
Many people helped get this book off the ground and into print. While I’m going to try to list them all, I’m sure I’ll miss a few as there were just too many for my tiny brain to remember. This book showed me that I have a lot of high quality friends, coworkers, and family.

The biggest thank you is for my wife and children, who had to deal with a husband/father who was constantly hiding in a corner, writing, when he should have been helping out. There’s no way an author can write a book without the support of immediate family, and mine was no exception.

Next, I’d like to thank Manning Publications and all the work the staff did to ensure I became a real author. Not only did they review and lay out the book, they also helped improve my technical writing skills for clear communication. I can’t give enough thanks to the whole team, but I’d especially like to thank Katherine Osborne for putting up with my missed deadlines, Pennsylvania-Dutch sentence structures, and overall poor spelling. Katherine was instrumental to the voice of this book, and those who’ve been reading the MEAPs will notice the improvement.

The next group that deserves thanks are the Scala experts and nonexperts who helped me improve my technical material and descriptions. Tim Perret was authoring Lift in Action for Manning around the same time I was writing Scala in Depth. Discussions with Tim were both encouraging and motivating. Unfortunately for me, he finished first. Justin Wick was a reviewer and collaborator on a lot of the content, and definitely helped me reach a wider audience than I had initially attempted to attract. He also reviewed the final manuscript and code one last time, just before the book went into production. Adriaan Moors, as usual, pointed out all my mistakes when discussing the type system and implicit resolution and helped make the discussions both practical and correct. Eric Weinberg was an old coworker of mine who helped provide guidance for reaching non-Scala developers in the book. Viktor Klang reviewed the “Actors” chapter (and the whole book) and offered improvements. Thank you also to Martin Odersky for his endorsement and kind words on the final product that you will read in the foreword, Josh Cough for being a guy I can bounce ideas off when needed, and Peter Simanyi for an email with a very detailed, thorough, complete, and awesome review of the entire book.

Manning also contacted the following reviewers, who read the manuscript at various stages of its development, and I would like to thank them for their invaluable insights and comments: John C. Tyler, Orhan Alkan, Michael Nash, John Griffin, Jeroen Benckhuijsen, David Biesack, Lutz Hankewitz, Oleksandr Alesinskyy, Cheryl Jerozal, Edmon Begoli, Ramnivas Laddad, Marco Ughetti, Marcus Kazmierczak, Ted Neward, Eric Weinberg, Dave Pawson, Patrick Steger, Paul Stusiak, Mark Thomas, David Dossot, Tariq Ahmed, Ken McDonald, Mark Needham, and James Hatheway.

Finally, I’d like to thank all of the MEAP reviewers. I received great feedback from them and appreciate the support and good reviews this book received before it was even in print. You guys had to bear with lots of typos and errors and deserve credit for persevering through my rough initial cuts and making it to this final version.

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