Chapter 12. Languages

A language is a named collection of rules for imposing structure on text.

  Attributesopt language Name LanguageBody
  { RuleDeclarationsopt }
  RuleDeclarations RuleDeclaration

The language that follows recognizes the single text value "Hello World":

module HelloWorld {
    language HelloWorld {
        syntax Main
          = "Hello World";

Main Rule

A language may consist of any number of rules. The following language recognizes the single text value "Hello World":

module HelloWorld {
    language HelloWorld {
        syntax Main
          = Hello Whitespace World;
        token Hello
          = "Hello";
        token World
          = "World";
        token Whitespace
          = " ";

The three rules Hello, World, and Whitespace recognize the three single text values "Hello", "World", and " " respectively. The rule Main combines these three rules in sequence. The difference between syntax and token rules is described in Section 11.1.

Main is the distinguished start rule for a language. A language recognizes a text value if and only if Main recognizes a value. Also, the output for Main is the output for the language.

Cross-Language Rule References

Rules are members of a language. A language can use rules defined in another language using member access notation. The HelloWorld language recognizes the single text value "Hello World" using rules defined in the Words language:

module HelloWorld {

    language Words {
        token Hello
          = "Hello";
        token World
          = "World";

    language HelloWorld {
        syntax Main
          = Words.Hello Whitespace Words.World;
        token Whitespace =
          = " ";

All rules defined within the same module are accessible in this way. Rules defined in other modules must be exported and imported as defined in the next chapter.

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