Multiline Strings

Creating a multiline string in the past involved effort and resulted in a lot of noise in code. Template literals may be single line or multiline—there is no special syntax to set the two apart, except for line breaks.

Here’s a multiline string with expressions in it.

 const​ name = ​'John Doe'​;
 const​ message = ​`Dear ​${name}​,
 We're delighted to let you know that you have been included in
 our routine spam starting with this one.
  You can thank us later.

Start the string with a backtick, continue each new line with a line break, and end the string with the ending backtick. Expressions in the string are optional.

The output of this code is

 Dear John Doe,
 We're delighted to let you know that you have been included in
 our routine spam starting with this one.
  You can thank us later.

Multiline strings preserve indentations, and that can be inconvenient if we have the template literals in an indented region, like within a function or an if condition. We’ll look at a possible workaround for that issue in the exercises at the end of this chapter.

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