Chapter 7. Approach Patterns

Here we introduce the world of the communication-oriented patterns. You might think of this chapter as analogous to Chapter 2, where I discussed analysis. It contains the underpinnings for communicating in a variety of business settings to help you accomplish your goals.

These are the patterns we examine in this chapter:

  • 30-Second Answer

  • Rented Brain

  • Ars Rhetorica

  • Fait Accompli

30-Second Answer

Executives are busy and need to synthesize a lot of diverse data points quickly. They ask technologists questions because they have something else in mind. They need to know things directionally more than in great detail. When they ask you a question, give them an answer that takes less than 30 seconds and has structure:

  1. Map an outline of three bullet points in your head, and then give the executives the simple, declarative, definitive answer.

  2. Add your three reasons or characterizations with your three bullet points also as high-level declarative statements. Picture a single slide, with one headline that is your answer, and three supporting points written in big, 30-point font.

  3. Stop talking and let the executive proceed. They will either make a decision, or follow up on the points they are interested in if they want more information.

Here’s a secret: nobody knows what to do. The boss is a person with children and a sick parent and nagging concerns about who will win the pennant and what’s for dinner and the possible emptiness of existence—like everyone else.

Here’s another secret. We hear about “busy executives” and think, well, we’re pretty busy too. And so we all are. But the following secret is maybe the most practically useful thing in this book for you to know: the boss has to pee.

The boss has 19 meetings per day. She is late to every one of them, not because she’s disorganized, but because it’s impossible to be on time. She as a thousand mouths to feed. She has calls with the office in Singapore and lunch with a customer. She has to deal with the fallout of a security breach and is trying to hire a key salesperson that could turn things around. She has coordinations and skip levels and shifts gears constantly. I mean this quite literally: she doesn’t have time for a two-minute break. People are talking to her constantly. She can’t walk down the hall with a moment to think. She sleeps in hotel rooms more than her own bed. She goes to exotic locations like Paris, Tokyo, London, Berlin, Brussels, Sydney, New York, and Wichita, places we all dream of going—and she never sees anything except the four off-white walls of a windowless conference room before being whisked back onto the red-eye flight home. If you fail to recognize this, and give long-winded, equivocal answers in which you dissertate on the myriad possibilities in an open-ended fashion to show how smart you are, because it’s a rare and exciting and somewhat scary moment to have the boss ask you something and you feel (rightly) that you’re on an audition, you have blown it. Because in this short time that the boss is trying to listen to you, and she needs to know the answer. And if she hasn’t had a break for six hours, you are trying her patience in ways that can’t be spoken.

It’s an old saw that the architect’s answer to everything is, “It depends.” This isn’t a good answer. We get it that stuff is complex, abstract, ambiguous, and risky. That’s why we get to have jobs as intellectual laborers, to sort these things out. Instead, give executives the three headlines and let them “drill down” or “double-click” into one they may want to hear more about.

This takes some training. Here’s an example. Say you run into the SVP of Development in the hallway and he asks you, “Should we delay the deployment one week in order to fix these two issues or not?” He’s in information-gathering mode, collecting data points. He will ask five other people and make a call. So your response might be something like this: “Yes. We should delay one week. First, our customers are heading into the peak season, so we’ll have fewer opportunities to make changes. Second, the load test results are inconclusive. Third, it’s Memorial Day weekend coming up, and we may not have the full team in support.”

The boss may then ask to drill down, saying, “Tell me more about what’s wrong with the load tests.” Or he may say, “Got it, thanks,” and move on. Either way, you did your job, and he’s happy. Of course, being able to do speak in this way requires a bit of discipline, and empathy, and knowing your book of business. It gets easier with practice and the confidence that leaving out details is actually helpful. Say the three critical things and then stop. Here’s how to think about framing your answers. The boss almost always wants to know one of these things:

  • What is the project status?

  • Do they need to do anything to help, or has the team got it?

  • What is your recommendation on a particular proposed action?

Seeing into the boss’s question to consider which of these things he’s probably asking is a fairly reliable way to frame your answers.

The 30-second answer is helpful and polite and shows that you understand (empathize with) the boss’s concerns.

Rented Brain

Duff McDonald, author of The Firm: The Story of McKinsey and Its Secret Influence on American Business (Simon & Schuster), drew this connection in 2013: more than 70 past and present CEOs of Fortune 500 companies were McKinsey alumni. In 2011, more than 150 McKinsey alumni were running companies with more than $1 billion in annual sales. The McKinsey consultant’s chances of becoming a Fortune 500 CEO are the best in the world, and more than three times better than the second-place company, Deloitte.

They go to the best schools, often paying expensive fees to take training courses to help them study just to interview for internships, and compete for few spots in the most well-known firms. They spend their time analyzing data and advising CEOs and other executives in large corporations who can afford their hefty fees. They see into many companies in many industries across the world. They have access to enormous databases with company data from which to draw their insights, access to templates and techniques that are well tested, and access to thousands of colleagues all doing the same thing.

Strategy consultants are sometimes called “Rented Brains.” They get invited in, they get asked hard questions, and then they research and put together a deck with their recommendations.

Early in my career, I worked for a very successful multibillion-dollar retail company that is number one at what it does. Its top executives loathed consultants. It was an ethos of the company. A story circulated that once upon a time a new vice president had been hired into the company. The venerable, smart, dedicated, generous, and kind CEO asked the VP for a plan in his area. Some time later, the VP returned to the CEO and stated that his plan was to hire consultants from a fancy consulting company to come in and make the recommendation. The CEO replied cheerfully, “That sounds terrific. Let’s do that. So then is this your resignation? Because now I can’t think of what I need you for.” The VP got the message, did his own homework, and made the plan that he was accountable for. And he and the CEO lived together happily ever after, and everyone became rich. I think literally every employee at this 12,000-person company knew this story of the idiotic VP who doesn’t think it’s his job to know his own book of business. It was legend and lore; and the message was clear: 1) never hire consultants at this company, or recommend to because they couldn’t possibly care about and know our business the way we do, in such deep detail. And 2) care about and know about our business deeply: you’re part of the family, and we’ll all be fine.

Working for an incredibly successful company—whose owner was the richest man in the state, with happy employees who stay working there for decades, and that had such an ethos—made a big impression on me. I also had contempt for business consultants, and for companies who hired them. Because I thought it meant three things:

  • It shows mismanagement on the part of the executive who hires them, because it means he has not built his own leadership team, and has not properly developed his people to care about the company and know their book of business. They don’t know how to do research, make a plan, and get something done.

  • Even if the first is false, and the team is every bit as prepared as “big four” consultants to make a good plan, but the leader still thinks he needs the consultants, it can be for only one reason: he does not trust his team to be objective and give him the hard facts. He has built a team of sycophants, yes-men, wishy-washies with no point of view at best, or political social climbers or outright liars at worst. It means the leader has failed in his crucial, central role as Chief Culture Officer. Especially since, as we learned earlier from Peter Drucker, culture eats strategy for breakfast.

  • The first job of a consultant is to get the next job. They make recommendations solving one problem in a way that creates a new, bigger problem requiring more time and fees to help solve.

The good leader constantly asks her team for the bad news. Help your team feel comfortable at saying what’s wrong. If you fly off the handle and freak out every time someone tells you the hardware is delayed two weeks, you are teaching them to hide things from you. They come to decide that while you may eventually find out about the delays, it won’t be from them, by which point it’s too late for you to help.

Here’s the principle of this pattern. Every day when you go into work, pretend you don’t work at your company. Pretend you are a hired consultant, a Rented Brain, who is absolutely comfortable telling the bad news, making the hard call, saying what truly needs to be said, exposing the elephant in the room. You’re clear. Because as a Rented Brain, you understand well that it’s your job to know your book of business, and you’re perfectly comfortable giving the boss your honest, best recommendation, even if it’s not what he wants to hear, or doesn’t put his prior decisions in the best light. Act as if you were a consultant who was not only free, but actually required to say what needed to be said, and not just maintaining the status quo or going along to get along. This mental shift isn’t that hard to do, since you’re already exchanging your intellectual labor for a salary anyway.

Put a simpler way: speak truth to power. Tell powerful people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. You’ll be seen as (and actually be) honest, forthright, forthcoming, objective, strong, confident, and smart. These are cherished, and rare, qualities.

If your boss is a nut job who hates hearing the truth, can’t stomach bad news, or can’t hear that he might not be perfect, just get another gig. It’s over anyway.

Ars Rhetorica

You can use facts and logic and data and be right, and still lose.

When you are making a deck to recommend a strategy or technology architecture, you need a way to structure your arguments so that your audience approves them. Remember the secret to happiness: figuring out what you want (that’s the first part of the book) and then learning how to ask for it (that’s this part).

When you make a strategic recommendation, you need to be right about the best course of action. If you have followed the patterns in the first part of the book, you will be. So here we’ll assume your claims make sense and are valid and have some data to substantiate them.

Around the year 350 BC, Aristotle finished a treatise called Ars Rhetorica, Latin usually translated as “The Art of Rhetoric” or “On Rhetoric.” In this book, Aristotle positions rhetoric firmly alongside logic as one of the three key concerns of philosophy (the third being dialectic). His purpose is to illustrate how you can use debate and persuasion to get people to see things your way—not by using omission or manipulation, but in a logical and ethical manner.

According to Aristotle, to make a truly persuasive argument, include three key elements:

  • Logical arguments (logos)

  • Ethical arguments (ethos)

  • Emotional arguments (pathos)

You won’t be able to convince all the people all the time, but this gives you better odds. Let’s look at each element.

With logical arguments, you persuade your audience based on logical conclusions stemming from facts.

To make a logical argument, show charts, graphs, and numeric data points, and illustrate in a direct line how they support your claims by using the elements of analysis we covered earlier. These might include:

  • Using inductive and deductive reasoning, syllogisms

  • Stating your hypotheses and the reasons for it

  • Stating your method to proceed in proving your hypotheses

  • Stating the metrics you’ll use to measure your progress and how you’ll source them

  • Probabilities and ranges, confidence levels

Ethical arguments originate in the notion that we are easily persuaded by people we trust. We scrutinize their arguments less. We take them on their word as an authority and assign them credibility based on who they are, their expertise in a related field, their work history, and so on. In fact, an ethical appeal was the centerpiece of a popular TV ad in the 1980s: “When EF Hutton talks, people listen.” If Jeff Dean said something about the future of AI, we would listen. If Warren Buffet even looks at the market funny, the Dow Jones goes berserk.

Be careful here not to misstep into some of the logical fallacies outlined next. It’s easy to do that because while someone’s background as an airplane pilot is impressive and laudable, that doesn’t necessarily mean that person knows much about business leadership.

Ethical appeals can be valid, and citing research from noted authorities on different facets is a key ingredient to a successful argument. In fact, Aristotle’s ethos-based rhetorical appeal forms the basis of the Google’s PageRank algorithm.

Emotional arguments persuade your audience by swaying their emotions, stirring them to righteous anger or disgust at the enemy, winning their hearts with rousing and exciting talk. We see this all the time in political speeches. These are actually important in business because if people don’t feel personally invested and committed to your cause, they won’t perform as well. But if you try to get millions of dollars out of the CIO based on emotional appeals, don’t expect a check anytime soon. You can pull this lever more in town halls and 20-minute speeches, with demos that are intended to induce “ooohhhs and ahhhhs” from your audience.

These three types of arguments should be used all together, depending on the setting and what you’re doing.

Note that overuse or improper use of emotional appeals is considered a logical fallacy too (see the next section). The more scientific- and business-minded among us tend to see through these arguments quickly.

Logical Fallacies

Earlier we showed several things you can do to help make a valid, reasoned, logical argument. Some arguments look logical, but are actually invalid or false pretenses to logic. These are called logical fallacies and must be avoided. They use irrelevant points and contortions to make their claims, and will undermine your own persuasiveness. There are dozens of them, and they are particularly perilous because they are so commonly employed in standard discourse.

Learning how to spot logical fallacies when others try to pass them off as logical arguments, whether intentionally or not, is an important aspect of doing good work. We see politicians using them all the time. Let’s look at a few of the most popularly used fallacies.

Ad hominem

Latin for “against the man,” the ad hominem fallacy attacks a person’s  background, physical traits, personality, irrelevant habits, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other personal attribute in order to suggest that their point or work is suspect, indefensible, or irrelevant. Examples of the kinds of horrible things that get said all the time that have no place in our work:

  • What would she know about technology? Her degree is in philosophy!

  • Don’t hire anyone from that company—they’re all corrupt.

  • Well, you can’t trust anything that guy says; he’s a lefty.

  • People of his religion are just concerned with making money.

  • He’s no fun at parties. He wouldn’t make a good manager.

  • As a woman, she would probably be great in HR or marketing.

  • You know that guy’s a liar: he’s a lawyer!

This one is sometimes called “poisoning the well.”

Affirming the consequent

In the logical statement “If P, then Q,” the antecedent is P, and the consequent is Q. In the statement, “If today is Tuesday, then I have a committee meeting,” the consequent is “I have a committee meeting.” To affirm the consequent is to claim that the consequent is true. When you commit the fallacy of affirming the consequent, you make an assertion, and by concluding that the consequent is true, you then also conclude that the antecedent is true. But logic doesn’t let us do that. The fallacy takes the form: “If P, then Q. Q. Therefore, P.” We do this a lot in technology, in our panic to find solutions to problems while troubleshooting.


  • If the virus-scanning software runs too long, the application server will stop. The application server has stopped. Therefore, the virus-scanning software ran too long again.

Blind authority

The inverse of the ad hominem fallacy is the blind authority fallacy, which is equally common, especially in business. It states, “A is the ultimate authority. A made claim B. Therefore, claim B is true.” It mistakes a military leader, business leader, or impressive corporation as a sufficient condition or valid and sound premise unto itself. This is false. The businessperson’s version of this is to cite someone’s title as the reason they are right. We sometimes see this referred to as the HIPPO: the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion. The technologist’s version of this is to substitute “big important tech company” as “ultimate authority.” Examples:

  • Programmers at Amazon open-source their software, so we should too.

  • Google is putting AI at the heart of its strategy, so we should too.

  • Facebook doesn’t use the cloud—it uses its own data centers, so we should too.

  • The CTO said we should should run all the servers out of his basement. That’s why it was right for me to pack them up and move them there.

  • The CEO said we should use mark-to-market accounting, so we know it’s a best practice.

In technology we go crazy with the blind authority fallacy. Luckily, it’s easy to spot and dismiss.

Blinding with science

We see the blinding with science fallacy in tech a lot. Smug technologists who just want to get their way try to bore their executive business leaders by dumping tons of only marginally relevant data on them to make them “cry uncle,” or try to give the impression that they’re such authorities that you should just go with their conclusion. To commit this fallacy, overuse acronyms, drop names, and refer constantly to arcane and highly technical-sounding things. Be suspicious if you hear something akin to this in a meeting:

  • The X-86 Xeon double-cores their dev ports because their hyperthreading has a 2.11 rating but they have an in-bloom filter, which, in version 9.8.1 finally, uses Merkle Trees so we’ll get the best results. You should spend five million dollars on those servers.

Developers do this a lot by digging into arcane details of their favorite JavaScript frameworks and claiming that we have to then switch everything to their flavor of the month. Pharmaceutical companies sometimes talk like this publicly in their advertisements. When someone starts talking like this, and I don’t know for sure a) what all the things they are talking about are, and b) that those things are all both true and relevant, I get very suspicious that they’re trying to manipulate me into doing what they want, regardless of its true importance or validity, by blinding me with science. These same people commonly also employ, and are themselves the frequent victims of, the blind authority fallacy.

Here’s the antidote: immediately divest your authority on the matter, but become incredibly interested in the details, effectively taking the fallacy committer at her word. In this way, you can be completely polite yet entirely disarm the committer. Say, “Can you explain that to me? I don’t know what an X-86 hyperthreaded dev port is. Why is that important to our throughput issue?” Another version of this, put more bluntly, is “Explain it to me like I’m 10.” Maybe her conclusion is sound and you should in fact buy her favorite server. But now you’ll know.

Hasty generalization

Sometimes called “converse accident,” the hasty generalization is a common fallacy for inductive reasoners to misstep into. It is very common for technologists as well, who look at data and are frequently pressed to give answers before having enough time to collect relevant samples. Hasty generalization means making an unjustified conclusion based on very limited data, an anomaly, one special example, or biased evidence. You can recognize this fallacy because it always proceeds from the particular to the general. Examples:

  • There are three rows in the database with bad data. Our programmers are so sloppy.

  • Suzy is a really good programmer. Technologists are always so smart.

  • Robin: I guess you can never trust a woman.
    Batman: You’ve made a hasty generalization, Robin. It’s a bad habit to get into. (Batman television series, 1966)

Petitio principii

Commonly referred to as “begging the question,” petitio principii is one of the scariest, most damaging forms of fallacy, for two reasons: first, it’s so common, and second, people can do this without realizing they’re doing it, and think they’re being perfectly reasonable. It’s a method of using as your evidence for a claim simply a restatement, or rewording, of that same claim. It takes the logical form P ⇒ P′ (where P′ is merely a rephrasing of P). It’s a fallacy because the conclusion does not logically follow from the premise. Here are some examples:

  • “All men are rational, so Charles is rational.” We forgot to say that Charles is a cat.

  • “Effective learning occurs during short study periods because your study time is not wasted in longer stretches of drudgery.” (Jeremy Bentham)

  • “To allow every man an unbounded freedom of speech, must always be, on the whole, advantageous to the State; for it is highly conducive to the interest of the community, that each individual should enjoy a liberty perfectly unlimited of expressing his sentiments.” (Douglas Walton, Argumentation)

This is often called “circular reasoning,” like “P, therefore P,” or more subtly, “A, therefore B, and B, therefore A.” Hardcore logicians will take issue with my saying this, because they’ll make finer distinctions, but it’s close enough for our purposes. The way to defeat this fallacy is to ask for evidence, upon which the committer will likely restate the premise, and you’ve got him.

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc is often shortened to simply post hoc. The full phrase is Latin for “after this, therefore because of this.” It looks like this: “P happened. Then Q happened. Therefore, P caused Q.” We do this in troubleshooting a lot: “I upgraded the Java version on the server. An hour later, the server went down. Therefore, upgrading Java made the server go down.” I have seen this kind of logic employed countless times at 2 a.m. on crit-sit calls. It’s a tempting conclusion to draw because the first thing we want to isolate is what changed. But it’s a fallacy. All that you’ve done here is identify a potential candidate to investigate. Which is a laudable and necessary thing to do in troubleshooting. Just don’t make too many assumptions based on it.

There are many more logical fallacies (a frightening number, actually—it’s amazing anything works at all given how frail our arguments can be), and many good books devoted entirely to the subject. A really fun read on logical fallacy is called How to Win Any Argument: The Use and Abuse of Logic by Madsen Pirie (A & C Black). But being armed with these popular ones should go a long way.

In this pattern, we’ve covered the three elements of a strong argument: the logical, ethical, and pathetic appeals. These are called “appeals,” because you’re appealing to that faculty or aspect of your audience. To be truly persuasive, your arguments, your public rallying toward a vision, and your decks should contain elements of all three.

You can read a more in-depth discussion in Book II of Aristotle’s original text.

Fait Accompli

When the good leader’s work is done, his aims fulfilled, the people will all say, “We did this ourselves.”

Lao Tzu

The term fait accompli is French for “an accomplished fact,” as in a “done deal.” It refers to something that has been decided or happened before those affected have a chance to hear about it or reverse it.

After you’ve done the work of crafting a strategy with tools we discuss here, you will be faced with a meeting to present your findings to the board of directors, the senior leaders in your department, or some other deciding managerial body, depending on your place in the organization and the scope of your work. This pattern is about how you handle that meeting. You can have the greatest strategy in the world, but if you let this meeting get away from you, you can really damage and dilute the chances for your good work to thrive.

Facing a Cold Audience

This pattern is about making sure you don’t go in to present to a cold audience. By “cold audience,” I don’t mean necessarily one that’s adversarial or defensive, but rather one that you have not prepped, and does not have at least some idea of what you’re going to say.

The naïve approach is to come to the meeting and unveil your work to a cold audience. You’ve scheduled the meeting, people show up wondering what you’re going to show them, you present your strategy, and you ask if there are any questions. In such a forum, with a cold audience, you will be lucky to get past the third slide.

What is most likely to happen is that the managers, directors, VPs, senior executives, or whatever level of folks are in this audience will completely reroute the conversation away from what you’re presenting. It won’t be on purpose, they won’t mean to, and the origins of where you lost them will be hard to trace. But an argument over some tangential matter will ignite, or you will get tremendous focus of a very aggressive nature. People will launch damning questions, puzzle out loud, or otherwise attack the work.

You will be left standing there, having presented a small portion of your ideas, with no one seeming to care about it or a palpable sense of confusion about what you’re trying to do and why. Because the presentation erupted into a bunch of side conversations with people not paying attention or performing an outright mutiny on the ideas, it gets rejected either explicitly or implicitly, with people not wanting to hurt your feelings or be the shark at the meeting, but ultimately you’ve not moved them or changed their minds or gotten them on board with your plans.

This is a failure, and you don’t usually get another shot at it. This can be incredibly frustrating for you, and prevent the organization from moving ahead with your great ideas. Why would this happen? There are a few, marginally related reasons.

Anytime you’re presenting in a work forum like this, people have only one question in their minds: What’s in it for me? They immediately start calculating. How does this message affect me, my teams, and my chances for success; encroach on my territory; or signal the coming of some change that I might find incredibly disturbing or rife with opportunity?

There’s a cliché we often hear in business: people do not like change. We’ve all heard this. But it’s not quite true. What it really means, or should mean, is that people don’t like change that is imposed on them. We might be perfectly happy to change jobs, get a new haircut, or move to the Smoky Mountains. People are fine with change and they do it all the time. But we would not be happy changing in any of those ways if someone else forced us to do it without asking us, without consulting us, or without recognizing that we have some vested interest. We can make all kinds of changes all the time, with great enthusiasm, even as a work force within a big software company. But not if we aren’t included.

Here’s the mistake we made in our meeting: we didn’t include the audience in our process, or at the least given them a heads up and taken some input. When you go to a meeting and some director unveils her new “strategy” and you’re not sure why you’re at that meeting, what the outcome is supposed to be, who she thinks she’s talking to, what’s going to be decided, and worse, those proposals tend to get undermined explicitly or politely disregarded.

The Meeting Before

What you need is a fait accompli. Put simply, you have the meeting before the meeting, in a bunch of little meetings, to line everyone up. Then the big meeting where everyone is ostensibly there to hear your message and accept it is more or less over before it starts, with people by and large on board, because their buy-in happened already: it’s a fait accompli.

You need to have the meeting with each of the key stakeholders, individually, before the meeting, to get them on board separately. Then, when the big day comes, it’s just a show about nothing, which is perfect, because you’ve already made everyone the ally of your proposal. The best outcome at the big meeting is that nothing much happens. No one is caught off guard, no one is challenged and gets defensive, no one is confused about what’s happening, there are no hecklers taking everyone down a rabbit hole with their one weird line of reasoning, everyone nods in agreement, and you get a yes because you’ve already gotten one from everyone privately beforehand. With each audience member feeling separately in concert with your proposal, there’s nothing to discuss, your stuff gets approved with little fanfare, and you get your bag of money to go change the world.

In essence, you need to suck the drama out of your own meeting, before it happens, so no one else can add their drama and undermine your work. If you don’t do this, some person who is the most threatened, or whose perspective you have least considered or cared for, will act like a heckler at a comedy show. And if that person has any power or respect from the others in the room, human animal nature will be to spot the weakness, see that things are going south, and pile on. And then you’re sunk.

So instead of relishing the drama of such a meeting, you have several little informal meetings with the key stakeholders. These can be short.

It is very hard work to put together a smart strategy for a changing and complex business. It can take many weeks. After toiling away, alone in a room, thinking, reading, and working hard, you might find it incredibly tempting to come to the reveal meeting in the manner of an artist or a showman, excited about your ideas. That’s natural. But it’s not strategic. We see Steve Jobs and his attendant deification, and it’s tempting to want to emulate these kinds of dramatic unveilings. But unless you’re Steve Jobs, this is probably not a great approach. As the business cliché goes, you want to be positioned not as the “sage on the stage,” but the “guide at their side." When you’re the genius who went to the mountaintop, did a yoga pose, and had the gods reveal unto you the One True Light and the Way about what your technology strategy should be, and now you’ve come back to the commoners to spread your gospel, don’t expect much support.

So here’s how to implement the Fait Accompli pattern, in a few easy steps:

  1. Look at your Stakeholder Matrix (see “Stakeholder Matrix”) and RACI (see “RACI”) and make the list of whom to invite to the big proposal meeting.

  2. Determine the list of who the key stakeholders are—the people with the most clout. Determine who is most affected by your proposal, who has the most to lose by it, and whose daily lives your proposal would disrupt the most. Carefully consider on this list the people who don’t like you, aren’t automatically on board with your ideas, grumble no matter what, showboat at meetings, and make everything about them. Try to see yourself as they would, as that external imposer. If you show up to announce that everyone’s getting a new haircut and moving to Milan, expect a violent and quick uprising. This will happen even if everyone in the room wants to move to Milan.

  3. Interview these people individually, tell them what you’re thinking, and ask if it makes sense to them, what you’re not considering, how it can be improved, and what ideas they are working on that might be incorporated. Take the notes with gratitude and make places for them in your work.

  4. Then, like a salesperson, ask them bluntly, “If we incorporate these changes, does this direction make sense to you? Is this something you can support?” Recognizing later that they already have signaled their clear approval to you, they’ll be loath to reverse that publicly at the big meeting.

  5. Go to your big meeting with the clearly stated agenda that you’re making your proposal or stating your new direction. Once there, make sure that you reference the stakeholders’ work, credit their ideas, and thank them for their contribution. This is not only honest and proper, but has the pleasant side effect of creating an echo chamber of support in the room. You’re implicitly telling the other bosses in the room: “Betty Boss contributed this idea, so this proposal is partly hers too. So you can’t attack this without also attacking Betty Boss,” which they will be much more hesitant to do.

Your strategy will get approved, and you will have made a fait accompli of the proposal. Nicely done.

This pattern is not about manipulation. It is about empathy and truly strengthening your work in a material way. There is also an awareness of some of the quirks of human behavior in business settings that don’t have to be allowed to run rampant.

Managerial and executive types do not like surprises. Ever. And they definitely don’t like their authority undermined or ignored. But if you line them up privately before the meeting so they can make valid and important points that you can consider, work into your proposal, and credit them with, and give them a chance to get their voice heard and state their frustrations or concerns, all will go well. You won’t be surprised, they won’t be surprised, and your proposal will actually be better, more relevant, and more impactful with the multitude of voices with different perspectives taken into account.

When this pattern is most deftly executed, people don’t have an experience of approving your work at all: they think you are merely representing them and simply relaying the strategy we all know is right. They will think, “We did it ourselves.”

Strategy is the art of creating power. If you don’t give them power, they will take yours.

Dramatic Structure

If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following act it should be fired. Otherwise don’t put it there.

Anton Chekov

The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means.

Oscar Wilde

The Dramatic Structure pattern is applicable when it’s time to structure your Ask Deck (see “Ask Deck”). When you make a deck, you need to be very clear on who your audience is and what you want them to do. The best way to get them to agree to your plans is to engage them according to the three forms of rhetoric, or persuasive speaking, that you learned in “Ars Rhetorica”. You can engage them on an emotional level, not by making baldly emotional (pathos) appeals as politicians so frequently do (because this is business), but by weaving it into the way you structure your deck.

The structure of most movies, plays, and television shows has changed little since Aristotle first identified the optimal dramatic structure in his work The Poetics, some 2,400 years ago. That work is wide-ranging, and we’ll pick up only a few relevant cues here.

Our culture reuses structures and stories a lot. The popular Disney movie The Lion King is simply a retelling of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, but with cartoon lions, as is the goofy comedy Strange Brew, but with drunk Canadians. That’s not so much because we’re not imaginative, but because certain things work. We find novel ways to apply the same story or the same structure. There are approximately 10 gazillion blues and folk songs with an E-flat, A-flat, B-flat chord progression. It works. So what can we learn from this?

Consider the following. It’s the basic plot structure of the standard Hollywood movie, dramatic literature, novels, and TV shows across all media, all genres, and all eras:

  1. In the beginning, we see the status quo. This is “the way things are today.” We understand the main characters in their normal setting. They get breakfast, take the kids to school, are stymied in traffic on the freeway. The guards stand watch at the gates, just like every night. We have established the normal routines. This is this family, and these are the things they do. Everything’s fine.

  2. But then one day…there’s an Event. This is called the “inciting incident.” There is a rupture in the status quo: the first earthquake tremors ripple through San Andreas, the bad boy comes to town, the ghost of Hamlet’s father appears to tell his son he was murdered, the hotel appears to be haunted, we learn of the inexorable pull of Willy Wonka’s golden tickets.

  3. Now there’s a problem. We can’t possibly just maintain the status quo. Nothing can ever be the same again. The stormtroopers killed our family. Our lives have been spun in a different, unanticipated direction. We have no choice but to embrace our new fate, accept the challenge we never wanted, learn the ways of The Force, and become the hero we were meant to be, however reluctant or scared we are to do so, even with all the things we must leave behind.

  4. The hero battles the villain (Darth Vader, Voldemort, the Nazis, alcoholism, the tornado, the Mean Girls, the aliens). The odds seem insurmountable. We look for escape, and just when we think we’ve found a way out, we’re crushed again. We are now in the depths of despair. But in our resourcefulness and ingenuity and spunkiness, we see a tiny spark of hope: the dim possibility of a way forward. But we’re exhausted. If only we could muster an ounce of energy. We are visited by our teacher, a sage, a master, a ghost, or an angel that reminds us of our fortitude, and that despite the odds, we must go on.

  5. The hero defeats the villain, the enemy is banished, the reluctant sweethearts get married, and we’re safe again. Even in tragedies where the hero dies, the conflict is resolved, and the world is now free to enter the New Normal. We resume the status quo, but now things are different, and we’ll all adapt to this new state of affairs, accepting and beginning our new routines undisturbed.

Just about every story in our culture that isn’t a wacky fringe art-house experiment (and even some of those) follows this structure. Across the wide range of apparently really different shows, whether it’s The Godfather, The Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Shining, Silkwood, Star Wars, or Superman, this is the foundation on which they’re all built. It sounds like most software projects too.

This structure engages audiences. The purpose of this pattern is to illuminate this structure so that you can adapt and apply it in your decks. If you do, your deck will be empathetically taking care of your audience, helping them hear your story, and see what matters, and make it more understandable, impactful, and memorable. And you’ll get a green light.

So let’s translate this for when we have to make a presentation proposing a new direction. Say you’re making a Strategy Deck (see “Strategy Deck”) or an Ask Deck (see “Ask Deck”), or want to propose that we embrace a new software development method. Here’s how to do it.

Establish the Status Quo

The status quo grounds the audience: we know where we are on this common ground. We restate our shared goals, acknowledge the current process, state a clear picture of our teams, and show the architecture diagram of the current state. We’re getting buy-in here that this is Where We Stand Today. This is a level set of What We Know to Be True, and Our Shared Understanding.

Create an Inciting Incident

But something’s rotten in the state of Denmark. There’s a scratching at the door. We show the current state architecture with all its spaghetti mess of connections, leaving our teams debilitated. We point out the areas of exposure, weakness, and vulnerability in security. We show charts depicting the number of Priority One incidents: the trend is bad. In fact, if we stay on this course and do nothing, we are doomed. We show the effect of exactly what the state will be if we do not act. We have two years to migrate the servers, and then we’re out of IP addresses and we can’t add more customers. State clearly, with real data and projections, exactly what you expect to happen. The alien ships will land and enslave everyone they don’t kill, we’ll lose the family farm to the bank and end up on the street, the spaceship will go careening into the sun/black hole or run out of fuel, and everyone dies without a parent to raise their dear children. You show what bad effects are in store for the business if you don’t act. As in the movies, the stories in business are few. The effects are going to reduce to one of these:

  • Our costs will go up, while our quality and availability go down.

  • We will be slower to market, and the competition will win.

  • We will lose this revenue opportunity.

  • We will lose these key customers.

  • We will lose these key employees.

You should illustrate these with data you cultivate, like the movie scientist with the white coat and pointy stick who warns everyone what will happen, but they’re too dumb/lazy/entrenched in making money to heed his emphatic warnings.

You are showing, as vividly and truthfully as you can, what The Problem is and what the impact will be if we continue the status quo. If the problem you’re solving doesn’t reduce to one of these, you might be framing it wrong.

The Plan

The plan is how we state the way out. This is the “therefore” moment. The Rock has got to steal the helicopter, fly it into the dam, and defuse the bomb—we’ve got two hours until it goes off.

We were living on credit cards and never updated our legacy software, and now it’s time to pay the piper. Here’s how we decompose the monothlic system and turn it into a modern platform. Here’s how our new tech will capture this market. Here’s how we fix the quality and scalability issues that have plagued our mission-critical system.

Because the world changed in ways we didn’t ask for, didn’t anticipate, or weren’t ready to confront, we must act. And here is the simple single statement of the path forward, the clear recommendation you’re making, your plan: to fix the problem, we must do this. Make it a single sentence of your new goal. We were just going to live on this planet and be farmers, but now we have to go be Jedi Knights and blow up the Death Star to restore peace and justice to the galaxy.

Show what changes you expect across people, process, and technology. Who will be involved, what work will they do, what processes need changing, what tech will you buy or learn or add to, and what is the future state architecture?

Using Directional Costing (see “Directional Costing”), show how much the plan will cost, so they know what you’re asking. Show how long it will take and who will do the work.

But much of this we’ll look at in more detail in “Ask Deck”.

Shock and Awe

Shock and Awe was a military tactic developed in the late 1990s. Its goal is to paralyze the will of the adversary to fight. Using this as a metaphor, you overload your audience with such an onslaught of brutal facts about the status quo that they become incapable of resistance. Make a show of such decisive force in your deck—the painful succession of problems and bad outcomes for not agreeing to your plan, such that it’s urgent that the executive make a decision now—they obviously will choose your path since you’ve so clearly gathered the facts and thought it through and they just can’t wait for your plan.

Here, you all but crush the hero. You never use hyperbole or overstate the case or say anything false. Just be brutal in making the audience uncomfortable, confronting them with the real problems, as a Rented Brain would (see “Rented Brain”). Be specific about the bad things that will happen, using charts and graphs and projections in order to be clear on the time frame you have. How long until the bomb goes off? You pile on more and more in succession until they all but beg you to stop.

Finally, you state the following:

  1. Your definition of done: this is the concrete statement and clear view of what the world looks like at the end of all this, the future state architecture once you’re done.

  2. How you will measure that success, how you’ll show progress, and the metrics you’ll use.

  3. The structure you’ll put in place to report back on those metrics and progress to a steering committee made up of these stakeholders. The executive is still in control: all she has to do is agree, and everything will be fine.

You have rocked their world with a cataclysmic event, piled on more and more pain like the Book of Job, shown them a path forward, and given them the assurance and mechanism of transparency that leaves them confident and relieved that this plan is in place and they are still in control and can’t wait for the New Normal.

Here’s a second great benefit to employing Dramatic Structure: if you can’t honestly weave your request into this structure, if you don’t know clearly what the real reasons are that you want to move to the cloud or make all the programmers learn AI, or you can’t explain why everyone should stop doing Agile and start doing Fred’s Cool New Software Development Method, then you might not have good enough reasons.

If you can’t create the inciting incident this way, and don’t know what will happen if the team doesn’t follow your recommendation—or if what will happen is that Everything’s Still Just Fine—then you might have a solution looking for a problem or you might have merely made a Shopping List of Shiny Objects that would be fun to put on your résumé. If you’re not solving a real business problem for anyone, then it shouldn’t be done.

I’ve employed this structure in every Ask Deck I’ve made for the last decade, and there have been many of them, requesting many tens of millions of dollars to go do important stuff that needs doing. With this structure, I’ve never been told no. It can work for you too.


It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

after Josh Billings

When the blackbird flew out of sight,
It marked the edge
Of one of many circles.

Wallace Stevens, “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird”

Il n’y a pas de hors-texte.

Jacques Derrida

As technology leaders, architects, and strategists given a problem, we are all too often devoted to directing solutions toward local optima. In computer science and applied mathematics, the local optimum is the best solution within a cluster of neighboring candidate solutions. Local optima are easier and quicker to find than potentially more impactful, global solutions. “Quick wins,” as they are sometimes called, appeal to leaders of the short-term mindset, who are focused on quarterly earnings per share, willing to live on credit cards to enjoy the high life now, and content to defer larger problems to their successors.

Solving local problems is an important part of our jobs, and needs to be done. But architects and leaders who too frequently focus on too fine-grained matters, on small issues with few branches, can actually perpetuate and worsen the organizational dysfunction that they purport to address. This is one inherent contradiction in problem solving. Another, as Paul Virilio showed us, is that solving one problem concomitantly creates another.

In short, contradictions abound, and they do so in ways that subvert the scientific mindset of the typical engineer or data-driven analyst.

Three Levels of Problems

When you are faced with solving a scalability problem within an application, consider the very meaning of “scalability.” Consider it across contexts. What other functions constitute the set of conjuncts of propositions that make up the domain of discourse? Said more directly, when you’re solving a problem, look at three things:

  • The local problem

  • The category that this problem is in, the set this is a member of

  • The associations in which this problem arises in other contexts

This is not a deceptive way of suggesting that you turn every molehill into a mountain. It is saying that if you have a scalability problem on this system, you have a scalability problem in general, and that solving the problem won’t solve the problem, and you’ll have it again. See further.

When given a problem, we seek solutions and seek to find problems in our own history that match this one. We are implicated in our own histories, which can harm as much as benefit us. We solved X this way in the past, so we might be able to apply that to new problem Y. We assume constraints, taking as necessary what may be contingent. Because of the way we bound the problem within a domain of discourse, we miss rich signals from other nearby clusters. We can upgrade to the latest version of some software and increase capacity on some server to solve a local problem of this bug or that throughput. Local optima might solve the problem at hand, creating the best situation for the here and now, but fail to find the global optima revealed by a cross-disciplinary approach to our mental model of the domain.

Moreover, this creates in us an overconfidence in the stability and veracity of our viewpoints. It is hard work to create a viewpoint, to come to understand complex systems, methods, and organizations. It seems therefore difficult, if not exhausting and cruel, to suggest that our path forward is to destruct, reconfigure, and reconstruct them at once, even in the act of building, improving, and honoring them.

Because we do not raise our visor to the horizon of context, we do not scale as well as we might, either in our own roles or in helping the organization do so. When we fail in this as leaders, we leave our organizations inefficient, because we need to solve problems repeatedly instead of addressing the context in which they arise to improve the overall state. We leave our teams anemic, with a few key subject matter experts as single points of knowledge and single points of failure. We cannot scale our business, growing from a $2M funded startup to a $100M attractive business, to a $300M market leader, to a $500M public growth company or $1B diverse holding. Scaling means seeing context and acting to create new contexts.

The problem of having the same repeated problem, which creates organizational inefficiency, is one thing the Deconstruction pattern addresses. It is the pattern for a different way to define our mental models.

Three Causes of Problems

As you approach your work, look not only to solve the local problem, but to see the broader frame in which it can obtain (“obtain” here is used to mean “obtain ontological status,” or “come into existence”). To do that is to see those contradictions that adhere as you interpret data to create insights. The contradictions abound, and they abound in signs. If we are not aware that we are dealing with signs, that signs are the “water”—the ocean in which we swim—and that they are always already rife with contradiction, our vision and our methods, our ways and means, our strategy, and therefore our organization, will suffer.

I submit that there are three primary factors in technology organizations that account for most, if not all, of their problems:

  • Lazy people

  • People who are not lazy, but don’t think about how they think about their work

  • A misunderstanding of semiotics

Too frequently we may solve a problem directly, only to have it appear again later, in the same or similar form. We thereby make a fundamental mistake: we come to believe that this is our job, the repeated solving of this same problem, because we get better at solving it and better at seeing it in the first place. So we create an unhealthy attachment to it, in a sort of Freudian repetition compulsion. Freud first discussed this psychological phenomenon in 1914, stating, “The patient does not remember anything of what he has forgotten and repressed, he acts it out, without, of course, knowing that he is repeating it.” Freud elaborates this idea in the later work Beyond the Pleasure Principle, which serves as an unfortunately relevant, if unwitting, discourse on the state of many work processes in modern organizations.

Left unwatched, our work is a mere variation on this theme, the diminishing drudgery of the same little riff, echoing into the eternal void. This is, in part, a mistake in our mental models, the assumption that the world is divided between two things: the signified and the signifier. We see this thing, and we name it. Signified, signifier. In the act of naming it we create a direct relation to it, and reinforce the tendency to solve the local problem. The label fixes the concept. We have then put in an honest day’s work. A continuing collection of honest days’ work is called our “job.”

Organizations whose constituents mostly act in this perfectly reasonable-seeming fashion cannot scale. Your “job” gets in the way of your work.

This is a call to inspect our categories, in order to make a new order not for solving the same problems, but instead for seeing how to not have those problems, perhaps without ever “solving” them. Or to be able to solve the problem while concomitantly extending the context, such that you invite a bigger, more interesting, better problem to contend with. In doing this yourself with your team, you will build a better business, and have a better chance of growing and scaling the business. Another way of putting this to yourself is, “rather than solving it, how do we just not have this problem?”

If you are a knowledge worker, your job is not your job. Your job is to destroy your job. Employ metacognitive thinking: stand outside and consider how you do what you do, watch yourself and your organization, externalize what you know, share your knowledge as fast as you can, create a new context, templatize and automate yourself out of a job. If this is your personal aim, your business will start to scale better and your career will too. Another way of putting this to yourself is, “How can I work myself out of a job?”

Semiotics: Signs and Symbols

Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols, how they are interpreted to make meaning, and how they are used to communicate.

In semiotics, a sign is a pointer. It is not the thing itself, but refers to the thing itself, like a word, or a symptom of illness, or a stop sign. A signifier is the form a sign takes. The signified is the concept, the referent, the material aspect of the sign, the thing the word describes, the illness and not the symptom or its name. We point at a ball and say “ball,” which refers not to that object so much as our mental concept of a ball. These differ from ball to ball, and from signifying agent to signfiying agent.

But signs take on meaning only in relation to other signs. We know something is “present” only because something else is “absent.” That implies that there are traces, or residue, or material connection between these terms. It foregrounds the importance of context, and domains of discourse, and extra text—the relatedness and implication in each other of apparently contradictory elements. Recognizing this is a key to categorizing properly, to knowing what to include, where you’ll be tripped up, how to create the most compelling products, how to make processes and organizations with proper degrees of conflict and harmony, and how to grow a business.

As noted designer, author, and artist Edwin Schlossberg said so wonderfully, “The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think.” Likewise, the skill of leading an organization, or creating an architecture, or creating a strategy, is structurally analogous: you are creating a context in which other people can succeed.

The Netflix Culture Deck

The best treatise on setting context as a leader is Reed Hasting’s wonderful Netflix Culture deck. I highly recommend reading this if you haven’t already, since it was published in 2009. It is also an excellent reference as we consider the intersection of strategy, execution, and culture throughout this book.

If you see yourself as a context creator, which I hope you are coming to do, you must also consider yourself as this observer of systems and maker of models, keenly aware of the inherent impossibility of language and the infinite conjunct of interrelated signs. You are assigning labels to concepts in making a system architecture. This is that. Epistemology, as a branch of philosophy, is concerned with discovering what is knowable and our methods of knowing. Metacognition refers to the local act of thinking about your own thinking. This is the job of the architect-strategist. We ask ourselves: What is the context in which such a circumstance as this, which surely is only one instance of this phenomena, could come to be true? What category is this in? Can I just as easily solve for the category so our organization can get off the hamster wheel and scale? We consider the assumptions we make, the biases we have, and the constraints we see that are perhaps not necessary, but only habit.

This is not a beckoning toward the siren song of scope creep. Architects are not interested in what every programmer names every class. Strategists are not interested in this local optima. If you are not able to look at the big business problems alongside your leaders and bring your vantage as a technologist, and are overindexed on picking this JavaScript framework over that one, you’ll win the battle and lose the war.

Scopes Without Center

Most of the people who will execute your plans do not report to you. As a strategist or architect, you must reach them by influence. Architects often used to be developers, so they see themselves as the most clever developers who then must rein in the wayward activities of the less clever developers. This is architect as traffic cop. It’s not interesting and it’s not necessary and it doesn’t scale. You are adjacent to the big forces of development, product, strategy—but master of none. Your power comes from making the most important business decisions as if you were a technologist, and the most important technology decisions as if you were a businessperson. You deconstruct the false binary opposition between business and technology.

You influence your adjacent colleagues by the broadness of your vision, by the soundness of your arguments as to why that’s the right vision and how your way is the best way to get there, and by stirring them to care for that vision for themselves.

This pattern is in the communication set because it serves as an offering, a possible plausible underpinning for how to approach thinking about thinking, conduct conversations, conclude investigations, make presentations, form teams, participate in organizations, and advise senior leaders. It takes inspiration from the work of Jacques Derrida, the post-structuralist French philosopher and focus of my graduate studies. Derrida is the originator of the philosophical approach to textual analysis called deconstruction, a term that is sometimes seen in popular culture, and invariably abused in dilution when it is.

In 1966, Derrida delivered a paper entitled “Structure Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences” (which is a wonderful paper, right up there with the original DynamoDB paper and the Page Rank algorithm paper). The term deconstruction is not directly introduced in this paper, but the method of analysis he suggests is rather enacted.

Derrida’s phrase “il n’y a pas de hors-texte,” quoted in the epigraph at the top of this pattern, is French for “there is no outside-text.” We consider our work not having been given this object, this center, but rather that we mediate signs around what colloquially is called a center, in “a series of substitutions of center for center, as a linked chain of determinations of the center.” The center is not the center. It is at once within the structure, and outside it. It is the irreconcilable difference that we reject and live.

The World as System: Synthetic Decomposition

Ultimately, your endeavors in this work will be a matter of synthetic decomposition. This is a phrase I just made up. It means that you do two “opposite” things at once (let us suspend, or bracket,1 for a moment that I don’t believe in “opposites,” but cede that I occasionally must make a grudging nod to convention). Synthetic decomposition means you consider a proposition, consider its opposite, and act from the opposing view simultaneously as from your original view. In so doing, you will realize the impossibility of signs. You will have seen into the universe, seen into its contradictions, the inadequacy of explanations, the tyranny of its confusion, and the fickleness of its attitudes, and the emptiness of its presumed virtues. You must go through this to see the relations, the harmonies, the firmness, the beauties, the soundness, and vitality. You have destroyed the signs you thought you knew, redefined the images on a broader canvas. In creating new signfiers, you create new signifieds. From such a vantage, your systems, your architectures, your designs, and your strategies will gather unstoppable force.

In synthetic decomposition, you build by destroying received categories. Like Vitruvius, you are concerned with all of the arts and all of the sciences, and see them together and seed your work with them. You are combining and composing across disparate patterns that seem at odds. This plies thinking across your team and is the germ of innovation.

The Maserati Gran Tourismo is one of the most perfectly engineered high-performance machines on the planet. It drives nearly 200 miles per hour, executing with unmatched reliability. Its engine block is made by Ferrari, a direct competitor. Its unifying inspiration is a Stradivarius violin. Its design was created by exalted Italian design group Pinninfarina, which for nearly 100 years has designed cars, but also wristwatches, bicycles, major appliances, and the Olympic torch. To believe you are a designer of concepts first allows you to bring multivariate sources and forces to bear, to engineer like a designer, to design by emptying yourself of care for design but total care and empathy for the user, to lead like a philosopher. This interdisciplinary mode of synthetic decomposition will help build your most powerful and innovative way forward.

You are always building a system: your architecture is a system, your strategy is a system, your organization is a system, your mental model as an observer is a system.

So the metamodel, the frame of mind that I encourage you to adopt in your work, goes like this:

  1. Discover and analyze the problems and opportunities about you. Decompose them into their more atomic constituent parts, determining correlations and causations.

  2. Hypothesize as we saw in Chapter 2. Catalog your hypotheses. Ask what broader context must exist in order for this circumstance to arise? What is the global maximum across clusters?

  3. Observe yourself as an observer in an act of metacognition and decompose your concepts. See them as signs with false signifiers. Do your best to undermine your own hypotheses. Argue against them. Destroy them to find their weaknesses in a mock trial. Build them as a Logic Tree. Then build them as a poem. Beware of your biases and ask what assumptions you are making, what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

  4. Synthesize to recombine the problems and opportunities from across different frames: people, process, and technology as well as the different trajectories of temporality, velocity, and force. How can you look at the blackbird 13 ways? What threads, or traces, or residue can you observe in each that can be brought to bear in new, innovative, overarching, more impactful, global ways? How can you reconstitute, reformulate, reconstruct to create a new semiotic of your design?

  5. Develop a model taking all of that up, one that represents a new frame, a new context, in which the constituent parts are optimized for their metrics, simplified, reduced. You’re making a framework at the level of context. In this way, you’re externalizing what you know, making a template every time you solve a problem, so that the problem can be solved again without you when next it arises.

The job of the architect, CTO, technology manager, or strategist is to determine how to create a context—design a system—in which new concepts can erupt and evolve (they’re extensible) and people can do the best at what they do (they’re fit for purpose). Such contexts involve the interplay between you, your department, your company, your industry, and the world, and how signs are mediated and how you participate in creating and destroying their structure at once, performing the synthetic decomposition, the dearchitecting, the destrategizing, the deconstruction of all these as an infinite conjunct of propositions with undermining contradictions, replacements, and evolutions at their core.

Scalable Business Machines

Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.

Melvin Conway

The spirit is a bone.

Hegel, The Phenomenology of Spirit

Does your organization have any of the following problems?

  • You have a hero culture.

  • You have many single points of knowledge.

  • You have many single points of failure in processes.

  • Your smart people who once really cared don’t care now, are disengaged, are looking for jobs, or are on perpetual vacation.

  • You bought a business that now is integral to your larger company’s mission, but it still behaves like a startup.

  • Your mature company is struggling to bring the old guard on board with a new vision.

  • You need to be ready to grow your regional business into a national one, or national to international.

  • You are considering adjacent markets to enter and need to have the real picture of your business to see how you can apply, reuse, repurpose, refocus, or modify existing elements to make it work.

If you have any of these problems, your business will struggle to scale. You need a scalable business machine.  Before we say what that is and how to implement it, let’s look a bit more at a few of these problems.

First, many of these problems are cultural. But the symptom is not the illness. Culture and strategy and execution revolve around each other in spheres of strong influence. And there are many ways to answer these cultural problems, which are typically the longest and hardest kind to turn around. This is not an HR book, or a ra-ra leadership book, and there are many maybe-helpful books to guide you in that method of addressing cultural problems. So we’ll look at this from our architecture and strategy perspective: how we can design our business in order to maximize its efficiency and scalability, as well as to maximize our chances of any cultural work taking hold quickly and succeeding.

Hero culture is evident when your company lauds, promotes, and otherwise exalts the people that repeatedly save the day when some disaster strikes. Heroes get so many strokes for being heroes that they do not step back and think how to solve the context in which problems are created. They are rewarded, bonused, and publicly celebrated for pulling all-nighters, toiling alone into the wee hours, doing it all themselves. Again. Loads of otherwise competent people stand around doing nothing. They’re essentially worthless to the organization at worst, and underused and alienated at best.

Hero culture is a disaster for a business that’s trying to scale and grow. Without dismantling that, you can’t scale your business, and it will be hard to see why it continues to be unable to break through.

Hero culture is vicious, because you don’t want amazing feats of technical dexterity or brute force that save the day to go unnoticed. You don’t want to alienate the people on whom Everything Depends. But if you can’t break this cycle, which is a cross-organizational culture problem that starts with the leader and bad processes, then you cannot scale.

Without a scalable business operational model across your functions, you cannot be more efficient and maximize revenues and profits while minimizing costs. You cannot have happy workers who know they’re doing stuff that matters, who don’t get distracted and interrupted constantly, so they can focus and think a smart thought and do something great. Smart people are not interested in working in mind-numbing bureaucracies where they have to constantly scream to get anything done. If your processes are not right-sized, nimble, and efficient, you will be too slow to grow.

This pattern shows you how to create something that I just made up, called a scalable business machine. You want to use it when you need to create or revise a set of processes across business functions in order to grow and scale your business.

Business as System

Architecture is the broader purview over a system. Strategy is the broader purview over a line of business. Thinking like an architect, technology executive, or strategist is to look at the nexus of external forces and internal forces operating on our work as considered holistically, whether those be a software application, a process, or an organization. These take effect across various temporal trajectories, operating at various velocities, with various degrees of dynamism within the system.

To improve the organization, observe these forces and see them as a context to create a model of the world as a system. You are a maker of systems, which are built with an architecture, which desires certain properties: usefulness, firmess, and beauty. Attributes we tend to design explicitly for as architects include:

  • Fitness to purpose

  • Portability

  • Scalability

  • Extensibility

  • Availability

  • Monitorability

  • Manageability

  • Maintainability

  • Resilience

  • Security

  • Auditability

  • Performance

  • Testability

  • Elegance

We commonly employ certain principles in architecting and designing:

  • Hide details behind an interface.

  • Apply the principle of least knowledge.

  • Create a strong separation of concerns.

  • Ensure loose coupling.

  • Isolate what changes independently.

  • Look for opportunities for reuse.

  • Explicitly manage risk.

Finally, let’s recall the SOLID principles of object-oriented system design:

Single responsibility

Things should have one and only one reason to change, meaning that a class should have only one job.


Things should be open for extension, but closed for modification.

Liskov substitution principle

Objects of a derived class should always be substitutable for a parent class.

Interface segregation

A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn’t use, or clients shouldn’t be forced to depend on methods they do not use.

Dependency inversion principle

Things must depend on abstractions, not on concretions. The high-level module must not depend on the low-level module.

You can architect an application, a data center, a project, or an organ­ization. You design the interactions between software services with a protocol and a message payload; you design the interfaces between two departments to maximize efficiency, clarity, security, availability, monitorability, and speed. You design these systems according to SOLID and the desirable architecture attributes just stated.

The organization is a system.

The project is a system.

You can apply what you know from designing technology systems to business systems, like structuring the processes or the projects. The valued properties are similar across all of these system types. When you’re designing a process, keep the architecture qualities in mind: I know of at least one Infrastructure department I’d love to have learn the principle of interface segregation.

Reread the SOLID principles and the architecture attributes just given, but this time seeing them through the lens of process designer.

This One’s Fractal Too

As you read through this pattern, note that you can do this for one department only, or for all of them together and tie them together to view your business as a single scalable metamachine consisting of interrelated machines. It works locally, and works the same globally, like a fractal.

The Origin Theory

I have a theory I’ll call the Origin Theory that might help you assess why your company behaves the way it does or has the problems it has when it’s trying to grow. Sometimes a company starts its life as a support function. For example, maybe a big company had a little IT shop to support its real value creation work, and someone along the way made a software application for internal use that worked well enough that somebody else thought they could make more money if they were to spin off a company to sell it as a software product. That new company has its origins as a support function. The Origin Theory states that it will therefore continue to act as a support function, even to its detriment. In essence, you end where you began.

This happens because in the Olden Days, the little company hired leaders who matched its size and culture, which is typically one in which people must perform heroics, and must wear several hats. That’s not a problem in a startup—it’s a necessity of survival. So the people were nurtured through the ranks with everyone acting as participants in a support function. They do not think like product people. They don’t think in terms of a P&L (profit and loss), or having clear guardrails and documentation and external supporting functions, and strongly separating responsibilities, and inter-departmental interfaces, because there’s only one department and it’s called Get Stuff Done. They think in terms of projects: those long, drawn-out loci for people doing activities instead of thinking in terms of outcomes. I have seen this in multiple companies, even multibillion-dollar public companies that act like private companies because even after decades in business and having gone public, there’s really one or two majority shareholders: “Junior.”

It is very difficult to turn around a company in this state. First you have to recognize it, then you have to get others to see it, then you have to rethink all your processes to define clear outputs and interfaces, and then you must make a cultural shift that will involve dramatically changing who is on your staff, changing how you manage and communicate with customers, and thinking of your products and services as independent of your heroes’ hand-holding. Helping make such a transformation when you need to grow and scale your business is the aim of this pattern.

Aspects of the Scalable Business Machine

Implementing this pattern to create your scalable business machine (SBM) will mean making a project that you need to lead and track. Even if you are just implementing it within your own department at first, expect that this is a nontrivial amount of work. You should make a RACI and Stakeholder Alignment too. Before doing any work, make sure you’ve got your leader’s buy-in and know who will make decisions. It’s the kind of thing that you could pay consultants to do for you, but they wouldn’t do it as well as you would, and the people wouldn’t receive the change as well if you have this framework in mind.

Let’s define some terms first. The following are the component parts of the SBM.


An action is one atomic activity or local work process performed within a single department in aid of producing a deliverable. Each action produces something of clear and present value to be used by other members of the same department. Eventually, together these culminate in the creation of a deliverable for a customer outside this process.

For example, one action within the software development department might be to make a user story, another action might be to write code, a third might be to test it. These are three different roles within the same real or logical department. Testing on its own is not of value to anyone else. But all three work in concert to create the important deliverable that is demonstrable, working software that is high quality and fit to purpose. Each action (activity) has a deadline, typically one person responsible, and is a clear and discrete task. These are orchestrated together to form a process that makes deliverables.

Only one role is assigned as responsible to complete that action. Actions are typically not tracked by many other people, or maybe are analogous to a task or story in your Scrum tool. They don’t require significant coordination with others. This is where much of the workday is consumed, transforming raw materials into an output of some value: you get a bunch of epics and make an architecture; you get a bunch of user stories and make working software.

Actions can be one of three types:


Make an initial result in partial fulfillment of a concrete deliverable output document or result.


An approve action might be performed by a single person in a role such as the department head, or might be a virtual role comprising a governance body or other formal committee such as the “Project X Steering Committee.” For virtual roles, it must be clearly defined what that virtual role is and the names of individual, concrete job titles that the virtual role or committee comprises. You have to know when you are done, which requires knowing who can approve or reject the work deliverable.


Check over the initial document to determine its validity, fitness to purpose, and relevance. This could be a single person in a named role, or a virtual role consisting of other concrete, existing named roles.


A tool is application or Software as a Service tool used to create a concrete deliverable that can be reviewed and used by someone else as valuable output, and sufficiently formally expresses that they don’t need to participate in the process to make use of it. It’s the means of making the output.

Examples: a spreadsheet, word processor, IDE, or project management tool, or Salesforce.


A deliverable is a concrete document, created with a tool that has value to someone else outside the department or process in which it was created. One or more related actions work together to create a deliverable.

A deliverable is something that stands on its own, and has value only within your process. It has no customer value. It’s a work product you must track, assign to someone, and put a deadline on creating. But on its own, no one cares. Deliverables are necessary, and their quality can have tremendous impact on the overall eventual quality of the output. But they are a means, not an end.

Examples: vision statement, architecture definition document, release plan, working code, deployment plan, and project plan.

Don’t involve customers in deliverables. They care only about outputs.


An output is a collection of one or more deliverables. Outputs are the stuff we produce, whether physical or virtual, whether a product or coherent service. They are the What. These things matter to customers and are visible to them and tangible to them, and customers pay for them. This is your work product that matters. It’s what customers need to get from you so they can go do their thing. It’s why you exist: to make this output. You might have to make a project plan: that is your job. You might have to make an architecture document or type working code: those things are activities in doing your job. But they are not a total work product usable by a customer on their own. In themselves, they don’t matter.


The outcome is the difference your output makes to a customer. Outcomes are the Why. They represent the benefits your customer gets.

Outcomes will ultimately be some variation on a more refined version of one or more of these: increased revenue, reduced costs, quicker time to market, better positioning in a market, increased share of wallet, increased yield, higher margins, better reliability, and so forth.

One or more actions create a deliverable internal within a department. One or more deliverables together create outputs usable by a different department in the same business unit or company, or they are of value to external customers. Creating outputs of value for customers are why businesses exist.


A department is a logical grouping of people who perform actions to create outputs of the same kind. As we learned in “Value Chain”, a department is one of two types:

Value creator

They make the products and deliver the services the company sells.


These people do not create direct value for customers, but provide necessary functions to conduct business. These include HR, Legal, Finance, Infrastructure, and Procurement. They exist to serve the value creator departments and make their work quicker, easier, and compliant with law.

Companies that do not recognize the difference between these two kinds of departments will see a terrible imbalance of power play out, resulting in the support functions acting like bureaucrats who are so far removed from the customers that they think the value creators exist only to participate in their processes. This isn’t hard for people in the trenches to see, but correcting it means the most powerful leader needs to see it and replace the relevant management team with people more clueful about where their bread is buttered.

Business unit

The business unit owns a slate of product SKUs it sells to customers and owns a P&L. The business unit can succeed or fail mostly on its own merits, with help (or interference) from the supporting departments that do not create value.


A company is a legal fiction that has the status of a special person. The company itself doesn’t make anything. It is an abstract class for holding business units or departments. There are no company outputs that are of value to customers that are not already defined by some specific business unit.

The company itself is not a value creator other than as a sum of the department parts. For a smaller company, say, those under $100M, you may not be subdivided into business units with their own P&L. In these cases, the business unit and company share an “identity” relation (they’re the same thing). In such cases, treat their use here interchangeably.

Figure 7-1 shows a logical architecture of how these components all relate. In general, here’s the idea behind the SBM: companies do a bunch of stuff that doesn’t matter and on occasion need to identify those things and refine their processes to remember how to efficiently create value and make a difference in the market. They need to get out from under the inertia that sets in and focus on outcomes.

The SBM is engineered to help you identify where you are, separate the wheat from the chaff, focus on optimizing outcomes for delighting customers, and allow you to scale and grow.

Figure 7-1. The terms in an SBM


Now that we have the relevant terms defined as we’ll use them, here are the steps for creating an SBM.

Define vision and scope

First, state the vision and the scope.

The vision is a single sentence characterizing the end state. If you don’t understand the problem you’re solving, or the desired outcome you would get at the end, you will just rearrange the deck chairs.

This step sounds lame, but it makes a difference if you actually use it. You’ll actually use it if it’s not a platitude, but a proposition and something some reasonable person could conceivably argue against.

Define the departments and customer outcomes

Next you need to create the list of departments that are in scope. This sounds too obvious to do, but it is in no way obvious to the people in your organization what the different departments are, why they exist, what they do, and how they interrelate. Just name them for now and agree on scope. If you want to give each one a charter or mission statement, that gets you bonus points, but again, only if you really use it to organize your thoughts as a Logic Tree.

Start with your external customers first. What is the output of your business unit for customers?

Then identify the desired outcome for them. What would give them a benefit or delight them?

Then determine the outputs at a department level. What outputs does a department make to feed the next department as their necessary input? These are the internal customers you identify.

List these for each department.

Now you have an overarching vision, a validated list of departments, their mission for each, the outputs they create in support of it, and the benefits that will add up to great outcomes—the benefits for which you exist to give your identified customers.

We are ignoring for now deliverables and actions. That’s on purpose, and it’s important. We want to go from the outside in, focusing on what we create that’s of value for someone else, and being clear on what that value is. We do not care at this point how we create that value. Companies all too often get focused on their own internal processes and forget about customers.

At this point, you have a burgeoning spreadsheet (a list of lists) with roughly the structure shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2. Your work thus far

It doesn’t look like much, but getting this far is actually pretty great work. Remember, the key is to be outcome-oriented. Without measurable outcomes, there is no need for outputs.

At this point, we are hovering above the surface, going one inch deep across the entire field. Then we can dive deeper later, once this much is validated.

Define the activities and deliverables

Now, within each department there is the stuff you do to create the deliverables that add up to the meaningful outputs. In each department you must create a set of documents to proceed to the next step or hand off to the next role in the internal Value Chain within the department.

I use the term “document” loosely here to mean any tangible output. It could be an architecture definition document, a strategy document, a persona-based representation of customers, or a set of UI/UX wireframes. It is anything you give someone else internally so they can do their thing.

Customers of the department don’t typically see these documents. These are what you hide behind your department’s interface, adhering to the principle of least knowledge. This is “how the sausage is made” back in the kitchen. The waiters see some things coming together, but the customer doesn’t.

Define the customers

This step is adapted from similar ideas in design thinking. You identify the customer of each department. Internally, the term “customer” is used loosely to mean someone who needs you to do your thing and be done so they can go do their thing.

Empathize with your internal customers. Think from outside in. This will help you be more outcome-based instead of activity-based.

To enact this, you can create a persona for each customer role. Give them a name and a picture, and state their attitudes and goals.

Give no thought to your internal process as it stands today or how easy it is. Consider your customers’ pains: What is inconvenient for them? Difficult? What can’t be done today? What do they complain about? What could be faster for them? More repeatable or reliable?

What gains could be realized for them? That is, what are new opportunities they may not yet understand or are not directly asking for but would delight them, go “above and beyond” for them?

Define the principles

We have discussed principles before in “The Principles, Practices, Tools Sankey Diagram”. These are not stated as passive values like “honesty” or “integrity” or articles of faith. They are not attributes of an ideal department.

These are claims about how we execute our processes.

Consider the following principles: Data as an asset. Automation. Scalability. These may sound obvious, but it costs time and money and adds complexity to be able to scale. You’re making a trade-off. You act differently if you think these ideas are necessary and important. They are not principles or meaningful claims if some rational, knowledgeable person could not reasonably argue the opposite. The opposite of automation is manual. The opposite of “data as an asset” is data as merely something processed by applications, necessary to achieve user goals and otherwise uninteresting. Those are possible too. But good principles beget clear good practices that you can execute using appropriate tools. This is a good place to insert your Sankey diagram to map the three together.

Define the outputs

Make sure you know for each department what its products and deliverables truly are. It sounds too obvious to state, but it’s amazing how infrequently these are actually agreed upon, even with salespeople of the same level but in different regions. These may be the outputs (if you’re in product development). They may be some valuable component of the eventual output, but it must be concrete. For example, “goodwill” or other abstract ideas aren’t outputs.

Start at the end, assuming all the other necessary components of the SBM have executed perfectly, and work backward, focusing only on outputs. Ask what the SKUs and applications are. Then list them and be sure everyone agrees.

Assess the Value Chain

At this point, you review to make sure everything lines up and is MECE before going further.

Now assess each input: What activities are required to come into each department so it has the raw materials to fulfill its role and create the deliverables?

List the required inputs.

Define the processes

Now ask yourself and your team: What are the processes within each department to make the transformation to that output?

List them at a label level without getting stuck in analysis paralysis.

Define the tools

Ask yourself: What are the tools that realize and support each practice?

Then make your Sankey diagram, or finish it now and refine it if you already started it.

Define the roles

Now ask the team: What are the roles needed to execute those processes? Who can do something individually, with minimum input from others? 

Looking at all the roles laid out, ask yourself if the list is MECE.

What are the decision rights for each role? Who are the ancillary stakeholders supporting each, but not directly involved?

Make the RACI chart for the overall output from this.

Now you have your list of roles. That on its own is useful. But we need to go one step further.

Create a template that is identical, no matter the role, that your team can use to sketch out further what their own best practices are; capture their inputs, process, and outputs; and specify how they participate in the overall vision. This gives them clarity and helps them focus and feel tied to the big picture.

Define the metrics

Now you must determine: What are the metrics to show that each role is working?

Separately figure out: What are the data you need to create those metrics?

Make a set of metrics with dummy values in them. Ask other stakeholders if you were to actually produce those metrics with real values in them, would that give them a clear picture of how well you are delivering? Are those the most important metrics? Is the list of metrics together MECE? Do you cover all the ground for the different stakeholders? What behavior are you driving by stating those as the metrics? How will people game the system when the metrics are in place? Is there any way to deter that and ensure you’re driving the right behavior overall?

List the metrics for each role, each product, and each outcome.

Create the templates

Now our machine is complete. But we need to see it altogether in its breadth and depth and full glory.

So for each department, use the same template (probably in a spreadsheet) to show the roles, the inputs, the internal processes, the outputs, the outcomes, and the metrics. For example, if part of the architecture team’s work is to execute a Due Dilligence (see “Due Diligence”) for business development, make a template the first time you do it, assuming that’s part of your job and you’ll need to reuse it. That helps externalize what you know, automate your role a bit more, and make things overall slightly more efficient in support of the product rule we examined earlier.

Create templates to capture the metrics so the reporting is easier. Using this, you can visualize the metrics in monthly meetings and be sure you’re getting the right data in front of executives who can help make the overall machine go smoother, as well as all the fractal machines within it.

Create templates for each activity with a deliverable. Once you’re done, make them accessible on the wiki or the SBM internal website.

Determine the hotspots

For each role and process, determine the Process Posture Map as we saw in “Process Posture Map”. This will help you see what you need to address in your current state to improve and scale. You may have some areas you need to revise, or start, or assess. Do this assessment to tag each process with its posture so you know where you may need to refine, hire differently, or train or communicate differently.

Communicate the machines

Now you have a ton of material. You have the complete end-to-end process mapped out, all the subprocesses, role clarity, and a 360-degree view. You have a map of how and where you create value for customers both internal and external, and now you have the best chance to really optimize that.

You need to tell people about all of that. Put the work into decks to have local conversations. Present the big picture, without details. Then review a subset of the material in small groups with the stakeholder matrix. Take their input and refine if necessary. Check their level of engagement.

Now you’re ready to discuss how to begin executing in this new model. It won’t be easy. This will be a change management effort. See “Fait Accompli”. You will need to roll it out in department meetings, review it regularly with staff, and talk to them individually.

Manage the change

This part is hard, and the length and complexity depends on the scope of your overall effort. If it’s just within your department, that’s easier than if it’s your whole business unit. You’ll talk in groups, listen carefully, listen actively, and consider your audience’s suggested revisions thoughtfully.

But not everyone has an equal voice. Some people are smarter than others, have better insights, see further, have more diverse or relevant experience, have less of a chip on their shoulder, have less of a grudge, have more skin in the game, can think more objectively, can see the future, are less self-interested, and are motivated differently. You must listen to the people, but if you, the strategy program team, and, most importantly, your top leader are convinced that your machines are the right ones you need to realize the outcomes, transform your business, and build the future, you must accept that not everyone will be on board. Not everyone will make it through the journey. The old guard may have the hardest time seeing the future, believing in it. There will be passive-aggressive people or people who just don’t want to participate in that future.

You will need to sort out the audience into roughly thirds: who is on board, gets it from the beginning, and is a believer and an ally; who will need to change their ways but can be retrained or nurtured if you spend the time to help the audience, and who is not on board and can’t or won’t make the journey. This is cultivating your garden, and you need to give those people a nice severance package and help them find the door.

The many other folks who want to be on board will still need help to manage through the change.

Congratulations: now you have a complete, end-to-end, templated, clear, visible, and measured scalable business machine that will work as a fractal for any department or company of any size that’s focused on making great customer outcomes. That’s pretty awesome.


In this chapter, we looked at several innovative ways to make a logical, persuasive argument and weave it into how you show the value and impact of your strategy. We examined the following patterns:

Taking the rhetorical approach presented here will help catapult your architecture and strategy work into messages that are understandable and meaningful to decision makers and a wider audience.

1 Suspension, or bracketing, is a tool that Derrida frequently employed. See “Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences”, Derrida, 1966.

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