

||= operator, 257


Account class, 129

Introduce Parameter Object refactoring, 322-324

Move Field refactoring, 174-175

Move Method refactoring, 170-172

Remove Setting Method refactoring, 325-326

Replace Error Code with Exception refactoring, 334-335

AccountNumberCapture module, 360-362

ActiveDeal class, 403

add_charge method, 322-323

add_course method, 223

add_customer method, 213

add_front_suspension method, 247

add_option method, 117

add_order method, 213

Add Parameter

overview, 300

step-by-step description, 301-302

when to use, 300-301

add_rear_suspension method, 247

adjusted_capital method, 278-279

advantages of refactoring

easier-to-understand software, 55-56

faster programming, 56-57

improved software design, 54-55

why refactoring works, 60-61

algorithms, substituting

goals, 132

overview, 131-132

step-by-step description, 132

alternative classes with difference interfaces, 83

Ambler, Scott, 65

a_method method, 125

amount calculation (video store program), moving, 12-18

amount_for method, moving, 12-18

APIs, disjointed, 86

apply method, 388

assert_equal method, 89

assertions, adding

example, 294-295

goals, 293

overview, 292

step-by-step description, 293-294

AssertValidKeys module, 146-147

attributes, 255-259


base_charge method, 309

base_price method, 111

Beck, Kent, 51, 54, 56, 69, 73

behavior, moving into classes, 223-224

benefits of refactoring

easier-to-understand software, 55-56

faster programming, 56-57

improved software design, 54-55

why refactoring works, 60-61

Bid class, Extract Module refactoring, 360-361

bidirectional association, changing to unidirectional

example, 215-217

goals, 214

overview, 213

step-by-step description, 214-215

bidirectional association, changing unidirectional association to

example, 211-213

goals, 210-211

overview, 210

step-by-step description, 211

Billing Scheme class, 414-416

Books class, 145-146


finding by refactoring, 56

refactoring when fixing bugs, 58


calculate_outstanding method, 107

case statement, 80

replacing with polymorphism (video store program example), 32-49

chains, replacing temps with

example, 115-117

goals, 115

overview, 114

step-by-step description, 115

Change Bidirectional Association to Unidirectional refactoring, 83

example, 215-217

overview, 213

step-by-step description, 214-215

when to use, 214

Change Reference to Value refactoring

example, 199-201

overview, 198

step-by-step description, 199

when to use, 198-199

Change Unidirectional Association to Bidirectional refactoring

example, 211-213

overview, 210

step-by-step description, 211

when to use, 210-211

Change Value to Reference refactoring

example, 196-198

overview, 194

step-by-step description, 195

when to use, 195


bidirectional association to unidirectional

example, 215-217

goals, 214

overview, 213

step-by-step description, 214-215

divergent change, 77

interfaces, 63-64

reference objects to value objects

example, 199-201

goals, 198-199

overview, 198

step-by-step description, 199

unidirectional association to bidirectional

example, 211-213

goals, 210-211

overview, 210

step-by-step description, 211

value objects to reference objects

example, 196-198

goals, 195

overview, 194

step-by-step description, 195

Charge class, 322

charge method, 33-34, 45, 135

check_security method, 271-273, 305

Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation case study, 69-72

class annotations, adding

examples, 141-142

goals, 140

overview, 139-140

step-by-step description, 140-141

classes. See also specific classes

alternative classes with difference interfaces, 83

data classes, 84

delegate classes

calling directly with Remove Middle Man, 185-186

hiding with Hide Delegate, 181-184

extracting. See extracting

inappropriate intimacy, 83

incomplete library classes, 84

large classes, eliminating, 76

lazy classes, 81

merging hierarchy, 371-372

merging modules into, 362

moving behavior into, 223-224

moving into another class with Inline Class

example, 180-181

overview, 179

step-by-step description, 180

when to use, 179

order, 128

replacing records with, 224

replacing with modules

example, 393-395

overview, 392

step-by-step description, 393

when to use, 392

special case classes, 292

Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction (McConnel), 71

code reviews, refactoring with, 58-59

code smells

alternative classes with difference interfaces, 83

case statements, 80

comments, 85

data classes, 84

data clumps, 79

disjointed APIs, 86

divergent change, 77

duplicated code, 74

feature envy, 78-79

inappropriate intimacy, 83

incomplete library classes, 84

large classes, 76

lazy classes, 81

long methods, 74-76

long parameter lists, 76-77

message chains, 82

metaprogrammming, 86

middle man, 83

overview, 73-74

parallel inheritance hierarchies, 81

primitives, 79-80

refused bequests, 84-85

repetitive boilerplate, 86

shotgun surgery, 78

speculative generality, 81

temporary fields, 82

Collapse Hierarchy, 81

overview, 371

step-by-step description, 372

when to use, 371

collection closure methods, replacing loops with

example, 133-135

goals, 133

step-by-step description, 133

collections, encapsulating

example, 220-223

goals, 219

overview, 219

step-by-step description, 219-220

CommandCenter class, 163

comments, 85

communication, telling managers about refactoring, 61

Company class

Expression Builder, adding, 348-352

Introduce Gateway refactoring, 343-346

compute method, 130-131

Concurrent Programming in Java (Lea), 297

conditional expressions


example, 294-295

goals, 293

overview, 292

step-by-step description, 293-294


examples, 266-267

goals, 265-266

overview, 265

step-by-step description, 266

consolidating duplicate conditional fragments

example, 269

goals, 268

overview, 268

step-by-step description, 268-269

control flags, removing

examples, 271-274

goals, 269-270

overview, 269

step-by-step description, 270-271


example, 263

goals, 262

overview, 261

step-by-step description, 262

nested conditionals, replacing with guard clauses

examples, 276-279

goals, 275-276

overview, 274-275

step-by-step description, 276

null objects, adding

examples, 288-291

goals, 285-287

overview, 284

special cases, 292

step-by-step description, 287-288


examples, 264-265

goals, 264

overview, 264

replacing with polymorphism

example, 282-284

goals, 280-281

overview, 279

step-by-step description, 281

conditional logic, removing, 225-226

Consolidate Conditional Expression refactoring

examples, 266-267

overview, 265

step-by-step description, 266

when to use, 265-266

Consolidate Duplicate Conditional Fragments refactoring

example, 269

overview, 268

step-by-step description, 268-269

when to use, 268


conditional expressions

examples, 266-267

goals, 265-266

overview, 265

step-by-step description, 266

duplicate conditional fragments

example, 269

goals, 268

overview, 268

step-by-step description, 268-269

constants, replacing magic numbers with

goals, 218

overview, 217

step-by-step description, 218

constructors, replacing with factory methods

example, 330-332

goals, 329

overview, 328-329

step-by-step description, 329

control flags, removing

examples, 271-274

goals, 269-270

overview, 269

step-by-step description, 270-271

controller classes, separating domain logic from

example, 408-412

goal of, 406-407

overview, 406

step-by-step description, 407-408

converting procedural design to objects

example, 406

goal of, 405

overview, 405

step-by-step description, 406

Convert Procedural Design to Objects

example, 406

overview, 405

step-by-step description, 406

when to use, 405

count_descendants_matching method, 138-139

Course class, 220

create_bill method, 355, 415

Cunningham, Ward, 51

Currency class, 199

Customer class, 3, 196-198, 212, 215-216, 375

CustomInitializers module, 141, 144


databases, problems with refactoring, 64-65

data classes, 84

data clumps, eliminating, 79

data organization

changing bidirectional association to unidirectional

example, 215-217

goals, 214

overview, 213

step-by-step description, 214-215

changing reference objects into value objects

example, 199-201

goals, 198-199

overview, 198

step-by-step description, 199

changing unidirectional association to bidirectional

example, 211-213

goals, 210-211

overview, 210

step-by-step description, 211

changing value objects into reference objects

example, 196-198

goals, 195

overview, 194

step-by-step description, 195

eagerly initialized attributes, 257-259

encapsulating collections

example, 220-223

goals, 219

overview, 219

step-by-step description, 219-220

lazily initialized attributes, 255-257

moving behavior into classes, 223-224

overview, 187-188

replacing arrays with objects

example, 202-206

goals, 201

overview, 201

step-by-step description, 202

replacing data values with objects

example, 192-194

goals, 191

overview, 191

step-by-step description, 192

replacing hashes with objects

example, 207-209

goals, 206

overview, 206

step-by-step description, 207

replacing magic numbers with symbolic constants

goals, 218

overview, 217

step-by-step description, 218

replacing records with data classes, 224

replacing subclasses with fields

example, 253-255

goals, 252

overview, 251

step-by-step description, 252-253

replacing type code with module extensions

example, 234-238

goals, 233

overview, 232

step-by-step description, 233

replacing type code with polymorphism

example, 227-232

goals, 225

overview, 225

removing conditional logic, 225-226

step-by-step description, 226-227

replacing type code with state/strategy

example, 240-251

goals, 239

overview, 239

step-by-step description, 239-240

self-encapsulating fields

example, 189-191

goals, 188-189

overview, 188

step-by-step description, 189

data values, replacing with objects

example, 192-194

goals, 191

overview, 191

step-by-step description, 192

@days_overdrawn instance variable, 170

Deal class, Tease Apart Inheritance refactoring, 401-404

Decompose Conditional refactoring

example, 263

overview, 261

step-by-step description, 262

when to use, 262

decomposing conditional expressions

example, 263

goals, 262

overview, 261

step-by-step description, 262

Decorator class, 159

def_each method, 154-155

definition of refactoring, 52-54

delegate classes

calling directly with Remove Middle Man

example, 186

overview, 185

step-by-step description, 185

when to use, 185

hiding with Hide Delegate

example, 183-184

overview, 181

step-by-step description, 183

when to use, 182-183


replacing inheritance with

example, 387-389

goals of, 386

overview, 386

step-by-step description, 386-387

replacing with hierarchy

example, 390-392

goals, 390

overview, 389

step-by-step description, 390

deprecation, refactoring with, 205-206


design changes that are difficult to refactor, 65-66

improving with refactoring, 54-55

relationship with refactoring, 67-68

developer tests, 91-92

development of refactoring, 51-52

disability_amount method, 265-266

discount_factor method, 114

discount method, 124-125

disjointed APIs, 86

distance_traveled method, 123

divergent change, 77

domain logic, separating from view

example, 408-412

goal of, 406-407

overview, 406

step-by-step description, 407-408

duplicated code, 74

duplicate methods, eliminating with Extract Surrounding Method

example, 137-139

overview, 135-136

step-by-step description, 136-137

when to use, 136

Dynamic Method Definition refactoring

examples, 153-157

overview, 152

step-by-step description, 153

when to use, 153

dynamic method definitions

examples, 153-157

goals, 153

overview, 152

replacing dynamic receptors with

examples, 158-160

goals, 158

overview, 158

step-by-step description, 158

step-by-step description, 153

dynamic receptors

isolating, 160

example, 162-165

goals, 161

step-by-step description, 162

replacing with dynamic method definitions, 158-160


Eagerly Initialized Attribute refactoring, 257-259

Employee class

assertions, 294-295

Replace Delegation with Hierarchy refactoring, 390-391

Encapsulate Collection refactoring, 84

example, 220-223

overview, 219

step-by-step description, 219-220

when to use, 219

encapsulating collections

example, 220-223

goals, 219

overview, 219

step-by-step description, 219-220

eql? method, 200

error codes, replacing with exceptions

examples, 334-33

goals, 333

overview, 332

step-by-step description, 333-334

eval, moving from runtime to parse time, 165-166


replacing error codes with

examples, 334-337

goals, 333

overview, 332

step-by-step description, 333-334

replacing with tests

example, 338-341

goals, 338

overview, 337

step-by-step description, 338

expense_limit method, 292

explaining variables, adding

examples, 119-121

goals, 118

overview, 117-118

step-by-step description, 119

Expression Builders, adding

example, 348-352

goals, 347

overview, 346

step-by-step description, 347

expressions. See conditional expressions

Extract Class refactoring

changing data clumps into objects, 79

eliminating large classes, 76

example, 177-179

organizing orphan variables, 82

overview, 175

step-by-step description, 176-177

when to use, 175-176

Extract Hierarchy refactoring

example, 414-416

overview, 412

step-by-step description, 413-414

when to use, 413



changing data clumps into objects, 79

eliminating large classes, 76

example, 177-179

organizing orphan variables, 82

overview, 175

step-by-step description, 176-177

when to use, 175-176

frequent renter points (video store program), 18-21

hierarchy of classes

example, 414-416

goals, 413

overview, 412

step-by-step description, 413-414


goals, 102

methods with local variables, 105-106

methods with no local variables, 104-105

overview, 102

reassigning local variables, 106-108

step-by-step description, 103


example, 360-362

goals, 358-359

overview, 357-358

step-by-step description, 359


example, 364-367

goals, 363

overview, 363

step-by-step description, 363-364

surrounding methods

example, 137-139

overview, 135-136

step-by-step description, 136-137

when to use, 136

Extract Method refactoring

eliminating duplicated code, 74

methods with local variables, 105-106

methods with no local variables, 104-105

overview, 102

reassigning local variables, 106-108

removing duplication, 86

shortening long methods, 75

step-by-step description, 103

video store program example, 10

when to use, 102

Extract Module refactoring

example, 360-362

overview, 357-358

step-by-step description, 359

when to use, 358-359

Extract Subclass refactoring

example, 364-367

overview, 363

step-by-step description, 363-364

when to use, 363

Extract Surrounding Method refactoring

eliminating duplicated code, 74

example, 137-139

overview, 135-136

step-by-step description, 136-137

when to use, 136

eXtreme Programming eXplained (Beck), 51


failure method, 152-153

feature envy, 78-79


encapsulating fields

example, 189-191

goals, 188-189

overview, 188

step-by-step description, 189

moving with Move Field

example, 174-175

overview, 172

step-by-step description, 173

when to use, 173

replacing subclasses with

goals, 252

overview, 251

step-by-step description, 252-255

temporary fields, 82

File class, writing tests for, 89-91

FileTest class, 89

finding references, 99

Foo class, 205

format of refactorings, 97-98

Form Template Method refactoring

elmininating duplicated code, 74

overview, 372

step-by-step description, 374

template method with extension of modules (example), 380-385

template method with inheritance (example), 374-379

when to use, 373

found_friends method, 131-132

found_miscreant method, 273-274, 305-306

found_person method, 305

Fowler, Martin, 69

frequent_renter_points method, 47

frequent_renter_points temporary variable, 19, 22

frequent renter points (video store program), extracting, 18-21

FrontSuspensionMountainBike class, 228-231, 236-237, 245, 369-371

FullSuspensionMountainBike class, 228-231, 237, 284


Gamma class, 130

Gateways, adding

example, 342-346

goals, 341-342

overview, 341

step-by-step description, 342

GemStone, 71

generalization refactorings

Collapse Hierarchy

overview, 371

step-by-step description, 372

when to use, 371

Extract Module

example, 360-362

overview, 357-358

step-by-step description, 359

when to use, 358-359

Extract Subclass

example, 364-367

overview, 363

step-by-step description, 363-364

when to use, 363

Form Template Method

overview, 372

step-by-step description, 374

template method with extension of modules (example), 380-385

template method with inheritance (example), 374-379

when to use, 373

Inline Module, 362

Introduce Inheritance

example, 369-371

overview, 368

step-by-step description, 369

when to use, 368

Pull Down Method

overview, 356

step-by-step description, 357

when to use, 357

Pull Up Method

example, 355-356

overview, 353

step-by-step description, 355

when to use, 354

Replace Abstract Superclass with Module

example, 393-395

overview, 392

step-by-step description, 393

when to use, 392

Replace Delegation with Hierarchy

example, 390-392

overview, 389

step-by-step description, 390

when to use, 390

Replace Inheritance with Delegation

example, 387-389

overview, 386

step-by-step description, 386-387

when to use, 386

goals, setting, 418


Hash class, 157

Haungs, Jim, 71

HeatingPlan class, 315-317

Hide Delegate refactoring, 82

example, 183-184

overview, 181

step-by-step description, 183

when to use, 182-183

Hide Method refactoring

overview, 327

step-by-step description, 328

when to use, 327



example, 183-184

overview, 181

step-by-step description, 183

when to use, 182-183


goals, 327

overview, 327

step-by-step description, 328


hierarchy of classes, creating

example, 414-416

goals, 413

overview, 412

step-by-step description, 413-414

replacing delegation with

example, 390-392

goals, 390

overview, 389

step-by-step description, 390

history of refactoring, 51-52

HtmlStatement class, 376-378, 381-382

html_statement method, 30, 375


immutable objects, 199

importance of big refactorings, 398

ImportedItem class, 190

inappropriate intimacy, 83

incomplete library classes, 84

indirection and refactoring, 61-63

inheritance, 374-379

adding to code

example, 369-371

goals, 368

overview, 368

step-by-step description, 369


examples, 401-404

goal of, 400

overview, 399

step-by-step description, 400-401

parallel inheritance hierarchies, 81

replacing with delegation

example, 387-389

goals of, 386

overview, 386

step-by-step description, 386-387

video store program example, 36-49

initialize_courses method, 222

initialize method, 130, 190, 254

initializing attributes, 255-259

Inline Class refactoring, 81

example, 180-181

organizing changes into single class, 78

overview, 179

removing unnecessary delegation, 81

step-by-step description, 180

when to use, 179

Inline Method refactoring

overview, 108-109

step-by-step description, 109-110

when to use, 109

inline methods

goals, 109

overview, 108-109

step-by-step description, 109-110

Inline Module refactoring, 81, 362

Inline Temp refactoring, 110

inline temps, 110

instance_variable_defined? method, 257

@interest_rate field, moving, 174

interfaces, changing, 63-64

Introduce Assertion refactoring, 85

example, 294-295

overview, 292

step-by-step description, 293-294

when to use, 293

Introduce Class Annotation refactoring, 86

examples, 141-142

overview, 139-140

step-by-step description, 140-141

when to use, 140

Introduce Explaining Variable refactoring

examples, 119-121

overview, 117-118

step-by-step description, 119

when to use, 118

Introduce Expression Builder refactoring, 86

example, 348-352

overview, 346

step-by-step description, 347

when to use, 347

Introduce Gateway refactoring, 86

example, 342-346

overview, 341

step-by-step description, 342

when to use, 341-342

Introduce Inheritance refactoring

example, 369-371

overview, 368

step-by-step description, 369

when to use, 368

Introduce Named Parameter refactoring

examples, 143-147

overview, 142

shortening long parameter lists, 77

step-by-step description, 143

when to use, 142-143

Introduce Null Object refactoring, 82

examples, 288-291

overview, 284

special cases, 292

step-by-step description, 287-288

when to use, 285-287

Introduce Parameter Object refactoring

example, 321-324

reducing parameter lists, 79

shortening long parameter lists, 77

step-by-step description, 321

when to use, 320

Isolate Dynamic Receptor refactoring

example, 162-165

overview, 160

step-by-step description, 162

when to use, 161

Item class, 189-190


Jeffries, Ron, 69, 285

JobItem class, extracting LaborItem subclass from, 364-367

Johnson, Ralph, 51

Join class, 394

joins_for_table method, 394

Knuth, Donald, 166


LaborItem class, extracting from JobItem class, 364-367

Laptop class, 346-352

large classes, eliminating, 76

large refactorings, tips for, 420

Lazily Initialized Attributes, 255-257

lazy classes, 81

Lea, Doug, 297

learning refactoring, 418-419

Ledger class, 126

libraries, incomplete library classes, 84

local variables

example, 105-106

reassigning, 106-108

long methods, shortening, 74-76

long parameter lists, shortening, 76-77

loops, replacing with collection closure methods, 133-135


magic numbers, replacing with symbolic constants

goals, 218

overview, 217

step-by-step description, 218

managers, telling about refactoring, 61

measuring performance, Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation case study, 69-72


class hierarchy, 371-372

modules into including class, 362

message chains, 82

MessageCollector class, 164

metaprogramming, 86

method_missing method, 156, 160


add_charge, 322-323

add_course, 223

add_customer, 213

add_front_suspension, 247

add_option, 117

add_order, 213

add_rear_suspension, 247

adjusted_capital, 278-279

a_method, 125

amount_for, 12-18

apply, 388

assert_equal, 89

base_charge, 309

base_price, 111

calculate_outstanding, 107

charge, 33-34, 45, 135

check_security, 271-273, 305

class annotations, adding

examples, 141-142

goals, 140

overview, 139-140

step-by-step description, 140-141

collection closure methods, replacing loops with

example, 133-135

goals, 133

step-by-step description, 133

compute, 130-131

constructors, replacing with factory methods, 328-332

count_descendants_matching, 138-139

create_bill, 355, 415


goals, 373

overview, 372

step-by-step description, 374

template method with extension of modules (example), 380-385

template method with inheritance (example), 374-379

def_each, 154-155

defining dynamically

examples, 153-157

goals, 153

overview, 152

replacing dynamic receptors with dynamic method definition, 158-160

step-by-step description, 153

disability_amount, 265-266

discount, 124-125

discount_factor, 114

distance_traveled, 123

duplicate methods, eliminating, 135-139

eql?, 200

expense_limit, 292

Expression Builders, adding

example, 348-352

goals, 347

overview, 346

step-by-step description, 347


goals, 102

methods with local variables, 105-106

methods with no local variables, 104-105

overview, 102

reassigning local variables, 106-108

step-by-step description, 103

failure, 152-153

found_friends, 131-132

found_miscreant, 273-274, 305-306

found_person, 305

frequent_renter_points, 47

Gateways, adding

example, 342-346

goals, 341-342

overview, 341

step-by-step description, 342


goals, 327

overview, 327

step-by-step description, 328

html_statement, 30, 375

initialize, 130, 190, 254

initialize_courses, 222

inline methods

goals, 109

overview, 108-109

step-by-step description, 109-110

instance_variable_defined?, 257

isolating dynamic receptors, 160

example, 162-165

goals, 161

step-by-step description, 162

joins_for_table, 394

long methods, shortening, 74-76

method_missing, 156, 160

MountainBike, 250

moving to subclasses

goals of, 357

overview, 356

step-by-step description, 357

moving up to superclass

example, 355-356

goals, 354

overview, 353

step-by-step description, 355

moving with Move Method

example, 170-172

overview, 167

step-by-step description, 168-170

when to use, 168

not_summer, 263

number_of_descendants_named, 138-139

number_of_living_descendants, 138-139

office_telephone_number, 300

off_road_ability, 228, 244

overdraft_charge, 170-171


adding, 300-302

named parameters, 142-147

named parameters, removing, 147-150

parameterized methods, creating, 307-310

parameter objects, creating, 320-324

removing, 302-303

removing assignments to, 124-127

replacing with explicit methods, 310-313

replacing with methods, 317-320

unused default parameters, removing, 150-152

pay_amount, 275-277

price, 112-121, 228, 247, 319-320

price_code, 48

print_owing, 104-108

product_count_items, 150-151

remove_customer, 213

remove_order, 213


example, 325-327

goals, 325

overview, 324

step-by-step description, 325

renaming, 298

example, 299-300

goals, 298-299

step-by-step description, 299

replacing with method objects

example, 129-131

goals, 128

overview, 127

step-by-step description, 129

resource, 339-341

reward_points, 264

RigidMountainBike, 250

send_alert_if_miscreant_in, 306

separating query from modifier

concurrency issues, 307

example, 305-307

goals, 304

overview, 303

step-by-step description, 304-305

statement, 374, 380

code listing after refactoring, 9

code listing before refactoring, 7-8

extracting frequent renter points, 18-21

initial code listing, 3-4

moving amount calculation, 12-18

removing temporary variables, 22-31

renaming variables, 10-11

substituting algorithms

goals, 132

overview, 131-132

step-by-step description, 132

summer_charge, 263

telephone_number, renaming, 299

temporary variables

explaining variables, 117-121

inline temps, 110

replacing with chains, 114-117

replacing with queries, 111-114

splitting, 121-124

total_amount_for_order_lines, 411

total_charge, 23-25

triple, 126

usage_in_range, 309

value, 379, 383

winter_charge, 263

withdraw, 336

middle man classes, removing, 83, 185-186

MissingCustomer class, 289

Module class, 205

module extensions, replacing type code with

example, 234-238

goals, 233

overview, 232

step-by-step description, 233


AccountNumberCapture, 360-362

AssertValidKeys, 146-147

CustomInitializers, 141-144


example, 360-362

goals, 358-359

overview, 357-358

step-by-step description, 359

merging into including class, 362

Person, 391

replacing superclasses with

example, 393-395

overview, 392

step-by-step description, 393

when to use, 392

MonthlyStatement class, 385

MountainBike class, 227-229, 234-236, 240-248, 280-283, 369

MountainBike method, 250

Move Eval from Runtime to Parse Time refactoring, 165-166

Move Field refactoring

example, 174-175

organizing changes into single class, 78

overview, 172

reducing inappropriate intimacy, 83

step-by-step description, 173

when to use, 173

Move Method refactoring, 13

example, 170-172

moving behaviors into data classes, 84

organizing changes into single class, 78

overview, 167

reducing inappropriate intimacy, 83

step-by-step description, 168-170

when to use, 168

Movie class, 2


amount calculation (video store program), 12-18

behavior into classes, 223-224

fields. See Move Field refactoring

methods. See Move Method refactoring

methods to subclasses

goals of, 357

overview, 356

step-by-step description, 357

methods up to superclass

example, 355-356

goals, 354

overview, 353

step-by-step description, 355


named parameters


examples, 143-147

goals, 142-143

overview, 142

step-by-step description, 143


example, 148-150

goals, 148

overview, 147

step-by-step description, 148

nature of refactoring, 397-398

nested conditionals, replacing with guard clauses

examples, 276-279

goals, 275-276

overview, 274-275

step-by-step description, 276

NetworkResult class, 208-210

not_summer method, 263

NullCustomer class, 290-291

null objects, adding

examples, 288-291

goals, 285-288

overview, 284

special cases, 292

number_of_descendants_named method, 138-139

number_of_living_descendants method, 138-139



converting procedural design to

example, 406

goal of, 405

overview, 405

step-by-step description, 406

method objects, replacing methods with, 127-131

null objects, adding

examples, 288-291

goals, 285-287

overview, 284

special cases, 292

step-by-step description, 287-288

parameter objects, creating, 320-324

preserving whole objects

example, 315-317

goals, 313-314

overview, 313

step-by-step description, 314-315

reference objects

changing into value objects, 198-201

changing value objects into, 194-198

replacing arrays with

example, 202-205

goals, 201

overview, 201

step-by-step description, 202

replacing data values with

example, 192-194

goals, 191

overview, 191

step-by-step description, 192

replacing hashes with

example, 207-209

goals, 206

overview, 206

step-by-step description, 207

replacing with arrays, 206

value objects

changing reference objects into, 198-201

changing to reference objects, 194-198

office_telephone_number method, 300

off_road_ability method, 228, 244

Opdyke, Bill, 52

Order class, 128, 192-193, 196, 212-216, 411

OrdersController class, 409-410

organizing data. See data organization

orphan variables, organizing, 82

overdraft_charge method, 170-171


parallel inheritance hierarchies, 81

parameterized methods, creating

example, 308-310

goals, 308

overview, 307

step-by-step description, 308

Parameterize Method refactoring

example, 308-310

overview, 307

step-by-step description, 308

when to use, 308

parameter lists, shortening, 76-77


adding to methods

goals, 300-301

overview, 300

step-by-step description, 301-302

named parameters

adding, 142-147

removing, 147-150

parameter objects, creating, 320-324

removing assignments to

example, 125-127

goals, 124-125

step-by-step description, 125

removing from methods

goals, 302

overview, 302

step-by-step description, 302-303

replacing with explicit methods

example, 311-313

goals, 310-311

overview, 310

step-by-step description, 311

replacing with methods

example, 318-320

goals, 318

overview, 317

step-by-step description, 318

unused default parameters, removing

example, 151-152

goals, 151

overview, 150

step-by-step description, 151

partners, value of, 419

pay_amount method, 275-277


effect of refactoring on, 70-71

measuring, Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation case study, 69-72

Performance class, 203-204

Person class, 165, 220-222, 253-254

Expression Builder, adding, 348-352

Extract Class refactoring, 177-179

Hide Delegate refactoring, 183-184

Remove Middle Man refactoring, 186

Person module, 391

Policy class, 387-389


replacing conditional logic with

example, 282-284

goals, 280-281

overview, 279

step-by-step description, 281

video store program example, 32-49

replacing type code with

example, 227-232

goals, 225

overview, 225

removing conditional logic, 225-226

step-by-step description, 226-227

PostData class, 156

The Pragmatic Programmer (Thomas), 87

Preserve Whole Object refactoring

example, 315-317

overview, 313

reducing parameter lists, 79

shortening long parameter lists, 77

step-by-step description, 314-315

when to use, 313-314

price_code method, 48

price method, 112-121, 228, 247, 319-320

primitives, 79-80

print_owing method, 104-108

problems with refactoring

databases, 64-65

design changes, 65-66

interface changes, 63-64

when not to refactor, 66-67

procedural design, converting to objects

example, 406

goal of, 405

overview, 405

step-by-step description, 406

Product class, 127

ProductController class, 330-332

product_count_items method, 150-151

programs. See video store program

Pull Down Method refactoring

overview, 356

step-by-step description, 357

when to use, 357

Pull Up Method refactoring

example, 355-356

overview, 353

step-by-step description, 355

when to use, 354

Push Down Method refactoring, 85


QA (quality assurance) tests, 91-92


replacing temps with

example, 112-114

goals, 111-112

step-by-step description, 112

separating from modifiers

concurrency issues, 307

example, 305-307

goals, 304

overview, 303

step-by-step description, 304-305


reassigning local variables, 106-108

Recompose Conditional refactoring

examples, 264-265

overview, 264

when to use, 264

recomposing conditional expressions

examples, 264-265

goals, 264

overview, 264

Recorder class, 162-164

records, replacing with data classes, 224

Red/Green/Refactor movement, 87-88

Refactoring Databases (Sadalage and Ambler), 65

refactorings. See specific refactorings

refactoring tips

learning refactoring, 418-419

overview, 417-418

tips for large refactorings, 420

working with a partner, 419

reference objects

changing into value objects

example, 199-201

goals, 198-199

overview, 198

step-by-step description, 199

changing value objects into

example, 196-198

goals, 195

overview, 194

step-by-step description, 195

references, finding, 99

refused bequests, 84-85

Remove Assignments to Parameters refactoring

example, 125-127

overview, 124

step-by-step description, 125

when to use, 124-125

Remove Control Flag refactoring

examples, 271-274

overview, 269

step-by-step description, 270-271

when to use, 269-270

remove_customer method, 213

Remove Middle Man refactoring, 83

example, 186

overview, 185

step-by-step description, 185

when to use, 185

Remove Named Parameter refactoring

example, 148-150

overview, 147

step-by-step description, 148

when to use, 148

remove_order method, 213

Remove Parameter refactoring

overview, 302

step-by-step description, 302-303

when to use, 302

Remove Setting Method refactoring, 84

example, 325-327

overview, 324

step-by-step description, 325

when to use, 325

Remove Unused Default Parameter refactoring

example, 151-152

overview, 150

step-by-step description, 151

when to use, 151


assignments to parameters

example, 125-127

goals, 124-125

step-by-step description, 125

code smells. See code smells

control flags

examples, 271-274

goals, 269-270

overview, 269

step-by-step description, 270-271

middle man, 83

named parameters

example, 148-150

goals, 148

overview, 147

step-by-step description, 148

repetitive boilerplate, 86

setting methods

example, 325-327

goals, 325

overview, 324

step-by-step description, 325

temporary variables, 22-31

unused default parameters

example, 151-152

goals, 151

overview, 150

step-by-step description, 151

Rename Method refactoring

example, 299-300

step-by-step description, 299

when to use, 298-299



example, 299-300

goals, 298-299

step-by-step description, 299

variables, 10-11

Rental class, 2-3

repetitive boilerplate, removing, 86

Replace Abstract Superclass with Module refactoring

example, 393-395

overview, 392

step-by-step description, 393

when to use, 392

Replace Array with Object refactoring, 80

example, 202-206

overview, 201

step-by-step description, 202

when to use, 201

Replace Conditional with Polymorphism refactoring

example, 282-284

overview, 279

step-by-step description, 281

when to use, 280-281

Replace Constructor with Factory Method refactoring

example, 330-332

overview, 328-329

step-by-step description, 329

when to use, 329

Replace Data Value with Object refactoring, 80

example, 192-194

overview, 191

step-by-step description, 192

when to use, 191

Replace Delegation with Hierarchy refactoring, 83

example, 390-392

overview, 389

step-by-step description, 390

when to use, 390

Replace Dynamic Receptor with Dynamic Method Definition refactoring, 86

examples, 158-160

overview, 158

step-by-step description, 158

when to use, 158

Replace Error Code with Exception refactoring

examples, 334-337

overview, 332

step-by-step description, 333-334

when to use, 333

Replace Exception with Test refactoring

example, 338-341

overview, 337

step-by-step description, 338

when to use, 338

Replace Hash with Object refactoring

example, 207-209

overview, 206

step-by-step description, 207

when to use, 206

Replace Inheritance with Delegation refactoring, 85

example, 387-389

overview, 386

step-by-step description, 386-387

when to use, 386

Replace Loop with Collection Closure Method refactoring

example, 133-135

overview, 133

step-by-step description, 133

when to use, 133

Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant refactoring

overview, 217

step-by-step description, 218

when to use, 218

Replace Method with Method Object refactoring

example, 129-131

overview, 127

shortening long methods, 75

step-by-step description, 129

when to use, 128

Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses refactoring

examples, 276-279

overview, 274-275

step-by-step description, 276

when to use, 275-276

Replace Parameter with Explicit Methods refactoring, 80

example, 311-313

overview, 310

step-by-step description, 311

when to use, 310-311

Replace Parameter with Method refactoring

example, 318-320

overview, 317

shortening long parameter lists, 77

step-by-step description, 318

when to use, 318

Replace Record with Data Class refactoring, 224

Replace Subclass with Fields refactoring

example, 253-255

overview, 251

step-by-step description, 252-253

when to use, 252

Replace Temp with Chain refactoring

example, 115-117

overview, 114

when to use, 115

Replace Temp with Query refactoring

example, 112-114

overview, 111

step-by-step description, 112

when to use, 111-112

Replace Type Code with Module Extension refactoring, 80

example, 234-238

overview, 232

step-by-step description, 233

when to use, 233

Replace Type Code with Polymorphism refactoring, 80

example, 227-232

overview, 225

removing conditional logic, 225-226

step-by-step description, 226-227

when to use, 225

Replace Type Code with State/Strategy refactoring, 80

example, 240-251

overview, 239

step-by-step description, 239-240

video game program example, 38-45

when to use, 239



goals, 132

overview, 131-132

step-by-step description, 132

arrays with objects

example, 202-206

goals, 201

overview, 201

step-by-step description, 202

conditional logic with polymorphism

example, 282-284

goals, 280-281

overview, 279

step-by-step description, 281

video store program example, 32-49

constructors with factory methods

example, 330-332

goals, 329

overview, 328-329

step-by-step description, 329

data values with objects

example, 192-194

goals, 191

overview, 191

step-by-step description, 192

delegation with hierarchy

example, 390-392

goals, 390

overview, 389

step-by-step description, 390

dynamic receptors with dynamic method definitions

examples, 158-160

goals, 158

overview, 158

step-by-step description, 158

hashes with objects

example, 207-209

goals, 206

overview, 206

step-by-step description, 207

inheritance with delegation

example, 387-389

goals of, 386

overview, 386

step-by-step description, 386-387

loops with collection closure methods

example, 133-135

goals, 133

step-by-step description, 133

magic numbers with symbolic constants

goals, 218

overview, 217

step-by-step description, 218

methods with method objects

example, 129-131

goals, 128

overview, 127

step-by-step description, 129

nested conditionals with guard clauses

examples, 276-279

goals, 275-276

overview, 274-275

step-by-step description, 276

parameters with methods

example, 318-320

goals, 318

overview, 317

step-by-step description, 318

records with data classes, 224

subclasses with fields

example, 253-255

goals, 252

overview, 251

step-by-step description, 252-253

temps with chains

example, 115-117

goals, 115

overview, 114

step-by-step description, 115

temps with queries

example, 112-114

goals, 111-112

step-by-step description, 112

type code with module extensions

example, 234-238

goals, 233

overview, 232

step-by-step description, 233

type code with polymorphism

example, 227-232

goals, 225

overview, 225

removing conditional logic, 225-226

step-by-step description, 226-227

type code with state/strategy

example, 240-251

goals, 239

overview, 239

step-by-step description, 239-240

resource method, 339-341

ResourceStack class, 338-339

reward_points method, 264

RigidMountainBike class, 228-231, 243-244, 247, 282-283

RigidMountainBike method, 250

Roberts, Don, 51, 57

Room class, 315

Rule of Three, 57


Sadalage, Pramod, 65

SearchCriteria class, 141-144

Select class, 115-117

Self-Delegation pattern, 78

Self Encapsulate Field refactoring, 174

example, 189-191

overview, 188

step-by-step description, 189

when to use, 188-189

self-testing code, 87-88

send_alert_if_miscreant_in method, 306

Separate Domain from Presentation refactoring

example, 408-412

overview, 406

step-by-step description, 407-408

when to use, 406-407

Separate Query from Modifier refactoring

concurrency issues, 307

example, 305-307

overview, 303

step-by-step description, 304-305

when to use, 304

separating domain logic from view

example, 408-412

goal of, 406-407

overview, 406

step-by-step description, 407-408


methods, 74-76

parameter lists, 76-77

shotgun surgery, 78

Smalltalk, 51

smells. See code smells

software design, improving with refactoring, 54-55

special case class, 292

speculative generality, 81

Split Temporary Variable refactoring

example, 122-124

overview, 121-122

step-by-step description, 122

when to use, 122

splitting temporary variables

example, 122-124

goals, 122

overview, 121-122

step-by-step description, 122

Statement class, 379

statement method, 374, 380

code listing after refactoring, 9

code listing before refactoring, 7-8

extracting frequent renter points, 18-21

initial code listing, 3-4

moving amount calculation, 12-18

removing temporary variables, 22-31

renaming variables, 10-11

state/strategy, replacing type code with

example, 240-251

goals, 239

overview, 239

step-by-step description, 239-240



example, 364-367

goals, 363

overview, 363

step-by-step description, 363-364

moving methods into

goals of, 357

overview, 356

step-by-step description, 357

replacing with fields

example, 253-255

goals, 252

overview, 251

step-by-step description, 252-253

Substitute Algorithm refactoring

overview, 131-132

step-by-step description, 132

when to use, 132

substituting algorithms

goals, 132

overview, 131-132

step-by-step description, 132

summer_charge method, 263

superclasses, replacing with modules

example, 393-395

overview, 392

step-by-step description, 393

when to use, 392

symbolic constants, replacing magic numbers with

goals, 218

overview, 217

step-by-step description, 218


tangled inheritance, refactoring

examples, 401-404

goal of, 400

overview, 399

step-by-step description, 400-401

Tease Apart Inheritance refactoring

examples, 401-404

overview, 399

step-by-step description, 400-401

when to use, 400

TelephoneNumber class

defining, 177-178

Inline Class refactoring example, 180-181

telephone_number method, renaming, 299

telling managers about refactoring, 61

template methods, creating

goals, 373

overview, 372

step-by-step description, 374

template method with extension of modules (example), 380-385

template method with inheritance (example), 374-379

temporary fields, 82

temporary variables

explaining variables, adding

examples, 119-121

goals, 118

overview, 117-118

step-by-step description, 119

frequent_renter_points, 19, 22

inline temps, 110

removing, 22-23, 26-31

replacing with chains

example, 115-117

goals, 115

overview, 114

step-by-step description, 115

replacing with queries

example, 112-114

goals, 111-112

overview, 111

step-by-step description, 112


example, 122-124

goals, 122

overview, 121-122

step-by-step description, 122

total_amount, 22-23

TestCase class, 89

Test::Unit testing framework, 88-91


developer tests, 91-92

importance of, 9-10

QA (quality assurance) tests, 91-92

self-testing code, 87-88

Test::Unit testing framework, 88-91

video store program, 6-7

writing tests, 92-95

tests, replacing exceptions with

example, 338-341

goals, 338

overview, 337

step-by-step description, 338

TextStatement class, 376-377, 381

Thomas, Dave, 87

tips for refactoring

learning refactoring, 418-419

overview, 417-418

tips for large refactorings, 420

working with a partner, 419

total_amount_for_order_lines method, 411

total_amount temporary variable, 22-23

total_charge method, 23-25

triple method, 126

troubleshooting refactoring

databases, 64-65

design changes, 65-66

interface changes, 63-64

when not to refactor, 66-67

two hat metaphor, 54

type code

replacing with module extensions

example, 234-238

goals, 233

overview, 232

step-by-step description, 233

replacing with polymorphism

example, 227-232

goals, 225

overview, 225

removing conditional logic, 225-226

step-by-step description, 226-227

replacing with state/strategy

example, 240-251

goals, 239

overview, 239

step-by-step description, 239-240


UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams, 20-21

unidirectional association

changing bidirectional to

example, 215-217

goals, 214

overview, 213

step-by-step description, 214-215

changing to bidirectional

example, 211-213

goals, 210-211

overview, 210

step-by-step description, 211

Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, 20-21

unused default parameters, removing

example, 151-152

goals, 151

overview, 150

step-by-step description, 151

usage_in_range method, 309


value method, 379, 383

value objects

changing reference objects into, 198-201

changing to reference objects, 194-198


@days_overdrawn, 170

local variables

example, 105-106

reassigning, 106-108

orphan variables, organizing, 82

renaming, 10-11

temporary variables

explaining variables, adding, 117-121

frequent_renter_points, 19, 22

inline temps, 110

removing, 22-31

replacing with chains, 114-117

replacing with queries, 111-114

splitting, 121-124

total_amount, 22-23

video store program

charge method, 33-34, 45

Customer class, 3

design issues, 5-6

frequent_renter_points method, 47

html_statement method, 30

inheritance, 36-49

Movie class, 2

overview, 1-2

price_code method, 48

Rental class, 3

replacing conditional logic with polymorphism, 32-49

statement method

code listing after refactoring, 9

code listing before refactoring, 7-8

extracting frequent renter points, 18-21

initial code listing, 3-4

moving amount calculation, 12-18

removing temporary variables, 22-31

renaming variables, 10-11

testing, 6-7

total_charge method, 23-25

Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, 20-21

views, separating domain logic from

example, 408-412

goal of, 406-407

overview, 406

step-by-step description, 407-408


when not to refactor, 66-67

when to refactor

for greater understanding, 59-60

overview, 57

Rule of Three, 57

when adding function, 57-58

when fixing bugs, 58

with code reviews, 58-59

why refactoring works, 60-61

winter_charge method, 263

withdraw method, 336

writing tests, 92-95

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