
AARP, 106–108

Adaptation to Life (Vaillant), 75

Adler, Alfred, 14

Adriana (fictional character). See Midnight in Paris

aging, imagining, 106–108

Alexander, Lamar, 135

Alfie, 143

Allen Woody. See Midnight in Paris

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten (Fulghum), 90

American dreams, 146–149

Aristotle, 20–22, 172

Armstrong, Louis, 137

authenticity, 13–17

avalanches, 36–37

Bach, Richard, 86

Benjamin (fictitious character). See The Graduate

Berry, Wendell, 164

betrayal by success, 150–152

Bingham, Ryan (fictional character). See Up in the Air

Blixen, Karen, 147

Bly, Robert, 131

Bolles, Richard, 151–152

Boorstin, Daniel, 118

Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (Putnam), 72

Brett, George, 88

Brooks, Albert, 127–128

Byrd, Richard E., 52

calling, identifying, 94–101

carrying, reasons for, 33–35

Carter, Christine L., 141

Carter, Sarah, 130–131

cell phones, 154

Christie, Larry, 50–51

Clooney, George. See Up in the Air

commitment, fear of, 108–110

communications technology, 153–154. See also media fast

conversations, Postcard Exercises as, 23–25

The Courage to Create (May), 37

Dante, 101

Day Trips, 63–65

Dead Poets’ Society, 39

The Decline of Pleasure (Kerr), 85

Deresiewicz, William, 158

Dinesen, Isak, 147

The Discoverers (Boorstin), 118

Earth Shoes, 110–111

edges, testing, 22–23

Elgin, Duane, 149

email, 154

enlightenment, 101. See also lightening one’s load

Eriksen, Thomas, 156

eudaimonia, 21–22

experiencing experience, 165–167

explorer within, 119–120

Faux Friendship (Deresiewicz), 158

Fears, Two Deadly, 125–128

Finch-Hatton, Denys, 147, 164

Frankl, Viktor, 143–145

freedom vs. security, 146–149

frontiers, 163–164

Fulghum, Robert, 90

getting a life, 101–102

Gil (fictional character). See Midnight in Paris

The Gods Must Be Crazy, 173

good life

Aristotle on, 20–22

authenticity and, 13–17

formula for, 17–18

Koyie on, 178–180

letting go, 18–20

Midnight in Paris, 11–13

testing edges, 22–23

The Good Life Checklist, 185–188

The Good Life Inventory, 181–184

The Graduate, 108–109

Greene, Graham, 114

Hadza people, 55–58, 172–177

Hana, journey to, 165–167

happiness. See good life

The Healing Power of Doing Good (Luks), 140

The Heart of the Matter (Greene), 114

hitchhiking anecdote, 29–31

Hoffman, Dustin. See The Graduate

“Hokey-Pokey,” 58

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 120

Honey Guides, 174–175

honor, 21

hurry sickness, 155

ideal jobs, 89–90

Illusions (Bach), 86

imagining aging, 106–108

Inez (fictional character). See Midnight in Paris

The Inferno (Dante), 101

In Pursuit of Silence: Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise (Prochnik), 154–155

intimacy, three journeys of

Day Trips, 63–65

Lifetime Journeys, 68–72

overview, 62

Weekend Getaways, 66–68

inventory, repacking, 105–106

inventure, mid-life, 114–115

Jadwin, Linda, 19–20, 23

The Jerk, 32–33

Jourard, Sidney, 75, 76

journeys of intimacy. See intimacy, three journeys of

Jung, Carl, 150

Kampala (Hadza elder), 56–58

Keating, John (fictional character). See Dead Poets’ Society

Kerr, Walter, 85

Kierkegaard, Søren, 36, 119

Kimball, Richard “Rocky,” 164, 173–175

Koyie, Thaddeus Ole, 2–5, 178–180

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 133

Leider, Andrew, 120–123

Leider, Greta, 166–167

Leider, Richard J.

African treks

with Hadza people, 56–58, 172–175

as inventuring, 119

with Maasai people, 1–5

reflections on, 176–177

role as guide, 44

ujamaa and, 139–140


John Williamson, 104

Richard Bolles, 151–152

Viktor Frankl, 144

life and activities

Alpine skiing, 36–37

caught in rain on bicycle, 170–171

journeys to Hana, 165–167

listening points, 51–52

“Mind the gap” story, 115–116

sidewalk sweeper and, 108

wake-up calls for, 38


on communications technology, 153–154

recommends film Midnight in Paris, 15

use of poem “The Way It Is,” 17–18

Leider, Sally, 135–138

letting go, 18–20

Levy, David, 156

Levy, Michael, 131

lifestyle, as term, 14

Lifetime Journeys, 68–72

lightening one’s load, 169–172

Listening Point (Olson), 50

listening points, 50–53, 159

Living the Good Life (Nearing and Nearing), 85

loss and progress, 131–132

lost, getting, 128–131, 175, 176–177

Lost in America, 127–128

love, unconditional, 70–71

Loving and Leaving the Good Life (Nearing), 47

Luks, Allan, 140

Maasai people, 3. See also Koiyie, Thad-deus Ole

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 143–144

Man’s Search for Ultimate Meaning (Frankl), 144

Maroba (Hadza man), 174–175

Martin, Steve. See The Jerk

Mason, Marilyn, 62

May, Rollo, 37

McCoy, Bowen H. “Buzz,” 134–135

meaning, search for, 143–146

media fast, 156–159. See also communications technology

midlife, repacking in, 112–117

Midnight in Paris, 11–13, 15

“Mind the gap” story, 115–116

Mitty, Walter (fictional character), 150–151

mobile phones, 154

moratoriums, 133–138, 150–152

Mwapo (Hadza youth), 56

Nearing, Helen, 47, 85

Nearing, Scott, 85

needs, determining, 32–33

Nichomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 21–22

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 24, 70

noise, 154–155

“No Time to Think” (Levy), 156

nutritious people, 61, 75

Oliver, Mary, 145

Olson, Sigurd, 43–44, 50

Out of Africa (Dinesen), 147

Packing Principle, 31–32

“The Parable of the Sadhu” (McCoy), 134–135


David Shapiro in, 15–17

Midnight in Paris, 11–13

Patanjali, 172

Peter Principle, 31

Petersen, Dan, 45–46

Peterson, Daudi, 56, 57, 172–175

Peterson, David, 2–3

pets, 71

Philipo (Hadza elder), 57

place, sense of

Dan Petersen and, 45–47

formula for good life and, 17–18

identifying, 47–50

listening points, 50–53

need for, 43–45

pleasure, 21

positive psychology, 144

Postcard Exercises

fully unpacked relationships, 77–78

life reimagined, 102

listening points, 52–53

overview, 23–25

What Is the Good Life?, 25–26

Prochnik, George, 154–155


formula for good life and, 17–18

imagining aging, 106–108

overview, 103–105

repacking inventory, 105–106

of work, 92–94

purpose moments, 158

Putnam, Robert, 72

rebooting, 155–159

reframing, 144

reimagined life, 90–91


choosing fellow travelers, 61

defining tribe, 55–59

finding Repacking Partners, 72–75

formula for good life and, 17–18

three journeys of intimacy

Day Trips, 63–65

Lifetime Journeys, 68–72

overview, 62

Weekend Getaways, 66–68

as traveling partners, 59–60


by Andrew Leider, 120–123

by David Shapiro, 123–125

explorer within and, 119–120

fear of commitment and, 108–110

getting lost, 128–131

loss and progress, 131–132

in midlife, 112–117

non-irrevocability of, 110–111

terra incognita and, 117–119

Two Deadly Fears, 125–128

what you don’t have to do, 111–112

Repacking Groups, 189–193

Repacking Inventory, 105–106

Repacking Partners

choosing, 25

relationships and, 72–75

unpacking dialogue questions with, 40–41

Repacking Reflections, 160–162

resilience, 144

risking new ground, 39–40

Rumi, 131

Russell, Peter, 69, 101

Schweitzer, Albert, 164

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Thurber), 150–151

self-disclosure, 73–78

Shapiro, David A.

childhood experiences

bullying, 61

fears, 127

lost in woods, 128–130

on communications technology, 154

life and activities

growing inventory, 105

hitchhiking as youth, 29–31

listening point of, 52

in Paris, 15–17

repacking experience, 123–125

search for sense of place, 48–50

silence, 154–155

simplicity, 149

Six Months Off: An American Family’s Australian Adventure (Alexander), 135

Skillful Means (Tulku), 84–85

social isolation, 152–155

Spinoza, Benedict de, 162–163

Stafford, William, “The Way It Is,” 17–18

success, betrayal by, 150–152

Sundqvist, Daniel, 36–37

Suzuki, D. T., 20

Tanzanian people, 139–140

terra incognita, 117–119

testing edges, 22–23

Thoreau, Henry David, 51, 148

The Three Boxes of Life and How to Get Out of Them (Bolles), 152

Thurber, James, 151

time, giving yourself, 132–133

time-outs. See moratoriums

tragic optimism, 143–144

The Transparent Self (Jourard), 75

tribe, defining, 55–59

Tulku, Tarthong, 84–85

Two Deadly Fears, 125–128

Tyranny of the Moment (Eriksen), 156

ujamaa, 139–140

unconditional love, 70–71

unhappiness, 13–17

unpacking bags

determining needs, 32–33

dialogue questions, 40–41

hitchhiking anecdote, 29–31

overview, 28–29

Packing Principle, 31–32

reasons for carrying, 33–35

risking new ground, 39–40

self-disclosure as, 73–78

Up in the Air, 27–28

weight of success, 35–38

Up in the Air, 27–28

vacation from words, 159–162

Vaillant, George, 75, 76

value, added, 86

Voluntary Simplicity (Elgin), 149

wake-up calls, 36–38

Walden (Thoreau), 148

“The Way It Is” (Stafford), 17–18

wealth, 21

Weekend Getaways, 66–68

weight of success, 35–38

well-lived days, 138–139

What Color Is Your Parachute? (Bolles), 151

The White Hole in Time (Russell), 101

wilderness trips, 44

Williams, Robin. See Dead Poets’ Society

Williamson, John, 104

Wilson, Owen, 11. See also Midnight in Paris

Worcester, Chad, 110–111

words, vacation from, 159–162


choosing vs. being chosen by, 82–83

formula for good life and, 17–18

getting a life, 101–102

work (continued)

ideal jobs, 89–90

identifying calling, 94–101

identifying likes and dislikes, 84–86

overview, 79–82

purpose of, 92–94

reimagined life, 90–91

repacking as survival skill, 86–89

yoga, 69

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