

additive models 219–221

advanced model forms 241–247

A-Efficiency 206

aerosol formulations 5

analysis, strategy for response surface methodology 186–187

analysis of variance (ANOVA) 67, 146

Anderson, V.L. 124, 171–172, 244

ANOVA (analysis of variance) 67, 146

A-Optimality criterion 162

available theory 34

Average Variance of Prediction 206


bare minimum design size 145

Becker, N.G. 243

bias variation 28–29

blending model 161–162

blocking 28–29

blocking formulation experiments 209–213

Box, G.E.P. 205, 225, 230, 262

Box-Cox family 83

Bread experiment 226


candidate subgroup 172

case studies

formulations 10–19

plastic part formulation 187–188, 190–195

screening formulations 159–161

sustained release tablet development 129–135, 150–155

characterization phase 35

checkpoints 47

Chick, L.A. 195, 201, 250

cocktails 6

Cody, R. 23

coefficients, interpretation of 60–65

Columns dialog box 63

component constraints 33–34

component effects

calculating 165–166

estimation of 163–168

component effects plot 104, 107

component ratios 23

components 33

computer-aided design, using for experiments 205–207

concrete 6

confidence limits 111–112

CONstrained SIMplex (CONSIM) algorithm 149

constrained systems

about 119

components of 120–121

components with lower bounds 121–122

computation of extreme vertices 124–127

construction of extreme vertices designs for quadratic formulation models 143–146

designs for formulation systems with multicomponent constraints 147–150

four-component flare experiment 135–140

graphical display of four-component mixture space 140–143

identification of clusters of vertices 143–144

midpoints of long edges 127–129

response surface modeling with 185–213

screening 157–180

sustained release tablet development 129–135

sustained release tablet formulation case study 150–155

three-component example 123–124

constraint plane centroid 137–138

contour plots 62–63, 108

CONVERT algorithm 149

Cornell, J.A. 47, 51–52, 62, 219, 224, 231, 234, 242, 257–258, 261

Cox, D.R. 111, 165

Cox axes 193–194, 198

Cox effect direction 163–164

Cox model 105, 111

curvilinear effect 167


data, high-quality 23–32

data "pedigree" 57–58

D-Efficiency 206

Derringer, G.L. 252–254

Design Ease 149


considerations for 161–162

considerations for quadratic blending model 188–190

creating for quadratic models using XVERT algorithm 201–204

D-optimal 260–261

extreme vertices 121, 124–127, 143–146, 161, 171–179

for formulation systems with multicomponent constraints 147–150

for formulations with process variables 221–225

response surface 51–53

saturated 145, 162

screening 48–51, 99–107, 113–114

simplex 45–48, 99–113

simplex-centroid 47, 54, 57

simplex-lattice 53

strategy for response surface methodology 186–187

D-Optimal algorithm 162, 189, 190, 193, 260–261

Draper, N.R. 205, 210, 243, 246, 247, 262

dyes 6


Elfving, G. 169

end effect blends 99

environmental variables 28

experimental designs, for formulations 43–54

experimental environment

diagnosis of the 33–34

evolution of the 34–37

geometry of the 44–45

experimental error 29

experimental variation, estimation of the 114–115


administration of 29

basics of 21–39

blocking formulation 209–213

Bread 226

Fish patty 221, 231–235

formulations 6–10

fundamentals of good 22–32

involving formulation and process variables 217–236

screening 94–95

strategy for 34–37

using computer-aided design for 205–207

extreme vertices designs

about 121, 161

computation of 124–127

construction of for quadratic formulation models 143–146

XVERT algorithm for computing subsets of 171–179


face-centered-cube design (FCCD) 201

factors 23

FCCD (face-centered-cube design) 201

Fish patty experiment 221, 231–235

Fit Curve 228

Fit Model platform 63, 70

food 5, 11–13

formulation models

basic 60–65

multicollinearity in 255–263

formulation variables, experiments involving 217–236


See also screening formulations

aerosol 5

case studies 10–19

designs for formulations with process variables 221–225

development of 3–19

displaying compositions using trilinear coordinates 8–10

examples of 4–6

experimental designs for 43–54

experiments 6–10, 37–38, 209–213

number to test 32

robustness of 168–171

four-component flare experiment 135–140

four-component mixture space 140–143


gasoline blends 5

G-Efficiency 206–207

glass formulation optimization example 195–201

Goos, P. 162, 190

Graph Builder 78

graphical analysis

of four-component mixture space 140–143

of simplex screening designs 107–113


H1 models 243

Hackler, W.C. 242

Hare, L.B. 11

Heinsman, J.A. 253–254

Hirata, M. 129

histogram 76–77

Hoerl, R.W. 56, 66, 68, 255

Huisman, R. 13


integration 35

interactive models 219–221

I-Optimality Criterion 162, 189


JMP 149, 207–209

Jones, B. 162, 190


Kennard, R.W. 255

Kurotori, I.S. 100


lack of fit

assessing 145–146

F-ratio 146

test for 81

lattice 51

Leesawat, P. 250

Lenth's method 232

Lewis, G.A. 150

Li, W. 254

linear additive model 219

long edges

midpoints of 127–129

regions with 138–139

lower bounds, components with 121–122

lubricants  15–17

Lucas, J.M. 207

lurking variables 23


Marquardt, D.W. 49–50, 161, 175, 202, 258

Martinello, T. 17

McLean, R.A. 124, 171–172, 244

metal alloys 5

Microcel effect 167

midpoints, of long edges 127–129

Minitab 149

MIXSOFT algorithm 149

Model Effects dialog box 62


about 55

additive 219–221

advanced forms 241–247

blending 161–162

building process for 56–59

Cox 105, 111

evaluating and criticizing 65–69

formulation 60–65, 255–263

linear additive 219

with more than three components  86–90

non-linear 225–228

quadratic 143–146, 201–204

slack variable 62, 238, 240

specifications for 238–241

Montgomery, D.C. 66, 67, 69, 146, 162, 190, 225, 228, 231, 253–254, 257–258


about 255–257

addressing 260–263

in formulation models 255–263

impact of 259–260

quantifying 257–259

multicomponent constraints, designs for formulation systems with 147–150

multiple responses, handling 250–254

multiplicative model 220

Myers, R.H. 86, 87


non-linear blending 45

non-linear models 225–228

normal probability plot 74–75


objectives, well-defined 23

optimization phase 37

Optimum Design Algorithm 162


paints 5

pharmaceutical tablets 4, 13–15, 17–19

Piepel, G.F. 62, 104, 149, 164, 165, 166, 193, 195, 201, 250

Piepel effect direction 164–165

Plackett-Burman designs 172, 176, 181–183, 202

plastic part formulation example and case study 187–188, 190–195

plots, basic 59–60

prediction 34

Prediction Profiler 89

Prescott, P. 219

process variables

about 218

designs for formulations with 221–225

experiments involving 217–236

proportions 23

pseudo replicates 143

pure error 146


quadratic blending model, design considerations for 188–190

quadratic models

construction of extreme vertices designs for 143–146

creating designs for using XVERT algorithm 201–204


randomization 24–28

Rayner, A.A. 257–258

reference blend 163

regions, with long edges 138–139

replication 31–32, 145–146

residual analysis 69–82

response optimization 247–250

response surface designs 51–53

response surface methodology

basics of 21–39

with constrained systems 185–213

Richter scale 82–83

ridge regression 262

RMSE (root mean square error) 67, 200, 232

rocket propellants 5

root mean square error (RMSE) 67, 200, 232

rubber 6

run chart 77


saturated design 145, 162

Scheffé models 60–61, 78, 83–84, 239, 242, 243, 244, 249, 254

screening designs

about 48–51

post- 113–114

simplex 99–107

screening experiments 94–95

screening formulations

case study 159–161

components of 93–115

concepts for 95–99

constrained systems 157–180

purpose of screening experiments 94–95

strategy for 158–159

screening phase 36

simplex 10

simplex designs 45–48, 99–113

simplex in terms of pseudo-components 121–122

simplex-centroid designs 47, 54

simplex-lattice designs 53

slack variable model 62, 238, 240

Snee, R.D. 49–50, 56, 62, 66, 68, 69, 104, 120, 143, 161, 164–166, 175, 193, 202, 224, 228, 229, 231, 242–243, 257–258

soxhlet leaching weight loss 196

"special" cubic model 64

Specialized Modeling platform 228

spinel phase yield 196

St. John, R.C. 243, 246, 247, 262

standard error of the average of y 31–32

strategies, recommended 229–230

subsets, of extreme vertices 171–179

Suich, R. 252–254

summary statistics 59–60

sustained release tablet development and case study 129–135, 150–155


temperature viscosity 196

textile fiber blends 6

T-Optimality Criterion 162

trace components 33

transformation, of variables 82–86

trilinear coordinates, displaying formulation compositions using 8–10

23 factorial design 221


unconstrained components 33–34



environmental 28

lurking 23

process 217–236

transformation of 82–86

variance inflation factors (VIFs) 257

variation 29–31


See also extreme vertices designs

computation of 135–136

identification of clusters of 143–144

VIFs (variance inflation factors) 257


XONAEV algorithm 149

XVERT algorithm

about 159, 162, 189

for computing subsets of extreme vertices 171–179

creating designs for quadratic models using 201–204

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