The truth is, although we gave birth to the term Storyscaping during a client conference, the whole concept had been forming in our halls for years. This was hardly a bolt from the blue. In no way do we claim to be the sole architects of this thinking. What we did was play the role of curator, connector, and craftsperson. Credit goes to Laura McFarlane, who had been working for years on the concept of the “experience space”; Dr. Todd Cherkasky, Dr. Rick Robinson, and John Cain, who taught us all the power of ethnography; Sheldon Monteiro, who showed us how to leverage technology in order to enable amazing experiences; Donald Chestnut, for insight into the world of experience design and innovation; and the entire and wonderful team at SapientNitro, who have helped challenge, test, and evolve the perspective and practices in so many ways and on so many levels. Also, to our clients, who inspire us to challenge convention and change the game every day. And, of course, to Malcolm Poynton, who had been preaching to all of us to stop using a period and the end of every TV spot and start using the all-mighty comma.

Special thanks goes to Alan Herrick, Bill Kanarick, and the rest of our leadership team, who encouraged us to write this thing in the first place and to our passionate and brilliant team, without whom this book would have been nothing but an idea: Kiran, for project managing absolutely everything; Liz, for your calm and inspiring team management; John, Ariel, Jorge, Andrew, Rafael, and Francis for our fantastic cover, images, and design work; Sarah, for her words of wit and wonder; Sopurkha, for her editorial wizardry and spiritual balance; and Michelle and Dana, for managing our world and ensuring we had time to write.

And finally, to our loved ones, Amanda, Michelle, and Little G, who have provided unwavering support and understanding throughout.

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