Chapter 4
Scrum Rituals

The practice of working on a scrum team is organized into a series of rituals. The rituals mark key events in the process of carrying out the work of a sprint. It's the responsibility of the scrum master to host each of the rituals, and make sure that they focus on their objectives, and produce the desired results for the benefit of the entire team.

What Are Rituals?

Each ritual is a face-to-face gathering in real time, which takes people away from the work they're doing, and offers them the opportunity to have targeted communication with each other about the context of that work. Scrum favors communication over documentation, which is why it provides regular and clearly defined opportunities for various types of useful face-to-face communication.

Not Another Meeting!

Many people who work in companies are allergic to meetings, and for good reason. They may have been overwhelmed by too many meetings, taking up too much of their time, and not producing any results. They may be used to having meetings called to address every little issue, without any one person being responsible for making sure the issue gets resolved. Meetings can take people away from the work they're doing, and interrupt their focus, often without providing much value in return.

Let's face it, most companies are terrible at meetings.

Unlike the usual meeting, every ritual in scrum has a specific objective, addresses a particular audience, has a defined time frame within which to accomplish its goals, and has a predictable set of outcomes. Everyone attending a ritual knows before the ritual starts what to expect, how to behave, and what the result of the commitment is supposed to be. The rituals of scrum are mindful of their overall purpose, and respect the time and attention of the participants.

Time Boxing

One of the most important concepts in scrum rituals is that of the time box. It's the responsibility of the scrum master who hosts the rituals to keep everybody aware of exactly how long they have committed for this ritual, and how far along they are at any point within it.

Often scrum masters will write the time up on the whiteboard in front of the room, or keep a large clock visible so everybody can keep track of the time. (I have been known to bring a small cube-shaped clock labeled "Time Box" to rituals, and display it where everyone can see it.) The concept of time boxing empowers all the active participants in a ritual to encourage each other to get to the point when necessary, and remain focused on the objectives of the ritual.

Note: How long should each time box be?

The length of time the team will spend on each ritual usually depends on the number of weeks allocated per sprint. The only ritual that must stay within a 15 minute time box is the daily standup. Teams come to an agreement on the time box for each ritual as part of the process of iterating and improving how they organize themselves for scrum. I've provided a few suggestions below for teams to start with.

Scrum shows its respect for the time and commitment of every participant by establishing at the beginning of each ritual what the time box is, and how that time will be allocated for the different aspects of the ritual. All participants are expected to remain engaged and participate during the time box of the ritual, with the promise that the ritual won't be extended without a good and practical reason, and not unless all participants agree to the extension.

If a ritual appears to be about to exceed its time box, the scrum master should ask everybody for their permission to continue the ritual for a specific length of time. That way everybody knows up front how much time to budget, and everybody has to agree if the budget needs to be extended.

Of course, we are all human, and side issues will come up during rituals that feel as if they need to be discussed right then and there. Keeping the focus on the ritual at hand is the responsibility of the scrum master, as well as the rest of the team. A good scrum master needs to keep track of these issues, and maintain respect for the time box of the ritual in progress for the sake of everyone involved.

Making sure that important side discussions don't get lost is a shared responsibility, but the scrum master needs to be prepared to take an active role in that process. People will more willingly set aside an off-topic discussion if confident that they'll be able to pick it up again later.

The Length of the Sprint

Teams have some choices to make when it comes to choosing the length of the sprint. Sprint length should allow the types of stories the team expects to work on to be completed, according to the team's own definition of done, within a single sprint. For many teams, a short sprint of just one week matches well with short stories that are easy to finish in a week. Some teams prefer to work with more complex stories that couldn't be completed within a one week sprint, so they opt for two-week, three-week, or even four-week or longer sprints.

The length of the sprint is another factor that can be modified based on feedback received from the team, but it's important for a team to choose a length and stick with it for several sprints. Otherwise, the team may never benefit from the regularity so they can learn how to size stories consistently and estimate them correctly from one sprint to the next. Often the option to change sprint length can be addressed just by improving the way stories are written, so they can be completed within a sprint.

Note: Two Weeks is a Good Starting Point

For web and mobile teams, a two-week sprint is a good place to start. Two weeks is long enough to complete most stories that relate to web and mobile projects, including the release process in most cases. If your web or mobile team is just starting out with scrum, it's worth trying a two-week sprint cycle first, to see how well it suits you.

Even if your stories tend to be short and finite, there are disadvantages to one-week sprints that are worth considering. Some of the longer rituals are repeated once every sprint. Having a one-week sprint means that repeating these rituals so frequently may start to get in the way of productivity. Some rituals, such as the retrospective, could even end up being short-changed or bypassed some weeks, and that can lead to a breakdown in the iterative improvement aspect of scrum.

A team that tends to produce more complex stories may prefer longer sprints. Keep in mind that sprints longer than two weeks mean that issues will take longer to surface, and adjustments to the backlog will need to be delayed until a sprint has been completed. Longer sprints also encourage the creation of more complex stories. The goal of scrum for web and mobile teams should be to create stories that are simple and distinct.

Two-week Sprint Cycle

Figure 4.1. Two-week Sprint Cycle

This diagram represents a two-week cycle for a typical web or mobile development sprint. Each smaller circle represents a single workday, and the rituals are marked out assuming that the sprint starts at the top and loops around every two weeks.

In the next few pages, we're going to do a deep dive into each of these rituals, making sure you understand how they work, and how they can be applied to web and mobile development.

Sprint Planning

The ritual that marks the beginning of each sprint is called sprint planning. Sprint planning is hosted by the scrum master, but the person responsible for most of the content that goes into a sprint planning is the product owner.

Sprint Planning

Figure 4.2. Sprint Planning


The purpose of the sprint planning is to set the agenda for the upcoming sprint. The team gets together with the product owner and the scrum master to get an introduction to the stories that should be completed during the next sprint.

The product owner shows how the stories fit into the vision for the product, and the team estimates the stories the product owner has introduced and commits to completing as many as they believe they're capable of, given their historical velocity—which is determined by the number of points they've been able to complete in an average sprint. At the end of the sprint planning there should be a commitment to a certain set of stories that everyone can agree on. The stories should all be clear, and the amount of work they represent should be within the capacity of the team to complete during the next sprint.

Time Box

Depending on the number of weeks a team has committed to for each sprint, the sprint planning may take several hours, or it may take an entire day. For a two-week sprint, a team may find that setting aside three or four hours is a good investment for a sprint planning. That might seem like a lot of time, but sprint planning done right is very detailed and explicit about what the team needs to produce. A key value of scrum is the communication it facilitates. Sprint planning exemplifies this.

Most teams will find they're able to accomplish the objectives of these rituals more efficiently as they get more familiar with the process. Having a strong scrum master who maintains a clear time box around the different aspects of the ritual can help make the process go as smoothly as possible.

But there's a lot to get done during the sprint planning, and these rituals need to be given adequate room to accommodate all the issues that will come to the surface. Starting with clear time constraints gives everyone confidence that there's a goal and an end point in mind, and also helps keep people focused.


In preparation for this ritual, the product owner will have been working with designers, customers, various team members, and the scrum master to create a backlog of clear and specific stories that have the highest priority for the product.

It's the responsibility of the product owner to make sure each of these stories is ready to be worked on, and phrased in such a way that any team member can read and understand each story's description and acceptance criteria.

Introducing New Stories

Sprint planning provides the opportunity for the scrum team to get an introduction to the stories the product owner wants them to work on for the next iteration of the product. During this part of the ritual, the product owner goes over the stories that have been prepared, presenting them to the team for evaluation.

It's important for every member of the team to participate actively during this presentation, because this is their opportunity to question and challenge the completeness and appropriateness of each story. A good product owner will have discussed the stories with experts on the team before this ritual, to make sure that predictable objections have been addressed.

Sprint planning encourages active discussion around each story. The process opens up a dialogue, allowing the product owner and the team to consider the ramifications and feasibility of each story in detail. Although the product owner is authorized to set the priority of the stories on the sprint backlog, the team has the authority to reject stories that it considers impossible, inadequately defined, or technically inappropriate before they're added to the sprint backlog.

This part of the sprint planning ritual is also when the team has the responsibility to present stories that relate to the code itself. If the product owner is responsible for the vision of the product, the development team is responsible for the quality and maintainability of the code. The product-oriented focus of scrum is not an excuse to ignore technical debt.

Often the team will introduce stories around refactoring code, updating code to meet new standards, or making crucial upgrades to the infrastructure. It's important for the team to make a strong case, because the product owner has ultimate authority. Different teams resolve this balance of power in different ways, and it's up to each team to figure out how best to address technical debt while still meeting the expectations of product development.

Story Estimation

The next phase of sprint planning is story estimation. During this process, the team will estimate the relative level of effort required to accomplish each story, based on the team's experience with similar stories in the past and their agreed definition of done.

There are many ways that teams estimate stories. The important thing to keep in mind when estimating is that the values assigned to the different stories are arbitrary and relative, and bear no resemblance to actual time. The point of the estimating exercise is to improve the team's ability to look at a new story and figure out how much effort it'll take relative to other stories they've already worked on.

Most teams use a system of points to estimate stories. A smaller, easy story may be estimated at one point, while a large or complex story may be assigned 20 points. Many teams use a modified Fibonacci scale, with the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and 20 representing increasing levels of effort. The goal over time is for the team to get a sense of how many points they can accomplish within the single sprint, so they can estimate forward more effectively.

Each team comes up with its own sense of what every point value means for itself. There can be no logical comparison between the points accomplished by one team during the sprint and the points accomplished by a different team during the same sprint. The value of the points is subjective, and relevant only to the participants of a specific team.

Other systems for sizing stories include T-shirt sizing—such as small, medium, large, extra-large. It's completely up to the team what system they choose. Once the team has chosen a system, they should try to stick with it for several sprints, so that they can start to get a sense, over time, of what their velocity is in the metric they've chosen.

Note: Everyone Should Agree

It's important for everybody on the team to agree to the point estimate for a story, regardless of whether every member of the team will be working on that particular story. This is part of the transparency of scrum. Everyone on the team should be able to understand every story well enough to estimate its relative level of effort, and when one team member is working on a story, everyone should have at least a concept of what that story is.


Other stories that are usually not assigned points are bugs. A bug has a specific definition in scrum, and it has nothing to do with unexpected or unwanted behavior in an existing product. Bugs in scrum are missed requirements for stories that are still in progress, or that have already been accepted as done in a prior sprint.

If the team has completed a story, and it was accepted, and the points were included in the total for a sprint, but it later turns out the story was not completed correctly, no points are assigned for fixing the bugs to bring the story to a done state.

Bug work does take away from the team's velocity, because it addresses points that were included in the velocity calculation inappropriately. That should be true regardless of whether the bug is fixed in the same sprint or in a subsequent sprint. As long as the team received points for a story that didn't meet the acceptance criteria, the work to get it to the true done state shouldn't count toward the points in any sprint.

Note: You Don't Need to Set Aside Capacity for Bugs

It's not necessary to set aside a percentage of the team's capacity to deal with bugs. The amount of work the team can predictably complete in a typical sprint includes the effort applied to fixing bugs when stories were accepted as done, but didn't actually meet all the acceptance criteria.


There's an old joke that scrum is a system for improving a team's ability to ship technical debt. Certainly there's more to developing a web or mobile application than just tacking on a bunch of features onto an ever-growing, increasingly complex code base. Eventually that code needs to be re-factored, infrastructure changes will have to be worked on, and a team won't be able to do effective work on new features until these issues are addressed. These necessary improvements may have no specific value for the customer, but they are necessary to keep the code from becoming stale or difficult to maintain.

Tasks relating to code maintenance should be included in the work done by the team, and prioritized in the sprint backlog, but should not be estimated with points. The points in scrum measure the ability of the team to deliver value to the customer, and are related to feature development. They are not a measure of the overall amount of work the team is doing.

A task usually does not deliver any tangible user value. But tasks need to be done, and a negotiation needs to happen between the team and the product owner during the sprint planning if the team recognizes that necessary work to keep systems maintainable and avoid technical debt is being deferred in favor of new features.


Most of the stories that make it to a sprint planning should be within the technical capability of the team, but occasionally there will be stories that require deeper research. Such stories trigger new tasks called spikes. Spikes are usually not assigned points. However, a proper spike does have acceptance criteria. There should be a clear and agreed outcome for any spike.

Spikes take away from the resources of the team, while individuals go and research technical solutions that may be beyond the team's current capabilities. As a result, the more spikes that are required to accomplish the goals of the product owner, the lower the number of points the team can accomplish in a sprint.

Due to the unknown nature of spikes, they can eat up a lot of a team's resources unless they're constrained. Generally, when agreeing to include a spike in a sprint, the team will decide on a maximum amount of time and effort that can be committed before the spike must be concluded or abandoned.

Committing to a Sprint Backlog

Once all the stories that the product owner has presented have been estimated, all the participants in the ritual work together to come up with a backlog that makes sense for the upcoming sprint. This backlog will be sized based on the historical number of points that the team has been able to accomplish in the past, balanced against the point estimates for the new stories.

While the product owner has final authority over the contents of the sprint backlog, as well as the order of the sprint backlog, the team has the opportunity to advocate for certain changes while the backlog is being prepared.

For example, although each story should stand alone, it may make sense to the team to work on particular stories in a certain order. The team may also wish to complete stories that were started but not finished in the previous sprint. Completing stories that are in progress is useful for the development team because it helps them to maintain continuity. While there's a cost to loss of continuity, that cost is the responsibility of the product owner, and the product owner has the authority to make those decisions for the sake of the product.

Once a final sprint backlog has been created, everyone on the team needs to commit to that backlog. This is the last opportunity for the team to object, or raise issues that they think may have an impact on their ability to do the work required. If there's still disagreement, the scrum master needs to step in and facilitate the conversation so that agreement can be reached.

The end product of a sprint planning is a sprint backlog that everyone on the team can agree to. The scrum master should poll the room to make sure everyone agrees that the commitment is realistic, and that they are willing to take it on for the upcoming sprint. Then the new stories should be entered in order of priority into the tracking tools the team has agreed to use for the sprint backlog.

Sprint planning reminds everybody exactly where they are in the process of building the product owner's vision for the product, and what the objectives are for the upcoming increment. At the end of sprint planning, everyone on the team should have a good sense of what they need to do next, and a firm commitment to a set of prioritized stories to complete over the duration of the upcoming sprint.

Daily Standup

The daily standup is probably the first ritual that comes to mind when people think of scrum. The daily standup provides a heartbeat for the team, giving everybody a regular opportunity to get a clear picture of what other people on the team are working on, and what the status of the project as a whole is.

Daily Standup

Figure 4.3. Daily Standup


The purpose of the daily standup is to give everybody on the team an opportunity to share the status of the work they're doing, and get help if anything is blocking their progress. Everyone on the team should pay attention as their teammates report, so they can have a clear picture of the status of the complete iteration they're all working on.

This is also an opportunity for anybody outside the team who's interested in knowing what the team is working on to find out how stories are progressing, and what's likely to be worked on next. Only team members are allowed to present at the daily standup, but anybody in the company may attend, and visitors should be invited to participate as silent observers.

Time Box

Traditionally, the daily standup is limited to 15 minutes. It's a short ritual, and it's kept short and made as convenient as possible so that everyone can commit to being present, participating actively, and paying attention while other people are speaking. Everyone is expected to stand, both so that they pay attention, and to encourage all participants to play their part in keeping the ritual short and focused. Most teams try to hold the standup away from their desks, and discourage people from using laptops and other devices during the ritual.

Note: Keeping the Standup to Time

Keeping the daily standup within its 15 minute time box is the responsibility of the scrum master, but everybody on the team should feel empowered to enforce the rules of the standup, so the time box doesn't get broken. That includes making sure everybody starts on time, pays attention, and doesn't allow interruptions from guests.

Different teams will choose different times of day to hold the stand up. Often first thing in the morning, or right before lunch, can be good times. These are natural breaks in the day that are usually common to most people on the team, so a 15 minute standup won't disrupt the focus needed for longer blocks of programming time.

Finding a time that works for everybody can be challenging for teams that aren't co-located, especially when some members of the team are in different time zones. Nobody should be allowed to miss the standup on a regular basis, but there's always room for flexibility, as long as the objectives of the daily standup are being met. Even if not everybody can make it to a specific standup, the scrum master should keep the ritual for anyone who is there.

Sometimes teams may need to come up with their own systems, and iterate on these reflectively from sprint to sprint. The priority should be on keeping the rituals brief, maintaining them reliably, and making sure they provide the intended value without creating undue interruption.


Every team member should be present and available at the time of the standup. The only preparation necessary is for each team member to think about how to present the work being done at the moment in such a way that it'll be clear and understandable to everybody. if a team member is having blockers that relate to people outside the team, it's reasonable to let those people know to be prepared to discuss the issue immediately after the standup.

There's no special preparation needed by the scrum master before the standup. A good scrum master may check the status of the stories being worked on before the standup, to see if any changes are pending, or may arrange to round up any guests the scrum master thinks should be there who don't normally attend.

Three Questions

The core of the daily standup consists of the scrum master going around the team and asking every person three questions:

  • What have you done since the last stand up?

  • What do you plan to do until the next standup?

  • Is there anything blocking your progress?

It should be as simple as that. Every member of the team answers each one of these questions, and once the last person has finished reporting, the standup is over. Unless the scrum master has urgent announcements that need to be made for the entire team, everyone who doesn't have specific business with another person attending the standup should be free to get back to work.

Warning: Beware Guests at Standups

There's a strong tendency for people attending standups as guests to ask questions, introduce new information, or start discussions that don't relate to the entire team. Anyone who isn't a member of the development team shouldn't be speaking during standup. The scrum master needs to be strong about suppressing this kind of behavior. People of high rank in the organizational hierarchy don't get special treatment in this regard. Everyone needs to respect the time and attention of the engineers, and allow them to get back to work as quickly as possible.

In answering the questions of the standup, each engineer needs to be prepared with a succinct description of what they've worked on, what they plan to work on next, and whether they have any blockers. This is a skill that takes practice, and the scrum master should be prepared to coach every team member on how to answer these questions in a way that makes the best use of the time available.

If one person's report invites a little bit of back-and-forth discussion, and the conversation has relevance for the entire team, the scrum master may permit it. But this type of interaction must be limited to respect the time box of the standup. If the conversation gets beyond a few sentences, the scrum master should step in and suggest that the conversation be taken off-line. A good scrum master will keep track of what conversations need to happen at the end of the standup, and follow up on their status afterward.

Other Status Updates

Some teams choose to update the status of their stories on the team's shared scrum board during the daily standup, while others prefer to do it individually as the stories get completed. In either case, the standup should be an opportunity to make sure everybody has updated the status of everything they're working on, and that everybody on the team is aware of what everybody else is working on.

For teams that are doing pair programming, the standup can be an opportunity to switch pairs, or switch stories. Some teams that do pairing prefer that every story have one engineer seeing it through from beginning to end. It can be beneficial for the flexibility of the team to allow multiple people to pair on the same story, particularly if it relates to some core functionality that's worth sharing information about. Different teams will come up with different approaches, but the standup is a good place to make changes on a daily basis.

Standups are also a good opportunity for team members to let each other know if they expect to complete a story before the next standup, and if they have vacation time coming up. Knowing the availability of other people on the team can inspire teammates to plan their work around upcoming stories, and arrange to switch pairs or allocate resources appropriately.

Note: What to work on next?

If an engineer is unclear about what should be worked on next, the priority of the sprint backlog should guide these decisions. The product owner is responsible for grooming the sprint backlog throughout the sprint, and making sure that it always represents the priority in which the stories should be addressed.

Unless there's a compelling technical reason, any engineer without a current story should start working on the story at the top of the backlog with the next highest priority, regardless of specialization. Following this pattern can provide an opportunity for engineers to pair with somebody in an area where they have less experience, and help spread knowledge about the entire code base throughout the team.

Finally, the scrum master may make announcements that have relevance to the entire team at the end of the standup—once everybody has had a chance to report, and only if there's time left. This shouldn't become a replacement for any organizational team building that may come from company meetings, team lunches, and other gatherings.

Sprint Demo

At the end of the sprint, everything that was worked on for the current sprint is demonstrated for the team, the product owner, and anybody who's invited to observe. This ritual is called the sprint demo, and it gives all of the engineers the opportunity to demonstrate the stories they've been working on that they consider complete. The sprint demo is the product owner's opportunity to test each story, see if it meets the acceptance criteria, and then either accept or reject it.

Sprint Demo

Figure 4.4. Sprint Demo


The objective of the sprint demo is to get a clear picture of how much work has been completed during the sprint, and to see what the current state of the product will be after integrating the work that was done during the sprint. Based on the stories that get accepted, the team learns more about how many points they can sustainably accomplish in a single sprint, and this improves their ability to estimate stories and sprint backlogs going forward.

Note: Guests in Sprint Demos

The sprint demo is often a popular ritual for guests, because it's the opportunity for people outside the scrum team to see what the team has been working on, and observe the state of the product in its next iteration based on the latest work produced. But the presence of guests shouldn't be allowed to interfere with the objectives of the ritual, or alter the time box. Guests are observers, not participants. Unless feedback is solicited from guests, they should be asked not to comment on the product or the process.

Time Box

The time allocated for sprint planning is contingent on the number of stories completed during the sprint, and the level of intricacy associated with the acceptance criteria. Most teams allocate half a day for the sprint demo if they're using a two-week sprint. Once the team has decided how long they want to devote to the demo, the scrum master should be responsible for making sure that everything that needs to happen fits within that time box.

Note: Scheduling Demos and Retrospectives Together

Frequently teams will schedule a sprint retrospective (which we'll be covering shortly) on the same day as a demo. The advantage of scheduling these two rituals on the same day is that the interruption in productivity associated with the rituals is minimized. The disadvantage for the team is that these days produce primarily scrum artifacts, as opposed to tangible product development. That tradeoff needs to be considered, and different teams will have different preferences.


The sprint demo is the opportunity for the team to show off all of the work they've been doing, and demonstrate that all of the stories they've been working on are done and ready to include in the product (assuming they haven't been already). The demo covers all the work back to the beginning of the sprint that has taken a story to the team's definition of done, whether or not that work has been released. Each person who has worked on any stories that are ready to demo needs to be prepared to explain what they did with those stories.

Often the engineers will get together with the product owner before the demo to make sure everybody is aware of what's going to be presented. This can be a useful last step before the demo, because it ensures the stories presented meet all of the acceptance criteria. It also reminds the engineers to make any preparations necessary to allow unreleased stories to be demonstrated.

The scrum master should meet with all engineers who have stories completed, to make sure these stories are prepared for the demo. It's the responsibility of the scrum master to run the ritual, and see to it that everything that needs to be demonstrated can be presented within the time box allocated. The scrum master's agenda for the ritual should include a list of all the stories to be demonstrated, as well as the people responsible for each of the stories.

Tip: Let the Product Owner Drive the Demo

While some teams let the engineers demonstrate the stories, a good practice is to have the product owner participate, testing the product live. The engineer who was developing a new feature knows the happy path for the code that will always work. But a product owner will be looking for edge cases, and is aware of the acceptance criteria that are most important. Having the engineer set up the demo, and the product owner present, keeps everybody engaged and ensures that the stories are done to the satisfaction of the product owner.

Demonstrating a Story

The process of demonstrating each story should be consistent. The scrum master should go through each story on the list, and have the engineers set up the demo for the team. Many teams choose to do this using a projector in a conference room, although it's possible to do this by gathering around a large monitor, or even through remote conferencing services, depending on the nature of the story and the preferences of the team.

At this point in the sprint, the description of the story will be familiar to most of the people in the room, but the product owner should read the story—as well as any major acceptance criteria—to the team while the demo is being set up. That way, everybody will know what to look for, and will be aware of issues that might come up.

Once the story is set up and ready to demo, the state of the product is the main focus of attention. Each story should be a complete slice of functionality added to the product, and the demo should show that slice of functionality in context with the actual product. The demo should walk through each of the acceptance criteria, proving that they have been met.

Sometimes during a demo, it's realized that the acceptance criteria as they were originally written were inadequate, and may not have covered all the cases the product owner needed addressed. If this happens, keep in mind that a demo that meets all of the acceptance criteria—as they were specified in a story that was estimated at the sprint planning—should be considered accepted and done. Any further changes that may be needed are new stories. The product owner in this situation should be prepared to create new stories for a future sprint that relate to the additional acceptance criteria that weren't addressed in the original story.

Warning: Don't Go Into Detail About Issues Encountered

While it may be tempting and valuable for the engineers who worked on a story to go into detail about the difficulties or new learnings that came out of developing a particular story, the demo isn't the time for this. If the conversation turns to those topics, the scrum master should encourage people to make a note of these points, and bring them up at the retrospective. Otherwise, the demo can turn into a long dialogue about the details of creating each story, rather than a demonstration of the product with the new stories in place.

Tallying up the Points

At the end of the demo, a number of stories will have been accepted, and some may have been rejected. The scrum master should add up the number of points completed during the sprint, based solely on the estimated points assigned to stories that were accepted as done. Only stories that were accepted as done, and that were assigned points at the sprint planning, should be included in this total. The total number of points completed in the sprint should be recorded as the team's velocity for that sprint.

Some stories may have been rejected, or may not have been ready to demo despite being included in the sprint backlog. It'll be up to the product owner whether stories that weren't completed will be added to the next sprint, or put on hold pending a possible future sprint. The scrum master needs to keep track of all the stories, both completed and not yet completed, and update their status in any tracking tools that the team may be using.

Often the scrum master will generate a set of reports that are sent out at the end of the sprint demo, updating interested parties about the status of the product. If the team has decided to have both the sprint demo and the sprint retrospective on the same day, the scrum master may want to arrange the schedule so that the necessary data for these reports can be collected between the two rituals, thus making them available for reference.

Releasing the Stories

Releasing is the process that takes completed features and integrates them into the live product, either so the users can have access to them immediately, or so they can be evaluated for inclusion in a future release. The process may be overseen by release engineers, or integrated at the developer level with a set of fail-safes and rollback procedures.

Web and mobile teams have many options when it comes to releasing. For some teams, releasing a story to the customer as soon as it's completed—sometimes several times in a single day—makes perfect sense. For others, the release process is more complicated, and it makes more sense to group stories from a whole sprint, or even multiple sprints, and do larger unified releases.

Continuous integration is an approach that supports releasing stories as they're completed, rather than waiting for the end of the sprint. This usually depends on a robust test suite and an orchestrated set of release scripts. For teams doing continuous integration, the release of the stories into the live product will already have been done as part of completion of the stories themselves, and no further steps will be needed after the demo.

Note: Using Continuous Integration

When a team has chosen to do continuous integration, it's important that the engineers working on a story not abandon that story until it has been released, and demonstrated not to introduce any problems in the live product. While this can result in some downtime for engineers, that time can sometimes be applied to stories related to maintaining and improving the code base.

For teams not doing continuous integration, there will be another task needed to release all the stories from the sprint into production. The tasks associated with the release process are usually considered part of the definition of done for a story, but in this case they may need to be completed after the demo.

Some teams regularly schedule releases at the start of each sprint. Others do releases more frequently, or may release only at certain times of the year, or on a schedule to coordinate with certain events related to the needs of the larger organization or the marketplace. Figuring out how to plan and schedule releases is an opportunity for the team to reflect and iterate on their process, finding the rhythm that works best for them and best meets the objectives of the product owner.

Note: Working to a Release Schedule

Regardless of the actual release schedule, it's important for everyone on the team to understand that what will be released is only what has been completed. Scrum isn't about rushing to finish specific stories in order to meet a predetermined timeline. Scrum is about working at a sustainable pace, learning what the team is capable of, and releasing what has been completed when it's ready.

Any effort to stuff new stories into a particular sprint in order to meet a release schedule should be resisted by the team. If the dates cannot be adjusted, the product owner should be prepared to compromise, deciding what features need to be left out of a scheduled release in order to make time for the team to complete the most critical features.

Sprint Retrospective

If the daily standup is one of the most iconic rituals of scrum, the sprint retrospective may be the most representative of the agile philosophy. Sprint retrospectives offer the team the opportunity to reflect on what they've been doing at the end of every sprint, and figure out how they want to modify their process going forward.

Sprint Retrospective

Figure 4.5. Sprint Retrospective


A sprint retrospective gathers the team together to consider how the sprint that was just completed went for everybody. During the ritual, everyone in the room will be asked what went well, what didn't go well, and what commitment they're willing to make as a group to improve things in the next sprint. The goal is to come away with a set of modifications to the process that everybody on the team agrees to try for the upcoming sprint.

All the members of the development team, the scrum master, and the product owner are expected to participate in a sprint retrospective. The ritual is led by the scrum master.

Note: Guests are Rare at Retrospectives

Rarely are guests invited to attend the sprint retrospective. This is in order to encourage people to open up about what might have gone wrong during the sprint, and to be candid about how they felt and what issues came up for them. This meeting can be emotional, and the intimacy of a private team environment provides a more supportive context.

Time Box

Teams may find that the amount of time they spend in the retrospective mirrors the amount of time they might spend in the sprint demo. For a two-week sprint, it's not unusual for the team to devote half a day to the retrospective. When scheduling the retrospective, it's good to err on the side of generosity with the time, to avoid cutting off access to valuable insights from team members.

The amount of time a team dedicates to the sprint retrospective reflects the importance they give to paying attention to their own process, and improving as they go. Some teams may try to limit the amount of time spent in the retrospective. This can come at the expense of communication and improvement. One of the most important aspects of scrum is its emphasis on discussion as a means of enhancing the product development process.


Sprint retrospectives can be highly charged. Everybody involved in the scrum should come to the ritual with some thought in mind about what might have happened during the sprint that they want to comment on. For some people, this can mean creating a long list of issues to raise.

The scrum master should come to the sprint retrospective with an agenda that makes sure both positive and negative feedback is gathered from all participants. It's the responsibility of the scrum master to see to it that everybody has a voice and contributes to the process.

Warning: Make Sure the Retrospective Gets Proper Attention

The sprint retrospective is the one ritual that's most frequently shortened, or even abandoned, by scrum teams. That can be a sign that the process in in trouble. Without adequate attention to the retrospective, the team is giving up the opportunity to improve their process. Often the people recommending that this ritual be given less time and attention are the people who are benefiting most from the status quo, at the expense of constant improvement. Making sure this ritual takes place and is given proper attention by everybody on the scrum team is a way of showing care and concern for everybody on the team.

What Went Well?

The scrum master should ask everybody in the room what they thought went well during the past sprint. This is usually done by going around the room and having everybody report about one or more things they thought went particularly well during the previous sprint. Unless this sprint was a total disaster, most people should be able to come up with something they thought went well[2].

Part of the value of getting people to discuss what went well is to bring people together and give them an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the good work they and their teammates were responsible for.

Warning: Hold Off on Discussion Until Everyone Has Raised Their Points

While everybody's participation should be encouraged before the meeting is over, it's not a good idea to allow people to respond, or discuss the points raised, until everyone has had a chance to share their list. The scrum master should provide an opportunity for more open discussion later, but it's most important to give everybody in the team a chance to speak before this deeper discussion starts.

What Didn't Go Well?

Next the scrum master should go around the room asking people to report what they didn't think went so well during the sprint. This is a more delicate subject, because people may tend to bring up uncomfortable or unpleasant issues.

As before, everyone should be asked to participate. Bringing out honest responses from people about subjects they may feel uncomfortable discussing is part of the skill of a strong scrum master. If somebody really doesn't want to speak, or has something to say that they don't want to bring up in front of the group, they should be encouraged to talk about it independently with the scrum master outside of this ritual.

Saying negative things in front of teammates can feel uncomfortable. Part of the job of the scrum master is to help coach people from sprint to sprint in how to frame their issues so that they can be discussed in a productive way. This ritual isn't about personal attacks, but about finding ways in which the team can work better together.

Note: Ordering This Ritual

The order of the sections of this ritual—dealing with what went well and what didn't go well—may be reversed according to team preference. Scrum masters may also choose to follow any number of practices to get the team more engaged in this process, including games, note cards, advance submissions, etc. There's a lot of room for creativity in planning this ritual.

What Should We Do about It?

After everybody has had an opportunity to discuss what they thought went well during the sprint, and what didn't go so well, the floor should be opened for discussion. This is a chance for everybody on the team to say more about the issues they raised, as well as the issues raised by the other teammates, and what they think the team should be doing about them.

For things that went well, the team should try to find ways that the successes can be replicated in future sprints. They might have tried something new this past sprint that turned out to be successful, and that can be integrated into the process going forward.

For things that didn't go so well, the team has the opportunity to discuss what went wrong. Sometimes the issue was that the process was not followed. Other times, the process actually got in the way, and needs to be adjusted. Everybody should be encouraged to give their opinions about changes that might be beneficial.

Eventually, the discussion will circle around to four or five key issues that the team wants to focus on. The scrum master should guide the discussion in such a way that these issues get phrased as revised practices—which the team can then agree to try for the upcoming sprint.

Note: Only Make Manageable Changes Between Sprints

While there may be many issues discussed, the team should agree on a small and manageable set of changes to make from one sprint to the next. As with user experience testing, the more changes you make between tests, the more difficult it is to isolate which ones were helpful, and which ones caused problems.

By the end of this ritual, the scrum master should present the team with a short and understandable list of changes to the process. Most importantly, the scrum master should poll the entire room, and make sure everybody is in agreement with this set of changes. Then the scrum master should record the team's commitment to the revisions for the upcoming sprint. A team's ability to reflect and improve is as important to its development as the commitment to a sprint backlog is to the product's development.


In this chapter, we've gone over the four critical rituals for scrum: sprint planning, daily standup, sprint demo, and sprint retrospective. Each of these rituals is repeated once every sprint, except for the standup, which is performed every day.

These rituals take us from feature stories—written by a product owner—through team estimation, commitment to a sprint backlog, working through all of the stories, demonstrating that each story was completed and meets all of its acceptance criteria, to finally reflecting on what worked and what didn't in the completed sprint, so that the team can constantly improve.

Next, we're going to take a look at some of the artifacts of scrum. These tools help a scrum team to understand what they're working on, track their progress, and work together effectively.

[2] One of the reasons this ritual takes as long as it does is because everybody's participation is essential. Nobody should be left out.

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