Using What We’ve Learned So Far in a Site

What You’ll Learn in This Hour

image Collecting data to create a site

image Assigning data to appropriate SharePoint lists and libraries, and accepting when data isn’t suitable

image Deciding what to place on the default site page

image How a user accesses information

This hour works through the actions needed when creating a website for a particular work scenario.

Brainstorming What Information a Site Could Contain

Now that we learned the concepts of building a website using SPF 2010, let’s put them into practice by setting up a site for a particular purpose.

Let’s build a site that can be used as a model for large teams investigating a serious crime. The first thing is to brainstorm what kinds of information the team is likely to have and need. So, just at random, a few things come to mind:

image Eyewitness reports

image Interviews with suspects

image Interviews with relatives

image Photographs of suspects

image Photographs of witnesses

image Soundtracks of interviews

image Videos of interviews

image Videos of the crime scene

image Photographs of the crime scene

image Fingerprints

image DNA samples

image Links to other computer systems

image General information to the team members

image Restaurant and hotel information for out-of-area members of the team

image Images of menus

image Recommendations from local members of the team

image Dates of press briefings

image Dates of internal meetings

image Method for the boss of the team to report to his superiors

This gives you the general idea. Include anything and everything connected with issues related to the site, even if it later ends up being rejected.

Making Sense of the Mass of Data

Brainstorming should lead to a mass of hodge-podge ideas. The next step to starting a website is to collate this date and assign it to SharePoint “things.” We start with the documents previously listed (but we could start anywhere).

Thinking About Documents

Here’s our first attempt at a list of the documents:

image Eyewitness reports

image Interviews with suspects

image Interviews with relatives

At this point (and this is normal), we discover that we forgot that the team will produce various reports, so we add them to the list:

image Weekly summaries

image Progress reports

image Text of press releases

image Transcript of press briefing

image Reports from the team boss to higher management

It’s fairly clear that all these documents will go into SharePoint document libraries. What is not clear is how many document libraries, because we might think of some more documents later in the process.

We need to think about whether we need a document library that includes all these documents, some (fewer than eight) document libraries to contain them, or eight different document libraries (one document library listed item).

In other words, think about consolidation. To do that, consider the names of the previously listed categories. Interviews with eyewitnesses, interviews with suspects, and interviews with relatives should go in the same document library because

image They are all interviews.

image There is a floating line between a suspect and an eyewitness (or relative): Being one doesn’t exclude being the other.

We can put all three categories in an Interviews document library. Then we need something that makes it possible for us to mark someone as both an eyewitness and a suspect, for example.

I often do this by having three Yes/No fields:

image Suspect: Yes/No

image Eyewitness: Yes/No

image Relative: Yes/No

By the Way

Perhaps you think there will be a demand for the latest three weekly summaries and the latest three progress reports to be visible on the same page. In this case, you need two document libraries.

Go back to Hour 6, “Using Libraries and Lists,” and you see that you can have two web parts on the same page that show content from the same document library and yet show different content.

In other words, these two setups solve the demand for the latest three summaries and the latest three progress reports: two document libraries and a single document library with two non-overlapping views.

By the Way

As well as using premade views, you can also use (in real time) filters on one or more fields to get the same effect. The problem is that before moving on you have to spend time resetting the filters back to the All settings.

This makes it possible to easily create views, such as Suspect (condition is Suspect = Yes) or even a combined view, such as Suspect and Eyewitness (first condition is Suspect = Yes; second condition is Eyewitness = Yes).

Another option is to have a Choice type field with three choices (Suspect, Eyewitness, and Relative) and make this Choice type field (unlike the one we used in Hour 8, “Creating and Using Views and Folders”) have multiple choices.

The Interviews document library reduces the list by three items. Five items are left! We can immediately cross another one off: reports from the team boss to higher management. This won’t be available to team members other than the boss, so it can’t be located in the same document library as anything else. So we create a document library called Reports to Senior Management. We can decide later what to do to keep it secure. Four items left.

Because two of the four items relate to the press, both of them can be in a document library called Press Documents. To keep the two kinds of documents apart but still within the same document library, we can use the same technique as in Hour 8 and use a Choice field called, perhaps, Type of Document. In this, we have two alternatives: Press Releases and Press Briefing Transcripts. Of course, we’ll pre-prepare views for each of those two values (just as we did in Hour 8 for HP, IBM, and so on). Two left.

Both the two left, despite the completely different names in the list, are reports made on a regular basis. We can put them in the same document library using a Choice field (and views) to keep them apart.

Finally, we discover that we completely missed one set of documents. Regular team meetings will no doubt be written up. Because of the size of the team, there will probably be team meetings of subteams and team meetings of the entire squad. So we need one document library for team meetings with an extra field, Team Name, to categorize them and ease the use of views.

The end result (at least for now) are the following document libraries:

image Interviews

image Press Documents

image Summaries and Progress Reports

image Team Meetings

image Reports to Senior Management

The Reports to Senior Management document library needs to be separate.


In the original list, we have four sets of pictures:

image Photographs of suspects

image Photographs of witnesses

image Photographs of the crime scene

image Images of menus

The first three involve solving the crime; the fourth does not.

The first two—following the ideas previously stated—can go into a single picture library. In this picture library, there must be a way (as previously, with the Yes/No fields) to decide whether someone is a witness or a suspect or both.

In fact, we now realize that we will have photographs of relatives, too, so this picture library will include them and be the equivalent of a document library.

By the Way

You’ll often find, when trying to making sense of your collection of things and deciding what to include in a site, that you want other things to appear in a site, too.

The images of menus need their own picture library. For the moment, we can’t think of any other social usage for a picture library. Also it might prove useful if the out-of-town members of the squad (that is, those for whom the images of menus were conceived) can recognize the other members of the squad. In other words, we need a third picture library (with photographs of squad members). Let’s also add descriptions to the photographs in the picture library.

The end result is that we have four picture libraries:

image Suspects, Eyewitnesses, and Relatives

image Crime Scene

image Menu Images (and other social bric-a-brac)

image Squad Member Pictures (with brief descriptions)

By the Way

My preference is to keep the crime scene pictures in their own picture library. It’s only a preference, but it seems logical because they are a completely different set of pictures (from those of people).

Now let’s look at some of the easier items to categorize.


One item obviously goes in an Announcements list: general information to the team members. This can be used both for general information about how the investigation is proceeding and for information for out-of-town squad members about interesting things about to happen in the town. Given the seriousness of the investigation, it’s best to keep them apart.

We’ll have two Announcements lists:

image General investigation information announcements

image Announcements about interesting local events


Two date items were previously listed: dates of press briefings and dates of internal meetings. These are obvious candidates for different Calendar lists.

Did you Know?

Make the date items different because they are of different priority to different people.

At this point, there could be a third calendar—one giving the local events for the out-of-towners’ free time.

Now, we have three different Calendar lists:

image Press Briefings

image Internal Meetings

image Local Events

Unformatted Information

A few items listed in our original list are both in the social category and haven’t been covered:

image Restaurant and hotel information for out-of-area members of the team

image Recommendations from local members of the team

Both items are likely to be free format, with a title and a brief description from the local squad member, so they are suitable for the Custom list format with a title such as Bob’s Café and a description.

I see no reason why we can’t combine these items if they are strictly free-formatted information. If the restaurant/hotel information is official (and so probably laid out within a certain number of set fields) and the recommendations are strictly off-the-cuff ones, however, there should be two Custom lists (with different fields). Again, it’s a decision for the site designer based on the designer’s sense of how this information is going to be provided.

So we have two different Custom lists:

image Local Hotel and Restaurant Details

image Local Tips

Other Information

Here’s what’s left from the original list:

image Soundtracks of interviews

image Videos of interviews

image Videos of the crime scene

image Fingerprints

image DNA samples

image Links to other computer systems


Links to other computer systems may seem to be the only obvious Links library required; however, fingerprints might be stored in a national (perhaps) fingerprint system rather than in our SharePoint site. Therefore, there ought to be a link to the fingerprint system.

I obviously don’t watch television enough, because I have no idea where DNA information is stored and accessed. Let’s assume that the information is similar to fingerprints and thus requires us to access another system.

From this, we can calculate that we will have one Links library, which contains several entries, such as the following:

image Links to Various Police-Related Organizations

image Link to the Fingerprint System

image Link to the DNA System

Just because we have listed something (about what the site should provide) in our brainstorming, we need to remain flexible and remind ourselves constantly that not everything needs to be stored in our own system. What is important is that our team can access the information, not that it is stored in our system. Links lists are often the solution to this “problem.”

Audio and Video

We’re left with audio and video. There is no list or library specifically for audio and video as there was for pictures. So the logical place to put these files is in a document library (or libraries)—that is, if we put them in a library at all. Whereas MP3 audio files are small and are not going to be a problem for a document library, video files are large and are a potential problem for (for instance) backups. One option, therefore, is to keep video files in the file system.

The other thing is that the SharePoint v4 systems do not as delivered provide any functionality for playing back video files in a window within the browser. Typically, either software additions are required (if third-party additions to the basic SharePoint software are available), or a video file will open a completely separate copy of software capable of playing back the video format we use.

In addition, it might first be necessary to check which file formats can be uploaded to a document library. The first question in the “Q&A” section shows how to check the file formats enabled in document libraries and how to amend that list.

Otherwise, if MP3 (for instance) is on the list of file types that are “banned,” any attempt to upload a single MP3 file (or a batch of files containing at least one MP3 file) will fail.

For the purpose of this site-creation exercise, let’s just assume that we’ve covered all the bases and that both audio and video files will be added to document libraries.

To be as logical as possible, let’s have three separate document libraries:

image Soundtracks of Interviews

image Videos of Interviews

image Videos of the Scene of the Crime

Summary of Lists/Libraries

So far, our final tally of lists and libraries is as follows:

image Document libraries (8)

image Picture libraries (4)

image Announcements lists (2)

image Calendar lists (3)

image Custom lists (2)

image Links lists (1)

Placing the Lists/Libraries into the Web Pages

We’ve brainstormed our lists and libraries, so now we must create them and add fields (as appropriate) for each list. Then we must decide which lists/libraries should appear in the Quick Launch section and which lists/libraries need to appear in web part form in the main section of the page.

Deciding on One Site or Several Sites

First, consider whether one site is enough for your needs. If you look at our list, it is because the only thing we have that is of restricted access is one single document library; we can assume that there is nothing to stop the top management having rights to access the rest of the site. Therefore, we can also give them rights to that one Reports to Senior Management document library (following the rules outlined in Hour 10, “Learning About Authentication and Access Rights”).

However, although that approach is possible, we can always expect to have missed something when doing the brainstorming and follow-up design sessions. This means that we could have missed some other piece of information needed for contact between the senior management and the squad leader.

By the Way

I thought about a Discussions list for the squad team. In the end, however, I decided that they’ll be in a big room and will hold their discussions in person.

In fact, we probably missed that they need to communicate. These days, many senior managers communicate via a computer. Therefore, a Discussions list open only to senior management and the squad leader is certainly a possibility we should add to our design.

So now we have both a Discussions list and a document library that have restricted access. The obvious solution is to put them in a subsite that does not inherit permissions.

By the Way

When an item is created (or in this case a document is added to a document library), both the Created and the Modified fields contain the time and time it was created. When an item is changed, the Modified field is amended, but the Created field stays the same.

Usually, you want to know both about the latest new and the latest amended articles. Therefore, you use the Modified field.

If you want to see in one part of the screen the latest New documents and in another part of the screen the latest Modified (but not New) documents, however, you need to use two web parts from the same document library with two different views.

You want one view just sorted on Created; that gives the latest New documents. You want a second view that is sorted on Modified to give all documents that have been modified but which includes a filter that keeps out newly added documents. (To do this you create a calculated field called NotMod whose value is “=Created-Modified” and then have a filter that is defined as NotMod not equal 0).

In that subsite, we have so few lists/libraries that we might as well put both web parts in the main section of the screen. We can place the Discussions list on the left, and on the right the document library, the web part for which should, perhaps, use a view that specifies something between 10 and 20 items.

Did you Know?

Typically, the best sort order for the main page of a site is by the Modified field in descending order. (So specifying an item limit of 5 in a view will show the latest 5 items.)

I find 5 to be a useful limit if the page is crowded and 10 to be more suitable if it isn’t.

Allocating Lists/Web Parts to the Default Page

What about the main site? It’s obvious that we have so many lists and libraries that we are not going to fit the web parts for all of them in the center section. So what we look for there are the lists/libraries that need to be “in your face.”

This knocks out most of the document libraries because we expect people to regularly look through them without prompting. For instance, the meeting reports and so on will automatically be read by people who were away at the time (or missed most of the meeting because they were daydreaming). Therefore, they don’t need to be in the main section. And, in any case, there’s a technique called alerts (discussed a bit later in this hour). With alerts, you can tell people when something has been changed in a document library (or list).

For both these reasons, we’ll use what little space we have in the main section of the screen for some other lists. The first obvious candidates are one of the two Announcements lists and two of the three Calendar lists.

By the Way

Why not both the Announcement lists and all three Calendar lists? The reason is that the ones I don’t plan to include on the standard page are the ones intended only for out-of-towners because those lists are almost entirely uninteresting for local squad members.

Did you Know?

You can tweak the calendars to make sure they don’t take up too much space.

Of the rest, only one list/library should be included in the main section of the page: the Links list. That is there because people will be using it often as a way to go directly to other systems, and they won’t want to first open it from Quick Launch.

Specifying What Will Be Listed in the Quick

Launch Section

As for the question of which items to list in Quick Launch, it depends on how many lists/libraries you have. At a minimum, you should have a link there for every list/library that you have not included as a web part in the main section of the screen. If you have the space, however, there’s nothing wrong with having even the list/libraries behind those web parts present in the main section of the page (or some of them) listed in the Quick Launch section.

To some extent, in a company environment this can be decided by the size of the monitors in use and the standard screen resolution. Just as an overfull screen looks a mess, so does a nearly empty one.

Positioning the Web Parts in the Web Page

So far, there’s been no discussion about how to position those web parts that we selected for the main section of the page. A good start is to get rid of the standard picture (if you are using a site template that includes it)! It does nothing useful and just fills up otherwise useful space. Follow that, if you have two Announcements lists, by placing (one each!) at the top of the two columns.

For some reason, it’s a good standard to have the Links list on the rightmost side of the screen. (Because we want all the links in the list to be visible here, that should be the rightmost section completed.)

That leaves the two calendars, which can then be placed only in the leftmost screen section (with the more important one first).

Here the view called Calendar does look nice, I agree, but it takes up a lot of space. So you should at least consider making one or both of your web parts use another more boring view. Figures 11.1 and 11.2 illustrate this point.

FIGURE 11.1 Using small-size calendars


FIGURE 11.2 Using at least one “real” calendar


In Figure 11.2 (and only a small part of the second calendar is actually on screen), the second calendar dominates the entire screen (even though it contains no more information than the first calendar). So use full calendars with care. If you want them to dominate, fine. But if you don’t, use more minimal versions.

That’s enough for setting up the site. Now let’s look at the needs of the people who require access to a site’s information.

Additional Functions for the Users of the Site

People tend to use a site in three different ways:

image They access the site regularly and check what’s new there.

image They want to be told when things are new.

image They want to search for things from the site.

Of course, people might also want to do a combination of any of the things previously listed. Let’s look at these briefly.

People Who Access the Site Regularly

People who access the site regularly want to see at-a-glance information. The information they see directly is what the site designer decides they are likely to be most interested in.

People Who Want to Be Prompted for Updates

In the earlier releases users could specify alerts at List or Library level, and they would then receive email whenever anything happened in the List or Library. This restriction (which is still valid, although alerts are now possible on Views) on having Alerts only at List or Library level was something that caused a lot of queries to SharePoint administrators.

Often, therefore, site administrators didn’t tell their users that alerts were possible because, from the point-of-view of the administrator, alerts did nothing but cause him work. Another reason was that the administration of alerts was a mess because the only person who could create an alert was the user and the administrator had no picture of how many alerts were in place and for what. That has now been improved but users complaining about getting too many alerts (or not getting any) remains.

For alerts to function, the SharePoint system needs to send emails. This is something that our system hasn’t been set to do, so instead of going through how to create an alert, we go through how to create an RSS feed because this doesn’t require the administrator to do anything. (Sneaky perhaps, but these days I tend to rely more on RSS feeds than on emails, so I’m helping you to do what I do.)

(Very brief information on how an administrator can specify outgoing email, which is what is required for alerts to work, is in the “Q&A” section.)

Here are the steps for creating an RSS feed for The Books Documents document library:

1. Open The Book Documents library.

2. Select Library (menu line).

As you can see in Figure 11.3, the RSS feed is in the Share & Track section. (If your administrator has already specified support for outgoing email, this section would be the place where an icon for Alert creation would appear.) It doesn’t appear in Figure 11.3 because outgoing email hasn’t been specified; it wouldn’t be possible to use even if it were there, so SharePoint, as usual, doesn’t show it.

FIGURE 11.3 Choosing


3. Click RSS Feed. Figure 11.4 shows the top section of the page.

FIGURE 11.4 The RSS feed


4. There are now two alternatives:

image You can copy the URL and then go to your RSS Reader; create a new feed; and specify the URL you just copied. (This is what I do.)

image You can click Subscribe to This Feed.

This option is a big disappointment. What you expect, based on your experience of creating RSS feeds from many non-SharePoint sites, is a selection of different RSS readers so that you can directly add this feed to your RSS Reader. Instead all this function does is add the feed to a folder in the copy of IE on the PC you are using at the time. So you need to add it to your own RSS Reader by hand anyway.

People Who Want to Search the Site

The final category of typical users consists of those who neither want to visit a site regularly nor want to receive email about changes to it. These people typically access a site only when they want something specific; therefore, they tend to use the Search function.

Searching a SPF 2010 site is covered in both in Hour 13, “Using SF 2010 Search and Installing Search Server 2010 Express,” (for simple out-of-the-box searches) and Hour 14, “Improving Searches,” (for more complicated searches after Search Server 2010 Express has been added).


This hour covered basic site design. It started with brainstorming data and then assigned this data to suitable kinds of SharePoint lists and libraries. The hour then examined where to place the data in the site and how typical users might access the data.


Q. How do I find out which file formats are on the banned list (and how do I add new formats)?

A. Go to Central Administration > Security > Define Blocked File Types. You see a screen similar to Figure 11.5.

FIGURE 11.5 List of Blocked File Types


Scroll down the list to see whether MP3 files are blocked. They are not, and neither are such files such as AVI, MP4, and WMV file types that many administrators of business sites might well want to ban. However (and to my mind, oddly), Microsoft help files (.chm) are banned.

(Before you do anything else, check that you can’t upload .chm files.) So delete CHM from the list of file types in Figure 11.5 and click OK. Now you can upload Microsoft help files.

By the Way

Readers of my earlier book on WSS 3.0 will notice that in SPF 2010 when CHM is removed from the list, there is no longer a warning. As I pointed out in the equivalent hour of that book, the warning was about something that wasn’t true. Did they spot this for themselves, or did someone in the Microsoft development team read my book?

Adding file types such as MP4 to the list of file types is equally trivial. Just insert a line feed at the correct alphabetical location (for ease of use); add MP4 and click OK.

Q. How can administrators make alerts possible?

A. To create alerts, the administrator needs to allow the SharePoint system to send email; otherwise, there is no link available in the Share and Track group in the ribbon. This is done in Central Administration > System Settings > Configure Outgoing e-Mail Settings.

The main requirement is the need to have an SMTP server available. Typically, this is Exchange Server, but it could be any SMTP server (even a small, free one installed on the same server as your SPF 2010).

Getting the name of that SMTP server correct is the usual stumbling block in what otherwise is a relatively simple process (unlike setting incoming email settings).



1. Is the data we have gathered in the brainstorming phase the totality of data for the site?

2. If I have only a single document library that is of restricted access, should I locate it in the standard site and specify special access rights for it?

3. Can I specify that I get an email alert when a single item in a list or document in a document library changes?


1. It’s not likely to be. The subsequent processes (of assigning the data to lists and libraries and of then deciding what to include on the default page) all tends to throw up new data that was previously overlooked.

2. It is one option you have. Unless you are 100 percent sure that you will not have any more lists or libraries with restricted access, however, it might be a better option to create a special site (with restricted access) for it.

3. Not as such. If the item in question is the only one in a view and you have specified alerts for a particular view, then yes, you can. But typically, the standard options, views, lists, and such mean that an alert can act on several items or documents, not just on one.

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