
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


Acceptance Criteria (AC) 50, 124

writing, elements 50

Accepted state 145

Actual Business Value (ABV) 180

Adjourning 6

Agile Manifesto 13

Agile organization

guiding coalition, creating 262

leading 261

SAFe®’s imperfect guiding coalition 262

Agile organizational change

approaches, anchoring 267, 268

gains, consolidating 267

short-term wins, generating 266

wins, producing 267

Agile organizational change, vision and strategy

Epic Hypothesis Statements, incorporating 266

ideas, collecting 266

ideas, evaluating 266

idea to EAT, pitching 266

Agile organization, guiding coalition

Change Team 264

EAs 265

EAT 263

leading change, implementing 265

NEDs 265

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) 265

vision and strategy, developing 265

Agile Product Delivery (APD) 9, 117

Agile Program Management Office (APMO) 267

Agile Release Trains (ARTs) 9, 30, 75, 195, 199, 223

communicative 76

cross-functional 76

dedicated 76

defining 75, 76

maturity 77

Product Management 85

RTE 82, 83

System Architect 87-89

Troika 80

Agile Team iteration

day-to-day, within iteration 33

Agile Teams 19-21

Product Owner 22, 23

responsibilities 26-28

roles and responsibilities 21

Shared Services 30

SM/TC 24

System Team 30

types 29

Architectural Runway 81, 124

Architectural Vision 155

Architecture Sync 81

ART Backlog 53, 121-123

in Kanban, example 122

ART Board 143, 144

integrated ART PI Objectives 146

recreating, in ARTs Space 146

tools 145

using, at sync meetings 147

using, during iterations 146

ART Events, Agile Team 44

Innovation and Planning (IP) Iteration 45

Iteration System demos 44

PI System demo 45

ART Events, Product Owner

Innovation and Planning (IP) Iteration 42

Iteration System demos 42

PI Planning Event 41

PI System demo 42

PO/ART Sync 42

ART Events, Scrum Master/Team Coach

Coach Sync/ART Sync 43

Innovation and Planning iteration 44

Inspect & Adapt (I&A) 44

Iteration System demos 43

PI Planning Event 43

ART Events and product management 102

ART backlog refinement 103

ART Sync 102

Inspect and Adapt (I&A) 102

Iteration System Demo 102

PI Planning 102

PO Sync 102

preparing, for PI Planning 103

ART Events

versus teams events 94

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 3

ART Planning Board 166-168

ART Predictability 249, 250

ART Sync 107, 108, 135-138

ART Velocity 250, 251

authenticity 257

automated testing tools 100

average cycle time 182


Backlog Refinement 65

Benefit Hypothesis 124, 180

Big Data 3

blockers 81

Budget 215, 221

buffer 114

Built-in Quality 88

tools 100

Business Context 155

Executive, Identifying 156

Business Epics 227

Business Model Canvas 203

Business Outcomes 232

Business Owners 153

Business Value

commercial value 164

efficiency value 164

future value 164

market value 164

regulatory value 164


Cadence 93-95

benefits 94

Capacity Allocation 53, 123, 125

cash cows 217

Change Team 264

responsibilities 264

Cloud 3

Coach 93

Coach Sync 108, 136

Coach Sync checkpoint 171

code deployment

tools 248

Code Quality 245

tools 245

commercial value 164

Communities of Practice (CoP) 264

competitive environment 193

competitive positioning 206

competitive strategies 191

complicated subsystem ARTs 212

Confirmation 50

Continual Professional Development (CPD) 259

continuing education 114

Continuous Delivery Pipeline (CDP) 30, 93, 95, 96, 148

Continuous Exploration (CE) 96

integrating 98, 99

need for 98

principles 96

Release on Demand (RoD) 97

teams, roles 97

Continuous Deployment (CD) 97, 248

Continuous Exploration (CE) 96

Continuous Integration (CI) 97

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline 76

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline 95

Continuous Learning Culture (CLC) 11, 117, 180, 268, 269

importance 269

Conversation 50

Conway’s Law 77

Core Competencies of Business Agility 7

Agile Product Delivery (APD) 9

Continuous Learning Culture (CLC) 11

Enterprise Solution Delivery (ESD) 9

Lean-Agile Leadership (LAL) 11

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) 10

Organizational Agility (OA) 10

Team and Technical Agility (TTA) 8, 9

Core Competency 117

core values 193

Cost of Delay (COD) 129

Cost Structure 204

courages leaders 258

Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) 56

cross-functional 76

cross-functional team 19

cumulative flow diagram 182


Daily Stand-up (DSU) 35

day-to-day events, within iteration

Agile Team 38

Product Owner (PO) 34

Scrum Master/Team Coach (SM/TC) 36

day-to-day events, within PI 40

Agile Team 44

Product Owner 41

Scrum Master/Team Coach 42

Decentralized Decision-Making 235, 260

benefits 260

decision-making 206

Definition of Done (DoD) 27, 48, 70, 114

Definition of Ready (DoR) 35, 71, 114

Deforming and Mourning 20

dependencies 236

deployment automation tools 100

development (Dev) 9

Development Practices 155

Development Value Streams 76, 78, 195, 207

identifying, steps 207

DevOps 97

Digital Age

business casualties 4, 5

dimension 117

distinctive competence 193

Distributed PI Planning 178-180

dot-vote 185

Draft Plan Reviews 171, 172

Dual Operating System 78

for Business Agility 5-7

Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) 13


effective strategy 192

efficiency value 164

elevator pitch 232

Emotional Intelligence (EI) 257

benefits 258

Enabler Epics 227

Enablers 81, 121, 124

types 124

Enablers Stories 47, 52, 53

Refactoring Stories 52

Spike Stories 52

Technical Debt Stories 52

enterprise business drivers 193

Enterprise Solution Delivery (ESD) 9, 117

Enterprise Strategy 191, 192

portfolio, connecting with Strategic Themes 202-205

Epic Description 232

Epic Hypothesis Statement (EHS) 231, 232, 266

Epic Owner 123, 228

responsibilities 228

Epics 81, 223, 228

high-level features 233

reference link 234

Escaped Defects 243

tracking, tools 244

Essential SAFe® 122, 195

estimate 126

Executive Action Team (EAT) 263, 264

responsibilities 264

External Advisors (EAs) 263


feature flag 98

feature lead time 246

Features 121, 123, 222

Capacity Allocation 125

Combining 127, 128

Enabler 124

split stories, applying 127

Splitting 127, 128

feature sizing 125, 126

points 126

tips and tricks 126

feature toggle 98

financial goals 193

fireside chats 152

fishbone 184, 185

Five Why’s 185

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 14

Funnel 229

future value 164


Gemba 194

guardrails 223


hackathon 114

Horizons 216

viewing 215-217


impediments 81, 108

Improvement Stories 47, 52

innovation 113

Innovation and Planning (IP) Iteration 93, 113, 259

activities 113, 114

challenges 119

events 114

measure and grow 116, 117

Product Management IP Iteration Responsibilities 117

Product Owner IP Iteration Responsibilities 118

RTE IP Iteration Responsibilities 117

schedule 114, 115

Scrum Master/ Team Coach IP Iteration Responsibilities 118

System Architect IP Iteration Responsibilities 118

Team Member IP Iteration Responsibilities 118

Insatiable Learning 256

Inspect & Adapt (I&A) Event 151, 180, 239

PI System Demo 180

problem-solving workshop 183

Quantitative Measurement 181-183

retrospective 183

integrated ART PI Objectives 146

Intellectual Property Office (IPO) 3

investment horizon 215

investments 223

Ishikawa Diagram 185

Iteration Backlog 48, 53

Iteration Board 166

iteration events, Agile Team 38

Backlog Refinement 40

Iteration Planning 39

Iteration Retrospective 40

Iteration Review 40

responsibilities 39

Team Sync 39

iteration events, Product Owner (PO) 34

Backlog Refinement 35

Iteration Planning 34

Iteration Retrospective 35

Iteration Review 35

key responsibilities 34

Team Sync 35

iteration events, Scrum Master/Team Coach (SM/TC) 36

Backlog Refinement 38

Iteration Planning 37

Iteration Retrospective 38

Iteration Review 38

responsibilities 37

Team Sync 37

Iteration Headline 166

Iteration Retrospective 66

Iteration Review 65

Iteration System Demos 66, 109, 147

considerations 148

executing 147, 148


Jenkins 100

job size 128


Kanban 21, 66, 121, 229

Keep It Super Simple (KISS) 128

Key Activities 204

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) 236

Key Resources 204

Kudos Board 168


Lagging Indicators 232

Large Solution 195


growth mindset 254-256

leadership style, example 256

authenticity 257

courages leaders 258

emotional intelligence (EI) 257

growing others 259

insatiable learning 256

Leading by Example 201

decentralized decision-making 260

Leading Indicators 232

versus Lagging Indicators 240, 241

Leading Indicators versus Lagging Indicators

Predictability 249

Productivity 246

Quality 243

team health 241

Leading Indicators versus Lagging Indicators, predictability

ART Predictability 249, 250

ART Velocity 250, 251

features planned versus features accepted, tracking 251

Leading Indicators versus Lagging Indicators, productivity

Activity Ratio 247

feature lead time 246

Number of Deployments 248

story cycle time 246

Leading Indicators versus Lagging Indicators, quality

escaped defects 244

Mean Time to Recovery 244

static code analysis 245

test automation percentage 244

Leading Indicators versus Lagging Indicators, team health

employee NPS 242

staff sickness 242

Staff Turnover 241

Leading the Change 201

Lean 12, 13

Lean-Agile 201

Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE) 262

Lean-Agile coaches 82

Lean-Agile leaders

education 201, 202

Lean-Agile Leadership (LAL) 11, 117

Lean Business Case 234

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) 10, 199, 223

Governance 236

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) Events 236

PB 237

Portfolio Sync 236

Strategic Portfolio Review 237

lean start-up cycle 235

Lean Thinking 12

LPM course 201

LPM implementation 202


management review and problem-solving 172, 173

participants 173, 174

market sensing 194

market value 164

Mean Time To Recovery (MTTR) 243, 244

Measure and Grow Assessments 114, 116

metrics tools 100

Minimum Marketable Features (MMFs) 96

Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) 96, 228, 229, 233

mission 193

Mitigated risks 146

Mitigated state 145

Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) 160

Mortgages 195

MoSCoW 57

Mourning 6


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 243

Net Promoter Score (NPS) 241

Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) 263

Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) 48, 81


Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) 203, 265

Operational Value Streams (OVS) 78, 207, 208, 211

Operations (Ops) 9

Organizational Agility (OA) 10, 117

Overdrafts 195

Owned risks 146

Owned state 145


Pareto Analysis 185

parking lot 168

Participatory Budgeting (PB) 222, 223, 234, 237

tips 224

people management 206

Personal Loans 195

PI event risks, states

Accepted state 145

Mitigated state 145

Owned state 145

Resolved state 145

PI execution

day-to-day events 40

PI feature throughput 182

PI Objectives 146, 165

PI Objective, tips and tricks 163, 164

acceptance criteria, planning 170

ART Planning Board 166-168

Business Value, assigning 164

Planning Procedures 168, 170

planning requirements 165, 166

PI Planning 83

backlog preparation 132

Team Backlog, preparing for 59, 60

PI Planning Event 151

attendees, preparing 153

day 1, preparing 154

day before I&A workshop, preparing 153

distributed PI Planning 178-180

Draft Plan Reviews 171, 172

execution 154

I&A event 180

management review and problem-solving 172, 173

PI Objective, tips and tricks 163

remote PI Planning 178-180

schedule 154

PI Planning Event, day 2 preparation

adjustments, planning 174

ART PI risks 176

Close Out 178

commitment 175

Confidence Vote 176, 177

Final Plan Reviews 175

retrospective 177

Team Breakouts 174, 175

PI Planning Event, presentations 155

Architectural Vision and Development Practices 159-161

Business Context 155, 156

planning requirements 161, 162

Product/Solution Vision 156, 157

Welcome 155

PI Planning Event, team breakouts 171

Coach Sync Checkpoints 171

PI System Demo 180

Planning Context 155

Planning Context and Lunch 161

Planning Intervals (PIs) 102, 113, 121

platform ARTs 212

Portfolio Backlog 121

Portfolio Canvas

Cost Structure and Revenue Streams 204

Key resources and Key Activities 204

Value Propositions 204

Portfolio Enablers 122

Portfolio Epic 122, 227, 228

Business Epics 227

Enabler Epics 227

Portfolio Kanban 229

analyzing 232

Cost Estimation, from EHS 234

Done 235

Funnel 230

high-level features of Epic 233

Implementing 234, 235

Lead Business Case 234

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) 233

Portfolio Backlog 234

reviewing 231, 232

Solution Alternatives 233, 234

portfolios 195, 196

Portfolio Sync 236

Portfolio Vision 203

Predictability Measure 181

Problem-Solving Board 184

problem-solving workshop, I&A Event 183

agreeing, on problems to solve 184

Closing Out 186

Improvement Backlog Items, Creating 186

Logistic Considerations 187

problem, restating 186

Root-Cause Analysis, performing 185

root cause, identifying 185

Solutions, Brainstorming 186

process time 247

Product Management 80, 85

key collaborations 86

qualities 85

responsibilities 86, 103, 104

Product Owner (PO) 21

responsibilities 23

role 22

Product Owners (POs) Sync 108, 137

Product/Solution Vision 157

Feature Review 158

purpose 156

Roadmap 157, 158

Product Vision 85, 146, 155

Product/Solution Vision 155


Quantitative Measurement 180


Refactoring Stories 52

regulatory value 164

relative sizing 126

usage 54

Release Management 81

Release Management Sync 141

Release on Demand (RoD) 97, 248

Release Train Engineer (RTE) 15, 80-83, 93, 107, 136, 151

ART events, setting up 112

ART metrics, reviewing in Agile tools 110

behaviors, shifting 83

calendars, working with 111

iteration events, facilitating 107

obtaining, help 111

PI calendar, setting up 111

preparing, for I&A 111

preparing, for PI Planning 111

reference link 83

responsibilities 84, 107

team events, scheduling 113

Release Train Engineer (RTE), iteration events

ART sync 107, 108

Coach Sync 108

Iteration System Demo 109

PO Sync 108

Technical Sync 109

Troika Sync 109

Remote PI Planning 178-180

Resolved, Owned, Accepted, and Mitigated (ROAM) 145

Resolved state 145

Resources 255


elements 69

Retrospective and Problem-Solving Workshop 180

Retrospective Board 168

Revenue Streams 204

risk 108

Risk Board 145

risk management 206

risk reduction and/or opportunity enablement (RROE) 128

Roadmap 157, 194

ROAM Board 145, 146

root cause 185


SAFe® Core Values 14

alignment 14

relentless improvement 14

respect for people 14

transparency 14

SAFe® Kanban Team Events 66, 67

planning 68

retrospectives 68, 69

Team Sync 68

SAFe® Lean-Agile Principles 15

SAFe® PI Planning Toolkit 168

SAFe® Practice Consultants (SPCs) 192

SAFe® Scrum Team Events 62

Backlog Refinement 65

Iteration Planning 62

Iteration Retrospective 66

Iteration Review 65

Iteration System Demos 66

Team Sync 64

SAFe® Scrum Team Events, Iteration Planning

Backlog Preparation 62

capacity 62

commitment 64

Iteration Goals 63

Story analysis 63

Story estimation 63

Story selection 63

tasks 63

SAFe® coach

objectives 271, 272

SAFe® guiding coalition 263

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) 40, 67, 192, 195, 239

advantage 196

guiding coalition, lack of power 263

imperfect guiding coalition 262

Scrum 21

Scrum Master/Team Coach (SM/TC) 21, 24, 62, 82

responsibilities 25, 26

role 24

self-managed 20

self-organized 20

Servant Leader 82

Set-Based Design (SBD) 233, 234

Shared Services 30

Shared Services Teams 76

SMART Team PI Objectives 162

solution 6

solution alternatives 233, 234

Solution Train 195

Spike Stories 52

Stakeholders 194

stories, types

Enablers Stories 52

need for 53

User Stories 52

story cycle time 246

Story Splitting 55, 56

Story Splitting, considerations

break-out spike 56

business rules variations 56

data entry methods 56

data variations 56

deferred system quality 56

major effort 56

operations 56

simplicity or complexity 56

use case scenarios 56

workflow steps 56

strategic development 206

Strategic Portfolio Review 203, 237

Strategic Themes 202-205

used, for connecting portfolio to Enterprise Strategy 202-205

strategy 191, 192

strategy agility 193, 194

stream-aligned ART 212

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) 156, 205

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) 108

SWOT analysis

versus TOWS analysis 205

synchronization 93-95

benefits 94


Recommendations 142, 143

Scheduling 141

System Architect 80, 87, 88, 104

ART sync 105

Inspect and Adapt (I&A) 105

Iteration System Demos 105

PI Planning 105

responsibilities 89, 106

System Demos 81

System Team 30, 76, 90, 91

need for 90

responsibilities 90, 91


task switching 28

Team and Technical Agility (TTA) 8, 117

Agile Team 8

Built-in Quality 9

Team of Agile Teams 9

Team Backlog 47, 48, 121

capturing, in Kanban system 58

preparation, for PI Planning 59, 60

Team Board 168

team dynamics

stages 20

team events

versus ART events 94

Team Sync 64, 68

Technical Debt 53, 125

Technical Debt Stories 52

Technical Sync 109, 139-141

Technological Revolutions 2, 3

Technological Revolutions, phases

Deployment Period 2

Installation Period 2

Turning Point 2

Terrific Transport Corporation (TTC) 202


example 232

test automation 243

Test-Driven Development (TDD) 99

time criticality 128

tools, metrics

code coverage 100

deployment metrics 101

lead time metrics 101

process time metrics 101

system up/down times metrics 101

test execution metrics 101

utilization rates metrics 101

Topologies 212

TOWS analysis

versus SWOT analysis 205

Troika 75, 80

Product Management 81

RTE 81, 82

System Architect 81

Troika Sync 109

T-Shaped 20, 114

tweet 166


Uncommitted PI Objectives 162

User Business Value 128

User Stories 47-53

estimating 54, 55

prioritization 57, 58

User Stories estimation

techniques and approaches 54


value 164

Value Propositions 204

Value Stream 75, 206

Development Value Streams (DVS) 207

funding 217

Operational Value Streams 207

real world example 218-222

Value Stream Identification (VSI) 80, 206, 207, 212, 213

impacting, ART 78

DVS, identifying 210

DVS, realizing into ARTs 211-213

OVS, identifying 208

people, identifying 209

performing 78-80

pre-work and preparation 207

solutions, identifying 208, 209

Value Stream Mapping 80, 213

vanity metrics 239

vertical slice 56

Vision 81, 155, 192-194


Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) 228, 234

applying, steps 128-131

disagreement 131

Feature Prioritization 128

need for 128

Working Agreements 71, 114

Work-In-Progress (WIP) 58, 122

Work in Progress (WIP) limits 229

work item 59

workload management tools 100

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