Appendix C

Notations for Figures

We have used UML-like class diagrams throughout the book. In this appendix, we succinctly describe the notations we have used in this book for such class diagrams with the help of a figure (refer Figure C.1).
With respect to the Figure C.1, following notations are used in this book:
• A rectangle represents an entity such as an interface, an abstract class, a concrete class, or an enumeration. Some of the rectangles may have three partitions:
The first partition shows the name of the type. If the type is an interface or abstract class, then keywords “interfaceimage” or “abstract-classimage” appear before the name of the type.
The second partition lists the used data members along with the access specifier as shown in Image class, i.e., “-imageType: ImageType.” The “” and “+” symbol prefixes denote private and public members, respectively.
The third partition lists all the supported methods of the type along with parameters and access specifier; for instance, the Image class supports a public method copy() that accepts an input parameter of type Image and returns an Image instance, which is shown by “+copy(IImage): IImage.
Figure C.1 An example to illustrate notations used in this book for UML-like class diagrams.
• A solid line with a hollow triangle at one end denotes an inheritance relationship between two types; for instance, in this figure, Image extends AbstractImage.
• A solid directed arrow denotes an association between two types. In this figure, an Image has a reference to ImageProcessor.
• A line with a filled diamond at one end and an arrow at the other end shows a composition relationship. In this figure, Image is composed of ImageItem objects. The symbol ∗ near the arrow shows multiplicity, i.e., Image contains zero or more ImageItem objects.
• A line with a hollow diamond at one end and an arrow at the other end shows an aggregation relationship. In this figure, ImageManager is an aggregation of Image objects.
• The keyword “enumerationimage” along with the name of the type represents an enumeration type; in this figure ImageType is an enumeration type.
• A “dog-eared” rectangle is used for conveying a note or comment to the reader (such as the note shown toward the right top corner of this figure).
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