Report Navigation

As you begin to use the Microsoft CRM reports, you will notice that the navigation from report to report is very standard. Most reports include the following navigational controls (referenced in Figure 10.2) :

  • Refresh

  • Export

  • Print

  • Filter

  • Find

  • Group Tree

  • View Selection

    • Sub Reports

  • Page Buttons

Figure 10.2. The components of a typical Microsoft CRM Crystal report.

Microsoft CRM reports are Crystal reports, which are displayed in a new window. To simply view these reports, there is no need for additional software on the user's machine. The first time a user attempts to view a Microsoft CRM report, he is presented with a screen asking him to authorize the download of the Crystal Smart Viewer ActiveX control to his browser. Figure 10.1 shows the screen requesting the user's permission to download the Crystal Smart Viewer ActiveX control.

Figure 10.1. Accepting the Crystal Smart Viewer download.

For creation of new reports or modification of the existing reports, Crystal Reports Designer is necessary, along with an enhancement component that makes Crystal aware of the Microsoft CRM schema. Crystal Reports designer is a separate purchase from Microsoft CRM. The enhancement component is free.


Microsoft CRM reports are pulling data from the Microsoft CRM database in real time. Although the Microsoft CRM server installation creates a database titled <Organization>_CRMCRYSTAL this database is used for tracking the report objects themselves, not the report data. Notice that if you view a report, and then make changes to CRM records used in creating the report, you will immediately see those changes in the report when you refresh it. This is both good and bad. While it is nice that the reports are displaying the most up-to-date information, running the reports directly against the transactional CRM database creates additional load that may affect system performance for users accessing the Microsoft CRM client applications.

Microsoft CRM reports are available exclusively from the Microsoft CRM Web client and, like the Web client, require that the user have access to the CRM server. Currently no reports run from the Microsoft CRM Sales for Outlook client.

Microsoft CRM reports come in two flavors: reports and charts. All reports and charts are interactive in that they accept some amount of manipulation and provide features such as drill downs and filtering.

Figure 10.2 shows the Microsoft CRM Account List By Sales Rep report. This report is fairly typical of the Microsoft CRM reports. By default it lists header and detail information on all Account records. It is broken into multiple pages with information about several Accounts on each page.

Searching within Reports

Using the Search Box enables the user to search across the fields that are displayed on the report pages themselves. This search will not search through fields that are on the records but not presented in the report. For example, if you are searching the Account List By Sales Rep report by SIC code, your search returns no results because SIC code is not a standard field on that report. You might think of this search function as being much like searching on a typical Web page using your browser.

Filtering Reports

The Filter Button to the right of the report screen enables the user to filter which records are actually returned to the screen. The filter button can filter on fields that are not on the report. However, the report still displays only those fields that it has been configured to display. Going back to our earlier example, you can filter the Account List By Sales Rep report by SIC code and reduce the number of records that are returned to the report, but the SIC codes of the retrieved records will not be displayed in the report. Figure 10.3 illustrates the use of the Filter Button.

Figure 10.3. Using the filter button to reduce the number of records returned to the report.

Grouping Reports

Many of the reports in Microsoft CRM are based on one root report, but are grouped a number of different ways. Reading through the report list later in this chapter you can see the similarities in the report names. The Group Tree button can be used to see the grouped list of records that make up the report. If the report is not grouped, an ungrouped list of the records in the report is listed. For example, if you view the Account List report and click the Group Tree button, you will see a list of all Accounts in the report. If you view the Account List By City report and click the Group Tree button, you are able to expand the node next to the name of each City to see that City's Accounts. Figure 10.4 shows both of these reports side by side.

Figure 10.4. Viewing the Group Tree for an ungrouped and a grouped report.

Drilling Down to Subreports

Many of the Microsoft CRM reports enable the user to click information within the content area. Doing so creates a subreport that displays to the user a subset of the data she was viewing. For example, in the Opportunity List By City report, the user is able to click the Report Group bar to drill down to the opportunities for a particular city. This presents a subreport with a title that is listed in the Report Selection list. To return to the main report, the user can then select the default view, titled Preview From the Report Selection list.

Using subreports and the Report Selection menu, a user can compare the information by quickly moving from one set of results to the next. This is shown in Figure 10.5.

Figure 10.5. Using subreports on the Report Preview menu to quickly navigate across results sets.


Charts in Microsoft CRM graphically illustrate what is happening with the data. One of the best charts is the Pipeline Chart Report By Sales Stage (Sales Process). This is the traditional sales funnel chart over which Sales VPs drool. The Sales Process at the end of the Chart name is a convention to indicate that the report is grouped by sales process. Because we know that Microsoft CRM can support any number of diverse sales processes, this report sorts them out so that you're not viewing all sales stages in a single chart. Figure 10.6 shows the Pipeline Chart Report by Sales Stage (Sales Process).

Figure 10.6. The Pipeline Chart Report By Sales Stage (Sales Process) chart presents a different chart for each sales process.

Clicking any slice of the funnel drills down into a subreport listing the opportunities that make up that stage.

It is worth mentioning that with many reports, filtering is not limited to the records against which you are reporting. For example, with the Opportunity Pipeline reports you can filter based on attributes of the Opportunity records as well as attributes of the Account records. Figure 10.7 displays this with a Pipeline report.

Figure 10.7. Filtering a Pipeline chart by Opportunity or Account attributes.

Exporting Report Data

Exporting report data is a simple task, just produce the report you want to export, click the export button, and select the format in which you want to export the report. Microsoft CRM gives you the option of exporting the reports into Excel, Word, or Crystal Reports formats. This is illustrated in Figure 10.8.

Figure 10.8. Report data can be easily exported to Microsoft Word, Excel, or Crystal Reports formats.

If the report has been filtered, only the filtered data is exported. If you are viewing a subreport and click export, all report data, not just the subreport data, is exported.

Although exporting reports is a simple task, the export serves more as a vehicle for producing a copy of the report you could send through email or take away from the system. Exported reports look just like the onscreen reports. Exported reports do not arrange the data in a straight data format that could be used for pivot tables or other analysis.

Reports exported to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word both use the same format as the onscreen reports generated through the Microsoft CRM Web client. Figure 10.9 shows a report that has been exported to Microsoft Excel.

Figure 10.9. A Microsoft CRM report exported to Microsoft Excel.

Similarly, Figure 10.10 shows a report that has been exported to Microsoft Word. Notice that it looks nearly identical to the report that was exported to Excel.

Figure 10.10. A Microsoft CRM report exported to Microsoft Word.

Reports Table

The following tables outline what each report does and, in many cases, the strengths and weaknesses of it. In many cases, these reports do exactly what you would expect. In other cases, the data they present might not match what the title implies.

Sales reports in Microsoft CRM center around the concept of the Sales Opportunity object, its related objects (Quotes, Orders, Competitors, and so on) and the core Contact and Account objects that support it. While there are numerous (89) sales reports, many of them are similar to each other but are grouped in various ways.

Before we dive into the report list, let's discuss the concept of the sales pipeline. Many of the sales Opportunity reports use the word pipeline in their titles. The word pipeline is used to indicate that the reports contain data on Opportunities that are in an open status. In other words, data on Opportunities that have already been closed as won or lost will not appear in these reports. Opportunity reports that do not use the word pipeline often include data from all Opportunities regardless of status.

Another concept worth mentioning with respect to Sales Opportunity reports is how these reports accommodate the Standard and Professional Editions of Microsoft CRM. We know that the Professional version of Microsoft CRM includes workflow that can be used to create sales processes which are broken down into sales stages. Because the Standard edition of Microsoft CRM does not have workflow, a field on the Opportunity object is used to designate the Opportunity's sales stage. This field is named salesstagecode. Professional users will likely not even know it exists.

As you browse through the list of Opportunity reports, notice that there are several reports with (Sales Process) listed next to them. Listed immediately prior to these reports is a report by the exact same name, but without (Sales Process). These are pairs of reports, the first for use with the Standard edition and the second for use with the Professional edition. The Standard edition version of the report pulls its sales stages information from the salesstagecode field while the Professional edition pulls its sales stage information from workflow driven sales process listed on the Activities, Sales Process tab of the Opportunity record.

Table 10.1. Sales Reports
Report Category & TitleReport DescriptionType
Sales Reports (89)Sales reports are accessed from a tab named Sales Reports in the left navigation bar of the Reports area. Keep in mind that reports can only be accessed from the Microsoft CRM Web client. The Microsoft CRM Outlook client has a link to reports from its Online Services page, but this simply launches a browser window pointed to the Web client.Area
Sales—Account Reports (15)Category heading for viewing the list of Account reports.Category
Account Activity and NotesOne Account per page with an Index of Accounts accessed using the Group Tree button. Each Account page lists Account overview information and full text and details of all directly attached Notes and Activities. Does not list detail on Note or Activity attachments. Also does not list Notes attached to the Account's Activities. Each Note and Activity record has a drill down link to a subreport.Report
Account ChartThis chart is somewhat misleading. It displays a pie chart titled Revenue By Account, but the revenue by account metric refers to the Annual Revenue field on the Account record. You'll have to define that field and fill it with meaningful data to make this report work for you. You could do this through workflow if you want, incrementing the field with each closed invoice to keep a running total of revenue from the account. Another option would be to populate the Annual Revenue field with data from your back office system. You can click any slice of this report and drill down to a list of Primary Contacts by Account. There is a generic slice called Other into which all Accounts with lower revenue fall. Figure 10.11 shows the Revenue by Account chart. Chart
Account Chart by IndustrySame as Account Chart except grouped using the Industry field on the Account screen Details tab.Chart
Account Chart by State-ProvinceSame as Account Chart except grouped using the State field on the Account screen General tab.Chart
Account Chart by StatusSame as Account Chart except grouped using the Account's Status. Because Accounts can only have Active and Inactive Statuses, this report does not provide a lot of information.Chart
Account Chart by TerritorySame as Account Chart except grouped using the Territory field on the Account screen Details tab.Chart
Account Details ReportIncludes one Account per page with general information as well as a list of all Opportunities, Quotes, Orders, and Invoices. Clicking an Opportunity, Quote, Order, or Invoice item drills down to detail on that item in a subreport.Report
Account ListList of all Accounts with overview information. 4 to 5 Accounts listed per page.Report
Account List by CitySame as Account List, but grouped by City. The Group Tree button displays a list of cities and enables users to expand each one to see the Account in that City.Report
Account List by IndustrySame as Account List by City except grouped by the Account Industry field.Report
Account List by Sales RepSame as Account List by City except grouped by the Account's owner (user).Report
Account List by State-ProvinceSame as Account List by City except grouped by the Account State field.Report
Account List by StatusSame as Account List by City except grouped by the Account's Status (Active or Inactive).Report
Account List by TerritorySame as Account List by City except grouped by the Account Territory field.Report
Account List by Zip-Postal CodeSame as Account List by City except grouped by the Account Zip-Postal Code field.Report
Sales–Activity Reports (4)Category heading for viewing the list of Activity ReportsCategory
Activity ListLists all Activities and provides detail on each one. This report could get unwieldy quickly. The filter button enables filtering based on Activity or Account fields, so this can be used as a tool for easy viewing of all Activity records attached to an Account.Report
Activity List by AccountSame as Activity List, but grouped by Account.Report
Activity List by StatusSame as Activity List, but grouped by Activity status (Open, Completed, Cancelled).Report
Activity List by TypeSame as Activity List, but grouped by Activity Type (Task, Email, and so on).Report
Sales–Competitor Reports (2)Category heading for viewing the list of Competitor ReportsCategory
Competitor List by ProductLists Competitor records that have Product records linked to them. Competitor records without linked Product records will not show up.Report
Competitor List WonLists Competitors that have been linked to Opportunities where the Opportunity was closed with a Status of Won. If you link multiple Competitors to an Opportunity and close it as Won, the report shows a win against each of these Competitors.Report
Sales–Contact Reports (3)Category heading for viewing the list of Competitor Reports.Category
Contact Activity and NotesSame report as the Account Activity and Notes report except with Contacts.Report
Contact ListSame report as the Account List report except with Contacts.Report
Contact List by AccountList of Contacts with basic information, one line per Contact. Grouped by Account.Report
Sales–Invoice Reports (4)Category heading for viewing the list of Invoice Reports.Category
Invoice DetailOne Invoice per page with all Invoice information.Report
Invoice List by CustomerOne page per customer (Contact or Account) with a list of all Invoices for that customer. Does not allow drill down into Invoice details.Report
Invoice List by StatusList of Invoices by Status (Active, Inactive).Report
Sales–Lead Reports (3)Category heading for viewing the list of Lead Reports.Category
Lead ListListing of Leads with preview information.Report
Lead List by Lead SourceListing of Leads with basic information. Grouped by Lead Source. List all Lead Statuses (Open, Qualified, Disqualified).Report
Lead Source SummaryThis report is listed as a Report, but also has a Chart in it. Displays a pie chart showing a slice for each Lead source. User is able to click a slice and drill down into a specific Lead Source to see Leads in that Category.Report
Sales–Miscellaneous Sales Reports (0)There are no reports in this category.Category
Sales–Opportunity Reports (40)Category heading for viewing the list of Opportunity ReportsCategory
Contact List By OpportunityAs you would suspect, this report lists all Opportunities (to which the user has access) and their associated Contacts. The list of Contacts includes all the linked Other Contacts as well as the Owner if the Owner is a Contact record or the Account's primary Contact if the Owner is an Account.Report
Converted Leads to Opportunities ChartYou might suspect that this report would display all Leads that have been converted to Opportunity records. However, the report displays only information on “won” Opportunities that have been converted from Leads. The report shows a single bar for each month indicating the number of leads converted to opportunities and closed as “won” in that month.Chart
Opportunity Activity and NotesOne page per opportunity with a list of all Activities (including detail) associated with the Opportunity. Any report listing Activities tends to get large, but this report could be an easy way to quickly read through Opportunity details without a lot of clicking. Exporting it would be a way of providing a non-CRM user with Opportunity details.Report
Opportunity Contact ListDon't confuse this report with the Contact List By Opportunity report. This report always lists one Contact per Opportunity; that being the Parent Contact or the Primary Contact of the Parent Account.Report
Opportunity DetailOne page per Opportunity including Opportunity record details and lists of Other Contacts, Products, and Activities.Report
Opportunity ListList of all Opportunity records with preview information for each.Report
Opportunity List By AccountSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Account.Report
Opportunity List By BusinessSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Business Unit.Report
Opportunity List By CitySame as Opportunity List but grouped by Account City.Report
Opportunity List By Close DateSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Close Date. This report lists each Close Date to the day level, so there will be a grouping for all days that an Opportunity is projected to close.Report
Opportunity List By CompetitorSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Competitor. As you might expect, this report includes a single Opportunity multiple times if more than one Competitor record is linked to it.Report
Opportunity List By Estimated RevenueSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Estimated Revenue. Grouping is done by unique estimated revenue amount so, for example, Opportunities with estimated revenue of $50,000 fall into a different group (the $50,000 group) from Opportunities with estimated revenue of $50,001. Unless you have consistent revenue levels, this grouping might be too granular to be meaningful.Report
Opportunity List By Lead SourceSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Lead Source. Keep in mind that if your Opportunity records are not generated from a Lead conversion or are not linked to an originating Lead, their lead source will be blank.Report
Opportunity List By MonthSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Month. However, the Month used for the grouping is the “created on” month, not the “close date” month. If you import data and set the “created on” date to the import date, you only see one grouping in this report.Report
Opportunity List By Sales RepSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Sales Rep.Report
Opportunity List By Sales StageSame as Opportunity List but grouped by the Microsoft CRM Standard edition sales stage. This is the sales stage code field we discussed earlier. This report will be of no value to implementations of the Professional edition of Microsoft CRM.Report
Opportunity List By Sales Stage (Sales Process)Same as Opportunity List but grouped by the Microsoft CRM Professional edition sales stages as defined through workflow manager. It is important to note that because the Microsoft CRM Professional edition allows for multiple sales processes, this report is grouped by unique sales process.Report
Opportunity List By State-ProvinceSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Account State or Province.Report
Opportunity List By StatusSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Opportunity Status. Opportunity statuses are open, won, and lost.Report
Opportunity List By Territory.Same as Opportunity List but grouped by Account If the Opportunity record is parented by a Contact instead of an Account, no Territory is specified, regardless of whether the Contact is linked to an Account that is linked to a Territory.Report
Opportunity List Originating LeadThis is a list of all Opportunities grouped by their Originating Lead. Because each Opportunity has at the most one Originating Lead, this report grouping has very limited usage.Report
Opportunity List Won-Lost ChartBar graph of Opportunities closed by month closed. Each bar is broken into colors representing the percentage of Opportunities won, out sold, or canceled. Canceled and Out-sold are the default subresolutions the user can select when closing an Opportunity as Lost.Chart
Opportunity List Won-Lost Chart By Sales RepSame as Opportunity List Won-Lost Chart, but one page per Sales Rep.Chart
Opportunity List Zip-Postal CodeSame as Opportunity List but grouped by Zip-Postal Code.Report
Pipeline Chart Report by Originating LeadBar chart listing one bar per originating lead. Because most Leads result in only one Opportunity, this report likely ends up effectively listing one bar per Opportunity.Chart
Pipeline Chart Report by ProductBar chart listing all Products on open Opportunities. Each bar represents the overall projected revenue per Product. User can drill down to the Product level by clicking a bar. When at the Product level, the report is grouped by Close month.Chart
Pipeline Chart Report by Sales RepBar chart listing one bar per Sales Rep with the bar representing the total overall revenue. Drilling down into a Sales Rep's bar lists that Rep's Opportunities grouped by month. Beware that the revenue amount listed on each bar is the total, not weighted, revenue amount for the Rep's Opportunities.Chart
Pipeline Chart Report by Sales StageThis is the Standard edition version of the traditional graphic funnel report that Sales VP's love. Clicking a slice/stage of the funnel lists the Opportunities in that stage. This report has no grouping.Chart
Pipeline Chart Report by Sales Stage (Sales Process)This is the Professional edition version of the previous report. This report is grouped by Sales Process so that conflicting processes/stages are not mixed in together. Each Sales Process has its own funnel graphic.Chart
Pipeline Chart Report by TerritoryBar chart listing one bar per Account Territory. Opportunities linked to Accounts end up in the Not Specified territory. A revenue number on each bar is the total revenue and not the weighted revenue.Chart
Pipeline Chart Report Sales ForecastTwo bar charts representing the sales opportunity pipe-line. The first bar chart shows potential revenue (raw revenue) grouped and totaled by month of estimated close date. The second bar chart shows the weighted revenue also grouped and totaled by month of estimated close date. Clicking the Group Tree button shows that the report is grouped by year. By default, the current year page is initially loaded. This report is a good way to get a quick idea of the overall pipeline as well as your sales team's overall confidence in the opportunity set. Figure 10.13 displays the main content of this report. Chart
Pipeline Forecast by Sales Stage ChartThis is the Standard edition version of the following report. This report is very similar to the Pipeline Chart Report by Sales Stage except that it is grouped by year. This is why the word Forecast is included in the title. The same concept applies to the following report.Chart
Pipeline Forecast by Sales Stage Chart (Sales Process)This is the Professional edition version of the traditional funnel chart. This report is very similar to the Pipeline Chart Report by Sales Stage (Sales Process) except that it is grouped by year. It is also grouped by Sales Process so that conflicting processes/stages are not mixed in together. Each Sales Process has its own funnel graphic. It is also grouped by Year and Sales Stage. Figure 10.14 displays the main content of this report. Notice that the two blue bars at the top of the report indicate the two levels of grouping; year (of estimated close dates) and sales process. Below the funnel chart, the report is further grouped by the stages of the sales process. Report
Pipeline ReportList of all open Opportunities.Report
Pipeline Report By Originating LeadList of all Opportunities by Lead Source. This report provides a simple listing of the key sales opportunity data points including customer, (estimated) close date, sales stage, value (revenue), probability, weighted value (revenue). Lists only opportunities that are in the open status.Report
Pipeline Report By ProductList of all Opportunities by containing certain opportunity products. This report provides sales personnel the ability to see all opportunities for a particular product line and determine how successful sales campaigns for each product are performing.Report
Pipeline Report By Sales RepAnother report written solely to appease the sales VP, this report presents the user with a bar chart subreport with estimated revenues and includes a salesperson breakdown of all active opportunities. Clicking within the bar chart retrieves more detail about a particular sales person. All and all, a very effective report for tracking sales rep effectiveness.Report
Pipeline Report By Sales StageThis is the Microsoft CRM Standard edition version of the simple pipeline report, grouped by sales stage(using the salesstagecode field). This report is similar to the Pipeline Chart Report By Sales Stage except that it includes no graphical representation of the data.Report
Pipeline Report By Sales Stage (Sales Process)This report is the Microsoft CRM Professional edition version of the previous report. It is grouped by Sales Process and Sales Stage.Report
Pipeline Report By TerritorySimilar report to the other Pipeline reports although this report makes use of the Sales Territory code entered on the opportunity form. This report enables sales management to track sales performance and forecasting of disparate sales teams for comparison and effective sales management.Report
Sales–Order Reports (5)Category heading for viewing the list of Order Reports.Category
Order ListEssentially, a list of all orders booked within the Microsoft CRM application. This report can become somewhat convoluted with information in that it is simply a list of all orders made. For more detailed organization of Order data, use one of the following reports.Report
Order List By CustomerThis report logically segments Order data to be organized by customer.Report
Order List By QuoteThis report logically segments Order data to be organized by Quote. Enables organizations to track the effectiveness of the quote/proposal process within an organization.Report
Order List By Sales RepQuite simply, this is just another extension of the Order List report, although this report is summarized by sales rep. Valuable information that can be extracted from this information is Order status and whether the organization is meeting its requested ship dates.Report
Order List By StatusAgain, another extension of the Order List report, but this report segments information by Status. For the same reasons listed in the previous report, the Order List by Status enables our organization to view whether it is meeting requested ship dates and where certain orders lie within the Order Fulfillment process.Report
Sales–Product Reports (4)Category heading for viewing the list of Product Reports.Category
Product ListBasic domain-level information regarding all opportunity products within the system. Where this report provides value is in the Quantity On Hand column within the report. This report enables full understanding and communication regarding inventory levels and back-order information.Report
Product Sold by ContactBy contract, a complete listing of products sold. This report works well in building internal best practices for how to structure contracts based on the effectiveness of a particular contract.Report
Product Sold by MonthMonthly listing of products sold using the Microsoft CRM system and the Opportunity object.Report
Product Sold by Sales RepSales and Sale Quantity information regarding a particular sales representative. This report is purely transactional reporting organized by Sales person.Report
Sales–Quote Reports (3)Category heading for viewing the list of Quote Reports.Category
Quote List by OpportunityThis report is structured so that sales reps and managers understand all the open proposals that might be associated with a particular opportunity.Report
Quote List by Sales RepProvides a logical grouping of all proposals that have been created by Sales representatives.Report
Quote List by StatusFollows a similar pattern as the previous two reports, but this report groups the information by Order Status.Report
Sales–Sales Literature Reports (2)Category heading for viewing the list of Sales Literature Reports.Category
Sales Literature ListListing of Sales Literature, internal contact, and expiration information regarding a certain piece of literature.Report
Sales Literature List By SubjectUsing the business logical grouping hierarchy, this report presents the user with all sales literature information structured by Microsoft CRM subjects.Report
Sales–Sales Quota Reports (4)Category heading for viewing the list of Sales Quota ReportsCategory
Sales Quota–Fiscal Periods By Sales RepQuota performance to actual for fiscal periods (as set in system customization), grouped by sales rep.Report
Sales Quota–Fiscal Periods By TerritorySame as the previous listing, but grouped by Territory.Report
Sales Quota List–All Sales RepsSales Reps and Quotas grouped by fiscal year.Report
Sales Quota List–All TerritoriesSame as above, but grouped by Territory.Report

Figure 10.11. The Revenue by Account chart in the Account Chart report.

Figure 10.13. The Pipeline Chart Report Sales Forecast.

Figure 10.14. The Pipeline Forecast by Sales Stage Chart (Sales Process).


In Chapter 12, “Workflow,” we see that Microsoft CRM creates a new sales process each time the sales process is modified. We'll get into the details of this later, but keep in mind that when viewing reports you may see what appears to be the same sales process listed multiple times. This occurs when a sales process has been deactivated and modified and then reactivated. Figure 10.12 shows an Opportunity List report with groupings by three different “Solution Selling” processes. This is displayed this way because Microsoft CRM sees these three iterations of the process as three different processes.

Figure 10.12. A modified sales process will be displayed as if it were different sales processes.

Customer Service reports in Microsoft CRM center around the concept of the Service Case object and the core Contact and Account objects that support it. While there are numerous (45) Customer Service reports, many of them are similar to each other but are grouped in various ways.

Table 10.2. Customer Service Reports
Report Category & TitleReport DescriptionType
Service Reports (45)Customer Service reports are accessed from a tab named “Sales Reports” in the left navigation bar of the Reports area.Area
Service–Account Reports (15)These reports are the same reports listed in the Sales–Account Reports section.Category
Service–Case Reports (23)Category heading for viewing the list of Service Case ReportsCategory
Account Service ReportReport showing all Cases recorded in the system for a particular Account.Report
Average Case Turnaround Time and Number Of Cases By OwnerChart of Users illustrating Cases grouped by Owner with the average time to resolve the case.Report
Case Activity and NotesListing of basic Case information with attached Activities and Notes.Report
Case Activity By CaseThis report did not appear to include any data at the time of this writing.Report
Case ListList of all cases tracked using Microsoft CRM.Report
Case List By ContactSame as Case List grouped by Contact.Report
Case List By CustomerSame as Case List grouped by Customer.Report
Case List By OwnerSame as Case List grouped by Owner.Report
Case List By ResolutionSame as Case List grouped by Resolution. Because the resolution is the free-form text the user enters upon closing a Case, the number of different (or differently worded) values continually increases making this report less and less useful as more Cases are resolved.Report
Case List By Status ReasonSame as Case List grouped by Status Reason. Because the status reason field values can be modified, this report as well as the Case Status Chart reports will likely be the best reports for analyzing the outcomes of Service Cases.Report
Case Resolution ChartPie chart of Cases by Resolution. Again, like the Case List by Resolution report, this report groups Cases by the free-form resolutions users enter when resolving a Case. It will be difficult to keep this list to a consistent set of values.Chart
Case Status ChartPie Chart of all Cases grouped by the Cases' Status Reason values (not Status!)fields. Because this report uses the Status Reason field, it is ideal for getting a quick overview of all Cases as well as the outcomes of the resolved Cases. Figure 10.15 shows this report. Clicking on any of the pie slices takes the user to a list of the Cases that make up that slice. Chart
Case SummaryShort overview of all Case records. No grouping.Report
Case Summary By CustomerSame as Case Summary but grouped by Customer (in other words Parent Contact or Account).Report
Case Summary By OwnerSame as Case Summary but grouped by Owner (User assigned to the Case).Report
Case Summary By ResolutionSame as Case Summary but grouped by Resolution. Again, this is the free-form text Resolution entered by the user, so this has questionable value unless your users are uncommonly consistent.Report
Case Summary By StatusSame as Case Summary but grouped by Status.Report
Case Turnaround TimeSimple listing of Cases with turnaround time in days. No grouping.Report
Case Turnaround Time By CustomerSame as Case Turnaround Time but grouped by Customer.Report
Case Turnaround Time By OwnerSame as Case Turnaround Time but grouped by Owner.Report
Cases Opened By Day ChartList of Cases that are opened for a particular date.Chart
Cases Resolved By Day ChartList of Cases that are resolved for a particular date.Chart
Top 10 Case Subject by Month ChartMonthly report enabling managers to understand what types of cases are being tracked using Microsoft CRM. This report is a bar graph showing a different bar for each month. The month is based on the creation date of Cases. Each bar is divided into colored segments illustrating the makeup of Cases by subject for the month. As the report name implies, this graph shows only the to p 10 subjects against which Cases were created in the month. Figure 10.16 shows the main content of this report. Chart
Service–Contact Reports (3)These reports are the same reports listed in the Sales–Contact Reports section.Category
Service–Contract Reports (1)Category heading for viewing the list of Service contact Reports.Category
Contract ListList of all Support Contracts within the system. Great report for providing details regarding all service level agreements signed by the organization.Report
Service–Knowledge Base Reports (3)Category heading for viewing the list of Service Knowledge Base Reports.Category
Knowledge Base ListList of all submissions made into the Microsoft CRM Knowledge Base.Report
Knowledge Base List By Publication StatusList of all submissions into the Knowledge Base, but arranged to reflect statusing within the Knowledge Base approval process.Report
Knowledge Base List By SubjectList of all article submissions made into the Knowledge Base that are organized by business hierarchy.Report
Service–Miscellaneous Service Reports (0)There are no reports in this category.Category

Figure 10.15. The Case Status Chart groups Cases into Status Reason slices of a pie chart.

Figure 10.16. Top 10 Case Subject by Month Chart.

The Microsoft Administrative reports provide information related to Users, Teams, and Business Units. These reports will be helpful to the CRM administrator and the individuals whose job it is to plan and manage the deployment.

Table 10.3. Administrative Reports
Report Category & TitleReport DescriptionType
Admin Reports (4) Area
Admin–Miscellaneous Admin Reports (0)There are no reports in this category.Category
Admin–User Reports (4)Category heading for viewing the list of User Reports.Category
User ListProvides a list of all system users and contact information.Report
User List By BusinessDisplays a list of users associated with a particular business unit.Report
User List By TeamDisplays a list of users associated with a particular business sales team.Report
User List By TerritoryDisplays a list of users associated with a particular sales territory.Report

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