

accepted build cycle, testing during, 198-199

accessibility, as QoS (quality of service), 69

actors, personas versus, 65-66

Actual Quality versus Planned Velocity graph, 97-98

ad hoc testing. See exploratory testing

adapting process (iterative development), 35

adaptive approach, plan-driven approach versus, 38-39

adaptive projects, 51

advocacy groups, viewpoints of risk, 36-37

Agile Alliance, 2, 29

Agile Manifesto, 2

agility, 3

AIB (Applied Integration Baseline), 122

Anderson, David J., 8, 32

Application Designer, 124

Applied Integration Baseline (AIB), 122

architecture, 116

baseline architecture, 119-122

citizenship, 128

Design for Operations, 128-131

QoS mindset and, 126-128

reference architectures, 122-123

SOA (service-oriented architecture), 116-119

VSTS and, 124-127

troubleshooting, 224-226

validating, 121

value-up approach, 116, 119

in VSTS, 116

assessment data in bug reports, 216-218

attractiveness, as QoS (quality of service), 69

audit trails, 109-111

auditability, 41

auditors, 41

Austin, Robert, 83

automated build system, 156-161

automated code analysis, 138-139

automated scenario testing, 172-175

automated testing, 201

availability, as QoS (quality of service), 70


baseline architecture, 119-120

reference architectures, 122-123

refining, 121-122

batch sizes, 32

Beizer, Boris, 195

bluffing, 233

Boehm, Barry, 28

bottom-up estimation, 100

branching (source control), 156

Broken Windows theory, 193

Brooks, Fred, 30

bug find rate, 233-235

Bug Rates graph, 93-94

bugs. See also prioritizing bugs; testing

capacity to handle, 228-229

lifecycle of, 206-210

reactivation rate, troubleshooting, 232

writing bug reports, 210-212

assessment data in, 216-218

objective data in, 214-216

plans in, 218

SOAP analogy, 212-213

subjective data in, 213-214

Bugs by Priority graph, 95-97

build failures, troubleshooting, 229-230

build reports, 158-159

build verification tests (BVTs), 148-150, 160, 196-198

business process models, 52

Buwalda, Hans, 194

BVTs (build verification tests), 148-150, 160, 196-198


Capability Maturity Model Integration. See CMMI

change requests, 207. See also bugs

changesets, 153

check-in cycle, testing during, 196

check-ins, associating work items with, 109-111

checking in files (source control), 153-155

citizenship, 128

CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), 3

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement, 29

Cockburn, Alistair, 35

code analysis. See automated code analysis

code churn, 21

code coverage, 186-187

overlaying, 21

troubleshooting, 231-232

in unit testing, 143-145

code reviews, 138-141

commercial-off-the-shelf software (COTS), 5

common cause variation, 81-82

compatibility, as QoS (quality of service), 69

competition, global competition, 3

compliance, 3

component integration tests, 147

concurrency, as QoS (quality of service), 69

configuration management. See source control

configuration testing, 146-148, 189-192

conformance to standards, as QoS (quality of service), 70

contextual inquiry, 58-59

continuous integration, 160-161

contract-first design, 118-119

control theory (iterative development), 31

Cooper, Alan, 55, 57

COTS (commercial-off-the-shelf software), 5

coverage. See code coverage

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 8

cumulative flow diagram, 88-90

customer validation of scenarios, 62-64


daily activities, instrumenting, 17-21

daily build cycle, testing during, 196-198

daily builds, 158

data sets, unit testing, 146-147

data warehouse. See work item databases

dead reckoning, 99

Declaration of Interdependence, 5

defects. See bugs

DeMarco, Tom, 102

Deming, W. Edwards, 81

Deployment Designer, 125-129

descriptive metrics, prescriptive metrics versus, 83-85

Design for Operations, 128-131


quality issues, 134-135

programming errors, 135, 138-141

requirements, 135, 136-137

transparency, 135, 160-161

unit testing, 135, 141-152

version skews, 135, 152-161

troubleshooting, 229-233

value-up approach to, 134

discoverability, as QoS (quality of service), 69

discovery, testing as, 194-195

dissatisfiers, 66-67

Kano Analysis, 71-75

documentation. See required documentation

duplicate bugs, 217


ease of use, as QoS (quality of service), 69

economics (iterative development), 30

efficiency, as QoS (quality of service), 69

Einstein, Albert, 1-2

elevator pitch, 51

EQF (Estimating Quality Factor), 102-103

errors. See bugs

estimating iterations, 98

bottom-up estimation, 100

estimation quality, 102-103

refinements to, 100-102

retrospectives, 103-104

top-down estimation, 99

Estimating Quality Factor (EQF), 102-103

estimating tasks, 4

value-up approach, 5

flow, 8-13

work-down approach versus, 6

work-down approach, 4

value-up approach versus, 6

Excel, accessing metrics warehouse from, 223

exciters, 66

Kano Analysis, 71-75

explicit sign-off gates, implicit sign-off gates versus, 40-41

exploratory testing, 194


false confidence in testing, 195

fault feedback ratio, troubleshooting, 232

fault model, 187

fault tolerance, as QoS (quality of service), 69

flow, 8-10

transparency, 11-13

work-down approach versus, 10-11

focus (iterative development), 30

focus groups, 58


gaps in testing, 184-189

geographic boundaries, fitting process to project, 45

global competition, 3

goals of scenarios, 56-57

“good enough” testing, 192-193

governance model, 40-41

granularity (iterative development), 33

historical estimates, tracking, 102


implicit sign-off gates, explicit sign-off gates versus, 40-41

indifferent features (Kano Analysis), 72

installability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

instrumented profiling (performance profiling), 152

instrumenting daily activities, 17-21

interoperability, as QoS (quality of service), 71

iron triangle, 10-11

iteration cycle, testing during, 199-200

iterations, 31

estimating, 98

bottom-up estimation, 100

estimation quality, 102-103

refinements to, 100-102

retrospectives, 103-104

top-down estimation, 99

test objectives, 192-193

triage and, 108-109

iterative development, 30-32

adapting process, 35

control theory, 31

economics, 30

focus, 30

granularity, 33

length of, 32

motivation, 31

prioritization, 33-34

reasons for using, 30-31

risk management, 30

stakeholder involvement, 31


job descriptions, project roles versus, 43

Kaner, Cem, 169, 193

Kano Analysis, 71-75

Kerth, Norman L., 103


late delivery, 11-13

length of iterations, 32

lifecycle of bugs, 206-210

load testing, 177-182

localizability, as QoS (quality of service), 69

Logical Datacenter Designer, 125-126


maintainability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

manageability, as QoS (quality of service), 70-71

managed code analysis, 139

managing projects. See project management

manual code reviews, 140-141

McConnell, Steve, 11


multidimensional metrics, 20

prescriptive metrics versus descriptive metrics, 83-85

team efficiency, 201-202

metrics warehouse, 18

accessing from Excel, 223

for project management, 86-87

troubleshooting with

development practices, 229-233

testing bottleneck, 236-240

tests pass, solution doesn’t work, 233-236

underestimation, 223-230

usefulness of, 222-223

Microsoft Project, 16

monitorability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

Moore, Geoffrey, 51, 55, 59

MoSCoW (prioritization scheme), 33

motivation (iterative development), 31

MSF for Agile Software Development, 28-29

change requests, 207

reports, 88

special cause variation, 82

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement, 28-29

audit trails, 110

change requests, 207

governance model, 41

special cause variation, 82

MSF for CMMI Software Improvement, reports, 88

multidimensional metrics, 20

must-haves (Kano Analysis), 72


objective data in bug reports, 214-216

operability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

operations, Design for Operations, 128-131

organization, prescribed versus self-organization, 43

organizational boundaries, fitting process to project, 45

outsourcing/offshoring, 3

overlaying code coverage, 21


pain points, 57

paradigm shifts, 2-4

paradigms. See value-up approach; work-down approach


architecture and, 127

as QoS (quality of service), 68

performance tuning, 149-152

personas, 55-56

actors versus, 65-66

researching, 57-59

Personify Design Teamlook, 16-17

Pesticide Paradox, 195

plan-driven approach, adaptive approach versus, 38-39

plans in bug reports, 218

Poincaré, Henri, 2

portability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

post-mortems, 35

prescribed organization, self-organization versus, 43

prescriptive metrics, descriptive metrics versus, 83-85

prioritization (iterative development), 33-34

prioritizing bugs, 95-97

triage, 104-108

example, 104-106

iterations and, 108-109

red line, 106-108

privacy, as QoS (quality of service), 68

process, fitting to project, 21-22, 37

adaptive approach versus plan-driven approach, 38-39

auditability and regulatory concerns, 41

geographic and organizational boundaries, 45

implicit versus explicit sign-off gates and governance model, 40-41

prescribed versus self-organization, 43

project switching, 43-45

required documentation versus tacit knowledge, 39

Process Template, 22

product backlog, 12-13

production environment, testing for, 189-192

profiling (performance tuning), 149-152

programming errors, development quality and, 135, 138-141

project cycle, testing during, 200

project management. See also projects

audit trails, 109-111

estimating iterations, 98

bottom-up estimation, 100

estimation quality, 102-103

refinements to, 100-102

retrospectives, 103-104

top-down estimation, 99

metrics warehouse, 86-87

prescriptive versus descriptive metrics, 83-85

questions to answer, 86-87

Actual Quality versus Planned Velocity graph, 97-98

Bug Rates graph, 93-94

Bugs by Priority graph, 95-97

Project Velocity graph, 90-91

Quality Indicators graph, 92-93

Reactivations graph, 95-96

Remaining Work graph, 88-90

Unplanned Work graph, 91-92

triage, 104-108

example, 104-106

iterations and, 108-109

red line, 106-108

variation, 81-82

project portal, 41-42

project smells, 19

project switching, 43-45

Project Velocity graph, 90-91

projects. See also project management

adaptive projects, 51

fitting process to, 21-22, 37

adaptive approach versus plan-driven approach, 38-39

auditability and regulatory concerns, 41

geographic and organizational boundaries, 45

implicit versus explicit sign-off gates and governance model, 40-41

prescribed versus self-organization, 43

project switching, 43-45

required documentation versus tacit knowledge, 39

requirements. See requirements

strategic projects, 51

troubleshooting. See troubleshooting with metrics warehouse

when to build, 3-4


QoS (qualities of service), 50, 67-71

architecture and, 126-128

Kano Analysis, 71-75

testing, 177-183

quality. See also bugs

in development, 134-135

programming errors, 135, 138-141

requirements, 135-137

transparency, 135, 160-161

unit testing, 135, 141-152

version skews, 135, 152-161

velocity versus, 97-98

Quality Indicators graph, 92-93


ranking order, 35

reactivation rate, troubleshooting, 232

Reactivations graph, 95-96

recoverability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

red line (triage), 106-108

reference architectures, 122-123

regression testing, 183-184

regulatory compliance. See compliance

regulatory concerns, 41

reliability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

Remaining Work graph, 88-90

reporting bugs. See bugs

reports, defining, 88

reports available (project management), 86-87

Actual Quality versus Planned Velocity graph, 97-98

Bug Rates graph, 93-94

Bugs by Priority graph, 95-97

Project Velocity graph, 90-91

Quality Indicators graph, 92-93

Reactivations graph, 95-96

Remaining Work graph, 88-90

Unplanned Work graph, 91-92

required documentation, tacit knowledge versus, 39

requirements, 50

development quality and, 135-137

Kano Analysis, 71-75

personas, 55-56

actors versus, 65-66

researching, 57-59

QoS (qualities of service), 67-71

scenarios, 56-57

customer validation of, 62-64

dissatisfiers, 66-67

in end-to-end story, 61-62

evolving, 64-65

exciters, 66

satisfiers, 66

storyboarding, 60-61

use cases versus, 65-66

user stories versus, 66

writing steps for, 59-60

specificity versus understandability, 53-55

tests against, 184-185

time frame for, 52-53

vision statements, 50-52

requirements analysis, scenario testing versus, 170

researching personas, 57-59

resource leaks, troubleshooting, 229-230

responsiveness, as QoS (quality of service), 69

retrospectives, 35, 103-104

risk, viewpoints of advocacy groups, 36-37

risk management, 30, 36-37

risk testing, 187-189

roles, job descriptions versus, 43


sampling (performance profiling), 152

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), 3, 109

satisfiers, 66

Kano Analysis, 71-75

scalability, as QoS (quality of service), 69

scenarios, 50, 56-57

customer validation of, 62-64

dissatisfiers, 66-67

in end-to-end story, 61-62

evolving, 64-65

exciters, 66

Kano Analysis, 71-75

satisfiers, 66

states of, 88

storyboarding, 60-61

testing, 169-177

use cases versus, 65-66

user stories versus, 66

writing steps for, 59-60

scheduling time for unplanned work, 228-229

scope creep, 227

SCRUM, product backlog, 12

SDM (System Definition Model), 129-130


architecture and, 127

as QoS (quality of service), 68

testing, 182-183

self-organization, prescribed organization versus, 43

service-oriented architecture. See SOA

shelvesets, 140

shelving (source control), 155

smells, 19

SOA(service-oriented architecture), 116-119

organizational boundaries and, 46

VSTS and, 124-127

SOAP, bug reporting analogy, 212-213

soap opera testing, 194-195

software. See projects

source control, development quality and, 135, 152-161

SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002), 3, 109

special cause variation, 81-82

specificity of requirements, 53-55

stack ranking, 33

stakeholders (iterative development), 31

stale tests, 236

static analysis, 138-139

storyboards, 60-61

strategic projects, 51

subjective data in bug reports, 213-214

supportability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

System Definition Model (SDM), 129-130

System Designer, 124-125


tacit knowledge, required documentation versus, 39


estimating. See estimating tasks

troubleshooting, 224-225

TDD (Test-Driven Development), 136-137

team builds, 157

team efficiency, 201-202

Team System, instrumenting daily activities, 18

technology adoption lifecycle, 73-74

templates, Process Template, 22

test lists (for BVTs), creating, 149

test run configurations, unit testing, 146-148

Test-Driven Development (TDD), 136-137

testability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

testing. See also bugs

bottleneck in, 236-240

configuration testing, 189-192

as discovery, 194-195

exploratory testing, 194

false confidence in, 195

“good enough” testing, 192-193

load testing, 177-182

questions to answer with, 169

amount of testing to do, 192-195

automated testing, 201

change testing, 183-184

delivering customer value, 169-177

gaps in testing, 184-189

production environment, 189-192

qualities of service (QoS), 177-183

team efficiency, 201-202

when to test, 196-200

regression testing, 183-184

risk testing, 187-189

scenario testing, 169-177

security testing, 182-183

TDD (Test-Driven Development), 136-137

tests pass, solution doesn’t work, 233-236

unit testing, 196

development quality and, 135, 141-152

troubleshooting, 231-232

value-up approach of, 166-169

Theory of Special Relativity (Einstein), 2

time boxes, 31

top-down estimation, 99

tracking work, 11-13

instrumenting daily activities, 17-21

work item databases, 13-17

transparency. See also tracking work

development quality and, 135, 160-161

of flow, 11-13

triage, 104-108

example, 104-106

iterations and, 108-109

red line, 106-108

triage committee, writing bug reports for, 211

troubleshooting with metrics warehouse

development practices, 229-233

testing bottleneck, 236-240

tests pass, solution doesn’t work, 233-236

underestimation, 223-230

usefulness of, 222-223

Turner, Richard, 28


underestimation, 223-230

understandability of requirements, 53-55

uninstallability, as QoS (quality of service), 70

unit testing, 196

development quality and, 135, 141-152

troubleshooting, 231-232

unmanaged code analysis, 139

unplanned work, capacity to handle, 228-229

Unplanned Work graph, 91-92

usability labs, validating scenarios in, 63-64

use cases, scenarios versus, 65-66

user experience, as QoS (quality of service), 69

user interface tests, 176-177

user stories, scenarios versus, 66



architecture, 121

scenarios, 62-64

value-up approach, 5

architecture and, 116, 119

to development, 134

flow, 8-10

transparency, 11-13

work-down approach versus, 10-11

ideas in, 245-247

in testing, 166-169

work-down approach versus, 6

variable data sets, unit testing, 146-147


estimating tasks, 4

in project velocity graph, 90

variation, 81-82

velocity, quality versus, 97-98

version control. See source control

version skews, development quality and, 135, 152-161

virtual machines, configuration testing on, 190

vision statements, 50-52


architecture in, 116

SOA (service-oriented architecture) and, 124-127


waterfall model, 30

web services, SOA and, 118

Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 118

web tests, in scenario testing, 172-175

Weinberg, Gerald, 43

Windows Server System Reference Architecture (WSSRA), 122

wireframes, 60-61

work item databases, 13-17

instrumenting daily activities, 17-21

work items, 13, 16

associating with check-ins, 109-111

states of, 89-90

work-down approach, 4

flow versus, 10-11

value-up approach versus, 6

writing bug reports, 210-212

assessment data in, 216-218

objective data in, 214-216

plans in, 218

SOAP analogy, 212-213

subjective data in, 213-214

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 118

WSSRA (Windows Server System Reference Architecture), 122

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