
• Symbols and Numerics •

# (hashtags), 149

80/20 rule (Pareto principle)

focusing energy at work, 5758

matching time investment to return, 5456

in personal life, 5861

as successful method of maximizing productivity, 5354

• A •

Abraham, Carolyn

Facebook For Dummies, 145

action items, meeting agendas, 238, 247248


coaching time management, 306

setting goals, 30

administration. See also time management for administrative staff

80/20 rule in, 58

decreasing in time, 292293

Adobe Connect online meeting platform, 124126

advance planning

achieving peace of mind by, 8

activating subconscious mind, 9

advantages, 9

assembling everything needed, 910

lack of, 9

throwing out unneeded items, 1011

time-efficient habits, 332

aesthetics, workspace, 97

agendas, 238240

air-conditioning system, 245

A-list tasks, 6263

appointments, 332

archived files, 107108

The Art of Exceptional Living audio program (Rohn), 328

assistants, 286

attachments, email, 175

attitude, 305306


contact information, 112

email response, 137

time-saving technology, 120121

awareness, 291

• B •

Backblaze backup service, 127

backups, 127

balancing work and personal time, 2223

behavior styles, boss, 226229

benchmarks, 312

birthdays, client, 200

blocking time. See time-blocking system

body language

in face to face communication, 172

in telephone conversation, 172173


approaching in private, 230

asking for work request in writing, 199

behavior style, 226229

discussing concerns with, 198, 230

following rules and procedures, 227228

handling of deadlines, 228229

interruption-oriented, 197199

offering solutions to problems to, 230

people-focused, 227

performance appraisal from, 222

risk-seeking, 228

seagull manager type, 198

tackling new projects, 228

taking responsibility and responding to missed goals, 229

task-focused, 227

time management for administrative staff, 254258

time-wasting, 221230

verbal-delegator type, 198199

work pace, 229


administrative staff, 260

sharpening focus with time off, 17

working without, 323

bronze customer category, 111

build-as-you-go organizational chart, 292

business owners. See time management for executives

business page, Facebook, 143144

business trips

portable planner utility, 103

salespeople, 279

• C •

calendar sharing, 102103

caller ID, 193

capital, achieving goals, 38

carbon copy (cc) email function, 178

Carbonite backup service, 127

career goals, 30

Carnegie, Andrew (steel entrepreneur), 30

categories, goal, 3435

cell phone, 322


comfort, 98

home office, 78

charity, 30

cheat sheet, 3

check-ins, 312

children, 50

chores, 47


birthdays, 200

calling back, 201

calling on regular basis, 200

categorizing, 110111

expressing appreciation to, 200

forwarding professional articles to, 201

interruptions from, 199202

intrusive, 199202

profiles, 112113

sending thank-you note to, 200

setting expectations, 201202

closed group (Facebook), 148

closed-ended questions, 180181

clothing, 81

cloud-based software, 127128

clutter-free workspace

filing regularly, 94

handling paper, 9093

note-taking, 9495

overcoming procrastination, 219

coaching time management

accepting inability of employees to change, 316

accountability and performance change, 312

activities, 306

attitude toward improving time management, 305306

being consistent in, 313

benchmarks, 312

check-ins, 312

dealing with lack of progress, 315317

discerning if employee is ready for change, 307

do-not-disturb policies, 310311

employee motivation, 306308

finding out who would benefit from, 304308

fostering partnership and encouraging success, 311314

giving employee second change, 316317

goals, 308309

helping employee to change, 307308

knowledge to time management principles, 304305

as part of job, 303

prioritization tool, 310

replacing employee, 317

role as mirror, 313

skill in time management techniques, 305

team-based approach, 313

time-blocking system, 310

time-tracking charts, 310

tools and strategies, 309311

colleagues. See coworkers


asking targeted questions, 178, 180181

basic skills, 169171

being direct, 170171

camaraderie, 171172

closed-ended questions, 180181

clutter in language, 170

conditional response, 181182

conversation starters, 171172

determining answers needed, 179

dream questions, 183

email, 167

essential communication techniques, 170

face to face, 164166

listening, 182

miscommunication mistake stats, 163

obscure words, phrases, and unnecessary language, 170

obstacles of time management, 20

open-ended questions, 179180

positive tone, 182

procrastination, 179

saying no, 171

short and to the point, 169

small talk, 171172

telephone, 166167, 172174

through time-saving technology, 121126


accessing information, 104106

archiving and deleting files, 107108

cleaning up, 108

home office, 7980

naming and organizing files, 104105

saving files, 108109

conditional response, 181182

consequences, 212213

consistency, 313

contact information

automating, 112

categorizing clients, 110111

contacting target groups all at once, 111112

creating client profiles, 112113

Facebook, 144148

managing with CRM program, 109115

continuing education, 279

conversation starters, 171172

core purpose, 299

core values

basing management plan on, 296

on time, 299

costs, procrastination, 208209

Covey, Steven

First Things First, 64


interactions with, 23

interruptions, 195197

with nothing to do, 195

peer pressure, 213

who do not want to work, 196

who like talking about themselves, 196

who treats work as social outlet, 197

CrashPlan backup service, 127

CRM (customer relation management)

advantages, 110

automating contact information, 112

categorizing clients, 110111

contacting target groups all at once, 111112

creating client profiles, 112113

file organization, 89

managing contact information, 109115

portable planner utility, 103

putting on server or cloud service, 113114

software and services, 110

customers interaction, 23

• D •

daily objectives

decreasing in time, 297

prioritizing, 56

daily on time, 300

deadlines, 207

decision making

obstacles of time management, 21

recognizing procrastination, 211

decoration, workspace, 9899

deferring email, 136137


as caller confidence, 193

executive, 294

overcoming procrastination, 218

for salespeople, 285

time-efficent habits, 336


email, 135136

files, 107108


clearing off, 8687

limiting items on, 99

organizers, 87

placement, 99

selecting, 78

desktops, 79

determination, 211

digital recording features, teleconference, 242

DIPA (direct income-producing activities), 266268, 275276

discipline, recognizing procrastination, 211

distractions. See interruptions

DocuSign storage program, 128

do-not-disturb policies, 310311

downtime, 334335

dream questions, 183

Dropbox feature, 127128

• E •

early arrival

administrative staff, 260

to meetings, 244245

time-efficient habits, 331332

eating right, 333

education, 279

80/20 rule (Pareto principle)

focusing energy at work, 5758

matching time investment to return, 5456

in personal life, 5861

as successful method of maximizing productivity, 5354

electronic files. See also filing system

accessing, 104106

archiving, 107108

creating new documents, 106107

date information, 106

deleting, 107108

filing tree, 104

going paperless, 90

naming and organizing, 104107

note-taking, 9495

saving, 108109

scheduling tools, 102103


advantages, 167168

carbon copy (cc) function, 178

composition, 175177

deceptive, 174

deferring, 136137

deleting, 135136

disadvantages, 168

dump folder, 134

filtering systems, 131132

formal, 176177

forwarding to Evernote, 129

interruptions, 190

junk mail, 326327

length, 175

misunderstandings in, 174

misused, 168

multiple addresses, 133

new arrivals folder, 134

nonverbal communication delivery stats, 169

organizing and storing, 133134

private, 178

proofreading, 177

responding to, 134137

reviewing before sending, 168, 177178

searching specific topic, 134

sending as attachment, 175

separating work from personal, 132134

spam, 132, 175, 326

subject line, 174175

time-wasting behaviors, 322

writing effective, 174178


accepting inability to change, 316

check-ins, 312

empowering, 297298

giving second chance, 316317

helping to change, 307308

knowledge of time management principles, 304305

lack of progress, 315316

motivation to coach time management, 306308

ready for change, 307

replacing, 317

talents, 298

empowering employees, 297298

The E-Myth (Gerber), 288

end of day meetings, 240

equipment, home office, 7880

ergonomic workspace, 97

Evernote feature

extensions, 129

finding notes in, 130

forwarding email to, 129

getting notes, ideas, and thoughts into, 129

notebooks, 128

setting up computer to work with, 128

time-saving technology, 126, 128130


organization, 12

procrastination, 213215

executive leadership, 57. See also time management for executives

exercise, 333334


overcoming procrastination, 218

realistic, 218

Experience section (LinkedIn), 156157

• F •

Fabulous 50 goals. See goals

face to face communication

body language, 172

camaraderie, 171172

conversation starters, 171172

power and effectiveness of, 165166

reading others and taking cue from their behavior, 172

video-based meetings, 164


acknowledging others, 146

business page, 143144

for business use, 140

controversial topics in, 145

deciding who to friend, 145

disadvantages, 140

discussing business on personal page, 142143

Groups feature, 148

list feature, 147

personal page, 142143

personal profile, 141

photos, 146

private messages, 145146

public posts, 145146

setting specific times of use, 140141

sharing articles and links, 146

sharing posts, 146147

time advantages, 139140, 144

time-saving technology, 122123

time-wasting behaviors, 325

what not to post, 145146

what to post, 145

Facebook For Dummies (Abraham), 145

FaceTime, 123

facilitators, meeting, 247


balancing work and time with, 2223

investing in personal relationships, 59

phone interruptions from, 192

traditions, setting up, 60

fears, 205206

file folders, 88

filing system. See also electronic files

filing regularly, 94

organization, 8788

setting up, 8889

filtering email, 131132

First Things First (Covey and Merrill), 64

Fitton, Laura

Twitter For Dummies, 153

flex time, 68


lack of, 322

time-wasting behaviors, 322

folders, file, 88

follow-ups, meeting, 249250

formal email, 176177

Free Conference Calls service, 125

free time, 19


balancing work and time with, 2223

investing in personal relationships, 59

phone interruptions from, 192

traditions, setting up, 60

• G •

Gerber, Michael

The E-Myth, 288

Gmail, 132133


assigning time for, 3234

breaking into steps, 308309

categorizing, 3435

establishing, 28, 308309

goal-seeking, 15

lining up with wants, 27

linking time management to, 2526

measurable, 27, 70, 309

naming, 15

narrowing down, 36

non-number-based, 28

noting importance of, 3637

number-based, 28

personal growth, 32

qualitative, 7071

realistic, 308

resource needs, 3740

target date, 309

targeting, 3537

thinking big, 27

time management coach, 308309

what you want to do, 30

what you want to give, 3031

what you want to have, 29

what you want to see, 29

who you want to become, 31

writing down, 15, 2627

Goals (Ziglar), 328

gold customer category, 111

GoToMeeting online meeting platform

alternative meeting options, 242

engaging through online platforms, 124125

GoToWebinar online meeting platform, 125

Groups feature (Facebook), 148

growth activities, 290291

guest list, meetings, 236237

• H •

half hour activity tracking, 289

handouts, meeting, 244

hashtags (#), 149

headsets, 172173


exercise, 333334

nutrition, 333

poor procrastination costs, 208209

sleep habits, 334

taking care of, 333334

heating and air-conditioning system, 245

Hill, Napoleon

Think and Grow Rich!, 36

hiring help, 285286

hobbies, 6061

home office

advantages, 7376

chairs, 78

computers, 7980

creating productive environment in, 7374

desk, 78

desktop, 79

disadvantages, 7677

discipline and accountability assessment, 7475

equipment, 7880

ergonomics, 78

establishing boundaries, 8081

feelings of isolation, 8283

interruptions, 77, 8182

laptops, 79

lighting, 80

location, 77

music in, 80

noise-canceling options, 80

scanners, 79

working with kids at home, 82

workspace in, 7778

hourly income

boosting, 4546

calculation, 4345

household tasks, 6061

human resources

decreasing in time, 292293

resource needs, 39

Hussain, Anum

Twitter For Dummies, 153

• I •

IIPA (indirect income-producing activities), 268269, 283284

impromptu meetings, 237

in time, decreasing

awareness as first step toward, 291

daily priorities, organization, 297

empowering employees, 297298

job descriptions, crafting, 293295

management plan, 296

No Problems, Only Solutions Policy, 297

organizational chart, 292293

task lists, 295296

inbox, 87

incandescent blind spot, 297

income, hourly

boosting, 4546

calculation, 4345

indirect income-producing activities (IIPA), 268269, 283284

informal meetings, 237, 256


time-saving technology, 122123

time-wasting behaviors, 325

instant messaging, 169

Internet, 325326

interruptions. See also time-wasting behaviors

boss, 197199

client, 199202

coworker, 195197

creating visual barriers, 187

delegating responsibility, 193

do-not-disturb policies, 310311

email, 190

home office, 77, 8182

loss of productivity, 185

management by walking around concept, 188

obstacles of time management, 20

phone calls from loved ones, 192

rebooking discussions, 194

recurring, 195197

scheduled time for interactions, 188189

scheduling time offline, 189190

screening, 191193

shortening conversation, 194

state of waiting danger, 189

voice mail, 190

walk-in intrusions, 186187

isolation feelings, 8283

• J •

job descriptions

creating clear, 293295

management plan creation, 296 online meeting platform, 124125

Juran, Joseph M. (quality control pioneer), 54

justified procrastination, 209210

• K •

knowing yourself, 1417


expanding your, 38

of time management principles, 304305

• L •

labels, file folder, 88

lack of progress, 315317

laptops, 79

LastPass feature, 126

lead follow-up, 276278

Lead the Field audio program (Nightingale), 328

Leaning, Brittany

Twitter For Dummies, 153

leisure activities, 4849. See also personal life


creating ambiance, 99

home office, 80


checking twice a day, 159

checking weekly, 159

defining goals, objectives, and connections, 157158

describing your skills, 157

Experience section, 156157

photo, 157

profile, 155156

schedule, 158159

two-check system of reviewing, 159

using abbreviations in, 156

list feature (Facebook), 147

listening, 182

living in the present, 338


home office, 77

meeting, 241, 243

long-term projects, 217

lunch meetings, 241

• M •

mailing lists, 132


80/20 rule in, 57

plan, 296

marketing, 292293

master lists, 62

meal planning, 333, 335336


action items, 247248

administrative staff, 254

agendas, 238240

alternative options, 242

arriving early, 244245

being yourself, 235

concluding, 248249

end of day, 240

ending, 248249

face to face communication, 164166

facilitator, 247

follow-ups, 249250

getting input from participants, 247

ground rules, 245

guest list, 236237

handouts, 244

heating and air-conditioning system in, 245

as important part of business life, 233

impromptu, 237

informal, 237, 256

keeping meetings moving, 246248

latecomers, 246

late-meeting fund, 246

launching, 245246

location, 241, 243

lunch, 241

mid-afternoon, 240

mid-morning, 240

mini-meetings, 237

minutes, 236

note-taking in, 236

off-site, 241

overload, 235

pitch-ins, 241

preliminary, 237

purpose of, 234235

reminding attendees of agenda, 247

rewarding early attendees, 246

summarization, 248249

teleconference, 242

ten-minute warning before end of, 247

testing equipment before, 244

time-saving technologies, 123126

unresolved issues in, 249

video-based, 164

when to schedule, 240241

Merrill, Roger

First Things First, 64

mid-afternoon meetings, 240

mid-morning meetings, 240

mid-process procrastination, 206207

Miles, Elizabeth

Organizing For Dummies, 88

mini-meetings, 237

minutes, meeting, 236

monetary value of time

assigning, 16

chores and responsibilities in, 47

hourly income calculation, 4345

leisure activities, 48

making wise decisions based on, 41

monetary and time costs, 4849

teaching kids about, 50

time-equals-money concept, 4243

money, procrastination costs, 208

monthly on time, 300


to coach time management, 306308

maintaining, 2324

procrastination, 218219

through written goals, 27

multiple code features, teleconference, 242

multiple email addresses, 133


administrative staff, 261

scheduling time offline, 189

time-wasting behaviors, 322

music, 80

• N •

neatness habits, 1112, 19

negative people, 328329

newsletters, 132

Nightingale, Earl

Lead the Field audio program, 328

No Problems, Only Solutions Policy, 297

notebooks, Evernote, 128


clutter-free workspaces, 9495

Evernote feature, 129

in meetings, 236

notifications (Twitter), 152153

number-based goals, 28

nutrition, 333

Nutrition For Dummies (Rinzler), 333

• O •

obstacles of time management

communication, 20

interruptions, 20

making decisions, 21

personal shortcomings, 1920

procrastination, 21

office. See home office

off-site meetings, 241

on time

in company' vision and values, 298

core purpose, 299

core values, 299

daily, 300

monthly, 300

quarterly and yearly review, 301

tasks, 299300

online meetings, 257. See also meetings

open group (Facebook), 148

open-ended questions, 179180

operations, 292293


advanced planning, 811

daily priority, 298

desk, 87

email, 133134

excuses, 12

filing system, 8788

neatness habits, 1112, 19

personal surroundings, 1819

work area evaluation, 11

workspace, 8688

organizational chart

build-as-you-go, 292293

management plan creation, 296

Organizing For Dummies (Roth and Miles), 88

outbox, 87

outline, meeting agendas, 238

• P •


delegating, 93

depot, 93

detouring, 93

document overload, 9597

dumping, 92

paperless workspace, 90

Pareto principle. See 80/20 rule

Parkinson, C. Northcote

Parkinson's Law, 291

partnership, 311314

peer pressure, 213

people-focused boss, 227


frustration caused by, 72

time-wasting behaviors, 323

performance measurement, salespeople, 271275, 281282

personal growth, 32

personal life

80/20 rule in, 5861

balancing household tasks with at-home hobbies, 6061

balancing work and time, 2223

investing in personal relationships, 59

leisure activities, 4849

openness to experiences and using time wisely, 49

overcoming procrastination, 219

rewards, 48

scheduling activities, 6667

setting aside downtime, 334335

value-based time decisions in, 4649

personal organization, 1112

personal page, Facebook, 142143

phone calls

administrative staff, 254

time-wasting, 322


Facebook, 146

LinkedIn, 157

physical activity, 333334

pictures, workspace, 99

pitch-ins, 241

platinum client category, 111

portable planners, 103

PowerPoint presentations, 242

preferences (Twitter), 152153

preliminary meetings, 237


alternative meeting options, 242

sales, 278

prioritization tool, 310

prioritizing tasks

A-list, 6263

decreasing in time, 297

importance, 53

master lists, 62

task ranking, 6263

private email, 178

private messages, Facebook, 145146


altering mindset and discipline, 211215

avoiding unpleasant tasks, 204205

breaking down tasks, 215218

carrot-or-stick approach, 211213

in communication, 179

consequences, 212213

costs, 208209

emotional unpleasantness caused by, 203204

evaluating job, 217218

getting motivated, 218219

justified, 209210

long-term projects, 217

mid-process, 206207

obstacles of time management, 21

outside source assessment, 214

putting off, 215

recognizing excuses, 213215

seeking reward, 212

shortsighted logic, 204

sources, 203207

tackling small jobs, 216

tackling toughest job first, 216

thrills from deadlines, 207

triggering fears, 205

waiting until the time is right excuse, 206

production-support activities (PSA), 270, 284286


administrative staff, 260

salespeople, 273274


client, 112113

LinkedIn, 155156

progress, lack of, 315317

proofreading email, 177

prospecting, 276277

PSA (production-supporting activities), 270, 284286

The Psychology of Achievement audio program (Tracy), 328

public posts, Facebook, 145146

• Q •

qualifying prospects, 277

qualitative goals, 7071

quality, procrastination costs of, 208


closed-ended, 180181

dream, 183

listening, 182

open-ended, 179180

putting positive tone on, 182

• R •

realistic expectations, 218

realistic goals, 308

recurring interruptions, 195197

research and development, 292293

resources, goal achieving

capital, 38

human resources, 39

imbalance of resources, 37

knowledge, 38

skills, 3839

responding to email

automation, 137

basic description, 134135

deferring until later, 136137

email response system, 135137

voice text or video email, 135

responsive tasks, 291297

retweets (Facebook), 149

rewards, 48

rhythms, knowing your, 1617

Rinzler, Carol Ann

Nutrition For Dummies, 333

risk-seeking boss, 228

Rohn, Jim

The Art of Exceptional Living audio program, 328

role-playing, 280281

Roth, Eileen

Organizing For Dummies, 88

• S •


80/20 rule in, 57

decreasing in time, 292293

sales presentations, 278

salespeople. See time management for salespeople

saving files, 108109

saying no

being direct and succinct, 171

time-efficient habits, 336337

scanners, 79


conflicts, 332

LinkedIn, 158159

offline, 189

scheduling, electronic

calendar-sharing benefits, 102103

portable planner, 103

search engine optimization (SEO), 156

secret group (Facebook), 148

security features, teleconference, 242

self-evaluation, 6768

seminars, 278

SEO (search engine optimization), 156

service-based roles, 58

sharing Facebook posts, 146147

simplifying your life, 337


evaluating, 3839

setting goals, 30

in time management techniques, 305


alternative meeting options, 242243

time-saving technology, 123


subconscious mind, 9

taking care of health, 334

smart phones, 103

smiling, 173

social media

time-saving technologies, 122123

time-wasting behaviors, 325326

spam, 132, 175, 326

sticky notes, 95

storing email, 133134

strength and weakness assessment, 1415

stress, 287

subconscious mind, 9

subject line, email, 174175

success in time management

assigning value to time, 16

balancing work and time, 2223

feeling of free time through scheduling, 19

importance of time management, 13

interactions with coworkers and customers, streamlining, 23

knowing your rhythm, 1617

motivation, 2324

naming goals, 15

obstacles, overcoming, 1921

organizing your surroundings, 1819

scheduling time and creating routine, 18

strength and weakness assessment, 1415

taking breaks, 17

summarization, meeting, 248249

SweetProcess feature, 127

• T •

tags, 129

talent, employee, 298

target date, goals, 309

task list

administrative staff, 263264

creating room for growth with, 295296

for salespeople, 295296

task-focused boss, 227


80/20 rule in, 58

household, 6061

identifying top, 5556

justified procrastination, 210

prioritizing, 6263

responsive, 291297

on time, 299300

T-chart analysis, 289

team-based approach, time management, 313

technology. See time-saving technology

teleconference, 242

telephone communication

advantages, 166

caller ID, 193

inability to reach recipient, 173

interruptions, 192

personal sense of warmth and caring, 166

smiling during, 173

standing up during, 173

time-wasting behaviors, 322

vocalizing messages, 166167

voice mail, 166167, 173174

telephone conversation, 172173

Telephone Sales For Dummies (Zeller), 167

templates, 285

texting, 169

thank-you note, 200

Think and Grow Rich! (Hill), 36

tickler files, 89

time frames

assigning to goals, 3234

justified procrastination caused by, 209210

time investment returns

identifying top tasks, 5556

prioritizing daily objectives, 56

sizing up current situation, 55

using 80/20 rule, 5456

time management

about this book, 12

advance planing, 811

as evolving process, 311

as mindset to focusing on priorities, 7

personal organization techniques, 1112

time management for administrative staff

asking the right questions, 257259

basic description, 253

boosting admin image, 255

boss's goals, 254258

early arrival to work, 260

frenzy of activity, 259260

getting priorities in order, 262

guided meetings, 257

informal meetings, 256

management plan creation, 296297

meetings, 254

multitasking, 261

online meetings, 257

peak productivity, 260

phone calls, 254

pitfalls, 254

productivity, 256

seeking clarification about objectives, 262263

short meetings, 256

stalled projects, 254

task list, 263264

time-blocking system, 261

time-tracking sheet, 261

work breaks, 260

time management for executives

balancing on time, 298301

daily priority organization, 298

decreasing in time, 291297

delegation, 294

empowering employees, 297298

half hour activity tracking, 289

hierarchical structure, 292

identifying how time is spent, 288

increasing time on growth activities, 290291

job descriptions, crafting, 293295

organizational chart, 292293

responsive tasks, 291297

stress levels, 287

supplemental task lists, 295296

T-chart analysis, 289

work balance, 288

time management for salespeople

assistants, 286

business travel, 279

continuing education, 279

daily productivity, 273274

delegation, 285

direct income-producing activities, 267268, 275276

generating leads, 276277

hiring help, 285286

indirect income-producing activities, 269, 283284

lead follow-up, 276278

low-quality leads, 283

monthly productivity, 274

performance measurement, 271275, 281282

production-supporting activities, 270, 284286

prospecting, 276277

qualifying prospects, 277

quarterly productivity, 274

recording activities, 272273

role-playing, 280281

sales presentations, 278

sales results review, 283

streamlining process, 285

task list, 295296

templates, 285

time-investment portfolio, 266271

time-tracking sheets, 273

value of worth, 270271

webinars, 279

weekly productivity, 274

work responsibilities, 265

X Theory of Success, 280281

Y Theory of Choice, 281

yearly productivity, 274

time, value of. See monetary value of time

time-blocking system

adjusting schedules in, 7172

administrative staff, 261

advantages, 6465

building in flex time, 68

coaching time management, 310

dividing your day in, 6667

factoring in work activities, 67

scheduling personal activities, 6667

small investments in, 66

surveying results of, 6971

time-efficient habits, 337

weekly self-evaluation and planning, 6768

time-efficient habits

delegation, 336

early arrival, 331332

eating right, 333

living in the present, 338

meal planning, 335336

planning for next day, 332

saying no, 336

setting aside downtime, 334335

simplifying your life, 337

taking care of health, 333334

time-blocking system, 337

uninterrupted planning time, 332

time-investment portfolio

direct income-producing activities, 267268

indirect income-producing activities, 268269

production-supporting activities, 270

value of worth, 270271

time-saving technology

advantages, 119

automation, 120121

backup services, 127

cloud-based software, 127128

communication through, 121126

DocuSign storage program, 128

Dropbox feature, 127128

Evernote feature, 126, 128130

Facebook, 122123, 139140, 144

FaceTime, 123

Instagram, 122123

LastPass feature, 126

meeting platforms, 123126

Skype, 123

social media options, 122123

SweetProcess feature, 127

technology choices, 120

Twitter, 122

time-tracking sheet

administrative staff, 261

coaching time management, 310

salespeople, 273

time-wasting behaviors. See also interruptions

assessing your bosses situation, 222223

demanding perfection, 323

failing to stop and think, 321

Internet surfing, 325326

junk mail, 326327

killing time in transit, 328

maintaining personal boundaries, 223224

multitasking, 322

spending time with negative people, 328329

TV watching, 324325

Twitter, 150

working without breaks, 323

worrying and waiting, 324

time-wasting bosses

choices of dealing with, 221

initiating win-win discussions, 229230

irreconcilable differences with, 231

objectives, 222223

Tracy, Brian

The Psychology of Achievement audio program, 328

TV watching, 324325

tweets (Twitter), 149150


character limit, 149150

deciding who to follow, 149152

following people whom you can profit from, 151

following people you can teach, 152

following people you have fun with, 151

following people you learn from, 151

negative tweets, 150

notifications, 152153

preferences, 152153

retweets, 149

time-saving technology, 122

time-wasting behaviors, 150, 325

tweets, 149150

Twitter For Dummies (Fitton, Hussain, and Leaning), 153

• V •

vacation, 17

value of time. See monetary value of time

value of worth, 270271

video-based meetings, 164

voice mail

advantages, 166167

interruptions, 190

leaving message on, 173174

VOIP (voice over Internet protocol), 124

• W •

wall decoration, 98

wasting time. See time-wasting behaviors

WebEx online meeting platform, 124, 242

webinars, 125, 279

white noise, 80

willpower, 215

working from home. See home office


aesthetics, 97

chair comfort, 98

clearing off desk, 8788

decoration, 9899

desk area, 8687

electronic files, 90

ergonomic, 97

evaluating, 11

filing system, 8789, 94

furniture, 99

in home office, 7778

lack of productivity, 8586

organization, 8688

paper product, 88

paperless, 90

personalization, 99

setting up, 98

streamlining, 8691

worry, 324

• X •

X Theory of Success, 280281

• Y •

Y Theory of Choice, 281

• Z •

Zeller, Dirk

Telephone Sales For Dummies, 167

Ziglar, Zig

Goals, 328

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