Extract More Revenue and Margins from Your Teams and Resources

The third element of a Revenue Operating System is to leverage digital technology and advanced analytics to create value by improving the performance and financial contribution of revenue teams. These technologies can accelerate sales growth and extract more revenue, margin, and value from your revenue teams by:

  • Optimizing the allocation of revenue team resources to realize a greater share of your target markets
  • Developing and retaining high-performing selling talent
  • Focusing your selling teams on the best account opportunities
  • Ensuring more sales reps achieve quota targets
  • Generating more value in terms of price realization, share of wallet, and margin in sales transaction
  • Expanding customer contract value, lifetime value, and annualized recurring revenues

One major opportunity, when it comes to getting more revenue from your teams, is to focus on a better system for recruiting, ramping, and retaining top sales talent—to make sure, in short, that you're building a strong, capable team. Doing so will improve revenue growth and sales quota attainment while reducing cost to sell. Ninety percent of the executives we spoke with agree that their sales reps are their biggest growth asset. Yet, in our experience, few manage their sales reps as valuable assets. Most don't realize how poorly those assets are performing on a financial basis or the true cost of attrition on sales, margins, and costs. If the average CFO evaluated their salespeople as financial assets, they would conclude that sales reps are expensive (between 10–40% of firm spending), that they require significant maintenance and upkeep (training and management), yet underperform (most fail to achieve quotas) – and have a useful life of less than two years. Why? Because of the fragmented way most organizations recruit, develop, measure, manage, and motivate their reps. In most cases, no single person is responsible for measuring, managing, or improving the performance of the talent pipeline. The financial consequences of these disconnects on your revenue goals, selling costs, and margins can be severe. A 5% increase in sales rep attrition across your sales team can increase selling costs 4–6% and reduce total revenue attainment by 2–3% overall, according to research by Blue Ridge Partners.137 In addition to the negative impact on selling costs, lost opportunity, and revenue goal attainment – the revolving door of salespeople can damage customer relationships.

“If you don't invest in training and enabling your people, you wind up spending a significant chunk of resources dealing with rep churn, finding new reps, and ramping them,” according to Frank Jules, President of AT&T Business.120 “In the end, very few of them will develop into the top talent you need to outperform the competition.”

Another way to create value is to use analytics to “shrink the bullseye” and “cut the long tail” of customers. Doing so can multiply the impact of every selling interaction and individual in your business. The reason for this is, while every business leader understands the 80/20 rule when it comes to targeting customers, most don't actually apply it. In our experience, most organizations tend to target too many customers and develop too few of them. For many businesses the “customer curve” remains too long and sellers continue to chase “tail accounts” that are unprofitable to pursue. There are good reasons for these tendencies – the optimism of sellers, the desire to realize more market potential, and the pressure to generate the most revenue growth from scarce selling resources. But they are also rooted in bad habits like not challenging entrenched belief systems. Another bad habit is using “gut feeling” assumptions to size and rank opportunities instead of data. A third is relying too much on historical sales data instead of predictive insights about the future when planning.

A system based on facts can change this. The secret is to convert the customer engagement data you already have into insights. Sellers don't need more data. They need actionable insights that inform account priorities, resource allocation decisions, and the level of effort to apply to specific target customers. For example, it is possible to develop highly accurate targeting models that more skillfully predict which customers are going to buy from you soonest, at the highest price, and with the least selling effort using your existing CRM and transaction data. “When we compare customer assignments based on data-derived propensity to buy models with those based on the estimates of sales teams and local market leaders, we typically see improvement of 20% or more in conversion, sales quota attainment, and account development,” reports Jim Quallen, a Managing Director of Blue Ridge Partners who has helped dozens of B2B sales organizations deploy such models.

Using your data assets to better align and allocate your selling resources with market opportunity is another way you can create more revenues and value.

Recent advances in sales performance management software, analytics, and modeling approaches can dramatically simplify complex territory definition and quota design problems. They can also make the process of planning, managing, and updating territories and seller quotas faster, less labor intensive, and more accurate.

Not only that, but recent advances in analytics, modeling, and sales performance management tools provide the opportunity to dramatically improve the territory and quota planning process, the quality and impact of its outputs, and the resources, labor, time, and effort involved in managing it. These advanced modeling techniques offer the potential to improve the accuracy, effectiveness, and predictability of territory and quota plans. For example, businesses that digitize their territory alignment process increase revenue up to 15% through better resource allocation, tight alignment between sales territories and the go-to-market strategy, improved sales productivity, and goal attainment, according to research by the SMA.138

Building Block #7: Talent Development - Attract, Develop, and Retain Commercial Talent

An illustration of Talent Development

Frontline sales managers can use sales enablement and readiness technologies and AI to significantly improve cross-selling, account penetration, and the performance of the “B and C players” on their revenue teams. They can now use these tools to better evaluate, educate, and focus sellers. Sales enablement and readiness tools can automate the evaluation and development of sales talent. Analytics can create measures of seller performance based on activity and behavior. They can also improve the coverage and penetration of key accounts using customer engagement and seller activity data. This can create significant value for a variety of reasons:

  • Most (57%) sales leaders regard visibility into seller activity and performance as their top sales productivity challenge.9
  • Even more (62%) lack confidence in their organization's ability to cross-sell, upsell, or expand key account relationships, according to Miller Heiman.37
  • Sales teams are not very effective at coaching and guidance, according to a survey of sales managers and performance professionals.9
  • Managers have largely failed to leverage the potential of advanced analytics to improve accountability and reinforcement. The survey identified visibility into adoption, behavior change, and use of sales skills and tools in selling situations as the biggest opportunity to improve sales performance.

This doesn't have to be the case. There are a dozen commonsense ways that organizations can improve the process of attracting, recruiting, developing, and retaining top sales talent. These include connecting training and development systems into a closed-loop process and using AI to better support training, establish better measures of seller performance, and simplify the seller experience. What's key is managing this effort as one enterprise process and one closed-loop system. An effective first step is to assign an executive to manage and measure the performance of the process of recruiting, ramping, and retaining sales talent across the company. Improving seller attribution, seller satisfaction, and the cycle time to ramp new sales reps even a few percentage points can lead to large improvements in margins, costs, and revenue attainment.

Sales managers and performance leaders (from sales operations, sales enablement, and learning and development teams) at growth-oriented businesses are developing new management capabilities and skills as they struggle to manage, enable, and motivate remote selling teams. In response, sales managers are increasing their adoption of sales enablement technologies and sales analytics to generate the engagement, speed, and productivity essential to being productive in a virtual setting and adapting to the new buying reality.

In particular, they are putting in place systems and programs that leverage data to create value. These include:

  1. Establishing integrated coaching, skill development, and reinforcement processes. Remote learning is now a fact of life because face-to-face training delivery is not a practical option as most organizations have cut travel (84%) while encouraging employees to work at home. In response, frontline sales managers are looking at integrated learning and development solutions like MindTickle, Allego, and Ambition to enable an integrated sales development approach that is both highly efficient and a “closed-loop” in that it connects training to behavior to performance. These solutions blend video role plays with AI evaluation and guided selling to connect development and reinforcement to in-the-moment selling activities. These solutions incorporate conversational intelligence and activity tracking to measure how training translates into actual customer engagement and account success.
  2. Improving your visibility into revenue team performance. The lack of visibility into pipeline activity, seller actions, buyer engagement, and account health are setbacks to remote selling productivity. Sales engagement platforms like give frontline sales managers management tools and dashboards built on individual client and account engagement data that allow them to see pipeline health and activity of any rep, and to drill down as needed to coach, guide, and assist reps in advancing opportunities. Sales automation platforms like Gainsight and Totango give account leads and service managers visibility into account health by aggregating, analyzing, and organizing customer data from many legacy systems to provide real-time signals of churn, service issues, and upselling opportunities.
  3. Creating measures that close the loop between seller performance, training effectiveness, and customer outcomes. Sales leaders are starting to use advanced analytics to derive new measures that more accurately quantify the collective engagement, energy, and customer experience their teams are creating within accounts. They are drawing upon sales analytics solutions to track the behaviors and activities that define team success. At the same time, they are building toward innovative, data-driven customer engagement measures and incentives that are tied to opportunity potential, account health, and seller performance on a scale of 1–10. Integrated learning and development solutions like MindTickle, Allego, and QStream use AI to evaluate selling skills and performance based on activity analysis, conversational intelligence, and performance against standards.
  4. Making one-to-one coaching at scale part of an integrated learning and development process. Historically, sales managers have been limited by their span of control and free time for sales call monitoring or ride-alongs, so they are only able to monitor sales calls and actively coach a limited number of reps. The ability to record sales conversations and compare them to selling outcomes and best practices by integrating with CRM, training, and enablement systems can create a real-time, closed-loop information flow. This gives a sales manager the ability to actively be there at critical points in the actual sales conversation such as common objections, competitive mentions, or signals of attrition. It also lets them understand what training has been adopted, and whether it is successful at changing customer behavior. Continuous, real-time, and individualized coaching allows sales managers to actively manage and develop many more reps. It also accelerates how quickly new reps ramp to full productivity. For example, ChowNow, a leading online ordering platform for restaurants, was able to knit together the systems that support their Sales Development Reps (SDRs) to eliminate manual work, share best practices, and provide real-time coaching in the moments that matter. ChowNow had to double the number of SDRs to exploit exploding demand in the online ordering system market in the wake of the pandemic. Their Growth Operations team unified and enhanced their sales and marketing technology portfolio to make it faster and easier to ramp and support so many new reps. They used AI-enabled tools from to connect the dots across different systems to automate manual work, create best practices libraries, and enable one-to-one coaching from anywhere, at scale. By aligning tools that support the rep coaching and engagement, ChowNow was able to ramp reps to productivity faster (in 60% less time), promote them sooner, and retain them longer (rep attrition dropped by 75%). “Conversation AI is our lifeline right now,” according to Stephanie Sullivan, director of Growth Operations at ChowNow.42 “Sales managers have to listen to calls as part of the job – it's nonnegotiable, because it's by far the best way to train. And we have seen dramatically faster rep ramp time for our SDRs as a result.”

Building Block #8: Revenue Optimization – Allocate People, Time, and Effort Against Opportunities

An illustration of Revenue Optimization

Some of the most practical and impactful ways data-driven algorithms can create value is to help managers to better allocate sales resources to the right accounts, territories, and tasks. “Organizations are dramatically improving sales performance by using algorithms to help with the basics of account and lead prioritization and qualification, recommending the content or sales action that will lead to success, and reallocating sales resources to the places they can have the most impact,” reports Professor Lodish of Wharton.32

This is because a wide range of AI tools are now available to create algorithmically derived customer response models to help take the guesswork and gut feeling out of aligning sales resources across geographies, accounts, and business lines.

Sales leaders are taking advantage of advanced analytics to optimize the allocation of sales resources and seller time with data-driven algorithms that increase the return on selling resources in a variety of ways. These include:

  1. Automating the territory design and quota assignment process. There is a big opportunity to optimize the deployment of sales resources by developing data-driven models that map the response functions by market, territory, and segment. Staffing and allocating sales resources across territories is often done by the seat of the pants or gut feelings at best. Sales performance management solutions like Varicent, Xactly, SAP Sales Cloud, and Optymize digitize and automate the territory and quota planning process of designing territories. For example, optimizing territory design alone can increase sales by 2–7%, without any change in total resources or sales strategy.140 This is because an optimally designed and well-balanced territory plan can improve seller productivity by 10–20% and save costs according to research by the Alexander Group.139

    Organizations are using automated workflow processes to get efficiency gains of two to three times when compared with counterparts using manual or spreadsheet-driven processes.141 Data-driven automation can help streamline the planning cycle from 60 to 35 days by automating the collection and analysis of many data inputs. It also can improve collaboration across the 6–12 different organizations that need to align territories and quotas with the overall go-to-market, compensation, and corporate growth strategy of the company.139

    Solutions like these can also blend CRM data with customer engagement data from other parts of your business to automate and optimize the development of sales incentives and quotas and to improve payment accuracy and resolution.

  2. Algorithmic segmentation, targeting, and coverage modeling. Sales reps spend 7% of their time prioritizing leads and opportunities.20 But a range of solution providers have emerged that support predictive lead scoring and lead prioritization models based on customer engagement data from inside and outside the organization. For example, sales engagement platforms like prioritize daily tasks and plays for sales teams using real-time buyer intelligence from billions of sales interactions. Third-party data providers like Bombora and TechTarget make those models even better by enriching them with customer intent data that lets them know when a prospect is in the market for a solution.
  3. Account prioritization and profiling based on propensity to buy, intent, and potential. Leading organizations are developing highly accurate propensity to buy targeting models from their existing CRM and transaction data and third-party intent data from providers like 6sense. These models can more accurately predict which customers are going to buy from you, with the least selling effort, and which ones are not likely to buy or will require too much work to convert. When compared with the estimates of sales teams and local market leaders, these models are usually more accurate at predicting who will buy, and who will not. When combined with human insights about local markets and customer relationships, they become even more predictive and accurate. Propensity to buy targeting models takes less time than human targeting. The targeting also gets smarter over time, starting a cycle of measurable and continuous improvement. Most organizations see near-term gains of 20% or more in conversion, sales quota attainment, and account development when they use propensity to buy models to focus their resources, according to research by Blue Ridge Partners.142
  4. Selling time optimization. A range of sales automation technologies are now able to automate, assist, or eliminate a range of low value-added tasks that nibble away at sales rep time, productivity, and motivation. Sales automation software, including DialSource,, and, effectively automate tasks including CRM data entry, data management, finding information, list building, and repetitive selling tasks like dialing, screening calls, and capturing contact information. Digital adoption software like WalkMe makes it faster and easier to find and use mission critical sales tools that provide competitive intelligence, selling content, automate RFPs, record sales calls, and recommend next best-selling actions.
  5. Using advanced analytics to improve the accuracy, predictability, and quality of plan inputs. Professors Leonard Lodish and V (Paddy) Padmanabhan have taught “Leading the Effective Sales Force” to a generation of growth leaders over the past decade at Wharton and INSEAD.143 They believe it is no longer enough to rely on history or rules of thumb in making sales force allocation decisions. The precise historical data available to sales managers is increasingly able to help them to rationally decide on sales force size, territory boundaries, and call frequencies for each account and prospect that maximizes firm profits.

    John Gleason, EVP and Chief Sales Officer for Ryder Systems, sees the use of analytics to optimize sales roles, coverage, cooperation, and territories as the next big opportunity to accelerate growth. “I'm a big believer in trying to grow sales without growing the sales organization or cost to sell,” says Gleason.119 “The more I can use analytics to make sure our reps aren't wasting time with prospects they're not likely going to be successful with, the better. We've spent a lot of time in that particular area.” Ryder is using advanced analytics to redefine territories and refine the roles and responsibilities within the sales organization to provide better product expertise, cross-selling opportunities, and customer experience.

    Another way Gleason has Ryder leveraging analytics is by focusing sales reps on the highest-opportunity accounts. “There's an enormous number of prospects out there—probably 20 million companies that rent trucks, seven million class three through eight leased vehicles, and a hundred thousand or so businesses that need warehousing,” he reports. “That's a lot for 50 salespeople to call on. Analytics have become increasingly important, because when you have a smaller sales organization generating around $3 billion, you can't waste a lot of time knocking on doors, so to speak. We became increasingly data driven. We put in much better processes to understand the characteristics of buyers, their current contract status with other providers, who are the decision makers, and when those decision makers change.”

Building Block #9: Revenue Enhancement – Increase Revenue Yield with Better Packaging, Pricing, and Personalizing Offers

An illustration of Revenue Enhancement

Sales teams can use analytics to improve the 4Ps of selling by optimizing pricing dynamically based on willingness to pay, and by personalizing products and proposals to deliver and capture more value from sales transactions. For example, more disciplined and algorithmic pricing offers up to five times the profit potential of cost and growth initiatives because it can expand margins by 3–10% with existing resources and improve earnings multiples with limited investment. Pricing is the most efficient way to improve a firm's profitability, according to Professors John Zhang and Jagmohan Raju of Wharton Business School in their book, Smart Pricing.102 Improving a firm's price by 1% effective price increase without changing anything else normally will increase profitability by over 10%, according to Wharton Research Data Services. Your organization can get two to five times the profit leverage from top-line price optimization than it can from efforts aimed at reducing costs.

Another factor impacting margins and selling effectiveness is rising customer demands for more relevant and personalized content. This dynamic has been exacerbated by the dramatic shift to virtual and digital channels accelerating the use of digital media and the collaborative content, videos, and assets needed to fuel them. Eighty percent of firms are increasing the use of digital media to fuel remote selling and the content creation needed to support owned digital channels.5

Advanced analytics can improve all aspects of pricing, proposal development, and solution packaging through personalization, automation, configuration, and optimization. These include:

  1. Pricing optimization and innovation. Research from Wharton Business School shows that pricing is the most critical profit driver in business, offering two to five times the profit potential relative to growing sales and reducing fixed and variable costs. A data-driven pricing strategy can yield profit margin expansion of 3–10% with existing resources through pricing optimization and innovation.102 Analytics leaders like PROS, Vendavo, and Zilliant are helping businesses across industries to use advanced analytics to expand profits and create firm value by evolving their processes, systems, and teams four ways:
    1. Governance of pricing policies across the enterprise to stop millions of dollars of margin leakage.
    2. Automating, simplifying, and speeding the execution of pricing strategy in terms of price setting, discounting, exceptions, and adjustments due to competitive, exogenous, and market factors.
    3. Executing sophisticated dynamic and data-driven pricing strategies that expand demand, capture more value, and maximize customer lifetime value, including dynamic, personalized, and demand-based pricing.
    4. Driving innovation through pricing by enabling new business models with advanced pricing models that better package and realize value including SaaS, subscription, premium services, sharing, and fractional ownership models.
  2. Enabling data-driven personalized proposals, presentations, and offerings. Pricing optimization solutions like PROS, Zilliant, and Vendavo are blending customer engagement data with information from CRM and other legacy systems to create more compliant, optimal, and, in some cases, dynamic pricing. CPQ solutions like Qorus, RFPIO, Apptus, and DealHub are using data from CRM systems to make it fast and easy to assemble, create, and personalize proposals, RFP responses, and client materials.
  3. Proposal and presentation automation and personalization. Customers want more personalized and relevant content. Sales managers believe meeting this need is the best way they can improve sales productivity and effectiveness. Helping your sellers to deliver more dynamic and personalized presentations, proposals, and microsites is a big opportunity to differentiate and improve performance. Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) solutions providers like DealHub and Apptus are helping revenue teams to meet this need with dynamic personalized presentations, content, microsites, slide decks, and pricing. Qorus and RFPIO are automating the process of preparing and personalizing RFPs and proposals. This is an opportunity, because only 37% of sales reps use CPQ solutions like these today.20
  4. Creating content that is ready for digital and virtual channels. 4D sales reps will need channel-ready content that meets buyers' high expectations for relevance, personalization, visualization, and collaboration in a remote setting situation. To meet the needs of modern buyers, virtual sales reps will need to rely more heavily on virtual, video, and collaboration platforms. This means personalized, immersive video and Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) content will become more important as online buyers place a premium on the quality and context of content. Organizations that sell tangible or experiential offerings are looking to 3D content creation platforms like Kaon Interactive, Spatial, and Unity to create the channel-ready content that delivers a more immersive experience in digital, mobile, and VR platforms.
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