Appendix. Bootstrapping Spring applications

There are a lot of ways to kick-start your Spring projects, and which you choose is largely a matter of personal taste. Many of the choices will be decided by which is your favorite IDE.

All but one of these options are based on the Spring Initializr, which is a REST API that generates Spring Boot projects for you. The various IDE choices are nothing more than clients for that REST API. Additionally, there are a few ways to use the Spring Initializr API outside of your IDE.

This appendix takes a quick look at all of these options.

A.1. Initializing a project with Spring Tool Suite

To initialize a new Spring project with Spring Tool Suite, choose the Spring Starter Project menu option from the File > New menu, as shown in figure A.1.

Figure A.1. Starting a new project in Spring Tool Suite


This is an abbreviated description of using Spring Tool Suite to initialize a Spring project. For a more detailed explanation, see section 1.2.1.

You’ll be shown the first page of the project creation dialog box (figure A.2). On this page, you’ll define basic project information, such as the project’s name, coordinates (group ID and artifact ID), version, and base package name. You can also specify whether the project will be built with Maven or Gradle, whether the build will produce a JAR file or a WAR file, which version of Java to build with, and even an alternate JVM language to use, such as Groovy or Kotlin.

Figure A.2. Defining basic project information

The first field on this page asks you to specify the location of the Spring Initializr service. If you’re running or using a custom instance of the Initializr, you’ll want to specify the base URL of the Initializr service here. Otherwise, you’ll be fine leaving it with the default that points to

After you’ve defined the basic project information, click Next to see the project dependencies page (figure A.3).

Figure A.3. Specifying project dependencies

On the project dependencies page, you can specify all of the dependencies your project will need. Many of these dependencies are Spring Boot Starter dependencies, although some other dependencies are commonly used in Spring projects.

The available dependencies are listed on the left side, organized in groups that can be expanded or collapsed. If you’re having trouble finding a dependency, you can also search for dependencies to narrow your choices down.

To add a dependency to the generated project, check the check box next to the dependency name. Your selections will appear in the list on the right side under the Selected header. You can remove a dependency by clicking the X next to the selected dependency. Or click Clear Selection to remove all selected dependencies.

As an added convenience, if you find that you have a certain core set of dependencies that you always (or often) use for your projects, you can click the Make Default button after selecting those dependencies, and they’ll already be checked the next time you create a project.

After making your selections, click Finish to generate the project and add it to your workspace.

If, however, you want to use an Initializr other than the one at, click Next to set the Initializr base URL, as shown in figure A.4.

Figure A.4. Optionally specifying the Initializr base URL

The Base Url field specifies the URL where the Initializr API is listening. This is the only field you can change on this page. The Full Url field shows the complete URL that will be used to request a new project from the Initializr.

A.2. Initializing a project with IntelliJ IDEA

To get started on a new Spring project in IntelliJ IDEA, choose the Project menu item from the File > New menu, as shown in figure A.5.

Figure A.5. Starting a new Spring project in IntelliJ IDEA

This opens up the first page of a new Spring Initializr project wizard (see figure A.6). On this page, you can usually just click Next to go to the next page of the wizard. But if you want to use a Spring Initializr different from the one at, you’ll need to select the Custom radio button and enter the base URL of the Spring Initializr you want to use.

Figure A.6. Selecting the location of the Spring Initializr

After clicking Next, you’ll be presented with a page that asks for essential project information, as shown in figure A.7. You may recognize some of the fields on this page as information that might appear in a Maven pom.xml file—in fact, if you select Maven Project from the Type field, that’s exactly how it will be used. You’re welcome to choose Gradle Project instead if Gradle is your preference.

Figure A.7. Specifying essential project information in IntelliJ IDEA

Once you’ve filled in the essential project information, click Next to be shown the project dependencies page (figure A.8).

Figure A.8. Selecting project dependencies

The dependencies are organized by category in the far-left list. Selecting a category will result in that category’s options being presented in the middle list. Your selected dependencies will be listed (according to category) in the right list.

After all of your dependencies have been selected, click Next. You’ll be presented with the final page of the project wizard, as shown in figure A.9, which asks you to name the project and specify where the project should reside on your disk.

Figure A.9. Setting the project name and location

Click Finish and your project will be created and loaded into the IntelliJ IDEA workspace.

A.3. Initializing a project with NetBeans

To create a new Spring project in NetBeans, start by selecting the New Project menu item under the File menu, as shown in figure A.10.

Figure A.10. Starting a new Spring project in NetBeans

You’ll be shown the first page of the new project wizard. As shown in figure A.11, this page will let you choose what kind of project you want to create.

Figure A.11. Creating a new Spring Boot Initializr project

For a Spring Boot project, select Maven from the category list on the left, and then select Spring Boot Initializr Project from the project list on the right. Then click Next to move to the next page.

The second page in the new project wizard (figure A.12) lets you set essential project information, such as the project name, version, and other information that will ultimately be used to define the project in a Maven pom.xml file.

Figure A.12. Specifying essential project information

After you’ve specified the basic project information, click Next to navigate to the dependencies page in the new project wizard, shown in figure A.13.

Figure A.13. Selecting project dependencies

Dependencies are all listed as check boxes in the same list, organized by category. If you have trouble finding the specific dependency you need, you can use the Filter text box at the top to limit the list of options.

You can also specify which version of Spring Boot you wish to use on this page. It will be set to the current generally available version of Spring Boot by default.

Once you’ve selected the dependencies for your project, click Next to navigate to the last page of the new project wizard, shown in figure A.14.

Figure A.14. Specifying the project’s name and location

This page lets you specify some final details about the project, including the project name and location on the filesystem. (The Project Folder field is read-only and derived from the other two fields.) It also gives you the option to run and debug your project through the Maven Spring Boot plugin instead of through NetBeans. You may also choose to have NetBeans remove the Maven wrapper from the generated project.

Once you’ve set the final bit of project information, click Finish to generate the project and have it added to your NetBeans workspace.

A.4. Initializing a project at

Although one of the IDE-based initialization options described thus far will likely suit your needs, it’s possible that you may use a completely different IDE, or you might favor working with a simpler text editor. In that case, you can still take advantage of the Spring Initializr using the Initializr web-based interface.

To get started, direct your favorite web browser to You should see the simple version of the Spring Initializr web user interface, shown in figure A.15.

Figure A.15. The simple version of the Spring Initializr web interface

In the simple version of the Initializr web application, you’re only asked for some very basic information, including whether you want to build with Maven or Gradle, which language you want to develop the project with, which version of Spring Boot to build against, and the group and artifact IDs of the project.

You’ll also have the option of specifying dependencies by typing search criteria in the Search for Dependencies box. For example, as shown in figure A.16, you can type “web” to search for any dependencies where “web” is a keyword.

Figure A.16. Searching for dependencies

When you see the dependency you want, press Return on your keyboard to select it, and it will be added to the list of selected dependencies. The boxes beneath Selected Dependencies in figure A.17 show that the Web, Thymeleaf, DevTools, and Lombok dependencies have been selected.

Figure A.17. Selecting dependencies

If you decide you don’t need a selected dependency, you can click the X to the right of the dependency entry to remove it.

When you’re finished, you can click the Generate Project button (or use the keyboard shortcut displayed on the button, which will vary by operating system) to have the Initializr generate the project and download it as a zip file. Then you can unzip the project and load it in whatever IDE or editor you choose.

If you prefer a little more control, you can click the Switch to the Full Version link under Generate Project to expand the user interface with more fields and a complete listing of check boxes for all available dependencies. Figure A.18 shows a little bit of what the full version of the web interface looks like.

Figure A.18. The full version of the Initializr user interface

Most of the fields in the full version are derived from the Group and Artifact fields or have default values when you’re using the simple version. The full version gives you the opportunity to override those derived/default values if you wish.

Figure A.18 only shows a small sample of the set of dependency check boxes that are available in the full version, so you might scroll a lot to find what you’re looking for. Fortunately, the search box still works in the full version of the user interface.

A.5. Initializing a project from the command line

The IDE and browser-based user interfaces for the Spring Initializr are probably the most common way that you’ll bootstrap your projects. They’re all just clients of a REST service offered by the Initializr application. In some special cases (for example, in a scripted scenario), you might find it useful to consume the Initializr service directly from the command line.

There are two ways to consume the API:

  • Using the curl command (or some similar command-line REST client command)
  • Using the Spring Boot Command Line Interface (aka, Spring Boot CLI)

Let’s look at these options, starting with the curl command.

A.5.1. curl and the Initializr API

The simplest way to bootstrap a Spring project with curl is to consume the API like this:

% curl -o

In this case, you’re requesting the / endpoint from the Initializr, which will generate a Spring project and download it as a zip file. The generated project will be Maven-built and will have no dependencies other than the base Spring Boot starter dependency. All project information in the project’s pom.xml file will be set to default values.

If you don’t specify otherwise, the name of the file will be But in this case, the -o option specifies that the downloaded file should be named

The publicly available Spring Initializr server is hosted at, but if you’re using a custom Initializr, you’ll need to adapt the given URL accordingly.

You’ll probably want to specify a few more details and dependencies beyond the given defaults. Table A.1 lists all of the parameters (and their defaults) when consuming the Spring Initializr REST service.

Table A.1. Request parameters supported by the Initializr API



Default value

groupId The project’s group ID, for the sake of organization in a Maven repository. com.example
artifactId The project’s artifact ID, as it would appear in a Maven repository. demo
version The project version. 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
name The project name. Also used to determine the name of the application’s main class (with an Application suffix). demo
description The project description. Demo project for Spring Boot
packageName The project’s base package name. com.example.demo
dependencies Dependencies to include in the project’s build specification. The base Spring Boot starter
type The kind of project to generate. Either maven-project or gradle-project. maven-project
javaVersion The version of Java to build with. 1.8
bootVersion The version of Boot to build against. The current GA version of Spring Boot
language The programming language to use. Either java, groovy, or kotlin. java
packaging How the project should be packaged. Either jar or war. jar
applicationName The name of the application. The value of the name parameter
baseDir The name of the base directory in the generated archive. The root directory

You can also get this list of parameters, as well as a list of available dependencies, by making a simple request to the base Initializr URL:

% curl

The dependencies parameter is the one you’ll probably find the most useful. For example, suppose that you want to create a simple web project with Spring. The following command-line use of curl will produce a project zip with the web starter as a dependency:

% curl 
      -d dependencies=web 

As a more complex example, suppose you wanted to develop a web application that uses Spring Data JPA for data persistence. You also want to build it with Gradle and the project should be under a directory named my-dir within the zip file. And let’s suppose that rather than just download a zip file, you want the project unpacked into your filesystem upon download. In that case, the following command should do the trick:

% curl 
       -d dependencies=web,data-jpa 
       -d type=gradle-project
       -d baseDir=my-dir | tar -xzvf -

Here, the downloaded zip file is piped to the tar command for unpacking.

A.5.2. Spring Boot command-line interface

The Spring Boot CLI is another option for initializing Spring applications. You can install the Spring Boot CLI in many ways, but probably the easiest way (and my favorite) is to use SDKMAN (

% sdk install springboot

Once the Spring Boot CLI is installed, you can start using it to generate projects, much like with curl. The command you’ll use is spring init. In fact, the simplest way to use the Spring Boot CLI to generate a project is like this:

% spring init

This will result in a barebones Spring Boot project being downloaded in a zip file named

However, you’ll probably want to specify more details and dependencies. Table A.2 lists all of the parameters available to the spring init command.

Table A.2. Request parameters supported by the spring init command



Default value

group-id The project’s group ID, for the sake of organization in a Maven repository. com.example
artifact-id The project’s artifact ID, as it would appear in a Maven repository. demo
version The project version. 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
name The project name. Also used to determine the name of the application’s main class (with an Application suffix). demo
description The project description. Demo project for Spring Boot
package-name The project’s base package name. com.example.demo
dependencies Dependencies to include in the project’s build specification. The base Spring Boot starter
type The kind of project to generate. Either maven-project or gradle-project. maven-project
java-version The version of Java to build with. 1.8
boot-version The version of Boot to build against. The current GA version of Spring Boot
language The programming language to use. Either java, groovy, or kotlin. java
packaging How the project should be packaged. Either jar or war. jar

You can also get this list of parameters, as well as a list of available dependencies, by using the --list parameter:

% spring init --list

Suppose you wish to create a web application that builds against Java 1.7. The following command uses the --dependencies and --java parameters to make those choices:

% spring init --dependencies=web --java-version=1.7

Or suppose you want to create a web application with Spring Data JPA for persistence, and you’d like to use Gradle to perform the build instead of Maven. You’d use the following command:

% spring init --dependencies=web,jpa --type=gradle-project

You may also notice that many of the spring init parameters are the same as or similar to the parameters for the curl option. That said, the spring init command doesn’t support all of the same parameters as the curl option (baseDir, for example) and the parameters are hyphen-delimited instead of camel-cased (for example, package-name versus packageName).

A.6. Creating Spring applications with a meta-framework

It’s also worth noting that there are a couple of frameworks that are built on top of Spring and Spring Boot:

These meta-frameworks offer higher-level rapid development of Spring applications, while still offering everything that Spring and Spring Boot offer.

These meta-frameworks each offer their own unique development model and are, in fact, frameworks in their own right, so it wouldn’t do them justice to simply present them as project initialization mechanisms in this appendix. Indeed, they each could have entire books written about them.

I won’t delve into how to use these meta-frameworks to initialize a Spring project. Nevertheless, I include them here to make you aware that they are other ways to initialize and develop Spring applications.

A.7. Building and running projects

No matter how you initialize your project, you can always run the application from the command line with the java -jar command:

% java -jar demo.jar

This will even work if you decide to create a WAR file distribution instead of a JAR file:

% java -jar demo.war

You can also take advantage of the Spring Boot Maven and Gradle plugins to run your application. For example, if your project is built with Maven, you can run it like this:

% mvn spring-boot:run

If, on the other hand, you’ve chosen to build your project with Gradle, you can run your project like this:

% gradle bootRun

In either case, whether using Maven or Gradle, the build tool will first build your project (if it hasn’t already been built) and run it.

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