the label field to Contact Us, and the data field to contact us. Set the autoSizeTabsToTextWidth parameter to true to ensure that the labels expand to fit their content.

  4. In the Timeline, select frame 1, and then open the Actions panel. Enter the following code:

    myTabBar.addEventListener(TabBarEvent.ITEM_CLICK, clickHandler);
    function clickHandler(evt:TabBarEvent):void {

    Here, an import directive makes the TabBarEvent class available to this frame script. The myTabBar component instance is referenced by instance name and associated with a custom clickHandler() function to handle the TabBarEvent.ITEM_CLICK event. Inside the clickHandler() function, a trace() function references the data property of the currently selected tab, and sends its value to the Output panel. In actual practice, you might use the expression inside a call to gotoAndPlay(), to send the timeline to a frame label associated with the selected tab.

  5. Select Control→Test Movie to verify that tab selection sends corresponding values to the Output panel.


    This syntax is from the Astra Library Documentation (, which thoroughly covers the full ASTRA API.

Jumpeye Components

Jumpeye offers a wide variety of attractive ActionScript 3.0 UI components for sale on its website: Components include:

  • Accordion Panel V3: provides horizontal and vertical multipane selection, like the native ActionScript 2.0 Accordion component, but much more powerful and configurable

  • Loader Pro: loads images or animations, both from the library or external files, with visual transitions

  • Color Picker Pro: provides robust color picking capability with a variety of user interfaces

  • Thumbnail Slider: loads images and displays them as a scrollable thumbnail carousel

  • ToolTip 2007 Pro: provides highly configurable tool tips when the user hovers over designated areas

  • Numerous additional audio/video, menu, and transition effects components

As a gift to readers of this book, Jumpeye has offered a special coupon code that lets you download its Accordion Panel V3 component free of charge. Read on to see how to cash in, and check out the quick demonstration.

  1. Create a user account on the Jumpeye Components website. Navigate to the Accordion Panel V3 webpage ( Click the Add to Shopping Cart button.

  2. On the Shopping Cart page, enter this coupon code into the field titled “Enter your discount coupon number here”:

  3. Click the Check button. This action refreshes the web page to indicate a full discount. Click the Check Out button. Verify your customer information, and then click the Post Your Order button. When the web page refreshes, click the hyperlink that says, “Go to download page.” Download the component.

  4. When the download is complete, unpack the ZIP archive, and then double-click the AccordionPanelV3AS3.mxp file to open it in the Adobe Extension Manager. Follow the steps described for installing Pieter Michels’ WebService component extension earlier in this chapter (see the Recreating a WebServiceConnector Scenario in ActionScript 3.0). Shut down the Flash authoring tool, and then launch it again so that the extension is activated at startup.

  5. Open the accordion_panel.fla file included with the download. Note that a copy of the component already exists on the stage, and has the instance name accordionPanel.

  6. In the Parameters panel, note that the xmlPath parameter already shows the value acc_panel.xml. This parameter points to an XML document included with the other sample files from the ZIP archive. Open the XML document to see its contents:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <component name="Accordion Panel v3">
    <data childStyle="style1">
    <item title="Jumpeye"    contentPath="images/img1.jpg"/>
    <item title="Working"    contentPath="images/img2.jpg"/>
    <item title="Drawing"    contentPath="images/img3.jpg"/>
    <item title="On meeting" contentPath="images/img4.jpg"/>
    <item title="Having fun" contentPath="images/img5.jpg"/>

    These XML nodes give you a straightforward way to let the component know what content to display.

  7. Select Control→Test Movie to verify that clicking on headings displays the corresponding pane.

  8. Delete one of the <item> nodes in the XML document, and then save the file. In the Flash authoring tool, select Control→Test Movie again to verify that the corresponding pane is no longer present.


    The full Jumpeye Accordion Panel V3 API is available in the AccordionPanelV3.pdf file included with the ZIP archive.

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