Going Deeper

In addition to the functions I've described in this lesson and on Day 15, all of which are described in the perlfunc man page, there are also quite a few modules in the standard module library for managing files and file handles.

Many of these modules are simply object-oriented wrappers for the standard file operations; others are especially useful for covering up or getting around cross-platform issues. Still others simply provide convenience functions for managing files and directories.

I've mentioned a number of these modules previously in this chapter—Getopt and Cwd in particular. Table 17.2 shows the more complete list; for details on any of these modules, see the perlmod man page.

Table 17.2. File-Related Modules
Module Name What it Does
Cwd Finds out the current working directory in a safe, cross-platform way
DirHandle An object-oriented wrapper for manipulating directory handles
File::Basename Allows you to parse file and directory path names in a cross-platform manner
File::CheckTree Performs multiple file tests on a group of files
File::Copy Copies files or file handles
File::Find Similar to the Unix find command, traverses a directory tree to find a specific file that matches a specific pattern
File::Path Creates or removes multiple directories or directory trees
FileCache Some systems might not let you have large numbers of files open at once; this gets around that limit.
FileHandle An object-oriented wrapper for manipulating file handles
Getopt::Long Manages script arguments (complicated POSIX syntax)
Getopt::Std Manages script arguments (simpler single-character syntax)
SelectSaver Saves and restores file handles (used with the select function. We'll look at select on Day 20, “Odds and Ends”

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