© Thomas Mailund 2020
T. MailundString Algorithms in Chttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5920-7_1

1. Introduction

Thomas Mailund1 
Aarhus N, Denmark

Algorithms operating on strings are fundamental to many computer programs, and in particular searching for one string in another is the core of many algorithms. An example is searching for a word in a text document, where we want to know everywhere it occurs. This search can be exact, meaning that we are looking for the positions where the word occurs verbatim, or approximative, where we allow for some spelling mistakes.

This book will teach you fundamental algorithms and data structures for exact and approximative search. The goal of the book is not to cover the theory behind the material in great detail. However, we will see theoretical considerations where relevant. The purpose of the book is to give you examples of how the algorithms can be implemented. For every algorithm and data structure in the book, I will present working C code and nowhere will I use pseudocode. When I argue for the correctness and running time of algorithms, I do so intentionally informal. I aim at giving you an idea about why the algorithms solve a specific problem in a given time, but I will not mathematically prove so.

You can copy all the algorithms and data structures in this book from the pages, but they are also available in a library on GitHub: https://github.com/mailund/stralg. You can download and link against the library or copy snippets of code into your own projects. On GitHub you can also find all the programs I have used for time measurement experiments so you can compare the algorithm’s performance on your own machine and in your own runtime environment.

Notation and conventions

Unless otherwise stated , we use x, y, and p to refer to strings and i, j, k, l, and h to denote indices. We use ? to denote the empty string. We use a, b, and c for single characters. As in C, we do not distinguish between strings and pointers to a sequence of characters. Since the book is about algorithms in C, the notation we use matches that which is used for strings, pointers, and arrays in C. Arrays and strings are indexed from zero, that is, A[0] is the first value in array A (and x[0] is the first character in string x). The ith character in a string is at index i − 1.

When we refer to a substring, we define it using two indices, i and j, ij, and we write x[i, j] for the substring. The first index is included and the second is not, that is, x[i, j] = x[i]x[i + 1] · · · x[ j − 1]. If a string has length n, then the substring x[0, n] is the full string. If we have a character a and a string x, then ax denotes the string that has a as its first character and is then followed by the string x. We use ak to denote a sequence of as of length k. The string a3 x has a as its first three characters and is then followed by x. A substring that starts at index 0, x[0, i], is a prefix of the string, and it is a proper prefix if it is neither the empty string x[0, 0] = ? nor the full string x[0, n]. A substring that ends in n, x[i, n], is a suffix, and it is a proper suffix if it is neither the empty string nor the full string. We will sometimes use x[i, ] for this suffix.

We use $ to denote a sentinel in a string, that is, it is a character that is not found in the rest of the string. It is typically placed at the end of the string. The zero-terminated C strings have the zero byte as their termination sentinel, and unless otherwise stated, $ refers to that. All C strings x have a zero sentinel at index n if the string has length n, x = x[0]x[1] · · · x[n − 1]0. For some algorithms, the sentinel is essential; in others, it is not. We will leave it out of the notation when a sentinel isn’t needed for an algorithm, but naturally include the sentinel when it is necessary.

Graphical notation

Most data structures and algorithmic ideas are simpler to grasp if we use drawings to capture the structure of strings rather than textual notation. Because of this, I have chosen to provide more figures in this book than you will typically see in a book on algorithms. I hope you will appreciate it. If there is anything you find unclear about an algorithm, I suggest you try to draw key strings yourself and work out the properties you have problems with.

In figures, we represent strings as rectangles. We show indices into a string as arrows pointing to the index in the string; see Figure 1-1. In this notation, we do not distinguish between pointers and indices. If a variable is an index j and it points into x, then what it points to is x[ j], naturally. If the variable is a pointer, y, then what it points to is ∗y. Whether we are working with pointers or indices should be clear from the context. It will undoubtedly be clear from the C implementations. We represent substrings by boxes of a different color inside the original string-rectangle. If we specify the indices defining the substring, we include their start and stop index (where the stop index points one after the end of the substring).
Figure 1-1

Graphical string notation

When we compare two strings, we imagine that we align the boxes representing them, so the parts we are comparing are on top of each other. For example, if we compare the character at index j in a string x with the character at index i in another string p, then we draw a box representing x over a box representing p, and we draw pointers for the two indices; see Figure 1-2. Since we are comparing the characters in the two indices, the two pointers are pointing at each other. Conceptually, we imagine that p is aligned under x starting at position ji.
Figure 1-2

Graphical notation for comparing indices in two different strings

Code conventions

There is a trade-off between long variables and type names and then the line within a book. In many cases, I have had to use an indentation that you might not be used to. In function prototypes and function definitions, I will generally write with one variable per line, indented under the function return type and name, for example:
void compute_z_array(
    const unsigned char *x,
    uint32_t n,
    uint32_t *Z
void compute_reverse_z_array(
    const unsigned char *x,
    uint32_t m,
    uint32_t *Z
If a return type name is long, I will put it on a separate line:
static inline uint32_t
edge_length(struct suffix_tree_node *n) {
    return range_length(n->range);
struct suffix_tree *
    const unsigned char *string
struct suffix_tree *
    const unsigned char *string,
    uint32_t *sa,
    uint32_t *lcp
struct suffix_tree_node *
    struct suffix_tree *st,
    const char *pattern

I make an exception for functions that take no arguments, that is, have void as their argument type.

There are many places where an algorithm needs to use characters to look up in arrays. If you use the conventional C string type, char *, then the character can be either signed or unsigned, depending on your compiler, and you have to cast the type to avoid warnings. A couple of places we also have to make assumptions about the alphabet size. Because of this, I use arrays of uint8_t with a zero termination sentinel as strings. On practically all platforms, char is 8 bits so this type is, for all intents and purposes, C strings. We are just guaranteed that we can use it unsigned and that the alphabet size is 256. Occasionally it is necessary to cast a uint8_t * string to a C string. A direct cast, (char *)x, will most likely work unless you are on an exotic platform. If it doesn’t, you have to build a char buffer and copy characters byte by byte. It has to be a very exotic platform if you cannot store 8 bits in a char! Because I assume that you can always cast to char *, I will use the C library string functions (with a cast) when this is appropriate. It is a small matter to write your own if it is necessary.

I will use uint32_t for indices, assuming that strings are short enough that we can index them with 32 bits. You can change it as needed, but I find it a good trade-off between likely lengths of strings and the space I need for data structures. I work in bioinformatics, so hundreds of millions of characters are usually the longest I encounter.

Reporting a sequence of results

In search algorithms, we report each occurrence of a pattern. This sounds straightforward, but there is a design choice in how we report the occurrences. Consider the following algorithm. It is the Boyer-Moore-Horspool (BMH) algorithm that you will see in the next chapter. It takes a string, x, and a pattern, p, and searches for all occurrences of p in x. First, it does some preprocessing, and then it searches. This is a general pattern for the algorithms in the next chapter. In the search, when it has found an occurrence of p, it reports the position by calling the REPORT(j) function.
void bmh_search(
    const uint8_t *x,
    const uint8_t *p
) {
    uint32_t n = strlen((char *)x);
    uint32_t m = strlen((char *)p);
    // Preprocessing
    int jump_table[256];
    for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) {
        jump_table[k] = m;
    for (int k = 0; k < m - 1; k++) {
        jump_table[p[k]] = m - k - 1;
    // Searching
    for (uint32_t j = 0;
         j < n - m + 1;
         j += jump_table[x[j + m - 1]]) {
        int i = m - 1;
        while (i > 0 && p[i] == x[j + i])
        if (i == 0 && p[0] == x[j]) {

If a global report function is all you need in your program, then this is an excellent solution. Often, however, we need different reporting functions for separate calls to the search function. Or we need the report function to collect data for further processing (and preferably not use global variables). We need some handle to choose different report functions and to provide them with data.

One approach is using callbacks: Provide a report function and data argument to the search function and call the report function with the data when we find an occurrence. In the following implementation, I am assuming we have defined the function type for reporting, report_function , and the type for data we can add to it, report_function_data , somewhere outside of the search function.
void bmh_search_callback(
    const uint8_t *x,
    const uint8_t *p,
    report_function report,
    report_function_data data
) {
    uint32_t n = strlen((char *)x);
    uint32_t = strlen((char *)p);
    // Preprocessing
    uint32_t jump_table[256];
    for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) {
        jump_table[k] = m;
    for (int k = 0; k < m - 1; k++) {
        jump_table[p[k]] = m - k - 1;
    // Searching
    for (uint32_t j = 0;
         j < n - m + 1;
         j += jump_table[x[j + m - 1]]) {
        int i = m - 1;
        while (i > 0 && p[i] == x[j + i])
        if (i == 0 && p[0] == x[j]) {
            report(j, data);

Callback functions have their uses, especially to handle events in interactive programs, but also some substantial drawbacks. To use them, you have to split the control flow of your program into different functions which hurts readability. Especially if you need to handle nested loops, for example, iterate over all nodes in a tree and for each node iterate over the leaves in another tree where for each node-leaf pair you find occurrences… (the example here is made up, but there are plenty of real algorithms with nested loops, and we will see some later in the book).

We can get the control flow back to the calling function using the iterator design pattern. We define an iterator structure that holds information about the loop state, and we provide functions for setting it up, progressing to the next point in the loop, and reporting a match and then a function for freeing resources once the iterator is done.

The general pattern for using an iterator looks like this:
    struct iterator iter;
    struct match match;
    iter_init(&iter, data);
    while (next_func(&iter, &match)) {
        // Process occurrence

The iterator structure contains the loop information. That means it must save the preprocessing data from when we create it and information about how to resume the loop after each time it is suspended. To report occurrences, it takes a “match” structure through which it can inform the caller about where matches occur. The iterator is initialized with data that determines what it should loop over. The loop is handled using a “next” function that returns true if there is another match (and if it does it will have filled out match). If there are no more matches, and the loop terminates, then it returns false. The iterator might contain allocated resources, so there should always be a function for freeing those.

In an iterator for the BMH, we would keep the string, pattern, and table we build in the preprocessing.
struct bmh_match_iter {
    const uint8_t *x; uint32_t n;
    const uint8_t *p; uint32_t m;
    int jump_table[256];
    uint32_t j;
struct match {
    uint32_t pos;
We put the preprocessing in the iterator initialization function
void init_bmh_match_iter(
    struct bmh_match_iter *iter,
    const uint8_t *x, uint32_t n,
    const uint8_t *p, uint32_t m
) {
    // Preprocessing
    iter->j = 0;
    iter->x = x; iter->n = n;
    iter->p = p; iter->m = m;
    for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) {
        iter->jump_table[k] = m;
    for (int k = 0; k < m - 1; k++) {
        iter->jump_table[p[k]] = m - k - 1;
and in the next function we do the search
bool next_bmh_match(
    struct bmh_match_iter *iter,
    struct match *match
) {
    const uint8_t *x = iter->x;
    const uint8_t *p = iter->p;
    uint32_t n = iter->n;
    uint32_t m = iter->m;
    int *jump_table = iter->jump_table;
    // Searching
    for (uint32_t j = iter->j;
         j < n - m + 1;
         j += jump_table[x[j + m - 1]]) {
        int i = m - 1;
        while (i > 0 && p[i] == x[j + i]) {
        if (i == 0 && p[0] == x[j]) {
            match->pos = j;
            iter->j = j +
                   jump_table[x[j + m - 1]];
            return true;
    return false;

We set up the loop with information from the iterator and search from there. If we find an occurrence, we store the new loop information in the iterator and the match information in the match structure and return true. If we reach the end of the loop, we report false.

We have not allocated any resources when we initialized the iterator, so we do not need to free anything.
void dealloc_bmh_match_iter(
    struct bmh_match_iter *iter
) {
    // Nothing to do here

Since the deallocation function doesn’t do anything, we could leave it out. Still, consistency in the use of iterators helps avoid problems. Plus, should we at some point add resources to the iterator, then it is easier to update one function than change all the places in the code that should now call a deallocation function.

Iterators complicate the implementation of algorithms, especially if they are recursive and the iterator needs to keep track of a stack. Still, they greatly simplify the user interface to your algorithms, which makes it worthwhile to spend a little extra time implementing them. In this book, I will use iterators throughout.

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