
  • Acid Rain Program
  • Active transport
  • Advanced Research and Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)
  • Air quality programs
  • All of the above energy policy
  • American Clean Energy and Security Act
  • American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
  • Amtrak Acela Express
  • Apocalypse fatigue
  • Arizona
  • Austin, Texas
  • Australia
  • Ball, Jeffrey
  • Baltimore
  • Bassett, Ellen
  • Bernanke, Ben
  • Biedenkopf, Katia
  • Bike-share programs
  • Bloomberg, Michael
  • Bogota, Colombia
  • BP
  • Brain-based economy
  • Breyer, Stephen
  • Brownfield redevelopment
  • Building codes
  • Building emissions
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
  • Burns, Steven
  • California
  • Canada
  • Cap and trade
    • in European Union
    • as market-based tool
    • regional systems
  • Carbon credits
  • Carbon taxes
  • Carson, Rachel
  • Carve outs
  • CDP
  • C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
  • Chandas, Vivek
  • China:
    • corporate sustainability reporting
    • energy demand
    • feed-in tariff programs
    • fuel economy standards
    • green banks
    • high-speed rail
    • investment in research
  • Christie, Chris
  • Cincinnati
  • Cities, sustainable. See also Local-level policy
  • Citizens Climate Lobby
  • Citizen engagement
  • Clean Air Act (CAA)
  • Clean-energy technology
  • Clean Water Act
  • Cleveland
  • Climate adaptation plans
  • Climate change
    • Americans’ view of
    • coalitions addressing
    • denial of
    • local impacts of
    • politics of
  • Climategate
  • Climate policies
    • sub-national
    • and transition to sustainability
    • Transportation and Climate Initiative
  • Climate Progress
  • Cohen, Steven
  • Colorado
  • Columbia, Wisconsin
  • Combined sewer systems
  • Commoner, Barry
  • Community design
  • Composting
  • Congestion charging
  • Congress, U.S.
  • Connecticut
  • Consumer purchasing behavior
  • Consumption
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Copenhagen Climate Summit for Mayors
  • Corbett, Tom
  • Corfee-Morlot, Jan
  • Corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards
  • Corporate sustainability
  • Cultural shift
  • Cuomo, Andrew
  • Dahl, Arthur Lyon
  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill
  • Delaware
  • Denmark
  • Denver
  • Department of Defense (DOD)
  • Department of Energy (DOE)
  • Department of the Interior (DOI)
  • Deregulation
  • De Sousa, Christopher
  • Developing world, transfer of technology to
  • Dow Jones Sustainability Index
  • Dunlap, Riley E.
  • Earth observation resources
  • Economic stimulus programs
  • Economy
    • brain-based
    • public policy for
    • renewable energy
    • sustainability as growth driver
  • Eimicke, Bill
  • Eisenhower, Dwight D.
  • Electric vehicles (EVs)
  • Emissions
    • and building codes
    • and cap and trade
  • Emissions policy (federal):
    • cap and trade
    • emissions from federal agencies/activities
  • Emissions policy (local):
    • building emissions
    • vehicle emissions
  • Emissions policy (state)
    • fuel efficiency
    • regional cap and trade systems
    • Transportation and Climate Initiative
  • Energy costs
  • Energy demand
  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
  • Energy efficiency resource standards (state)
  • Energy efficiency standards
  • Energy infrastructure
  • Energy policies (local)
  • Energy policies (state)
    • energy efficiency resource standards
    • feed-in tariffs
    • and financial tools/mechanisms
    • fuel efficiency
    • for infrastructure
    • regional cap-and-trade systems
    • regulations and standards
    • renewable portfolio standards
  • Energy policy (federal):
    • all-of-the-above
    • clean-energy technology
    • electrification of vehicle transportation
    • fossil fuel industry support
    • fracking
    • smart grid
  • Energy subsidies
  • Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics
  • Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
  • Environmentalism
  • Environmental movement
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Environmental protection/preservation
    • regulatory processes and enforcement
    • in sustainability management
  • Environmental services
  • Erie Canal
  • Europe:
    • feed-in tariff programs
    • high-speed rail in
    • water usage and wastewater tax
  • European Union (EU):
    • corporate sustainability reporting in
    • fuel economy standards
    • investment in research
    • procurement in
  • European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS)
  • Eurostar
  • E-ZPass system
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
  • Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
  • Federal-level policy
    • all-of-the-above energy policy
    • cap and trade
    • electrification of vehicle transportation
    • fossil fuel industry support
    • high speed rail
    • and increasing partisanship in Washington
    • infrastructure
    • market-based tools
    • promise of
    • public investment and spending
    • regulations and standards
    • regulatory capture
    • regulatory failure
    • smart grid
    • taxes
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  • Federal Water Pollution Control Act
  • Feed-in tariffs (FITs)
  • Financial tools/mechanisms (state)
    • green banks
    • on-bill financing
    • property-assessed clean energy
    • public benefit funds
    • tax credits, rebates, and subsidies
  • Finland
  • Flanagan, Constance A.
  • Florida
  • Forest Service
  • Fossil fuels
  • Frameworks:
    • for measuring sustainability
    • for public policy
  • France
  • Fuel economy/efficiency
  • Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
  • Functional matching
  • General Electric (GE)
  • Generally-accepted sustainability metrics
  • Germany
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • Goldwater, Barry
  • Gore, Al
  • Governance metrics
  • Government, see Public sector
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Green banks
  • Green economy, measuring
  • Green GDP
  • “Green Guides,”
  • Greenhouse gases. See also Emissions
  • Green infrastructure (water)
  • Green jobs
  • Greenshaw, Katie
  • Green taxes
  • Grey infrastructure
  • Grid standards
  • “Harvesters,”
  • Hawaii
  • Hayward, Steven F.
  • Hewlett-Packard
  • High speed rail
  • Homes for the Homeless
  • Homer, Alaska
  • Homsy, George
  • Houston
  • Hydraulic fracturing (fracking)
  • Income inequality
  • India
  • Indicators. See also Sustainability metrics
  • Indices of sustainability
  • Industrial ecology
  • Industry-specific standards
  • Infrastructure funding
  • Infrastructure policies (federal)
  • Infrastructure policies (local):
    • EV infrastructure
    • water infrastructure
  • Infrastructure policies (state)
    • energy infrastructure
    • water and wastewater infrastructure
  • Integrated reporting
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  • International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
  • International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
  • Investment and spending:
    • in clean-energy technology
    • for green infrastructure
    • in infrastructure
    • private, incentives for
    • in procurement
    • public
    • in research and development
  • Investment tax credit (ITC)
  • Ioannou, Ioannis
  • Ireland
  • Japan
  • Kamal-Chaoui, Lamia
  • Kansas
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Lacey, Washington
  • Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Earth Institute)
  • Landfills
  • Land use
  • Lifestyle
  • Living Cities
  • Livingstone, Ken
  • Lobbying
  • Local-level policy
    • cities as leaders in sustainability
    • community design and land use
    • politics of sustainability and
    • resilient cities
    • successful
    • sustainability plans in the U.S.
    • sustainable cities
    • urban air quality programs
    • urban energy initiatives
    • waste management
    • water management
  • London
  • Los Angeles
  • Low-emission vehicle (LEV) standards
  • Lydenberg, Steve
  • McCaskill, Claire
  • McCright, Aaron M.
  • Maine
  • Mann, Thomas E.
  • Market-based tools (federal). See also Financial tools/mechanisms (state)
    • cap and trade
    • effectiveness of
    • tax credits
    • taxes
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Measuring sustainability
    • frameworks and indices
    • metrics as momentum for change
    • public sector role in
    • standard, generally-accepted
    • sustainability metrics. See also Sustainability metrics
  • Media
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • Metrics:
  • Mexico
  • Mexico City
  • Michigan
  • Microgrids
  • Midwest Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord (MGGRA)
  • Miller, Alison
  • Milwaukee
  • Minerals Management Service (MMS)
  • Minnesota
  • Money, politics and
  • Mooney, Chris
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • National Fuel Efficiency Policy
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • National League of Cities
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Natural resources
  • Nebraska
  • Net metering
  • Networks for sustainability
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • Newsweek's Green Rankings
  • New York City
  • New York Green Bank
  • New York State
  • New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme
  • Nike
  • Nonprofit sector
  • North Carolina
  • Norway
  • Nuclear energy
  • Obama, Barack
  • Offsets
  • Ohio
  • Oil depletion allowance
  • Oklahoma
  • On-bill financing (OBF)
  • O’Neill, Tip
  • Opinion polls
  • Oregon
  • Organizational capacity, investing in
  • Organizational management
  • Osgood, D. Wayne
  • Our Children's Earth Foundation
  • Our Common Future
  • Parenti, Christian
  • Parks and green spaces
  • Partisanship in Washington
  • Peñalosa, Enrique
  • Pennsylvania
  • Philadelphia
  • Physical dimension of sustainability
  • PlaNYC 2030
  • PLUSnet system
  • Policymaking
  • Politics of sustainability
    • Americans’ view of climate change
    • and energy policy
    • future of
    • high-level support for local initiatives
    • increasing partisanship in Washington
    • at local level
    • monetary, lobbying, and media influence on
    • and public opinion
    • public opinion and political ideology
    • Tea Party and deregulation
  • Pollution
    • in 1940s
    • industrial ecology approach to
    • short- and long-term effects of
  • Pollution policy (federal)
  • Pollution policy (local)
  • Population growth
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Power grids:
    • climate adaptation planning for
    • grid standards
    • micro grids
    • smart grids
  • Private sector
    • corporate sustainability in
    • function of
    • limitations of
    • making/marketing of renewable energy resources
    • shift toward sustainable practices in
  • Procurement, public
  • Production Tax Credit (PTC)
  • Property-assessed clean energy (PACE)
  • Public benefit funds (PBFs)
  • Public investment and spending
  • Public opinion
    • Americans’ view of climate change
    • and momentum behind sustainability
    • and political ideology
  • Public policy. See also Federal-level policy; Local-level policy; State-level policy
    • to build sustainable economy
    • function of public, private, and nonprofit sectors
    • private sector limitations
    • public–private partnerships
    • renewable energy economy
    • sustainability metrics and management
    • transfer of technology to developing world
    • transition management
  • Public–private partnerships
  • Public sector (government):
    • functions of
    • role in measurement and metrics
    • role in sustainability
    • societal role of
  • Public transportation
  • Quebec, Canada
  • Rapid bus transit
  • Reagan, Ronald
  • Rebates
  • Recycling
  • Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
  • Regulations and standards (in general)
    • polluters’ view of
    • setting and enforcing
  • Regulations and standards (federal):
    • effectiveness of
    • regulatory capture
    • regulatory failure
    • and Tea Party's deregulation agenda
  • Regulations and standards (states):
    • emissions standards
    • energy policies
  • Regulatory capture
  • Renewable energy:
    • feed-in tariffs
    • green banks
    • incentives for transition to
    • infrastructure for
    • local policies encouraging
    • need for economy based on
    • Production Tax Credit for
    • in transport system
  • Renewable portfolio standards (RPS)
  • Research and development (R&D):
    • federal investment in
    • funding for
    • United States’ strengths in
  • Resilience
    • of cites
    • of infrastructure and buildings
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
  • Rhode Island
  • Robert, Alexis
  • Rogers, Jean
  • Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
  • Rotterdam
  • San Francisco
  • Science:
    • basic, government funding for
    • of climate change
    • in decision making, policy, and politics
    • federal investment in R&D
  • Seattle
  • Serafeim, George
  • Shandas
  • Singapore
  • Smart grids
  • Social change
  • Social metrics
  • Solar power
  • South Africa
  • South Daytona, Florida
  • South Korea
  • S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
  • Special Initiative for Rebuilding and Resilience (SIRR)
  • Standards, see Regulations and standards
  • Standard sustainability metrics
  • State-level policy
    • climate adaptation planning
    • emission standards
    • energy efficiency resource standards
    • energy policies
    • to facilitate innovation
    • feed-in tariffs
    • financial tools/mechanisms
    • fuel efficiency
    • green banks
    • infrastructure policies
    • on-bill financing
    • property-assessed clean energy
    • public benefit funds
    • regional cap-and-trade systems
    • regulations and standards
    • renewable portfolio standards
    • tax credits, rebates, and subsidies
    • Transportation and Climate Initiative
    • transportation policies
  • Stavins, Robert
  • Subsidies
  • Super PACs
  • Sustainability:
    • Americans’ view of
    • challenges of
    • and consumption/lifestyle
    • definitions of
    • measuring
    • political change process leading to
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
  • Sustainability management
    • challenges in
    • concept of
    • and environmental movement
    • and expansion of corporate sustainability
    • goals of
    • government functions supporting
    • growing momentum behind
    • measuring sustainability
    • and organizational management
    • sustainability perspective in
    • for a sustainable, renewable economy
    • sustainable cities
  • Sustainability Management (Steve Cohen)
  • Sustainability metrics. See also Measuring sustainability
    • at local, state, and national levels
    • as momentum for change
    • standard, generally-accepted
  • Sustainability perspective
  • Sustainability plans, in the U.S.
  • Sustainability reporting
  • Sustainable cities. See also Local-level policy
  • Svara, James
  • Sweden
  • Taxes
    • federal-level
    • as incentive for private investment
    • as market-based tool
    • oil depletion allowance
    • supporting transportation infrastructure
  • Tax credits
  • Tea Party
  • Technology. See also individual technologies
    • investing in
    • for solving sustainability challenge
    • tax credits for investment in
  • Technology transfer
  • Texas
  • Tradable pollution permit systems. See also Cap and trade
  • Transition to sustainability
  • TransMilenio system
  • Transportation and Climate Initiative
  • Transportation infrastructure
  • Transportation policies (federal):
    • electric vehicles
    • high speed rail
  • Transportation policies (local)
    • active transport
    • congestion charging
    • electric vehicle infrastructure
    • public transportation
  • Transportation policies (state)
    • emission standards
    • Transportation and Climate Initiative
  • Triple bottom line
  • United Kingdom
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • U.S. Geological Survey
  • U.S. national commission on sustainability metrics (proposed)
  • Unlikely innovators
  • Urban areas. See also Local-level policy
    • air quality programs
    • energy initiatives
    • sustainable
  • Urban Sustainability Directors Network
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • Van Hollen, Chris
  • Vehicle transportation. See also Electric vehicles (EVs)
    • fuel economy/efficiency
    • local emissions policy
    • state emissions standards
  • Vermont
  • Vestas
  • Vickery, William
  • Virginia
  • Wakeman, Raffaela
  • Walker, Leslie
  • Walmart
  • Warner, Mildred
  • Washington, DC
  • Washington State
  • Waste management
  • Water and wastewater:
    • local water management policies
    • management of
    • state policies for infrastructure
    • taxes related to
  • Western Climate Initiative (WCI)
  • West Virginia
  • Whitehead, Bradley
  • Williams, Alex
  • Wind farms
  • Wind power tax credit
  • Wisconsin
  • Wood, David
  • Wray-Lake, Laura
  • Wyoming
  • Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs)
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