What Is Information Systems Security?

A good definition of information systems security (ISS) is the act of protecting information and the systems that store and process it. This protection is against risks that would lead to unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of information. The first thing that should be clear from this definition is that ultimately it is the information that requires protecting. Usually, information is on digital devices such as computers, tablets, routers, and similar devices. Those devices’ primary value is the information on them.

It is important to remember that it is not just the information inside a computer you need to protect. Information needs to be protected in any form. Some examples include print and removable storage such as optical DVD drives. In fact, well-structured security policies ensure protection of information in any location and in any form. Many organizations come up with effective ways of protecting buildings, people, and other physical resources. Most people understand the need to lock their doors at home at night. Yet they may not always have the same instincts or habits when it comes to handling their data.

Sometimes the rules for dealing with information are unclear. Suppose your business knows a person’s name, phone number, and email address. How much privacy should that person expect from your business? What are you obligated by law to protect? What’s the right thing to do ethically? These are just some of the questions businesses struggle with daily. Not every employee is an expert in these matters. So, organizations create policies and procedures for their employees to follow.

Sometimes these same organizations fail to properly protect the information they process. Some do not consider information important to their operations. Some believe that security measures designed to protect buildings and people will protect information. Some just do not want to spend more money. However, protecting information is vital to business operations.

Information Systems Security Management Life Cycle

Generally, in any process of importance, you would use some type of life cycle process to reduce errors and make sure all requirements are considered. It is no different for implementing security policies. Information security controls and processes use common approaches that simplify the build and reduce mistakes. A typical life cycle process breaks up tasks into smaller, more manageable phases. The Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) developed a widely accepted international best practices framework. This framework, called Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT), was first released in 1996. The next major version, 5.0, was released in April 2012. This version is still in use; however, in 2018, COBIT 2019 was released. COBIT 2019 includes:

  • Design factors and focus areas that offer more transparency on building a governance system
  • Improved compliance with global frameworks
  • Consistent updates on a rolling basis
  • An open-source model that enables feedback from the external governance community for quicker enhancements
  • Better instructions and a broader toolkit to assist enterprises with creating a top-notch governance system
  • An improved tool for measuring Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) alignment and IT performance
  • Greater support for decision making

COBIT 2019 is made up of the following elements that differentiate it from previous versions of COBIT:

  • Design factors and focus areas that offer more transparency on building a governance system
  • Improved compliance with global frameworks
  • Consistent updates on a rolling basis
  • An open-source model that enables feedback from the external governance community for quicker enhancements
  • Better instructions and a broader toolkit to assist enterprises when creating a top-notch governance system
  • An improved tool for measuring CMMI alignment and IT performance
  • Greater support for decision-making

COBIT is more than just a life cycle; it’s a framework for managing and governing IT processes. These types of frameworks allow businesses to align themselves to outcomes that they and their customers expect. At its core are four domains that collectively represent a conceptual information systems security management life cycle:


You can read more about COBIT at https://www.isaca.org/resources/cobit.

  • Align, Plan, and Organize
  • Build, Acquire, and Implement
  • Deliver, Service, and Support
  • Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess

The life cycle process can use these simple domains, or phases, to build policies or controls. Each phase builds on the other. A failure in one phase can lead to a weakness or vulnerability downstream. For the purposes of discussion, you will learn about the four domains from a high-level life cycle view. The COBIT framework goes into great depth to further break down these domains into detailed tasks and processes. Many organizations look at the richness of a framework like COBIT to tailor a life cycle management approach that makes sense for their business.

In 2012, COBIT 5.0 was released to the public. This version of COBIT introduced the idea that good business processes make it possible for organizations to do the following:

  • Deliver value to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Meet organizational goals.
  • Practice life cycle management: building, maintaining, supporting, and disposing of products and other assets.
  • Learn from others to keep abreast of industry best practices.

COBIT 5.0 was a departure from other frameworks in that it put emphasis on what enables processes to work well. In fact, COBIT calls these process enablers. For example, think of a teller cashing a check. What does a bank have to think about to align, plan, and organize to achieve stakeholder value? Clearly the bank wants the customer, as the external stakeholder, to have a good experience. This will build loyalty and repeat business. But the customer needs must be balanced with the business goal of making a profit. The bank must also be aware of changing industry standards and new technology such as mobile devices.

As was already discussed, COBIT 2019 expanded and built on COBIT 5.0, but most of the fundamentals remain.

FIGURE 1-1 depicts one simplified example of an ISS management life cycle.

A flow diagram gives a simplified I S S management life cycle using COBIT 5.0.

FIGURE 1-1 A simplified ISS management life cycle using COBIT 5.0.

Align, Plan, and Organize

The COBIT Align, Plan, and Organize domain includes basic details of an organization’s requirements and goals. This domain answers the questions “What do you want to do?” and “How do you want to get there?” The information in this phase is still high level. Even at a high level, it is important to understand the risks and threats clearly. You review how you are going to manage your IT investment such as contracts, service level agreements (SLAs), and new policy ideas. An SLA is a stated commitment to provide a specific service level. For example, an SLA could state how often a supplier will provide the service or how quickly the firm will respond. For managed services, the SLA often covers system availability and acceptable performance measures. It’s also important to look at where or how the system will operate to determine the SLA. SLAs are important to ensure that all parties know their obligations. There are different types of service levels that apply to contracts versus what you need to deal with day to day. The Deliver, Service, and Support domain helps you define and manage day-to-day SLAs. In the Align, Plan, and Organize domain, you are primarily concerned with the type of equipment and services you are acquiring and how to hold a supplier accountable for those deliveries.


Notice in Figure 1-1 that the Align, Plan, and Organize domain touches all the other domains. This is because you will determine how the project will be managed in the Align, Plan, and Organize domain. This means you need to initially decide and then adjust management and staff throughout the project.

A contract must provide the ability to ensure a supplier meets its obligations. The SLA language in a contract must provide clear monitoring and enforcement rights. For example, consider the 2013 breach of Target stores. Although this is an older breach, it is one of the major events in cybersecurity history and still worthy of consideration. Between November 27 and December 15, 2013, hackers accessed the credit card information of 40 million customers. Later it was discovered that an additional 70 million customers’ personal information was also accessed by hackers. It’s been widely reported the hacker gained access through the supplier who maintained the company’s heating and air conditioning systems. Simply having a contract with the supplier wasn’t enough. Target had an obligation both to limit the supplier’s access while on its network and to monitor access sufficiently to ensure the contract was being enforced. These are general industry norms. Either one or both of these did not occur.

A key understanding in this life cycle phase is the understanding of threats, vulnerabilities, and risks. These three concepts are addressed in different forms throughout this text; however, a basic understanding is essential to scope the build effort. To understand these concepts, consider the following high-level definitions:

  • Threat—A human-caused or natural event that could impact the system
  • Vulnerability—A weakness in a system that can be exploited
  • Risk—The likelihood or probability of an event and its impact

As an example, a common IS threat would be a hacker trying to break into a system. A vulnerability would be a weakness in a system that allows the hacker to gain unauthorized access. A vulnerability could be a misconfiguration, bug, or flaw in the system. A risk is a combination of the likelihood that such a misconfiguration could happen, a hacker’s exploiting it, and the impact if the event occurred. Consider a non-Internet-facing system for ordering office supplies. Why might you think the risk is low? Although a misconfiguration may be possible, systems not on the Internet are less likely to be hacked. Additionally, unauthorized access to the office supply system would most likely have little long-term impact on a company.


Generally, regardless of threat or vulnerability, there will always be a chance a threat can exploit a vulnerability. Consequently, whenever you have a threat or vulnerability, you will have a risk. The key is understanding whether that risk is small (unlikely) or large (probable).

Other examples may be of higher risk and require significant investment. An example of a natural threat would be a hurricane. A vulnerability may be a lack of a recovery site. If your main data center, for example, is damaged, where would you go? The risk may be high for a business that relies on Internet orders, especially if the business is located in Florida, which is prone to hurricanes.

Build, Acquire, and Implement

The COBIT Build, Acquire, and Implement domain addresses schedules and deliverables. The basic build occurs within this phase. The build is where the security control is built and policies and supporting documents written. The build is based on the requirement created in the Align, Plan, and Organize phase. The quality of the security controls that are built depends on the understanding of the threats, vulnerabilities, and risks. The deeper this understanding, the better the controls. The more detailed the requirements, the more easily the build will go. The more details included in the Align, Plan, and Organize phase, the easier the Build, Acquire, and Implement phase will be. The SLA becomes an important consideration of the build because it determines the type of solutions that will be selected.

Additionally, the ability to manage change is critical in this phase. Often, changes known as upgrades are made to existing systems. That means changes have to be timed perfectly. This is to avoid disrupting current services while new services are added. Often this will occur during off-hours such as weekends or overnight. Plans have to be put in place to back out the change in the event of a major problem. Understanding the impact of change and knowing how to recover if something goes wrong are parts of change management.

By the end of the Build, Acquire, and Implement phase, you have acquired and implemented your equipment. You have controls built into the systems. You have policies, procedures, and guidelines written. You have teams trained.

Deliver, Service, and Support

In the COBIT Deliver, Service, and Support domain, the staff tunes the environment to minimize risks. It is in this phase that you collect lessons learned. By running the systems, you learn what’s working and what isn’t. This is where you apply those lessons learned to improve operations. This could mean adjusting controls, policies, procedures, contracts, and SLAs. It is here you analyze data from the prior phase and compare it with day-to-day operations. You also perform internal and external penetration testing and, based on the results of those tests, make critical adjustments in areas such as perimeter defense, remote access, and backup procedures. You review contracts and SLAs for validity and modify them as needed.

This phase requires regular meetings and good communication with your vendors. You must quickly identify any issues with the vendors’ capabilities to meet SLAs. Typically, a vendor provides its record for meeting SLAs. You compare the vendor’s report to your organization’s internal reports. If you rely heavily on the vendor, you should meet monthly to compare records and recap incidents during the month. It is important that SLAs also be explicit. Failure to clarify precisely what services are provided and how they are provided can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction from both the customer and the vendor.

In this phase, the day-to-day operations are managed and supported. You manage problems, configurations, physical security, and more. If you plan correctly and implement the right solution, your organization sees value.

Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess

After evaluating the ISS management life cycle, you can see that ISS focuses on specific types of controls at specific points within the system. Testing and monitoring of controls occur, and the results are analyzed for effectiveness. The oversight of the COBIT Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess domain looks at the big picture. Are your controls and supporting policies and procedures keeping pace with changes in technology and in your environment? This phase looks at specific business requirements and strategic direction and determines whether the system meets these objectives.

Internal and external audits occur during the evaluation phase. Audits also take place through all testing in this and prior phases to ensure requirements are being met. This may include penetration testing by a third-party trusted agent. The testing performed during this phase must be comprehensive enough to encompass the entire ISS environment. The level of additional security testing will depend on business requirements and complexity; for example, if your requirements include regulatory compliance, include appropriate control tests. You should also evaluate the incident response process.

Audits are independent assessments. The more robust the self-assessment process, the fewer the problems that will be discovered by an audit. Independence is a relative term. No one is truly independent. Consider this: Everyone belongs to a family. Everyone lives in a town or city. Everyone has a multitude of private and business relationships. People may feel comfortable criticizing politicians but suddenly uncomfortable criticizing a teacher who has the power over their final grade. It’s human nature that the closer the relationship, or the more control someone has over your well-being, the less likely you are to criticize. Yet in business, this honest view of mistakes is essential to success.

The concept of independent audits (or assessments) is that the further one is away from the actual transaction, the more unbiased and independent the opinion that can be obtained. In other words, it’s hard to criticize your own work. However, the more you understand the work, the better your chances are, generally, of finding out what went wrong. To balance these potentially competing interests, there is usually a series of assessments and audits. The following lists the most common types of assessments and audits:

  • Self-assessment—This is typically in the form of quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC).
  • Internal audit—This consists of reports to the board of directors and assesses the business.
  • External audit—This is done by an outside firm hired by the company to validate internal audit work and perform special assessments, such as certifying annual financial statements.
  • Regulator audit—This is an audit by government agencies that assess the company’s compliance with laws and regulations.
ISO/IEC 38500

Although COBIT is widely used and respected, it is not the only standard relevant to the information systems security management life cycle. The International Standards Organization publishes ISO 38500, “Information Technology—Governance of IT for the Organization,” which provides guidance for managing IT governance. This standard is broader than just information systems security, but it includes and is applicable to information systems security management.

This standard was last revised in 2015. It specifically addresses monitoring of resources and auditing, both of which are clearly information systems management functions. This framework sets out six principles for corporate governance of information technology:

  • Responsibility
  • Strategy
  • Acquisition
  • Performance
  • Conformance
  • Human behavior

Clearly, each of these is as applicable to information security systems as it is to IT in general.

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