
5.1-channel surround, 512–18

bass management, 516

international standards and configurations, 513–15

LFE channel, 515–17

limitations, 517

purpose, 512–13

signal levels, 518

subwoofers, 515–17

track allocations, 515

7.1-channel surround, 518–19

8-to-14 modulation, 260

10.2-channel surround, 520

100 volt lines:

principles, 365–6

working with, 366–8

600 ohms:

principles, 368–9

problems with, 369–70

1394 TA (Trade Association) documents, 439


A–B powering, 68–9

‘A’ curve, 20

‘A format’, 62

‘A’-gauge jack plug, 376

‘A’-weighting curve, 33

‘A’-weighted self-noise, 64

After Fade Listen (AFL), 130

AAF Low-Level Container Specification, 312

AAF Object Specification, 312

AAF SDK Reference Implementation, 312

AAF see Advanced authoring for

ABR see Auxiliary bass radiator

Absolute lock see Frame lock

Absolute phase reversal, 13

Absorption, 22

ABX test, 570

AC see Alternating current

AC-3 coding algorithm, 255, 528

AC-biased tape recorders, 169

Acoustic lens, 87, 87, 97

Acoustical power, 18, 19

Active DI boxes, 372–3

Active loudspeakers, 90–1

Active sensing messages, 422

ADAT data, format of, 329

ADL see Audio xDecision List

ADR see Automatic dialog replacement

Advanced Audio BIFS, 254

Advanced authoring format, 312–13

Aerials, radio microphone, 72–7

AES-3 interface, 323

AES-31, 309–11

frame count and timebase indicator coding in, 311

video field and timecode type indicator in, 311

AES-47 standard, 339–40

AES/EBU interface (AES-3), 323–5

AFL see After Fade Listen

Aftertouch, 413, 427–8

AGC see Automatic gain control

AIFF format, 303, 304

AIFF-C formats, 303

Akai, 423

Alesis ADAT multichannel optical digital interface, 327

Aliasing, 212, 213, 215

Alignment level, 143

Alternating current (AC), 13

Ambisonics, 508

A-format capsule directions, 534

B-format components, 534, 537

C-format, 536

principles, 532–3

signal formats, 533–6

AMEI (Association of Musical Electronics Industry), 398, 439

American Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 452


100 volt lines, 365

600 ohms, 368–70

active loudspeakers, 90, 91

balanced lines, 361

cable resistance, 358

classes, 343–4

coupling, 351

crosstalk, 349

damping factor, 350

distribution, 379

impedance, 349–50

microphone noise, 65–6

microphone sensitivity, 64–5

phase response, 350

power output, 346

signal-to-noise ratio, 349


pairwise panning, 556–7

and spectral cues, 39–42

Analog and digital dynamic range, comparison of, 292

Analog anti-aliasing filter, 230

Analog controller, 414

Analog information, 203

Analog mixers, digitally controlled, 159

Analog recording, 168, 202

compact cassette, 185–7

history of, 168–70

magnetic recording levels, 178, 179

magnetic recording process, 171–5

magnetic tape, 170–1

mechanical transport functions, 184–5

tape machine alignment, 180–4

tape recorder, 176–8

test tapes, 178–80

Analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion, 210

audio sampling, 211–12, 213, 214

dither, use of, 226–9

example, 209–10

filtering and aliasing, 212–13, 215, 216–17

noise shaping in, 230–2, 233

oversampling in, 229–30, 231

quantizing, 219–22

sampling frequency and sound quality, 217–19

sound quality and quantizing resolution, 222–6, 227

Anechoic chambers, 21, 103

ANSI tape labeling specification, 314

Antinodes, 7

Anti-saturation, 192, 194

Aperture effect, 232–3

Aphex company, 393

API (application programming interface), 381

Apple Macintosh, 301

Application programming interface see API

ASCII text files, 302

ASIO (Audio Stream Input Output), 407

Association of Musical Electronics Industry see AMEI

ASW see Auditory source width

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), 339

ATA/IDE interfaces, 274

ATAPI (ATA Packet Interface), 274

ATM see Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ATRAC data reduction system, 256

Audio and Music Data Transmission Protocol, 439

Audio codecs, sound quality in, 585–7

Audio data reduction, 248–56

data rate, reasons for reducing, 249

data-reduced formats, 255–6

lossless and lossy coding, 249–51

MPEG, 251–5

Audio data transmissions, 338

Audio file formats, for digital workstations, 300

AAF (advanced authoring format), 312–13

AES-31 format, 309–11

AIFF and AIFF-C formats, 303, 304

disk pre-mastering formats, 313–15

DSD-IFF file format, 306, 308

EDL files and project interchange, 308–9

file formats, in general, 301–2

MPEG audio file formats, 306

MXF (media exchange format), 311–12

RIFF WAVE format, 303–6, 307

sound designer formats, 302–3

Audio frequency range, 4

Audio groups, 120–1, 165

Audio handling, 155–6

Audio interface formats, 321, 323

Audio network requirements, 332–4

Audio over ATM, 339–40

Audio over firewire (IEEE 1394), 336–7

Audio over USB, 337–9, 340

Audio processing, for computer workstations, 276

DSP cards, 278

host-based audio processing, 279

integrated sound cards, 279–80

latency, 278

Audio sampling, 211–12, 213, 214

Audio sampling frequencies, 217

Audio signal, changing resolution of, 235–7

Audio spectrum, 4

Audio Stream Input Output see ASIO

Audio transformers, 354

Audio xDecision List (ADL), 310

AudioSuite, 382

Auditory perception, 29

equal-loudness contours, 36

frequency perception, 31–3

hearing mechanism, 30–1

loudness perception, 33–6

spatial perception, 37–46

Auditory source width (ASW), 43

Aural Exciter, 393

Autolocate, 177

Automated faders, 151

Automatic dialog replacement (ADR), 458

Automatic gain control (AGC), 75

Automatic repeat function, 177


automated faders, grouping, 151

automation data, storing, 151–2

background, 146–7

dynamic and static systems, 154–5

fader automation, 147–51

integrating machine control, 152–3

mute automation, 151

and non-note MIDI events, 446–7

retrofitting automation, 153

total automation systems, 153–4

Auxiliary bass radiator (ABR), 85

Auxiliary level controls, 132

Auxiliary sends, 131, 164

Averaging, 263

Avid, 309

Azimuth alignment, 182


‘B’ curve, 20

‘B format’, 62

‘B’-gauge jack plug, 376

‘Back electret’ technique, 53

Back-to-back cardioids, 490, 491

Bad blocks, 268

Balanced interconnection, using transformers, 361

Balanced lines, 361

working with, 362–3

Balanced resistive attenuator, 346

Balancing, electronic, 364–5

Band splitting, 193

‘Bank select’ approach, 431

Bantam jack, 379

Bar marker message, 466

Bass management, 516

Bass reflex systems, 84–5

Bass tip-up, 50, 51

BD-Audio, 319

Beat frequency, 32

Bell Labs, 471, 473, 475, 498

‘Bell’ curve, 136

Bento, 302

Berliner, 168

Bessel Array, 98, 99

Bias, 173

adjustment, 181

Bidirectional pattern, 55–7

BIFS see Binary Format for Scenes

Binary Format for Scenes (BIFS), 254

Binary information, 203

Binary number system, for beginngers, 204–9

Binary system, 205

Binaural delay, 37, 474

Binaural recording, 480

and dummy head techniques, 501–3

Binaural vs. ‘stereophonic’ localization, 474

Binaural/headphone stereo, principles of, 480–2

‘Binaural’ techniques, 470

Bi-phase mark coding, 260, 325, 453

Bit offset, 459

Bit stream conversion, 234

Blauert, Jens, 562

Blind tests, 568–9

Blu-Ray disk, 319–20

Bluetooth, 336

Boost, 136, 385

Bounce, 130

Boundary microphone, 60–1

Breath controller, 428, 429

Bridge, 332

Brightness controller, 430

Broadcast mode switch, 129

Broadcast WAVE format, 307–8

Broadcasting signal chain, 210

Bruel and Kjaer manufacture, 501

Bundles, 440

Burst errors, 262, 263

Bus trim, 119, 125

Bus mode, 128

Butt edit, 282

Butt joins, 281


‘C’ curve, 20


100 volt lines, 365–8

600 ohms, 368–70

capacitance, 359–61

resistance, 358

star-quad, 363–4

and transformer inductance, 359

Cable number, 438

Calrec 1050C microphone, 68

Calrec Soundfield, 533

Capacitor (condenser) microphone, 50, 52–3, 64

A–B powering, 68–9

Card readers, 270

Cardioid pattern, 57–8

Carson, Doug, 314

Cassette test tapes, 186

CD see Compact discs

CD-R, 314, 316

CD-ROM standard, 315

CEDAR 290, 289, 290, 291

Center for New Music and Audio Technology see CNMAT

Center loudspeaker, 539–40

Center-track timecode, 455, 456

CF see Compact Flash

Channel and mix controls, 128–31

Channel aftertouch, 419

Channel coding, for dedicated tape formats, 259–61

Channel fader, 119, 158–9

Channel grouping, 120–2

Channel masking, 435

Channel modes, 416–18

Channel number, 421

Channel pan, 125

Channel vs. system messages, 408, 410

Chase synchronizer, 457–8

CIN see Code index number

Cinema see Film

Circle Surround, 523–4

Clipping, 141

Clock jitter, 583

CMF (cutting master format), 294

CMR see Common mode rejection

CMRR see Common mode rejection ratio

CMX-compatible form, 309

CNMAT (Center for New Music and Audio Technology), 440

Code index number (CIN), 438–9

Coding artefacts, 585, 586

Coding noise, 585

Cohen, Elizabeth, 225

Coherent Acoustics, 255, 529

‘Coherent Acoustics’ system, 255

Coincident-pair principles, 487–91

Comb-filtering effects, 391, 487, 500

Common messages, 408

Common mode rejection (CMR), 139, 361

Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), 361

‘Common mode’ signal, 361

Communication, types of, 338

Compact cassette:

alignments, 186

background, 185–6

multitrack cassette recorders, 186–7

Compact discs (CD), 260

CD-R, 316

CD-Audio, 315

CD-DA, 314, 315

CD-ROM, 316

CD-RW, 316

consumer interface, 327

and drives, 315–16

DTS, 53

Compact Flash (CF), 270

Compact stereo mixer, 115

Compansion process, 192

Complete loudspeaker systems:

three-way systems, 89–90

two-way systems, 88–9

Complex sounds, 5

Complex waveform, 5

Compliance ratio, 103

Composite video, 462

Composition package, 313

Compressed digital video, 448


and limiting, 388

Compression driver, 87

Compressor, 388

and limiter, 387–8

Computer network:

vs. digital audio interfaces, 322

topologies, 331

Concealment, 263

Concert halls, 43

Concha resonance, 40

Condenser microphone see Capacitor microphone

Connectors, 363

Consumer channel status block, 327

Consumer electrical interface, 326

Consumer interface, 325, 327

Consumer optical disk formats:

Blu-Ray disk, 319–20

compact discs and drives, 315–16

DVD, 316–18

super audio CD (SACD), 318–19

Continuous controller, 414

Control change message, 413–16

Control grouping, 120, 121–2

Controller messages, handling of, 428–30

Controller numbers, 414, 415, 431

Controller thinning, 413, 419

Conventional PCM mode, 330

Core Audio, 407

Core MIDI, 407

Correlation meter, 144–5

Cottage loaf, 58

Coupled cavity systems, 85–6

Coupling, 351

CRC see Cyclic redundancy check

Creative Labs, 279

Critical band, 33

Critical distance, 21, 552

Crossfading, 241, 282–4

Crossover distortion, 343

Crossover network, 89

Crosstalk, 141, 349, 487

Crosstalk canceling, 484

CSound, 437

Current, 13

Cuts, 130, 385, 386

Cutting master format see CMF

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 263


‘D’ curve, 20

D/A conversion:

basic D/A convertor, 232–3

oversampling in, 233–4

D/A convertor, 232–3

DAB see Digital Audio Broadcasting

Damping, 48

Damping factor, 350

DASH see Digital Audio Stationary Head

DAT see Digital Audio Tape Data and sync separation, 261

Data byte, 409

Data networks and computer interconnects, 330–2

Data rate, reasons for reducing, 249

Data recovery, 261

Data transfer rates, 274, 316

Data-reduced audio, 326

Data-reduced formats, 255–6

Dbx, 195

DDP ID stream, 314

DDP Map stream, 314–15

DDP see Disk Description Protocol

DDPID file see DDP ID stream

DDPMS file see DDP Map stream

Dead spots, 76

Decca Record Company, 500

Decca Tree, 500

Decibel, 16, 17

Decimation, 230, 231

Dedicated monitor mixer, 138

De-emphasis, 191, 195, 601

De-esser, 393

Degenerate modes, 25

Delta-sigma conversion, 234


and head inspection, 180

Demultiplexer (Demux), 149

Denon company, 258

Depth perception:

and distance, 44–5

Device ID, 421

DI (direct injection) boxes:

active DI boxes, 372–3

overview, 370–1

passive DI boxes, 371–2

Dialog normalization (‘dialnorm’), 225, 528

Differential amplifier, 364

Differential input, 361

Differential signal, 361

Diffuse field, 482, 502

Digico D5T, 157

Digidesign, 302, 382

Digidesign plug-in formats, 382

Digidesign’s ProTools system, 462

Digidesign’s TDM architecture, 278

Digital audio, 204

vs. MIDI, 399–400

storage requirements, 271

synchronization, 459–63

workstations, 159–61

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), 249

Digital audio devices, interconnecting, 320–40

AES-47, 339–40

AES/EBU interface (AES-3), 323–5

audio network requirements, 332–4

audio over firewire (IEEE 1394), 336–7

audio over universal serial bus (USB), 337–9

data networks and computer interconnects, 330–2

dedicated audio interface formats, 321, 323

internet, protocols for, 334–5

proprietary digital interfaces, 327–30

standard consumer interface (IEC 60958-3), 325–7

storage area networks, 334

wireless networks, 335–6

Digital audio formats and interchange, 300

audio file formats, for digital workstations, 300–15

consumer optical disk formats, 315–20

digital audio devices, interconnecting, 320–40

Digital audio principles: analog recording, 202

analog-to-digital conversion, 209–32

audio data reduction, 248–56

audio signal, changing resolution of, 235–7

binary for beginners, 204–9

D/A conversion, 232–4

digital audio signal chain, 209

digital recording, 203

digital signal processing, 237–47

Direct Stream Digital (DSD), 234–5

pitch shifting and time stretching, 247–8

Digital Audio Stationary Head (DASH), 265

Digital audio synchronization, 459–63

digital audio signal synchronization, 461–3

requirements for, 459–60

sample clock jitter, and effects on sound quality, 463

timecode synchronization, of audio workstations, 460–1

Digital Audio Tape (DAT), 264

Digital delay line, 391–3

Digital dynamics processing, 245

Digital filtering, 246

Digital filters and equalization, 240–3

Digital information, 204

The Digital Interface Handbook, 323

Digital mixers, 155

assignable control surfaces, 156–7

audio handling, 155–6

case study, 157–9

digitally controlled analog mixers, 159

Digital multi-effects processors, 390–1

Digital noise extraction, 198

Digital Radio, 249

Digital recording, 203, 210, 257

Digital reverb, 389–90

Digital reverberation, 243–5

Digital signal chain:

sound quality in, 582–3

Digital signal processing (DSP), 106, 237–47, 504

digital filters and equalization, 240–3

digital reverberation and effects, 243–5

dynamics processing, 245

gain changing (level control), 239–40

mixing, 240

sample rate conversion, 245–7

see also DSP cards, DSP farms

Digital surround sound formats, 526–32

Digital tape formats, 264–5

Digital tape recording, 258

background to, 258–9

channel coding, for dedicated tape formats, 259–61

digital tape formats, 264–5

editing digital tape recordings, 265–6

error correction, 261–4

Digital Theater Systems (DTS), 255, 529–30

Digital Versatile Disc (DVD), 316–18, 518

discs and players, 295

DVD-R, 316, 317

DVD-RAM, 316, 317

DVD-RW, 316, 317

DVD + RW, 316, 317

DVD-Video, 318

mastering, 294

recordable formats, 317

Digital-to-analog see D/A conversion

DIM, 132

Dipole aerial, 72, 73

Dipole loudspeakers, 511, 514

Direct injection boxes see DI boxes

Direct Stream Digital (DSD), 234–5, 318

bitstream generation, 235

interface data, 329

Direct Stream Transfer (DST), 251, 318

Directional response, 53–9

Directivity, 21, 97–9

DirectMusic, 407

DirectShow, 382

DirectSound, 407

DirectX, 382–3

Disk controller, 268

Disk Description Protocol (DDP), 314

Disk drives, 268

Disk fragmentation, 276

Disk pre-mastering formats, 313–15

Disk-based digital systems, 454

Disk-based systems, 209, 268, 454

Distortion, 140–1, 143

amplifiers, 348–9

binaural signals, 482

crossover, 343

dither, 228

DSP, 239

harmonic distortion, 576, 577–9

intermodulation, 579–80

loudspeaker, 94–5

magnetic recording, 173, 178

metering, 142

MIDI, 401

mixers, 140–1

phase, 238

quantizing error, 222–3

requantization, 235–7

slew rate, 348, 349

Distortion, in loudspeaker system, 94–5, 140–1, 348–9

Distributed mode loudspeaker (DML), 83

Distribution amplifiers, 379


types, 228

uses, 226–9

Diversity reception, in radio microphone, 77–8

DLL (dynamic link library), 383

DLS see Downloadable sounds

DML see Distributed mode loudspeaker

Dolby A, 193, 194

Dolby B, 192–6

Dolby C, 192, 193

Dolby Digital, 255, 508, 527–9

Dolby Digital Plus, 319

Dolby EX, 526, 527

Dolby level, 192, 193, 196

Dolby matrix, 525

Dolby Noise, 196

Dolby ProLogic, 523, 525

Dolby SR, 194, 196–7

Dolby SR-D, 528

Dolby Stereo, 520–3

Dolby Surround, 520–3

Dolby TrueHD, 320

Domestic power amplifiers, 342–4

Dooley, 501

Double-diaphragm capacitor microphone, 61

‘Double-ribbon’ principle, 52

Double-tracking, 245

Downloadable Sounds (DLS), 436, 438

Drive units, 80, 84–7

Drivers and audio I/O software, 407

Drop-frame timecode, 453

Drop-in, 162, 458

Drop-out, 76, 459

DSD see Direct Stream Digital

DSD-IFF file format, 306, 308

DSD-raw, 328

DSP cards, 277, 278

DSP farms, 278

DSP see Digital signal processing

DST see Direct Stream Transfer

DTS see Digital Theater Systems

DTS-HD, 319

DTS-HD Master Audio, 320

Ducking effect, 387

Dummy head techniques, 501–3

DUMP, 130

Dutch Broadcasting Company, 497

DVD see Digital Versatile Disc

DVD-Audio, 294, 318

DVD formats, 317

DVD mastering, 294

DVD masters, 294

DVD-Video, 294, 318

DXi, 383

Dynamic and static systems, 154–5

Dynamic crosstalk, 349

Dynamic link library see DLL

Dynamic microphone see Moving-coil microphone

Dynamic range, 224, 225, 291

enhancement, 236

and perception to human hearing, 225

and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, 580–1

Dynamic voice allocation, 432

Dynamics control, 126, 387

Dynamics processing, 245

Dynamics section, 125–6


Ear, 3, 29–33, 30, 36

Early reflections, 26, 43, 45, 389

Earth loops, 357, 362, 363, 371, 374, 403

EBU PPM, 142

EBU see European Broadcasting Union; SMPTE/EBU timecode

Echo and reverb devices, 388–9

Echo chamber, 388

Echo devices, 164, 394

Echo effects, 444

Echo plate, 388

Echoes, 26

Edison, 168

Edit decision list (EDL), 280, 282, 285, 458

and project interchange, 308–9

Edit decision markup language (EDML), 309, 310

Edit point handling, 281–2


CD, 287

digital tape recordings, 265–6

edit decision list (EDL), 280, 282, 308–9

mixing approaches, 161

modes, 284–6

software, 287–9

EDL see Edit decision list

EDML see Edit decision markup language

Effective radiated power (ERP), 72

Effects, in DSP, 239

Effects returns, 133

EIDE interface, 274

Eigentones, 23, 24

EIN see Equivalent input noise

Electret designs, 53

Electrical form, sound in, 12–15

Electrical recording, 169

Electromagnetic transducers, 48

Electronic balancing, 364–5

Electronic bargraph metering, 144–5

Electronic tape copy editing, 267

Electrons, 13

Electrostatic loudspeakers, 81, 82

EMagic’s Unitor8 interface, 405, 406

End-fire and side-fire configurations, 495

EQ see Equalization

Equal-loudness contours, 34, 36

Equalization (EQ), 134, 173–5

binaural stereo, 484

clipping, 141

and digital filters, 240–3

of dummy heads, 502–3

filters, 137

headphone, 481, 482

magnetic recording, 173–5

principal EQ bands, 135–7

record, 183

RIAA, 138, 601

spatial, 485

Equalizer section, 126–8

Equivalent input noise (EIN), 139

ERP see Effective radiated power

Error correction process, 261–4

Error handling, 263

ESbus, 458

Essence files, 311–12

Ethernet, 152, 329, 330, 333

European Broadcasting Union (EBU), 307, 516

European-style console see Split monitoring

Exponential crossfades, 284

extensible Music Format files see XMF files

External timecode, 460



automation, 147–51

digital mixers, 140, 157

grouping, 151

in-line mixers, 119, 120

master, 121, 133, 151

Fader flip, 119

Fader law, 112

Fader reverse, 128, 132

Fast release time, 387

Fast relock mode, 458

Faulkner pair, 497, 497

‘Faulkner’ pair, 497

Feedback, 243, 391

Ferrite heads, 180

FET see Field-effect transistor

Fibre Channel, 334

Fidelity, 565

Field-effect transistor (FET), 50, 334

Fielder, Louis, 225

Figure-eight microphone, 55–7

File formats, 301–2

File transfer protocol (FTP), 335


5.1 channel surround, 518

7.1 channel surround, 518–19

Dolby Digital, 530

four-channel surround, 510

SDDS, 530

surround sound, 518, 521, 528, 530

three-channel surround, 509

THX system, 524

Filter action, 385

Filtering and aliasing, 212–13, 215–17

Filters, 137

and aliasing, 212–17

Bauer’s filter, 483

comb-filtering effects, 487, 500

crosstalk-canceling filters, 484

digital, 240–3, 246

FIR filter, 242, 243

high- and low-cut filters, 137

IIR filter, 243, 244

input and output filters, 442–3

weighting, 20

weighting filters, 581

Finite impulse response (FIR) filter, 242, 243

Firewire, 274, 336, 337

First harmonic, 7, 7

First overtone, 7

Five-channel surround sound, 509, 556

Five-channel ‘main microphone’ arrays, 545–7

Fixed-band filters, 194

Fixed-point binary numbers, 207

Flanges, 171, 394

Fletcher-Munson curves, 34

Floating-point binary number, 207, 208

Flutter, 581

Flutter echoes, 26

Flux, 172, 173, 175, 178, 179

FM see Frequency modulation

FM channel code see Bi-phase mark coding

Foldback, 132–3

Formatting, 268, 268, 269, 275

Four-channel surround (3–1 stereo), 510–12

limitations, 511–12

loudspeaker configuration, 510–11

purpose, 510

Fourier analysis, 5

Fourier transform, 8, 242

Fractional-ratio conversion, 246

Frame lock, 458

Frame rates, 452, 455, 462

Free fields, 19, 21


control, 126, 137

critical bandwidth, 33

directional response patterns of microphones, 54, 55, 56

directivity of speakers, 97–9

domain response, 242

equal-loudness contours, 34

fundamental, 6, 7

graphic equalizer, 383, 386

line spectra, 5, 6

microphone, 51, 52

perception, 31–3

radio microphones, 70

room modes, 25

sampling frequency, 217–19

shifter, 391

spatial perception, 37–40

speed of sound, 4

Frequency modulation (FM), 260

Frequency response, 140, 347, 573–7

loudspeakers, 95

mixers, 140

power amplifiers, 347–8

sound quality, 573–7

stereo misalignment effects, 487

Frequency shifter, 391

Frequency spectra:

of non-repetitive sounds, 8

of quantizing noise, 233

of repetitive sounds, 6–8

Frequency-dividing network, 89

Frequency-domain plot, 5

Front loudspeakers, 539

FTP see File transfer protocol

Fukada Tree, 549, 549

Full normaling, 377

Full-featured synchronizer, 458–9

Full-frame message, 467

Fundamental frequency of oscillation, 6


Gain, 16

level control, 239–40

S gain, 491, 493, 495, 552

Gate flapping, 198

Gated snare drum, 198

General MIDI, 398, 432–5

General MIDI Lite (GML), 434

General systems, 197

Genlock, 461

GML see General MIDI Lite

GPO-type sockets, 376

Graphic equalizer, 383–7

Grid editing, 444

Griesinger, David, 500

Grouping, definition of, 120

Grouping mixers, 120–2

Guitar amplifiers, 49, 51, 389


Haas effect, 39

HALs see Hardware abstraction layers

Hammond organ company, 388

Hardware abstraction layers (HALs), 407

‘Hard’ limiter, 388

Harmonic distortion, 576–9

Harmonics, 6–7

Harmonizer, 394

HATS see Head and torso simulator

Head and torso simulator (HATS), 502

Head bumps, 175, 183

Head inspection and demagnetization, 180

Head-related panning, 559

Head-related transfer function (HRTF), 40


dummy head techniques, 501–3

impedance, 115

in-the-head localization, 40

vs. loudspeaker stereo, 482–5

naturalness, 45–6

near-coincidence microphones, 496–7

spatial perception, 44

stereo, 480–2

two-channel stereo, 471

Hearing mechanism, 30–1

Heat, 19

Helical aerials, 73

Helical scanning, 259

Helmholtz absorbers, 22

Hertz (Hz), 2

Hexadecimal system, 205–6

HFS (Hierarchical Filing System), 276

Hi-com, 196

Hierarchical Filing System see HFS

High Pass Filter (HPF), 124, 136

High-quality omnidirectional microphones, 55

Higher-order ambisonics, 537

Hiss, 36, 64, 137, 191, 195, 226, 575, 581

Hold, 263

Holman, Tomlinson, 520

Home THX, 524

Horn loading, 86–7

Horn loudspeaker, 86

Host TDM see HTDM

Host-based audio processing, 279

HPF see High Pass Filter

HRTF see Head-related transfer function

HTDM (Host TDM), 382

HTTP see Hypertext transfer protocol

Hum, 36, 115, 175, 356, 371, 581

Hypercardioid microphones, 58–9

Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), 335

Hysteresis, 198

Hz see Hertz


IN connector, 402

IEC standard 61883–6, 439

IEEE 1394, 336–7

vs. MIDI, 439

IFF file chunk, format of, 304

IFF see Interchange format files

IIR filter see Infinite impulse response filter

IM distortion see Intermodulation distortion

Impedances, 140,

100 volt lines, 365–8,

600 ohms, 368–70

amplifiers, 349–50

cables, 358–61

DI boxes, 370–3

headphones, 115

loudspeakers, 92–9

microphones, 49, 62, 64–5

mixers, 140

radio microphones, 72, 74

splitter boxes, 373–5

and transformers, 354–6

Impulse response, 242, 243

In-line console, 116–18, 129

In-line design, 118–20

In-line multitrack mixer, 120

In-place solo, 130–1

In-the-head localization, 140

INA array, 548

Individual messages, 440

Inductance, 359

Inductors, 14–15, 89

‘Infinite baffle’ systems, 84

Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter, 242, 243, 244

Inharmonic partials, 7

Input channels, 111, 112–13

Input channels display, 157

Input filters, 442–3

Input gain control, 123

Input impedance, 349, 358, 368

Input noise, 138–9

Input section, 123–4

Insert points, 134

Insertion return socket, 376–7

Insertion send socket, 376–7

Integral synchronizers, 152

Integrated sound cards, 279–80

Integrating machine control, 152–3

Interacting authoring, 296

Interaural time delay, 40, 483

Interaural time difference, 38

Interchange format files, 303, 306–8

Interconnection, 353–80

Interface, 400–4

analog, 154, 354

digital devices, 321

digital mixers, 155–9

MIDI, 400–4

peripheral, 274, 277

workstations, 276–8


balanced lines, 361–3

common mode rejection, 139

digital audio, 202

microphones, 52, 62

MIDI, 400–4

noise reduction, 190

star-quad cable, 363–4

Interleaving, 262

Intermodulation (IM) distortion, 579–80

International Standards Organization see ISO


data reduction, 248–9, 251

protocols, 334–5

Interpolation, 263

Inverse-square law, 18

IPod, 254

ISO (International Standards Organization), 253, 384

ITU-R BS.1116, 570

ITU-R BS.1534, 570



facilities, 378–9

normaling, 376–8

overview, 375–6

patch cords, 376

Jitter, 581, 582

Joint Frequency Management Group Ltd, 72


Kbyte see Kilobyte

Key pressure message, 413

Keygroups, 423

Kilobyte, 205


LANs see Local area networks

Laser pickups, 605

Latency, 278, 426–7

LCD see Liquid crystal displays

LCRS surround, 510

Least significant bit (LSB), 205

LEDs see Light Emitting Diodes

Legato switch controller, 418

Level difference stereo, 476, 477

Lexicon 960-L multichannel effects system, 390

Lexicon Logic, 7, 524–6

LFE see Low-frequency effects

LFE channel, 515–17

Licenses, radio microphone, 71–2

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), 144, 402

‘Light pipe’ interface, 327

Liking, 566–7

Limiter, 388

Line input, 123

Line mode, 128

Line spectra, 5, 6, 7

Line-up, of noise reduction systems, 196–7

Line-up tone, 196

Linear law, 112

Linear timecode data, 455

Lines and interconnection:

100 volt lines, 365–8

600 ohms, 368–70

balanced lines, 361

cable effects, with unbalanced lines, 358–61

DI boxes, 370–3

distribution amplifiers, 379

electronic balancing, 364–5

jackfields, 375–9

splitter boxes, 373–5

star-quad cable, 363–4

transformers, 354–6

unbalanced lines, 356–8

working with balanced lines, 362–3

Liquid crystal displays (LCD), 144

Listeners, 568

Listening tests, 567–8

types, 569–71

Local area networks (LANs), 331

Lock, types of, 458

Locked systems, 458–9

Logarithmic law, 112

Logic, 441

Logic control, 185

Logical operations, 208

Long play tape, 170, 171

‘Long-throw’ horn, 86

Longitudinal timecode, 405, 406

Longitudinal waves, 2

Loop, 459

Loop resistance, 358

Lossless coding, 249–51

Lossy coding, 251

Loudhailers, 87

Loudness, 33

critical bandwidth, 33

human perception, 33–6

measuring SPLs, 17

see also Amplitude

Loudspeaker stereo:

principles, 471–9

vs. headphones, 482–5

Loudspeakers, 79,

5.1 channel surround, 512–18,

100 volt lines, 365–8

active, 90–1, 96

Ambisonics, 533

binaural stereo, 484

cabinets, 82, 84

cable resistance, 358

damping factor, 350

digital signal processing (DSP), 106

directivity, 97–9

distortion, 94–5

distributed mode loudspeaker (DML), 83

dummy head techniques, 501–3

electromagnetic transducers, 48

electrostatic loudspeaker, 81–2

four-channel surround, 510–11

frequency response, 347–9

impedance, 92–9

loading, 84–7

mounting, 84–7, 539

moving-coil, 80–1

multichannel panning, 555–9

naturalness, 45

performance, 92–9

reverberation time, 22

ribbon loudspeaker, 82–3

room modes, 23

sensitivity, 93–4

setting up, 99–101

subwoofers, 91–2

Thiele, 101–5

three-way systems, 89–90

two-way system, 88–9

Low bit rate coder, 252

Low-frequency effects, 513, 515, 520

Low-frequency Q, 103

Low-pass filters see LPFs

LPFs (low-pass filters), 124

LSB see Least significant bit

LTC see Longitudinal timecode

Lucasfilm, 524, 526


Machine synchronizers:

chase synchronizer, 457–8

full-featured synchronizer, 458–9

overview, 456–7

Magnetic flux reference levels, 179

Magnetic hard disks, 267–9

Magnetic recording, 171, 172, 178, 179

equalization, 173–5

Magnetic tape:

open-reel tape, 170–1

structure, 170

Magneto-optical (M-O) format, 270

Main stream, 315

Mains transformers, 354

MANs (metropolitan area networks), 331

Mark of Unicorn’s MAS, 382

Masking, 35

Mass storage media, 270–5

Mass storage-based editing system principles, 280

crossfading, 282–4

edit point handling, 281–2

editing modes, 284–6

simulation of ‘reel-rocking’, 286–7

sound files and sound segments, 281

Mass storage-based systems, 266

magnetic hard disks, 267–9

media formatting, 275–6

memory cards, 270

optical discs, 269–70

recording audio on to mass storage media, 270–5

Master control section, 132–3

Master faders, 133

Mastering and restoration:

level control in mastering, 291–3

software, 290–1, 292

Mathematical sampling theorem, 211

Matrixed surround sound systems, 520–6

Circle Surround, 523–4

Dolby EX, 526

Dolby Stereo systems, 520–3

Dolby Surround system, 520–3

Dolby’s ProLogic system, 520–3

Lexicon Logic, 7, 524–6

Maximum output level (MOL), 179, 182

Mayer SB-1 loudspeaker, 99

Mbyte see Megabyte

MCI, 146

Mechanical metering, 142–3

problems with, 143–4

Mechanical transport functions, 184–5

Media exchange format (MXF), 311–12

Media formatting, 275–6, 277

Megabyte, 205

Memory cards, 270

Memory Stick, 270

Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) 318, 251, 532

Metadata, 312

Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor see MOSFET

Meter take-off point, 146

Metering, 143

Metering standards, relationship between, 145

Metering systems, 142

electronic bargraph metering, 144–5

mechanical metering, 142–4

meter take-off point, 146

relationship between different metering standards, 145

Metropolitan area networks see MANs

MFM, 260

Mic input, 123

MIC level trim, 119

Mic to mix, 128

Mic/line switch, 123

Microphone, 47

600 ohms, 368–70

Ambisonics, 532–6

balanced lines, 361–3

bass tip-up, 51

Bessel array, 98, 99

cable capacitance, 359–61

cable resistance, 358

capacitor/condenser microphone, 52–3

conversion to electrical sound waves, 13

DI boxes, 370–3

digital mixers, 155

directional responses, 53–9

directional responses and polar diagrams, 53–9

dummy head techniques, 501–3

electromagnetic transducers, 48

end-fire configuration, 495

harmonic distortion, 577–9

impedance, 49, 50

moving-coil/dynamic, 48–51

performance, 62–6

powering options, 66–9

radio, 69–78

ribbon, 51–2

sensitivity, 64–5

side fire configurations, 62, 495

splitter boxes, 373–5

star-quad cable, 363–4

stereo, 61–2

surround sound, 543–7

switchable polar patterns, 61

transformers, 354

two-channel stereo, 487–91

types, 59–61

Microsoft’s DirectX, 382

Midas Heritage 3000, 159

MIDI Machine Control (MMC), 398, 464

MIDI Manufacturer’s Association (MMA), 398, 439

MIDI Media Adaptation Layer for IEEE 1394, 439

MIDI see Musical instrument digital interface

MIDI TimeCode (MTC), 460, 466–7

MiniDisc coding format, 254

Mix farms, 278

Mixdown phase, 115

Mixer facilities, 122

auxiliary sends, 131

channel and mix controls, 128–31

dynamics section, 125–6

effects returns, 133

equalizer section, 126–8

input section, 123–4

master control section, 132–3

patchbay, 134

routing section, 124–5


automation, 146–55

basic operational techniques, 163–5

channel grouping, 120–2

dedicated monitor mixer, 138

digital mixers, 155–9

EQ explained, 134–7

facilities, 122–34

with integrated control of digital workstations, 159–61

metering systems, 142–6

mixing approaches, 161–3

multitrack mixer, 115–20

six-channel analog mixer, 109–15

stereo line input modules, 137–8

technical specifications, 138–41

Mixing, 240

approaches, 161–3

MLP see Meridian Lossless Packing

MMA see MIDI Manufacturer’s Association

MMC see MIDI Machine Control

Mobile phones, 434

Modified Discrete Cosine transform system, 254

Modular digital multitrack machine, 266

MOL see Maximum output level

Monitor fader, 120

Monitor mix, 116

Monitor mixer, 138

Monitor phase reverse, 132

Monitor selection, 132

Monitor-to-bus, 129

Monitoring, surround sound, 538–43

center loudspeaker, 539–40

front loudspeakers, 539

subwoofers, 542–3

surround loudspeakers, 540–2

two-channel and surround mixing rooms, differences, 538

MONO, 132

Mono mode, 417

MOSFET (Metal Oxide

Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor), 344

Most significant bit (MSB), 205

Motion sensing, 185

Motorola, 301

Moving Pictures Expert Group see MPEG

Moving-coil microphone, 48–51

MP3, 253, 296

MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group), 251–5

MPEG audio file formats, 306

MPEG surround modes, 530–2

MPEG-1 layers, 253

MPEG-2 AAC, 253

MPEG-2 BC, 253

MPEG-4, 254

MPEG-4 Structured Audio, 397, 437

MPEG-Audio decoder, block diagram of, 253

MPX-MIDI data channels, 439

MS format, 486

MSB see Most significant bit

MTC see MIDI TimeCode

Mu-metal heads, 180

Multi mode, 418

Multichannel configurations, 518–20

7.1-channel surround, 518–19

10.2-channel surround, 520

Multichannel extension chunk, 307–8

Multichannel panning techniques, 555–9

Multi-mic recording, 503

Multi-path, 76

Multiple disks arrangement, in modular system, 273

Multiport interfaces, 405

Multi-timbral sound generator, 426

Multitrack cassette recorders, 186–7

Multitrack machine, 177–8

Multitrack mixer:

in-line and split configurations, 116–18

in-line design, aspects of, 118–20

overview, 115–16


Music Logic, 525

Music Surround modes, 525

Music-related timing data, 464–6

Musical instrument digital interface:

1.0 specification, 398

alternatives, 439–40

background, 397–8

basic principles, 400–4

beat clock, 465

channel numbers, 410

channels, 408, 409–10, 442

connectors and cables, 403

controller classifications, 414

controller functions, 415

data buffers and latency, 426–7

and digital audio, 399–400

files, 398

functions, of sound generators, 426

general MIDI, 432–5

hardware interface, 402

vs. IEEE 1394, 439

interfacing computer to, 404–7

Machine Control and Downloadable Sounds, 398

meaning, 398–9

message byte, 409

message format, 409–10

mixing and external control, 447

note assignment, in synthesizers and samplers, 422–5

note numbers, 411

over IEEE 1394, 439

over USB, 437–9

ports, adding, 404–7

RMID and XMF files, 435–6

Sample Dump protocol, 398

SAOL and SASL, in MPEG 4 Structured Audio, 437

Scalable Polyphonic MIDI (SPMIDI), 435

sequencing software, 441–8

Show Control, 398

sound generators, control of, 422–32

and synthetigc audio, 397

TimeCode, 398

timing data, 463–4

working of, 408–22

Mute automation, 151

MXF see Media exchange format


NAB, 175, 196

Nagra IV-S, 177

Nagra-D recorder, 265

Natural audio coding, 254

Naturalness, 566

NC see Noise criteria

Near field, 21

Near-coincident microphone configurations, 496–7

Nederlande Omroep Stichting see NOS

Negative numbers, 206

Network, extending, 332

Neumann KU100, 484, 498, 503

Neumann RSM191i microphone, 494

Neumann SM69, 62

Nodes, 7, 254


amplifiers, 349

analog recording, 169–70

audio bit rate reduction, 249

digital audio, 230–2

digital mixers, 138–9

digital restoration software, 290

DSP, 239

dynamic range, 225

error correction in digital recording, 261–4

frequency spectra, 8

magnetic recording, 171–3

magnetic tape, 170–1

masking, 35

microphones, 64

mixers, 138–9

noise shaping, 230–2

quantizing error, 219

radio microphones, 71–8

sample rate conversion, 245–7

tape machines, 180–4

track formats, 455

see also Noise reduction system

Noise criteria (NC), 20

Noise gates, 197–8

Noise rating (NR), 20

Noise reduction system, 189

graphical representation of, 190

line-up of, 196–7

methods of, 190–6

requirement, 190

single-ended, 197–8

Noise shaping, in A/D conversion, 230–2, 233

Noise weighting curves, 581

Non-linear editing, 280, 286

Non-note MIDI events: and automation, 446–7

Non-registered parameter numbers (NRPNs), 431

Non-repetitive sounds, frequency spectra of, 8

Normaling, at jackfield insertion points, 376–8

NOS (Nederlande Omroep Stichting), 497

Note assignment, 425–6

Note off velocity, 412

Note on and note off messages, 410–11

NR see Noise rating

NRPNs see Non-registered parameter numbers

Nudge, 459

Null LEDs, 149

Nyquist criterion, 211


Object Specification, 312

Objective sound quality, 562–3

Octaves, 31

Odd/Even/Both (mixer control), 125

Ohm’s law, 14

OMFI see Open Media Framework Interchange

Omni microphones, 55

Omni outriggers, 500

Omnidirectional microphone, 54–5

OMS see Opcode’s Open Music System

Opcode’s Open Music System (OMS) 468, 407

Open Media Framework Interchange (OMFI), 309

Open Sound Control (OSC), 440

Open systems interconnection (OSI), 332

Open-reel digital multitrack recorder, 266

Open-reel quarter-inch tape, 170–1

Operational techniques, 163–5

level setting, 163–4

using audio groups, 165

using auxiliary sends, 164

Optical discs, 269–70

Optical Storage Technology Association see OSTA

Opto-isolator, 402

Orange Book standard, 316

ORTF pair, 497

OS X Audio Units, 382

OS X Core Audio standard, 407

OSC see Open sound control

Oscillator, 133

Oscilloscope, 15

OSI see Open systems interconnection

OSTA (Optical Storage Technology Association), 316

OUT connector, 402

Out-of-phase phenomenon, 45

Outboard devices, connection of, 393–4

Outboard equipment:

compressor/limiter, 387–8

digital delay line, 391–3

digital multi-effects processors, 390–1

digital reverb, 389–90

echo and reverb devices, 388–9

frequency shifter, 391

graphic equalizer, 383–7

miscellaneous devices, 393

Outboard processors, 394

Output filters, 442–3

Output impedance, 350

Output noise, 139–40

Output section, 111, 113, 114


in A/D conversion, 229–30, 231

in D/A conversion, 233–4

Overtones, 7


P48 standard, 68

PA systems see Public Address systems

Pad, 123

Paging system, 367

Pairwise amplitude panning, 556–7

PAL television, 453

Palladium, 379

PAM see Pulse amplitude modulation

Pan, 128

Pan control, on mixer, 112–13

Pan-pot, 486

‘Pan-potting’, 477

PANs (personal area networks), 331

Parabolic microphone, 60

Parallel and serial form, quantized output of A/D convertor in, 222

Partials, 6

Passive DI boxes, 371–2

Patch cords, 376

Patchbay, 134

see also Jackfields

PCI see Peripheral component interface

PCM see Pulse code modulation


PDM see Pulse density modulation

Peak program meter (PPM), 142, 142

Peak recording level, 143, 179, 226, 581

Peaking, 126

Peaking filter, 135, 136, 241

PEAQ see Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality

Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality, 572

Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ), 572

Peripheral component interface (PCI), 277

Peripheral interfaces, 274

Permalloy heads, 180

Personal area networks see PANs

PESQ see Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality

PFL see Pre-fade listen

Phantom images:

5.1-channel surround, 517

creation, 475–9

quadraphonics, 533

Phantom power, 66–8, 123

Phase, 8–12

loudspeakers, 99–11

stereo misalignment effects, 487

stereo vector summation, 477

Phase comparator, 261

Phase lock, 458

Phase meter, 144–5

Phase response, 350

Phase reverse, 123–4

Philips, 185, 295, 315

Phon, 19

Phonograph, 168

Physical MIDI ports, 437

Pilot tone, 177

Pink noise, 8

Pit Signal Processing (PSP), 295

Pitch bend wheel, 419–20

Pitch shifting and time stretching, 247–8

Pitch wheel message, 419–20

Platinum Enigma, 384

‘Plug-in’ processing software, 278

Plug-ins, 381–3, 384

user interfaces, 384

PMCD (pre-master CD), 314, 315

Polar diagrams, 53–9

Poly mode, 418

Polyphonic key pressure messages, 413

Polyphony, 425–6

POP see Post office protocol

Portastudio, 186

Post-fade aux, 164

Post office protocol (POP), 335

Post-roll, 459

Power amplifiers, 341

coupling, 351

domestic power amplifiers, 342–4

professional amplifier facilities, 344

specifications, 345–50

Power bandwidth, 347

Power handling, 95–7

Power output, 346–7

PPM see Peak program meter

ppqn see Pulses per musical quarter note

PQ encoding, 294

Precedence effect, 39

Pre-delay, in reverb device, 389

Pre-emphasis, 191

Pre-fade aux, 164

Pre-fade listen (PFL), 114

Pre-master CD see PMCD

Pre-roll, 459

Pressure-gradient microphones, 51

Pressure-zone microphone (PZM), 60–1

Professional amplifier facilities, 344

Professional analog tape recorder, 171

Professional open-reel two-track analog tape recorder, 176

Professional portable tape machine, 177

Professional portable two-track recorder, 177

Program change message, 418–19

ProLogic system, 520–3

Pro-MPEG forum, 311

Propellerhead Systems, 468

Proprietary digital interfaces, 327–30

ProTools, 441

ProTools plug-ins, 278

Proximity effect, 50

Pseudo-binaural techniques, 496

PSP see Pit Signal Processing

Public address (PA) systems, 80

Public address systems, 81, 344, 368

Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), 212, 213

Pulse code modulation (PCM), 219, 248, 249, 258

PCM-1610, 264

PCM-1630, 264


Pulse density modulation (PDM), 235

Pulse width modulation, 343

Pulses per musical quarter note (ppqn), 397, 464

Pure tones, 5

PZM see Pressure-zone microphone


Quad ESL, 63, 82

Quadraphonic reproduction, 533

Quantising resolutions, 227

Quantizing, 209, 219–22

and sound quality, 222–6, 227

Quantizing error, 219

Quarter-frame MTC message, 467

QuickTime, 448


R-DAT, 260, 264

Radio microphones, 69–78

RAID see Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks

RAM buffering, 272

Random errors, 262

Rarefactions, 2, 8, 12

Reactance, 14

Real Networks, 334

Real Time Audio Suite see RTAS

Real-time crossfades, 282

Real-time messages, 410

Real-time streaming protocol (RTSP), 335

Real-time transport protocol (RTP), 335

RealAudio, 334

Record alignment, 181–4

Record resolution, 443

Recording machines, 168–9

Rectangular probability distribution function (RPDF), 228

Recursive filter, 243

Red Book standard, 315

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), 268, 269, 334

Redundant data, 262

Reed-Solomon encoding, 263–4

Reel-rocking, 286–7

Re-entrant horn, 87, 88

Reflection, 11

Reflections affect spaciousness, 43

Registered parameter numbers, 431

Release media, preparing for and understanding, 293–6

Release velocity see Note off velocity

Removable disk drive system, 268

Repeater, 332

Repetitive sounds, frequency spectra of, 6–8

Replay alignment, 180–1

Replay equalization time constants, 174

Replay head, 175

Replay-head wear, 180

Reservation protocol see RSVP

Reset message, 422

Resistance and capacitance (RC), 174

Restoration, 290

Retrofitting automation, 153

Reverb device, 384

Reverberant fields, 19, 21

Reverberation and echo devices, 394

Reverberation time (RT), 22, 389

RF (radio frequency) capacitor microphone, 53

Rhythmic quantization, 445

Ribbon mic, 52, 56

Ribbon microphone, 49, 50–62

Rich Music Format (RMF), 435

RIFF WAVE format, 303–6, 307

Rifle microphone, 59–60

RMF see Rich Music Format

RMID, 435–6

RMS see Root-mean-square

Rogers LS5/8 system, 90, 90

Room gain, 10

Room modes, 23, 25, 26

Root-mean-square (RMS), 347

Rotary-head system, 259

Router, 332

Routing section, 124–5

RPDF see Rectangular probability distribution function

RSVP (reservation protocol), 335

RT see Reverberation time

RTAS (Real Time Audio Suite), 382

RTP see Real-time transport protocol

RTSP see Real-time streaming protocol

Rumble, 36

Running status, 412–13


SA see Structured Audio

Sabine, W.C., 22

SACD Authoring software, 294

SACD see Super Audio CD


editing system, 285

editor displays, 288

SACD text authoring screen from, 296

workstations, 287

Sample clock jitter, and effects on sound quality, 463

Sample rate conversion, 245–7

Sampler, 422–3

Sampling, 209

digital filters, 240–2

frequency domain, 214

interleaving, 262

sample rate conversion, 245–7

Sampling frequency and sound quality, 217–19

SAN see Storage area networks

SAOL (Structured Audio Orchestra Language), 254, 437

SAS interfaces see Serial Attached SCSI interfaces

SASL (Structured Audio Score Language), 437

Sawtooth wave, 6

Scalable Polyphonic MIDI (SPMIDI), 435

Scene memory, 158, 159

Schoeps CMC-5 microphone, 68

Schoeps KFM6U microphone, 498, 498

SCMS see Serial Copy Management

System Screening braid, 357

SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 274, 336

SD see Secure Digital

SDDS see Sony Dynamic Digital Sound

SDIF, 328

SDK see Software development toolkits

SECAM television, 453, 462

Second harmonic, 7, 95

Secure Digital (SD), 270

Self-noise, 64

Semi-automatic editing functions, 444

Sensitivity, 345–6

definition, 94

of loudspeaker, 93–4

Sequencers, 287, 441

Sequencer’s synchronization, 447

Sequencer’s timing resolution, 443

Sequencing software, 441

automation and non-note MIDI events, 446–7

displaying, manipulating and editing information, 443–5

input and output filters, 442–3

MIDI mixing and external control, 447

quantization of rhythm, 445

synchronization, 447

synchronized digital video, 448

timing resolution, 443

tracks, channels, instruments and environments, 441–2

Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) interfaces, 274

Serial Copy Management System (SCMS), 327

Session master, 161

Shannon, 211

Shelving, 126

Shelving curve, 135

Shift register, 205, 206, 222

Short time Fourier transform (STFT), 247

Shure VP88, 62

Side-fire configuration, 495

Sideband, 214

Signal levels, 143

Signal-to-noise ratio, 349, 580–1

SIL see Sound intensity level

Simple harmonic motion, 3

Simple interconnection, of MIDI, 404

Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), 335

Simple sounds, 5

Simple unbalanced interconnection, 357

Simple waveform, 5

Simulcast, 128

Sine wave, 3

Single-ended noise reduction system, 197–8

digital noise extraction, 198

general systems, 197

noise gates, 197–8

Single port MIDI interface, 405

Sinusoidal waveform, 5

Six-channel analog mixer, 109

features, 113, 115

input channels, 111, 112–13

output section, 111, 113, 114

overview, 109–11

Slate, 133

Slew rate, 348

Sliding-band filters, 194

Slow relock mode, 458

Small Computer Systems Interface see SCSI

SMF see Standard MIDI files

SMPTE drop-frame, 453

SMPTE see Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

SMPTE/EBU timecode, 452–4, 455

data format of, 454

SMTP see Simple mail transfer protocol

Snare drum, 198

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), 452–4

Software, 290–1, 292

Software development toolkits (SDK), 381

‘Soft’ limiter, 388

SOLO, 130

Sone, 36

Song position pointers (SPPs), 464, 466

Sony, 295, 329

Sony DMR-4000 digital master recorder, 264

Sony Dynamic Digital Sound (SDDS), 256, 530

Sony PCM-3348, 266

Sony PCM-7030 professional DAT machine, 264

Sony PCM-800, 266

Sony’s PCM-1610, 264

Sony’s PCM 1610/1630 format, 313

Sony’s PCM-1630, 264

Sony’s PCM-F1, 258

Sound cards, 277

Sound character, 562

Sound controllers, 429, 430

Sound designer formats, 302–3

Sound Designer I, 302

Sound Designer II, 302–3

Sound field, 21, 51, 471, 473, 503

and sound segments, 281

Sound generators, control of, 422

controller messages, handling of, 428–30

MIDI data buffers and latency, 426–7

MIDI functions, of sound generators, 426

MIDI note assignment, in synthesizers and samplers, 422–5

polyphony, voice and note assignment, 425–6

velocity and aftertouch data, handling of, 427–8

voice selection, 430–2

Sound intensity level (SIL), 18

Sound power, 16, 18–19

Sound pressure, 16, 18–19

Sound pressure level (SPL), 17, 64

measuring, 20

Sound quality, 561

attributes, 563–5

in audio codecs, 585–7

audio system performance affecting aspects, 573

in digital signal chain, 582–5

evaluation methods, 567

and fidelity, 565

and liking, 566–7

and naturalness, 566

objective quality, 562–3

perceptual models, 571–3

and quantizing resolution, 222–6, 227

and sampling frequency, 217–19

subjective quality, 562–3

Sound scenes, 254

Sound segments, 281

Sound stage width, 43

Sound wave, 15

characteristics, 2–4

SoundBlaster series, 279

Soundfield Research microphone, 62

SoundField ST250 microphone, 62

SoundFonts, 436

Spaced diversity, 77

Spaced microphone configurations, 498–501

Spaciousness, 43, 471, 549, 587

Spatial ambience, 549

Spatial equalization, 485

Spatial perception, 37

amplitude and spectral cues, 39–42

distance and depth perception, 44–5

interaction between hearing and other senses, 42–4

naturalness, in spatial hearing, 45–6

resolving conflicting cues, 44

sound source localization, 37

time-based cues, 37–9

Spectral skewing, 193, 194

Spectrum analyzer, 15, 387

Speed of sound, 4

SPG see Sync pulse generator

SPL see Sound pressure level

Splash, 100

Splice editing, 265

Split monitoring, 116–18

Splitter boxes, 373–5

SPMIDI see Scalable Polyphonic MIDI

‘Spoked wheel’ effect, 213

Spot erase, 177

Spot microphones, 503–5

and two-channel panning laws, 503–5

SPPs see Song position pointers

Spring reverb, 388

Square wave, 6, 6

SSL Matrix console, 160, 161

SSL Pro-Convert, 309

Stage box, 379

Stand-alone timecode generator, 455

Standard consumer interface (IEC 60958-3), 325–7

Standard linear fades, 283

Standard MIDI files (SMF), 433

Standard play tape, 170–1

Standard two-channel interface frame, format of, 324

Standing wave ratio see SWR

Standing waves, 7, 23–6

Star-quad cable, 363–4

Stationary heads, 259

Status byte, 409

Steinberg’s VST, 382, 383


console recorder, 176

jack, 376

line input modules, 137–8

microphone, 61–2

misalignment effects, 487

mix buses, 112, 117

mix outputs, 120

mix path, 118

mixer, 115

surround sound, 512

two-channel stereo, 469

vector summation, 477

width issues, 489

Stereophonic localization, 474

STFT see Short time Fourier transform


Blu-Ray disc, 319–20

CD, 315–16

DVD, 316–18

super audio CD (SACD), 318–19

Storage area networks (SAN), 334

Straight-to-stereo mixing, 161–2

Streaming interfaces, 322

Streicher, 501

Structured Audio (SA), 254

Structured Audio Orchestra Language see SAOL

Structured Audio Score Language see SASL

Studer A807-TC, 176

Studio recorder, 176–7

Subcode stream, 315

Sub-ID, 422

Subjective sound quality, 562–3

Subwoofers, 91–2, 515–17, 542–3

Sum and difference processing, 63

‘Sum and difference’ format, 485, 486

‘Sumand-difference’ stereo microphone, 62

Super Audio CD (SACD), 234, 318–19

‘Super Clock’ signal, 462

Supercardioid microphones, 551

SuperMAC, 329

Surround imaging, 544–5

Surround loudspeakers, 540–2

Surround sound, 507

5.1-channel surround (3–2 stereo), 512–18

Ambisonics, 532–7

digital surround sound formats, 526–32

four-channel surround (3–1 stereo), 510–12

matrixed surround sound systems, 520–6

monitoring, 538–43

multichannel configurations, 518–20

multichannel panning techniques, 555–9

recording techniques, 543–55

systems, 520

three-channel (3–0) stereo, 509–10

Surround sound microphone technique, 543–5

Swept mid, 136

Switch controller, 414

Switchable polar patterns, 61

SWR (standing wave ratio), 75

Sync lock see Phase lock

Sync pulse generator (SPG), 462

Sync replay, 178

Sync word, 453

Synchronization, 447, 451

digital audio synchronization, 459–63

machine synchronizers, 456–9

and MIDI, 463–7

recording timecode, 454–6

SMPTE/EBU timecode, 452–4, 455

synchronizing audio/MIDI computer applications, 468

Synchronized digital video, 448

Synchronizer terminology:

bit offset, 459

drop-in and drop-out, 459

loop, 459

nudge, 459

offset, 459

post-roll, 459

pre-roll, 459

Synchronizing audio/MIDI computer applications, 468

Synthesizer, 423

Synthetic audio, 397

System exclusive message, 420–1

‘System real-time’ messages, 464

System vs. channel messages, 408, 410


Take-up reel, 185

Talkback, 132–3

Tape counter, 185

Tape echo, 389

Tape machine alignment:

head inspection and demagnetization, 180

record alignment, 181–4

replay alignment, 180–1

Tape mode, 128

Tape recorder:

alignment, 181–3

analog, 176–8

cable capacitance, 360

cable resistance, 358

digital, 194, 258–9, 265

dynamic range, 580

harmonic distortion, 576

mechanical transport functions, 184

multitrack machine, 177–8

noise reduction, 189–98

studio recorder, 176–7

Tape speed, 259

Tape-based copy editing, 286

Tascam’s interfaces, 327

tc Electronics System 6000 multi-effects processor, 391

TC Works Master X series:

mastering dynamics plug-in interface, 292

‘TC Works’ PowerCore, 382

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 335

TDIF data and LRsync signal, format of, 328

TDM see Time Division Multiplex

TEAC company, 186

Technical specifications, of mixer, 138

crosstalk, 141

distortion, 140–1

frequency response, 140

impedance, 140

input noise, 138–9

output noise, 139–40

Telcom c4, 195–6

Telecommunication, 368, 369

Telephones, 332, 339

Television, 72, 218, 491, 540

Test tapes, 178–80

Text stream, 315

Theater, 91

jackfield, 375

sound mixers, 124

Thiele, 101–5

Third-harmonic distortion, 179, 579

Three-channel (3–0) stereo, 509–10

Three-way loudspeaker system, 89

Threshold level, 387

THRU connector, 402

THX system, 524

TID see Transient intermodulation distortion

Tie-clip microphones, 53, 55

Timbre controller, 430

Time constant, 174, 175

Time difference, 37, 473, 478

Time Division Multiplex (TDM), 278, 282

Time-domain plot, 5

Time domain response, 242

Time signature message, 466


synchronization, 460–1

tape recording, 454–6

Timing clock, 465

Timing resolution, 443

Toole, Floyd, 565

Total automation systems, 153–4

Total harmonic distortion, 141, 579

Total Recall, 153, 157

TPDF see Triangular probability distribution function

Track, 441–2

Track routing switches, 124

Track subgroup, 119

Track-laying phase, 115

Transaural processing, 484

Transaural stereo, 483, 484

Transducers, 576

echo plate, 388

electromagnetic, 48, 81

loudspeaker, 80

spring reverb, 388

Transfer rate, 271

Transformers, 355

circuits, 355

and impedances, 354–6

limitations, 356

Transient distortion, 348–9

Transient intermodulation

distortion (TID), 348–9

Transmission line system, 58

Transversal filter, 242

Transverse scanning, 259

Transverse wave motion, 2

Treble, 36, 55, 195, 197

Triangular probability distribution function (TPDF), 228

True Total Reset, 154

TTL level, 462

Tune request, 422

Tweeters, 88, 89

Two-channel and surround mixing rooms, differences, 538

Two-channel format, 471

Two-channel microphone techniques, 487

coincident-pair principles, 487–91

near-coincident microphone configurations, 496–7

operational considerations with coincident pairs, 495–6

pseudo-binaural techniques, 496

spaced microphone

configurations, 498–501

using ms processing on coincident pairs, 491–5

Two-channel signal formats, 485–7

Two-channel stereo, 469

binaural recording and dummy head techniques, 501–3

binaural/headphone stereo, principles of, 480–2

loudspeaker stereo, principles of, 471–9

loudspeaker stereo vs. headphones, 482–5

spot microphones and two-channel panning laws, 503–5

two-channel microphone techniques, 487–501

two-channel signal formats, 485–7

Two-element aerials, 74

Two-way speaker system, 88

Two’s complement, 206

Type 1 transmissions, 338

Type 2 transmissions, 338

Type 3 transmissions, 338


UDP (user datagram protocol), 335

UDP see User datagram protocol UHF band, 72

UHJ see Universal HJ

Unbalanced interconnection, 357, 357, 358

Unbalanced lines, 356–8

cable effects with, 358–61

Unbalanced output, 362, 363

Unbalanced resistive attenuator, 346

Unidirectional pattern, 57–8

Uniform resource locator see URL

Universal HJ (UHJ), 533

Universal noncommercial messages, 421

Universal non-real-time messages, 421

Universal real-time messages, 421

Universal Serial Bus (USB), 274, 337–9, 405, 437, 438–9

audio cluster descriptor, channel identification in, 340

Implementers Forum, 437

MIDI function, 437, 438

vs. MIDI, 437–9

Universal Synthesizer Interface see USI

Universal sysex messages, 421

Universal system exclusive messages, 421–2

Unix operating system, 276

URL (uniform resource locator), 440

USB see Universal Serial Bus User datagram protocol (UDP), 335

USI (Universal Synthesizer Interface), 398


Variable pre-emphasis, 190–2

Variable Q, 127

Varispeed, 218, 321

VCA grouping, 120

VCA see Voltage controlled amplifier

VCO see Voltage controlled oscillator

Velocity and aftertouch data, handling of, 427–8

Velocity information, 411–12

Vertical Interval Timecode see VITC

Vertical polarization, 73

Vibrating source, 1–2

Vibrating systems, 48


frame rate, 461, 462

monitor, 101, 540

sync, 454

Vienna decoders, 537

Virtual reality modeling language see VRML

Virtual Studio Technology see VST

VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode), 454


level, 387

microphones, 52, 124

Voice, 425–6

Voice selection, 430–2

Voltage, 12–13, 13, 15, 16

Voltage controlled amplifier (VCA), 120, 146, 147, 148, 157

Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), 261

VRML (virtual reality modeling language), 254

VST (Virtual Studio Technology), 383

VU (volume unit) meter, 142, 142


WANs (wide area networks), 331

Watts, 16, 19

Wave field synthesis, 473

WAVE-format extensible, 306

WAVE PCM file, contents of FORMAT chunk in, 306

Waveforms, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15

acoustical, 84, 106

non-repetitive, 8

random, 8

sinusoidal, 5, 578

Wavelength, 4, 23, 54, 56, 72, 100

Wavetable synthesis, 423

WCLK see Word clock

WDM see Windows Driver Model

Weighting filters, 20

White noise, 8, 226, 228

Williams curve, 479, 546

Windows Driver Model (WDM), 407

Windows Multimedia Extensions, 448

Wireless networks, 335–6

Wireless personal area network (WPAN), 336

Woodles, 175

Woofer, 88, 89

Word clock (WCLK), 462

WORM discs, 270

Wow, 581

WPAN see Wireless personal area network

Wrap, 182

Wright, Matt, 440

Writeable DVD, 316


XLR-3 connectors, 363

XLR-type connectors, 109, 110, 378, 403, 454

XMF (extensible Music Format) files, 435–6

XSAN, 334


Yagi aerial, 74, 74


Zenith, 182

Zero level, 17

ZIPI, 440

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