Chapter Summary

When you think of the IT industry and computer security, you think first of technical knowledge and skills. However, in today's world, all IT professionals—and security specialists more than others—must be aware of the laws and ethical considerations that govern their work.


Sifting through the federal, state, local, and international laws and understanding the different legal systems in place even within the same jurisdiction can be a challenge for those without legal training. Information technology law is a large and growing subspecialty in the legal profession, and it is made more complex by the fact that the laws are constantly changing as legislators attempt to address new legal quandaries that new technologies bring.

This chapter provides only a very basic overview of how the legal systems work, and some of the current laws pertaining to computers and networks. In addition to adhering to the law—which keeps you out of jail and possibly saves you from financially devastating civil lawsuits—professionals are also guided by a set of ethics that protect their reputations and allow them to prosper.

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