

  • abstract digital forensic model (ADFM)  242
  • abuse of services  293
  • access control, cloud IaaS
    • AWS
      • AWS access‐control model  91–93
      • secure information and resource‐sharing model  93–98
    • Azure
      • azure access‐control model  99–102
      • secure information and resource‐sharing model  102–107
    • background  82–83
    • OpenStack
      • OSAC model  83–90
      • secure information and resource‐sharing model  86–90
  • access control lists (ACLs)  36
  • Access Control model with SID extension (AWSAC‐SID)  94
  • AccessData Forensic Toolkit (FTK)  213
  • acquisition of the gmail account  252
  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)  38
  • Administrative Azure‐AC‐SID Model  105–107
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)  34
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES‐256) encryption  16
  • Advanced Forensics Format (AFF)  324
  • Advanced Imager (AIMAGE)  324
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)  283
  • Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)  172
  • Amazon Cloud Drive (ACD)  264
  • Amazon, DoS attack  137
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)  14
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)  177, 213
    • data loss  137
    • server, attack  137
  • Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)  38
  • Amazon S3  14, 213
  • Amazon SimpleDB  14
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (AS3)  264, 274–275
    • approach and experiments  275–276
    • discussion  279–281
    • findings and analysis  276–279
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)  37
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)  14, 52, 94, 163, 227, 275, 302
    • administrative AWS‐AC‐SID model  96–98
    • configuration‐management software  39
    • industry‐specific standards  35
    • IT security standards  35
    • security‐monitoring tools  37
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)  18, 173
  • antivirus (AV) storms  131
  • Apache Hadoop project  212
  • API‐centric acquisition and processing  314–315
  • application programming interfaces (API)  11, 24, 131, 264, 288
  • application scenario  223
  • application service providers (ASPs)  52
  • APT28/Pawn Storm  229
  • asymmetric encryption  25
  • attack‐centric metrics  144
  • attacks‐as‐a‐service  322
  • audit‐centric forensic services  315–316
  • Auditing Standards Board (ASB)  18
  • auxiliary information  63
  • auxiliary repository (AuxRep)  63
  • AWS access‐control (AWS‐AC) model
    • accounts  91
    • credentials  93
    • cross‐account access  93
    • object types and operations  92
    • roles and services  92
    • users and groups  91–92
    • virtual permission assignment  92
  • Azure access control, cloud IaaS
    • azure access‐control model  99–102
    • secure information and resource‐sharing model  102–107
  • Azure Active Directory User (AADU)  101


  • Beowulf cluster  323
  • bigrams  324
  • Bluepipe architecture  325
  • boot storms  131
  • botnet  227
  • Browse_Deleted  278
  • bulletproof hosts (BPH)  259, 260
  • bunchofminions.jpg  278
  • business application (BA)  63
  • Business Operation Support Service (BOSS)  171


  • cardholder data environment (CDE)  182
  • card verification value (CVV)  17
  • central processing unit (CPU)  164
  • Certified Accountable Tamper‐evident Storage (CATS)  13
  • chain‐of‐custody subsystem  289
  • Chief Information Officers (CIOs)  171
  • Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs)  175
  • 2000 Children’s Internet Protection Act  230
  • chunk  65
  • classless inter‐domain routing (CIDR)  273
  • Clean IT  228
  • client data reduction (CDR)  59
  • cloud auditing
    • amplified cloud security problems  163–165
    • cloud security issues and research efforts  167–170
    • cloud‐specific security problems  163, 165–167
    • in future research  183–184
    • publications  162
    • standards organizations  162
  • cloud auditor  4
  • cloud‐based dependency graph  150–153
  • cloud‐based forensics‐as‐a‐service (FaaS)  332–334
  • CloudBerry Drive  276, 279
  • cloud broker  4
  • cloud carrier  4
  • cloud compliance
    • compliance need  181–183
    • data availability  178–179
    • data confidentiality  177–178
    • dataflows  180–181
    • data integrity  176–177
    • data privacy  179–180
    • in future research  183–184
    • need for  181–183
  • cloud components  5
  • cloud computing  3, 189, 204–206
    • accessibility  6
    • characteristics  6–7
    • compliance  8
    • deployment models  5–6
    • measured service  7
    • on‐demand, self‐service  6
    • performance  6
    • rapid elasticity  6
    • reliability  6
    • and security issues  4–9
    • service‐delivery models  4–5
    • shared resources  6
    • versatility  6
  • cloud consumer  4
  • Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM)  115, 173
  • cloud digital evidence
    • adapting to the new landscape  304–305
    • API‐centric acquisition and processing  314–315
    • audit‐centric forensic services  315–316
    • cloud forensics as a reactive technology  301–302
    • cloud service models  306
    • hardware  305
    • infrastructure‐as‐a‐service  307
    • middleware  305
    • new forensics landscape  302–304
    • operating system  305
    • PaaS/IaaS forensics  312
    • platform‐as‐a‐service  307
    • procedural expansion of existing forensic practices  313
    • runtime  305
    • SaaS forensics  308–311
    • software‐as‐a‐service  306–307
    • virtualization  305
  • cloud‐distributed systems  168
  • cloud drive forensics  310–311
  • Cloudera  330
  • cloud federation  160, 172
  • CloudFence  315
  • cloud forensic readiness for SLA management (SLACFR) formal model  295
  • cloud forensics
    • and challenges  213–214
      • legal  284–285
      • organizational  284
      • technical  284
    • cloud computing  204–206
    • digital evidence collection and extraction  208–209
    • digital forensics  206–207
    • dynamic cloud forensics model  210–211
    • evidence analysis and fixation  210
    • forensics moving into the cloud  208
    • methods and approaches  211–213
    • process and model
      • Access Data’s Forensic Tool Kit  244
      • data identification  243
      • depth of knowledge  246
      • digital forensic procedures  245
      • Guidance Software’s Encase  244
      • IaaS  243
      • law enforcement agencies  245
      • model  246–247
      • non‐law enforcement bodies  245
      • PaaS  243
      • post‐search investigation stage  250–251
      • pre‐search stage  248
      • SaaS  243
      • search stage  248–250
      • transformative computing technologies  243
    • as a reactive technology  301–302
    • research findings  203
    • tools  213
  • cloud forensics readiness  287–288
    • CFRS advantages  290–291
    • contractual constraints  292–293
    • court presentation  294
    • forensics readiness system constraints  290
    • formal model  294–295
    • operations in a CFRS  289–290
    • reference architecture  288–289
    • service level agreements  291–292
    • SLO and security threats  293–294
  • cloud forensics readiness system (CFRS)  288
  • cloud identity and access management (IdAM)  14
  • cloud infrastructure security
    • application level  28
    • host level
      • IaaS host security  27–28
      • SaaS and PaaS host security  27
    • hypervisor security  28–31
    • infrastructure protection
      • disaster recovery  46–47
      • incident response team  47–48
      • malicious insiders  48–49
      • monitoring and defending infrastructure  47
      • patching vulnerabilities  45–46
      • software maintenance  45–46
      • technology stack  46
    • network‐level mitigation  26
  • cloud‐native application forensics  308–310
  • Cloudopsy  315
  • cloud provider  4
  • cloud risk assessment and disaster recovery
    • high‐level architecture  146
    • Seclius framework  147
  • cloud security  7
    • countermeasures  134–136
    • evaluation  153–154
    • in future  137–138
    • hacking  136–137
    • identity security  8, 9
    • information security  8
    • infrastructure security  9
    • IOT  138
    • standards
      • COBIT  19
      • CSA CCM  17
      • FISMA  17
      • HIPAA  17
      • ISAE No.3402  18
      • ISO 9001:2008  18–19
      • ISO 31000:2009  19
      • ISO/IEC 27001:2005  19
      • ITIL  18
      • PCI DSS  17
      • SOC 2  17
      • SSAE No.16  18
    • threats
      • cloud infrastructure, attacks on  131
      • cloud interface, attacks on  131
      • cloud resources, abuse of  132–133
      • data breaches and losses  132
      • malware propagation  132
      • resource exhaustion attacks  131
      • virtualization, attacks on  133–134
  • cloud security alliance (CSA)  35, 115, 132, 158, 159, 192
  • Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Controls Matrix (CSA CCM)  17
  • cloud security and privacy management
    • conceptual reference model  110
    • current trends and future  125
    • security and privacy analysis
      • privacy assessment aspect  116–117
      • risk exposure assessment and management  112–116
      • vulnerability assessment  111–112
    • security practices and recommendation  117–118
  • Cloud Select Industry Group, Subgroup on Service Level Agreement (C‐SIG‐SLA)  182
  • Cloud Service Level Agreement Standardization (Cloud SLAS) Guideline  181
  • cloud service provider (CSP)  23, 81
  • cloud specific tools  304
  • cloud storage forensics  264–265
  • cloud storage systems
    • costs reduction, data‐reduction techniques  57–59
    • cryptographic solutions
      • end‐to‐end encryption  56–57
      • stage encryption  55–56
    • in future
      • cryptographic key management, usability  75
      • hardware trends  74
      • new cryptographic techniques  74–75
      • privacy and side‐channel attacks  76
      • trusted execution environments  75–76
  • Cloud Trust Protocol (CTP)  173
  • Cockatoo workflow  116
  • Common Criteria (CC)  164
  • communication threat  134
  • community cloud  5, 206
  • compound annual growth rate (CAGR)  158
  • compression algorithms  60
  • computation breaches  3
  • computer emergency response team (CERT)  164
  • computer forensics  240
  • computer forensics tool testing (CFTT)  333
  • Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)  34
  • conceptual reference model  110
  • conditional probability table (CPT)  150, 152
  • configuration‐management software  39
  • Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ)  173
  • consequence‐centric security assessment
    • cloud‐based dependency graph  150–153
    • cloud risk assessment and disaster recovery  146–148
    • cloud security consequence tree  148–149
    • cloud security evaluation  153–154
  • consequence tree (CT)
  • Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT)  19
  • convergent encryption  61
  • coordinator module (CoMod)  64
  • core project (CP)
    • AWS  95
    • Azure  104
    • OpenStack  86
  • countermeasure  129
  • crimeware‐as‐a‐service (CaaS)  322
  • Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS)  35
  • critical module (CritMod)  64
  • cross‐site scripting (XSS)  28, 225
  • cryptographic attack  160
  • cryptographic module  64
  • cuckoo attack  69
  • curious cloud administrators  54
  • customer guest OS  28
  • customer relationship management (CRM)  32
  • CyberCaliphate  229
  • cybercrime‐as‐a‐service (CaaS)  322
  • cyberlaw  227–230
  • cyberterrorism
    • benefits of cloud  225–227
    • 2000 Children’s Internet Protection Act  230
    • cloud context  222–223
    • cyberlaw  227–230
    • cyber‐specific laws  230
    • defining  220–221
    • EU Council Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism  231
    • 2001 European Convention on Cybercrime  231
    • 2014 Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act in Canada  231
    • terrorism  218–220
    • vs. terrorist use of cyberspace  221–222
    • UN‐sponsored Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism  231
    • usage of cloud  223–225


  • data acquisition
    • Amazon simple storage service  274–281
    • business models  261
    • cloud storage forensics  264–265
    • data center as a source of evidence  259–260
    • data‐dense environment  258, 265–274
    • Dropbox account  257
    • inside the internet  258–259
    • law enforcement interventions in cybercrime  259
    • legal environment of operations  261–263
    • non‐law‐enforcement‐friendly ISPs  258
  • data availability  178–179
  • database encryption key (DEK)  44
  • data breach/loss  3, 293
  • data center as a source of evidence  259–260
  • data confidentiality  177–178
    • in cloud storage systems
      • costs reduction, data‐reduction techniques  57–59
      • cryptographic solutions  55–57
    • confidentiality goals and adversaries  54–55
    • reconciling data reduction, techniques  60–62
    • security analysis
      • in presence of deduplication  71
      • security impact, of technologies  71–72
      • storage‐access adversary  70
      • TD overhead and performance implications  72–74
  • data‐driven acquisition  328
  • data‐efficiency module  64
  • dataflows  180–181
  • data gathering  267–268
  • data governance  3
  • data integrity  11, 176–177
  • data privacy  179–180
  • data protection authorities (DPAs)  179
  • Data Protection Heat Index (DPHI)  175
  • data‐protection measures  165
  • data‐recovery vulnerability  8
  • data‐reduction techniques  57–59
  • data remanence  10
  • Data security Standard (DSS) certificates  163
  • data storage provider (DSP)  178
  • deduplication  58
  • defense‐centric approaches  144
  • denial of service (DoS)  37, 131, 293
    • attack by Sony  136
  • dependency graph (DG)  150
    • system‐call interception  151
  • digital evidence collection and extraction  208–209
  • digital forensic readiness (DFR)  284–287
  • digital forensic research workshop (DFRWS)  240–242
  • digital forensics  206–207
    • analysis  321
    • framework model development  240–241
    • process
      • abstract digital forensic model  242
      • DFRWS investigative model  241–242
      • digital forensic framework model development  240–241
      • enhanced integrated digital investigation process  242–243
      • integrated digital investigation process  242
      • search stage  251–253
  • digital forensics as a service (DFaaS) successor to XIRAF  327–328
  • digital forensics investigation (DFI)  291
  • digital investigation action classes  241
  • distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks  8, 38, 129, 160, 224, 293
  • distributed file system (DFS)  44
  • distributed state‐monitoring  168
  • domain  81
  • domain name system (DNS)  24, 258
  • Dropbox account  257
  • dynamic cloud forensics model  210–211
  • dynamic pipelining  328
  • dynamite  242


  • Eclipse‐based integrated development environment (IDE)  32
  • electronic authentication  10
  • EnCase  213
  • EnCase Portable  253
  • encryption/decryption provider (EDP)  178
  • end‐to‐end encryption  56–57
  • enhanced integrated digital investigation process (EIDIP)  242–243
  • ETag  276
  • EU Council Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism  228, 231
  • European Commission (EC)  180
  • European Economic Area (EEA)  180
  • European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)  45
  • European Union (EU)  12, 180
  • European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  53
  • EVault SaaS  15
  • evidence analysis and fixation  210
  • expert users (EU)
    • AWS  95
    • Azure  104
    • OpenStack  88
  • exploit‐as‐a‐service  322
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML)  131
  • external adversaries  54
  • External Certificate Authority  34


  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)  35, 332
  • fault tolerance  13
  • fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD)  24
  • Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)  37
  • Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140‐2  20
  • Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)  17
  • Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)  161
  • fight against terrorism  219
  • file carving  303
  • file‐encryption key (FK)  65
  • file‐to‐process dependency  150
  • flooding attacks  3, 8
  • Force.com15, 31–34
    • continuous, zero‐cost improvements  32
    • shared infrastructure  32
    • single version  32
  • forensic cloud  212, 324
  • forensic database  288
  • forensics artifacts subsystem  288
  • forensics‐as‐a‐service (FaaS)  209
    • chapter road map  323
    • cloud‐based  332–334
    • cloud computing  322
    • digital forensic analysis  321
    • GPU‐based distributed forensic analysis  325–331
    • limitations in state‐of‐the‐art research and tools  331–332
    • limitations of traditional computer forensics  323–324
    • MPI MapReduce  334
    • potential of looking up to the cloud  324
  • forensics readiness system constraints  290
  • forensic triage  211
  • F‐Response  213
  • FROST  287
  • FTK Imager v 3.4.26  276
  • functionally encryptable data  177


  • General Service Administration (GSA)  172
  • generic distributed framework (GDF)  326
  • geo‐redundant storage (GRS)  44
  • getInfoByIdResponse  265
  • Gibbs sampler  153
  • GoGrid  15
  • Google App Engine  15, 40–42
  • Google Cloud Storage  315
  • governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC)  173, 183
  • GPU‐based distributed forensic analysis
    • Bluepipe architecture  325
    • central processing units  325
    • data deduplication driven acceleration of forensic analysis  330–331
    • forensics‐as‐a‐service  330
    • generic distributed framework  326
    • graphics processing units  325
    • GRR rapid response framework  328–329
    • Hansken  327–328
    • limitations in state‐of‐the‐art research and tools  331–332
    • MPI MapReduce  328
    • scalable file‐based data store for forensic analysis  329–330
    • XML information retrieval approach to digital forensics  326–327
  • Gramm‐Leach‐Bliley Act (GLBA)  53
  • graphics processing unit (GPU)  164
  • GRR rapid response framework  328–329


  • Hansken  327–328
  • hard disk drive (HDD)  57
  • hardware‐based isolation (HBI)  71
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)  17, 35, 53, 332
  • hierarchical multitenancy (HMT)  83
  • highavailability and integrity layer (HAIL)  176
  • hijacking  293
  • hop analysis  267, 272–273
  • host firewalls  205
  • host‐hopping attacks  168
  • hybrid cloud  6, 206
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)  41
  • Hyper‐V hypervisor  42
  • hypervisor security
    • environment  29
    • implementation  29
    • type‐1 (or native, bare‐metal)  30
    • type‐2 (or hosted)  30


  • IBM BlueGene/L supercomputer  323
  • identity security  8
    • granular authorization  9
    • strong authentication  9
  • IEEE 802.15.4 network  286
  • 19‐inch‐wide server system  260
  • indicator of compromise (IOC)  125
  • indirectly critical assets  147
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  19
  • information rights management (IRM)  9
  • information security  8
    • accountability
      • personal information protection  12
      • validation, attribution and evidence  13
    • authorization  11
    • availability  12
    • confidentiality
      • data remanence  10
      • electronic authentication  10
      • privacy  11
      • software confidentiality  11
    • integrity  11–12
    • key considerations  14
    • nonrepudiation  13–14
  • Information Security Management System (ISMS) standards  17, 193
  • information system (IS)  10
  • Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)  19
  • information technology (IT) communities  189
  • Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)  18
  • Information Technology Operation Support (ITOS)  171
  • infrastructure‐as‐a‐service (IaaS)  4, 23, 82, 130, 204, 223, 307
    • host security
      • customer guest OS  28
      • virtualization software security  27–28
      • virtual server security  28
  • infrastructure security  9
  • initialization vector (IV)  65
  • insecure APIs  293
  • integrated digital investigation process (IDIP)  242
  • integrity  11
  • International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)  175
  • International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)  18
  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)  193
  • International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)  18
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO)  193
    • 9001:2008  18–19
    • 27001  163
    • 27002  27
    • 31000:2009  19
  • International Standards for Assurance Engagements (ISAE) No. 3402  18
  • Internet of Everything (IoE)  190
  • Internet of Things (IoT)  138
  • Internet Protocol (IP)  158
    • spoofing  38
    • vulnerabilities  8
  • Internet service provider (ISP)  37, 258
  • Internet technology (IT)  52
  • intrusion detection systems (IDS)  34, 135, 136, 143, 165, 205
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2005  19
  • IT Governance Institute (ITGI)  19


  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)  213
  • Joint Authorization Board (JAB)  172


  • key‐retrieval module  64
  • key storage provider (KSP)  178
  • kumodd  315


  • lack of transparency  293
  • law enforcement  54
  • law‐enforcement adversary  70
  • law enforcement interventions in cybercrime  259
  • layered interleaving  176
  • legal environment of operations  261–263
  • local area network (LAN)  6
  • logical block addresses (LBAs)  65
  • “lone wolf” terrorism  228


  • Magnet Forensics’ Internet Evidence Finder (IEF)  213
  • malicious insiders  132, 293
    • and abuse of privileges  168
  • malicious tenants  54
  • malware‐as‐a‐service  227, 322
  • malware propagation  132
  • managed storage providers (MSPs)  52
  • Man‐in‐the‐cloud attack  136
  • MapReduce processing model  328
  • master encryption keys (MK)  65
  • MD5 hash value  276
  • memory‐cache isolation  164
  • Message Passing Interface (MPI)  328
  • Microsoft Azure  16, 42–45, 227
    • compliance programs  45
    • data privacy  44–45
    • data protection  44
    • identity and access  44
    • network security  44
    • SQL authentication  44
    • SQL database firewall  44
    • threat defense  45
  • Microsoft Office 365, use case  118–124
    • assessment considerations  118–119
    • Nemesis architecture  119
    • VULCAN framework  119
  • Microsoft’s Hyper‐V, DDoS attack  137
  • mission assurance  196
  • Mission Assurance Analysis Protocol (MAAP)  194
  • monitored data subsystem  288
  • monitoring‐as‐a‐service  322
  • Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)  35
  • MPI MapReduce (MMR)  328
  • multitenancy  8, 10
  • multitenant model  163
  • Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT)  179


  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)  109, 130
  • National Software Reference Library (NSRL)  329
  • Nemesis architecture  119
    • on‐demand web application  115
  • Netherlands Network Operators Group (NLNOG) Ring  270
  • network‐level mitigation  26
  • NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture (NCC‐SRA)  171
  • NIST Cloud Computing Security Working Group (NCC‐SWG)  171
  • NIST Special Publication 800‐53 standard  19–20
  • Non‐Azure Active Directory User (NAADU)  101
  • non‐disclosure agreement (NDA)  27
  • non‐law‐enforcement‐friendly ISPs  258, 260
  • nonrepudiation  13–14


  • on‐demand computing  3
  • online open source intelligence (OSINT)  268, 272
  • Open Certification Framework (OCF)  180
  • open project (OP)  86
    • AWS  95
    • Azure  104
    • OpenStack  86
  • open source intelligence  267
  • OpenStack  287
    • OSAC model
      • domains and projects  83–84
      • object types and operations  85
      • OSAC‐HMT model components  85–86
      • project hierarchy  84
      • role inheritance  85
      • roles  84
      • token  85
    • secure information and resource‐sharing model
      • administrative OSAC‐HMT‐SID model  88–90
      • entity components  86–88
      • OSAC‐HMT‐SID model components  88
  • OpenStack access control (OSAC) model
    • domains and projects  83–84
    • hierarchical multitenancy  87
    • object types and operations  85
    • OSAC‐HMT model components  85–86
    • project hierarchy  84
    • role inheritance  85
    • roles  84
    • token  85
  • OpenStack Access Control Model with Secure Isolated Domain extension (OSAC‐HMT‐SID model)  86
  • OpenStack Cloud Files  213
  • Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network model  209
  • open virtualization format (OVF) standard language  289
  • operating systems (OS)  23, 130
  • Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD)  12, 175
  • Organization accounts  104
  • OS‐level virtualization  28


  • PaaS/IaaS forensics  312
  • Packet sniffing, by other tenants  38
  • pay‐as‐you‐go  6
  • Payment Card Industry (PCI)  163
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)  17
  • peer‐to‐peer (P2P) networks  61
  • perimeter monitoring  34
  • permissibility of encryption and expectation of privacy  263
  • personally identifiable information (PII)  14, 176
  • pertinent network data  252
  • petabytes (PB)  178
  • phishing attacks  226
  • Phoenix shared‐memory implementation  328
  • physical block address (PBA)  65
  • plan, do, check, act (PDCA) model  193
  • PlanetLab  271
  • platform‐as‐a‐service (PaaS)  4–5, 23, 82, 130, 204, 223, 307
  • port scanning  38
  • Post Office Protocol (POP)  252
  • Privacy Certification Module (PCM)  180
  • Privacy Level Agreement (PLA) Working Group  179
  • private cloud  5, 190, 206, 239
  • proofs of ownership (PoWs)  60
  • Proofs of Retrievability (POR)  176
  • 2014 Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act in Canada  231
  • pseudo‐random function (PRF) protocol  61
  • public cloud  5, 190, 205–206, 239
  • public key infrastructure (PKI)  25, 286
  • Python programming language  213


  • quality assurance (QA)  40


  • Rackspace  16
  • random access memory (RAM)  249–250
  • readiness core module  289
  • redundant array of independent disks (RAID)  15, 57
  • reference architecture  288–289
  • repository scenario  223
  • Representational State Transfer (REST)  31, 131, 213
  • resource pooling  6
  • RIPE Atlas  271
  • RIPEstat  271
  • risk management and disaster recovery
    • consequence‐centric security assessment
      • cloud‐based dependency graph  150–153
      • cloud risk assessment and disaster recovery  146–148
      • cloud security consequence tree  148–149
      • cloud security evaluation  153–154
    • in future  154–155
  • Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA)  15
  • role‐based access control (RBAC) model  193
  • root of trust and isolation platform  64
  • routing analysis  267
  • Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS)  43


  • Safe harbor  18
  •  32
  •  212
  • Sarbanes‐Oxley Act (SOX)  15
  • SAS 70  18
  • scalable file‐based data store for forensic analysis  329–330
  • scanning‐as‐a‐service  322
  • scene/onsite infrastructural questionnaire  251–252
  • Seclius framework  147
  • secure isolated domain (SID)
    • AWS  94
    • Azure  103
    • OpenStack  86
  • secure isolated project (SIP)
    • AWS  95
    • Azure  104
    • OpenStack  86–88
  • secure logging services (SecLaaS)  317
  • secure offboarding  54
  • secure sockets layer (SSL)  15, 33, 37, 55, 131, 192
  • secure telephone unit (STU)  24
  • Security and Risk Management (S&RM)  171
  • security‐as‐a‐service (SECaaS)
    • flowchart  197
    • framework
      • discovery module  195
      • integration module  195
      • mission assurance  196
      • monitoring module  195
      • phases of  198
      • risk‐assessment module  195
      • security controls  195
    • security implications  191
  • Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) standards  169
  • Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)  16
  • security event management (SEM)  34
  • security information and event management (SIEM)  192
  • security project (SP)  86
  • Semantic Natural Language Processor (SNLP)  112
  • service‐engine attacks  168
  • service‐level agreement (SLA)  9, 24, 159, 193, 291–292
  • service‐level objectives (SLOs)  292
  • Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2)  17
  • service‐oriented architecture (SOA)  165
  • Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services (SOA‐WS)  283
  • service provider interface (SPI)  23
  • Shared Access Signatures (SAS)  43
  • silverline  177
  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)  31, 131
  • small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs)  177
  • small to medium‐size businesses (SMBs)  26
  • social terrorism  218
  • software‐as‐a‐service (SaaS)  5, 23, 82, 130, 204, 223, 306–307
    • application configurations  111
    • forensics
      • cloud drive forensics  310–311
      • cloud‐native application forensics  308–310
      • new tools  311
    • and PaaS host security  27
  • software confidentiality  11
  • software‐defined networks (SDNs)  225
  • software development life cycle (SDLC)  33
  • Software Guard Extensions (SGX)  71
  • software integrity  11
  • software interfaces  11
  • solid state disk (SSD)  55
  • stage encryption  55–56
  • standards development organizations (SDOs)  126
  • Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS)  173
  • Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 16  18
  • storage‐access adversary  70
  • storage application (SA)  63
  • storage scaling  330
  • storage service providers (SSPs)  52
  • Stuxnet worm  221
  • symmetric cryptosystem  64
  • Syrian state terrorism  219
  • SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (SANS)  9, 164
  • SysTrust  15, 27


  • tenant  81
  • tenant offboarding  54
  • terabytes (TB)  178
  • terrorism  218–220
  • terrorist use of cyberspace  221–222
  • theft attacks  168
  • third‐party auditor (TPA)  170
  • threat monitoring  34
  • threshold cryptosystem  61
  • Tier standard  18
  • token  85
  • tokenization  192
  • topological vulnerability analysis (TVA)  144
  • traceback  242
  • traceroute  266
  • track‐shingling technique  303
  • transborder dataflow  180
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) network model  209
  • transparent data encryption (TDE)  44
  • transport layer security (TLS)  8, 33
  • triple data encryption algorithm (3DES)  44
  • trusted code base (TCB)  71
  • Trusted Computer Security Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC)  29
  • Trusted Computing Group (TCG)  169, 193
  • trusted decrypter (TD)  59
    • coordinator module (CoMod)  64
    • critical module (CritMod)  64
    • secure data‐reduction operations
      • detailed secure data‐reduction operations  65–66
      • file deletion  68
      • offboarding requests  68
      • preliminaries  64–65
      • read requests  67
      • rekeying requests  67
      • secure data deletion  68
      • securing critical module  68–69
      • write requests  66–67
    • tenant side  62, 63
  • trusted execution environments (TEEs)  69
  • Trusted Network Communications (TNC)  192
  • trusted platform module (TPM)  176, 192


  • ubiquitous network access  7
  • UN Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism  229
  • uninterruptible power supply (UPS)  33
  • United States Government (USG)  171
  • unlawful combatants  219
  • UN‐sponsored Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism  231
  • U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)  14, 24
  • User (U)  104
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP)  72
  • U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)  4, 189


  • virtual computer system (VCS)  29
  • virtual hard disk (VHD)  43
  • virtualization  129
    • software security  27–28
    • threats
      • communication threat  134
      • cross‐VM side‐channel attack  133
      • sharing of VM images  133–134
      • VM escape attack  133
  • virtualizedbased isolation (VBI)  71
  • virtual machine (VM)  8, 25, 131
    • escape in VirtualBox  136–137
    • Workstation Player 12.1.0.  276
  • virtual‐machine based rootkit (VMBR)  30
  • virtual machine manager (VMM)  28, 284
  • virtual private network (VPN)  37
    • dynamic routing  43
    • static routing  43
  • virtual server security  28
  • VULCAN framework  113, 116, 119
  • vulnerability assessment  111–112
  • vulnerability diagnostic trees (VDTs)  170


  • WebCacheV01.dat  276
  • web service‐level agreement (WSLA)  165
  • Web Services Description Language (WSDL)  8, 131
  • web services security (WSSecurity)  8
  • WHOIS analysis  266
  • WHOIS queries  272
  • wide area network (WAN)  6
  • WikiLeaks  260
  • Windows Azure storage  213
  • Windows based virtual machines (VM)  264


  • XML information retrieval approach to digital forensics (XIRAF)  326–327
  • XML signature  8
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