List of Tables

Chapter 2. Developing web applications

Table 2.1. Spring MVC request-mapping annotations

Table 2.2. Supported template options

Table 2.3. Properties to enable/disable template caching

Chapter 4. Securing Spring

Table 4.1. Configuration methods to define how a path is to be secured

Table 4.2. Spring Security extensions to the Spring Expression Language

Chapter 6. Creating REST services

Table 6.1. Spring MVC’s HTTP request-handling annotations

Chapter 7. Consuming REST services

Table 7.1. RestTemplate defines 12 unique operations, each of which is overloaded, providing a total of 41 methods.

Chapter 8. Sending messages asynchronously

Table 8.1. Properties for configuring the location and credentials of an Artemis broker

Table 8.2. Properties for configuring the location and credentials of an ActiveMQ broker

Table 8.3. Spring message converters for common conversion tasks (all in the package)

Table 8.4. Properties for configuring the location and credentials of a RabbitMQ broker

Chapter 9. Integrating Spring

Table 9.1. Spring Integration provides over two dozen endpoint models for integration with external systems.

Chapter 10. Introducing Reactor

Table 10.1. Concurrency models for Schedulers

Chapter 11. Developing reactive APIs

Table 11.1. WebTestClient tests any kind of request against Spring WebFlux controllers.

Chapter 16. Working with Spring Boot Actuator

Table 16.1. Actuator endpoints for peeking inside and manipulating the state of a running Spring Boot application

Appendix Appendix. Bootstrapping Spring applications

Table A.1. Request parameters supported by the Initializr API

Table A.2. Request parameters supported by the spring init command

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