Also by Richard J. Lieder

The Power of Purpose

Find Meaning, Live Longer, Better, Second Edition


Richard Leider has completely rethought and revamped his bestselling classic on realizing what truly makes your life worth living. Expanded and updated throughout, the second edition features new chapters, new stories, and new tools and resources. Citing a wealth of new research proving that purpose is key to longevity, Leider details a graceful, practical, and ultimately spiritual process for making your unique purpose central to your life.

Paperback, 176 pages, ISBN 978-1-60509-523-3
PDF ebook, ISBN 978-1-60509-527-1

Also by Richard J. Leider and David A. Shapiro

Something to Live For

Finding Your Way in the Second Half of Life


Drawing upon ancient wisdom and modern research, Leider and Shapiro invite you on a journey back to a time and place where we are better able to clarify what really matters in our lives. They share their stories and those of others facing midlife and beyond, stories that exemplify the qualities of authenticity and wholeheartedness that are the essential components of vital aging.
Paperback, 184 pages, ISBN 978-1-57675-456-6
PDF ebook, ISBN 978-1-57675-903-5



Claiming Your Place at the Fire

Living the Second Half of Your Life on Purpose


Leider and Shapiro show readers how to claim their rightful place as new elders, men and women who “use the second half of life as an empty canvas, a blank page, a hunk of clay to be crafted on purpose.” They help readers address four key questions: Who am I? Where do I belong? What do I care about? What is my purpose?

Paperback, 168 pages, ISBN 978-1-57675-297-5
PDF ebook, ISBN 978-1-57675-877-9

Whistle While You Work

Heeding Your Life’s Calling


Calling is natural. We all possess it. It needs only to be uncovered, not discovered. Whistle While You Work makes the uncovering process inspiring and fun. Featuring a unique “Calling Card” exercise—a powerful way to put the whistle in your work—it is a liberating and practical guide that will help you find work that is truly satisfying, deeply fulfilling, and consistent with your deepest values.

Paperback, 168 pages, ISBN 978-1-57675-103-9
PDF ebook, ISBN 978-1-57675-952-3





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