
The Workshop summarizes the key terms you learned and poses some questions about the topics presented in this chapter. It also provides you with a preview of what you will learn in the next hour.

Key Terms

command alias A shorthand command mapping, with which you can define new command names that are aliases of other commands or sequences of commands. This is helpful for renaming commands so that you can remember them, or for having certain flags added by default.

command history A mechanism the shell uses to remember what commands you have entered already, and to allow you to repeat them without having to type the entire command again.

job control A mechanism for managing the various programs that are running. Job control enables you to push programs into the background and pull them back into the foreground as desired.

login shell The shell you use, by default, when you log in to the system.

subshell A shell other than the login shell.


1:Draw lines to connect the original shells with their newer variants:




2:What does chsh do? What about chfn?
3:What shell are you running? What shells are your friends on the system running?
4:What's the difference between the .login and the .cshrc files?
5:What's the sh equivalent of the csh .login file?
6:What aliases do you think could prove helpful for your daily UNIX interaction?

Preview of the Next Hour

I hope this hour has whetted your appetite for learning more about the C shell! In the next hour, you learn how to really customize the shell and make your interaction with UNIX quite a bit easier. Topics include how to create command aliases, how to use the history mechanism, and how to create simple shell scripts when aliases just don't suffice.

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