

  1. Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)

  2. Application programming interface (API)

  3. Audio and video rendering

  4. Audio_decode

    1. component

    2. output device

    3. PCM

  5. Audio decoder

  6. Audio formats

  7. Audio port information

    1. audio_render

    2. coding

    3. fields

    4. MP3 files





    9. OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm


    11. programs

    12. structure

    13. video_render

  8. Audio stream rendering

  9. Avconv

  10. av_dump_format

  11. av_find_best_stream

  12. av_read_frame



  15. av_samples_alloc


  1. Beethoven.mp3

  2. Broadcom GPU

    1. components

    2. threads

  3. Building programs

    1. EGL initialization

    2. Makefile

    3. rendering context


  1. C99/C11 compilers

  2. Color codings

  3. Command-line parameter

  4. Compile command

  5. CreateSimpleTexture2D


  1. Debian-derived systems

  2. Debugging

  3. Demuxer

  4. Dispmanx

    1. GPU accessing

    2. layers

    3. program

  5. doc/examples/decoding_encoding.c program


  1. EGL

    1. drawing surface

    2. specification

  2. EGLClientBuffer

  3. EglCreateImageKHR

  4. EGLImage buffer

  5. esLoadTGA

  6. esUtil functions

    1. esCreateWindow

    2. esInitContext

    3. esMainLoop

    4. esRegisterDrawFunc

    5. fields

    6. OS-dependent layers

    7. struct

    8. UserData

    9. X Window System

  7. Event handler callback


  1. FFmpeg

  2. FilledBuffer


  1. Garbage collection

    1. Java

    2. Khronos

  2. gcc Compile Flags

  3. gcc version


  1. Hello_Triangle.c

  2. H.264 file decoding


  1. ID3 extensions

  2. IL Client library

    1. building programs

    2. changing component state

    3. client creation

    4. debugging clients

    5. public functions

    6. waiting for events

  3. ilclient_set_fill_buffer_done_callback

  4. il_enable_port_buffers

  5. il_ffmpeg_demux_render_audio_video.c


  1. JPEG image


  1. Khronos Group

    1. EGL

    2. graphics and video

    3. OpenGL ES

    4. OpenMAX

    5. OpenVG


  1. LibAV decoder

  2. libavcodec-extra

  3. Libraries

    1. Dispmanx

    2. EGL

    3. OpenGL ES

    4. OpenMAX

    5. OpenVG

M, N

  1. Mediainfo

  2. Mp3 file

    1. decoding

    2. rendering

      1. ID3 extensions

  3. Multimedia files

    1. Big Buck Bunny

    2. container files

    3. decoding

    4. demuxing

    5. formats


  1. OMX_AllocateBuffer

  2. OMX audio decoder

  3. OMX.broadcom.video_decode

  4. omxplayer


  6. OpenGL ES program

    1. animation

      1. esUtil

      2. invoking

      3. matrices

      4. uniform parameters

    2. API

    3. building programs

    4. colored triangle

      1. passing multiple attributes, vertex shader

      2. squares drawing and other shapes

      3. varyings concept

    5. Dispmanx

    6. drawing

    7. esUtil functions

    8. files

    9. opaque red triangle drawing

    10. OpenMAX video

    11. program object

    12. RPi

    13. shaders

      1. GPU

      2. loading

      3. minimal fragment

      4. minimal vertex

    14. shading language

    15. Silicon Graphics

    16. surface

    17. textures

      1. attributes and shaders

      2. coding, image drawing

      3. drawing

      4. init function

      5. mipmaps

      6. object creation

      7. TGA files

    18. vertices

  7. OpenMAX

    1. API

    2. audio processing

      1. audio formats

      2. building programs

      3. components

    3. broadcom

    4. buffers

    5. coding

    6. component states

      1. audio port information

      2. getting and setting parameters

      3. getting port information

      4. listcomponents

      5. Makefile

      6. OMX.broadcom.visualisation

      7. OMX_ComponentNameEnum()

      8. OMX_GetHandle()

      9. OMX_GetRolesOfComponent

      10. OMX_init()

      11. port information

      12. port types

      13. Raspberry Pi

      14. specification

    7. hComponent

    8. idle to executing state

    9. image

      1. OpenGL ES surface

      2. OpenVG

    10. layers

    11. loaded to idle

      1. components

      2. nonworking program

    12. Makefile

    13. mechanisms

    14. multithreaded processing model

    15. OMX_StateLoaded to OMX_StateIdle

    16. ports

    17. programming model

    18. specification

    19. state changes

    20. state transition diagram

    21. transition to idle state

    22. waitFor, client thread

    23. wakeUp, event handler

  8. OpenMAX buffers, Raspberry Pi

    1. allocation

    2. building programs

    3. components

    4. EOS flag

    5. IL client library

    6. image decoding

    7. port settings

    8. sequence of actions

    9. video_decode

    10. writing and reading

      1. OMX_EmptyThisBuffer

      2. OMX_FillBufferDone

      3. Video Core/Posix threads

  9. OpenMAX video processing

    1. building programs

    2. H.264 File decoding

    3. OpenVG

    4. Pango

    5. video components

    6. video formats

  10. OpenVG

    1. building programs

    2. Dispmanx and EGL

    3. drawing

    4. images

      1. EGL context

      2. eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer

      3. image-user-to-surface transformation

      4. off-screen buffer image

      5. path

      6. pbuffer

      7. RGBA characteristics

      8. sources

      9. stride

      10. surface

      11. VGImage, memory data

    5. Mesa project

    6. pink triangle

    7. pipeline

    8. specification

      1. E-book readers

      2. games

      3. low-level graphics device interface

      4. portable mapping applications

      5. scalable user interfaces

      6. SVG and Adobe Flash viewers

    9. standard shapes

  11. Output device

P, Q

  1. Pango API

  2. Pulse code modulated (PCM)

    1. ADPCM data

    2. analog signals

    3. avconv

    4. description

    5. encoding

    6. f32 and f64

    7. functions

    8. unencoded audio

  3. pkg-config

  4. Posix threads

  5. pthreads


  1. Raspberry Pi (RPi)

    1. building programs

    2. communication

    3. CPU level


    5. GPU programming

    6. image components

    7. image formats

    8. JPEG Image

    9. Linux system

    10. Model B

    11. Pi Zero

    12. programming style

    13. rendering an image (without tunneling)

    14. single-board computer

  2. Rendering an image

    1. without tunneling

    2. with tunneling


  1. Sample Makefiles

    1. Dispmanx

    2. EGL

    3. OpenMAX

    4. OpenVG

  2. Screen capture

T, U

  1. Text processing, OpenVG

    1. building programs

    2. displaying text

    3. drawing text

      1. Cairo

      2. complexities

      3. issues

      4. Pango

    4. FreeType

      1. API reference

      2. bitmap

      3. font faces

      4. GPU

      5. Linux systems

      6. outline

      7. packages

      8. paths and glyphs

      9. vgDrawpath

    5. glyph metrics

    6. vgCreateFont

    7. vgDrawGlyphs

  2. Tunneling

    1. broadcom components

    2. function

    3. IL client

    4. ilclient_setup_tunnel

    5. image_decode

    6. proprietary communication

    7. pseudo-code

    8. rendering an image


  1. VCOS thread system

  2. vgImageSubData

  3. Video stream rendering

    1. with full speed

    2. with scheduling

      1. behind-the-scenes

      2. 64-bit timestamp

      3. clock component

      4. clock setup

      5. code

      6. complete program

      7. dts and pts

      8. FFmpeg/LibAV

      9. field

      10. LibAV/FFmpeg

      11. numerator (num) and denominator (den)

      12. OMX timestamps

      13. OpenMAX components

      14. parameters

      15. pts values

      16. pts * timebase

      17. substantial layers

      18. tunnels

      19. xScale

  4. Vulkan graphics system

W, X, Y, Z

  1. WAV header

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