How happy are you at work?


Answer the following questions, then read the guidance points for advice on how best to deal with your situation.


How ‘political’ is your workplace?

a) Not very  b) Fairly  c) Very

How many trusted allies do you have at work?

a) I trust most people. The atmosphere is very open and relaxed.

b) I have a few very good friends at work who I trust.

c) None. I keep my guard up at all times.

How ‘cliquey’ do you consider your workplace?

a) Not very  b) Fairly  c) Very

How comfortable are you with confronting colleagues about tricky issues?

a) Very  b) Fairly  c) Not at all

How high is morale in your workplace?

a) Pretty high  b) Generally  c) Low okay

How well do you think your managers have handled difficulties in the past?

a) Well  b) Okay  c) Badly

How would you describe the management culture in your organisation?

a) Friendly

b) Intimidating at times

c) Bullying and discriminatory

How often do you feel discriminated against, for whatever reason (gender, religion, ethnic/social/cultural background, disabilities, age, sexuality, education)?

a) Hardly ever  b) Rarely  c) Regularly

How often do you feel ‘put upon’ at work?

a) Rarely  b) Sometimes  c) Regularly

How do you feel about your boss?

a) I respect his or her management skills.

b) I feel awkward at times, but generally okay.

c) I’m not keen.

You suspect that a colleague dislikes you. How do you deal with it?

a) Speak to him or her to find out why.

b) Act normally and hope he or she gets over it.

c) Try to avoid him or her.

How many of the following do you feel you experience regularly: bullying, discrimination, being taken for granted, others taking credit for your work, being blamed unfairly, decisions made over your head, lack of communication?

a) 1–2  b) 3–4  c) 5–7

a = 1, b = 2, and c = 3.

Now add up your scores.

Everyone should read chapter 1 as it offers advice on dealing with an unavoidable feature of any workplace— office politics.

square 12–20: While you seem to be happy at work, it is important to keep an eye out for colleagues who may be having difficulties (chapter 7). Make sure you are aware of the legal side of discrimination (chapter 5), and watch out for the signs of drug or alcohol misuse—you may be able to help before it is too late (chapter 6).

square 21–30: You’re doing well, apart from a few seemingly inescapable difficulties. You must be aware that the problems may lie with you—Chapter 8 suggests new approaches to such challenges. If you have a difficult relationship with your boss, read chapter 2 for advice.

square 31–36: You seem unhappy about many aspects of your work. If you feel you are being unfairly treated, read chapters 2, 3, and 4 to determine the cause of the problem and find suggestions for how you can improve your situation. Chapter 8 suggests new ways of thinking which may help ease your discontent.

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