List of Listings

Chapter 2. Reacting with RxJS

Listing 2.1. Processing collections with map, reduce, and filter

Listing 2.2. Custom BufferIterator function

Listing 2.3. Fibonacci function using generators

Listing 2.4. Custom progress indicator module using RxJS

Chapter 3. Core operators

Listing 3.1. Disposing of an observable

Listing 3.2. Disposing of a promise

Listing 3.3. Mapping functions over streams

Listing 3.4. Filtering events from a stream

Listing 3.5. Using reduce() to compute spending

Listing 3.6. Custom exclude operator

Listing 3.7. Using aggregate operators

Chapter 4. It’s about time you used RxJS

Listing 4.1. Working with observables and setTimeout()

Listing 4.2. Creating a simple animation with an RxJS timer

Listing 4.3. Explicit time using JavaScript timing functions and RxJS

Listing 4.4. Simulating a simple stock ticker widget

Listing 4.5. Augmenting stock data with the time interval

Listing 4.6. Showcase the delay operator

Listing 4.7. delay shifts the entire observable sequence

Listing 4.8. Sequential delay operators

Listing 4.9. Manual debouncing logic for smart search widget

Listing 4.10. Dedicated debounce() method using vanilla JavaScript

Listing 4.11. Using custom debounce() method

Listing 4.12. A simple debounce-optimized search program

Listing 4.13. Controlling button action with throttle

Listing 4.14. Creating form field history with bufferWhen()

Listing 4.15. Buffering events for a specific period of time

Chapter 5. Applied reactive streams

Listing 5.1. Case matching event data resulting from merging mouse and touch streams

Listing 5.2. Normalizing upstream event data merges the streams

Listing 5.3. Reactive search solution

Listing 5.4. The request quote stream

Listing 5.5. Mapping one stream into another

Listing 5.6. Updating multiple stock symbols

Listing 5.7. Streams needed to implement drag and drop with a mouse

Listing 5.8. Drag-and-drop stream logic

Chapter 6. Coordinating business processes

Listing 6.1. Hooking into the start of a stream

Listing 6.2. SessionDisposable object implementing the dispose functionality

Listing 6.3. Managing a temporary session token with using()

Listing 6.4. Synchronizing streams with combineLatest()

Listing 6.5. Combining multiple URL shortener streams

Listing 6.6. Bitly URL shortener stream

Listing 6.7. Google URL shortener stream

Listing 6.8. Using forkJoin to fetch multiple stock symbols simultaneously

Listing 6.9. Transaction class

Listing 6.10. Populating the database

Listing 6.11. Optimizing write operations using bulk writes

Listing 6.12. Two queries in a single stream declaration

Listing 6.13. The Account class

Listing 6.14. withdraw function

Chapter 7. Error handling with RxJS

Listing 7.1. Function ajax() with success and error callbacks

Listing 7.2. Imperative error handling with asynchronous code

Listing 7.3. Promisified ajax()

Listing 7.4. Internals of the Try functional data type

Listing 7.5. Calling the error method on observers when an exception is thrown

Listing 7.6. Recovering from an exception using catch()

Listing 7.7. Implementing a linear backoff retry for our stock ticker stream

Listing 7.8. Fixed count, linear backoff, and throwing exception if error persists

Listing 7.9. Stock ticker with error handling

Chapter 8. Heating up observables

Listing 8.1. Interval factory

Listing 8.2. Simple RxJS Node.js server

Listing 8.3. WebSocket client with RxJS

Listing 8.4. Stock ticker as event emitter

Listing 8.5. Complete stock ticker widget with change tracking

Chapter 9. Toward testable, reactive programs

Listing 9.1. First unit test of a pure function notEmpty

Listing 9.2. Using Mocha/Chai to test an asynchronous function

Listing 9.3. Asynchronous testing with Promises

Listing 9.4. Search stream used in the smart search component

Listing 9.5. Testing a stream that adds up all numbers of an array

Listing 9.6. Testing an observable with a delay

Listing 9.7. Testing a promise AJAX call within an observable

Listing 9.8. Publishing values on an async scheduler

Listing 9.9. Testing the map() operator

Listing 9.10. Testing the debounceTime operator

Listing 9.11. Speeding up runInterval() with the virtual time scheduler

Listing 9.12. Unit test main search logic

Chapter 10. RxJS in the wild

Listing 10.1. A React account balances that updates every second

Listing 10.2. Communicating to child components using a single parent

Listing 10.3. Simple banking form with checking text field and withdraw button

Listing 10.4. Multiple subscriptions with subjects

Listing 10.5. Build a promise-like operator with subjects

Listing 10.6. Plugging into the middleware

Listing 10.7. Implementing custom ofType operator

Listing 10.8. Building your middleware

Listing 10.9. Building the application

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