How to do it...

To create an archive (from the official documentation:, perform the following:

  1. Create a temporary directory:
      $ tempdir = $(mktemp -d /tmp/archive_dir)
  1. Create a wheel file:
      $ pip wheel -r requirements.txt --wheel-dir = $tempdir
  1. Let the OS know where to place the archive file:
      $ cwd = `pwd`
  1. Change to the temporary directory and create the archive file:
      $ (cd "$tempdir"; tar -cjvf "$cwd/<archive>.tar.bz2" *)

To install from an archive, do the following:

  1. Create a temporary directory:
      $ tempdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/wheelhouse-XXXXX)
  1. Change to the temporary directory and unarchive the file:
      $ (cd $tempdir; tar -xvf /path/to/<archive>.tar.bz2)
  1. Use pip to install the unarchived files:
      $ pip install --force-reinstall --ignore-installed --upgrade --no-index --no-deps $tempdir/*
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