
absolute privilege 86

accidents, reporting of 97, 266

accommodation 2512

accountability 5, 17, 341; journalists 81; politicians 111; producers 336

accuracy: Codes of Practice 21, 65; in news reporting 91, 923; objectivity 66; programme evaluation 361, 362; vox pops 134

acoustics: drama 30911, 31718; live music 274, 275; location interviews 1278

actors: commercials 235; documentaries 326; drama 3079, 317, 318, 379; eminence 361

actuality 92, 267, 323, 325, 327, 328; see also background noise

ad-libbing 78, 147, 203, 208, 318; see also spontaneity

administration 3401

advertising 6, 23, 22844; ACMA regulation 22; Codes of Practice 21, 65; copy policy 22930; ethics 689; humour 2424; music 23841; premise 2312; stereo 2412; target audience 2301; testing 244; writing copy 2325

advice programmes 14, 172, 177, 17981, 184

advisory bodies 19

Africa 12

agenda setting 13, 867

AIDS 3, 91, 181, 192, 231, 2378

All India Radio 230

alterations to scripts 154

AM 39

ambiguity, avoiding 767, 945, 147

American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) 1945

anonymity 185

apologies 189, 355

appraisals 345, 372

appropriateness 360, 362

apps 534, 103, 139

archival policy 3578

assistants 1734, 177, 181, 340

atmosphere: actuality 92; documentaries 324, 325, 326; drama 314, 316, 317; feature programmes 319; live music 271, 276; location interviews 127; sound effects 241; sport events 262; studio 336, 337; vox pops 138

audience research 3, 346, 3629

audiences, studio 288, 291

audio labels 142

Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) 22

automated playout systems 910

automatic gain control (AGC) 1301, 138

auxiliary output 30, 32, 33, 37

‘back-announcements’ 143, 145, 146, 147

background listening 67

background noise: cues 146; documentaries 325; drama 314; interviews 1279, 130; live music 275; vox pops 1367, 141; see also actuality

backtiming 225

balance 66, 146; discussions 1623; phone-ins 1823; see also objectivity

Baraka FM 208

BBC: Broadcasting Code 21; commissioning programmes 351; Dimbleby’s commentary 2689; feature programmes 330; Guidelines 82; Hillsborough Stadium disaster 26970; local management structure 24; on location drama recording 31718; Managing Director 343; mobile devices in news reporting 103; newsroom 80; objectivity 82, 83; SONAR 3456; stereo metering formula 48; surreptitious recording 326; ViLoR system 39; web analytics 369; website 356

BBC Local Radio 25

BBC Radio 3 347, 356

BBC Radio 4 329, 351

BBC Radio 6 Music 58

BBC Radio Derby 207

BBC Radio Norfolk 602, 173

BBC Radio Nottingham 260

BBC World Service 80, 171

Bennett, Alan 318

bias 656, 69, 901, 96, 383

Blake–Mouton Grid 344

blogs 5960

boards, governing 1920, 22

‘Bomber’ 329

boundary effect mics 279

Boyer, J. H. 66

brass instruments 2823

breakfast shows 57, 72, 78, 126, 1989

bribes 689, 89

‘bridges’ 218

British Airways 241

Broadcasting Act (1990) 812, 351

Broadcasting Code 21

budgets 334, 342, 344, 36970; see also costs; finance

cables 249, 250, 251

Cahill, Kim 303

campaigning journalism 901

cardioid microphones 47, 279

cars 1046, 248

CD players 29, 31, 35, 38, 41, 249

CDs 34, 39, 40, 194, 195; metadata 196; outside broadcasts 250; sound effects in drama 313

celebrations 14

celebrities 54, 80, 2045, 324

ceremonial events 259, 267

chairpersons 164, 16670

channel delay 285

characterisation 299300

charities 23, 230, 235, 236

Charity Commission 22

chat shows 110, 161

children: advertising rules 229; Codes of Practice 67, 354; drama 221; giving offence 96; parental consent to interviews 127; vox pops 135, 136, 139

choirs 2734

circuits 30

citizen journalism 9, 57, 61

citizenship 18

civil disturbances 97

classical music 2723

Clayton, David 602

clip-on mics 129, 168, 311

clock format 1979, 215, 380

Codes of Practice 212, 3514, 379; advertising 228, 22930; ethics 63, 645, 67; interviewing children 136; news 812

‘cold’ interviews 126

colour, use of 232, 2645, 376

comedy 298

commentary 25870, 379

commercial interests 17, 63, 100

commercial radio 15, 21, 23, 689

commercials 22844, 293; copy policy 22930; humour 2424; music 23841; premise 2312; stereo 2412; target audience 2301; testing 244; voicing and treatment 2358; writing copy 2325; see also advertising

commissioning programmes 3501, 3523

Communications Act (2003) 82, 229

communications links for outside broadcasts 2468

community involvement 245

Community Media Association 26

community radio 1, 9, 21, 256; finance 23; helplines 190; interviews 114

companionship 13, 17

competitions 187, 190, 192, 193, 220

complaints 189, 3545, 373

compression 34, 389, 276, 2834

computers: accurate reading of screens 34; archives 357; digital audio workstations 42; Internet radio 53; live music recording 290, 291; music selection 199; studio software 358; training 374; virtual mixers 35, 36; see also laptops; software

condenser microphones 279, 280

conferences: news 108; question-and-answer sessions 193

conflict resolution: drama 294; live music recording 291; producer’s role 342; station management 345

conflicts of interest 69

consistency 21011, 212, 213, 223

consumer affairs 172, 1823

contingency plans 227, 249

continuity presentation 1567

contrast, in drama 297, 298

contributors: discussions 1656; documentaries 329; producer’s role 3345, 336, 337, 341, 342; see also actors; experts; guests

control circuits 30

control room 29

conversational language 734

copy policy 228, 22930

copyright 86, 334; administration 341; archived material 358; drama 295, 317; music 1945, 240, 292

corrections 82, 154, 189, 355

correspondence 187, 188, 3689

costs 910, 16; audience research 363, 364, 365; events 193; programme evaluation 359, 36970; training 374; ViLoR system 39; see also finance

counselling programmes 172, 1835

course organisation 3756

Cox, Sir Geoffrey 84

creativity 14, 15, 336, 3601, 362

credibility: accuracy 92; bias affecting 901; community involvement 245; DJs 209; documentaries 325; drama 299; interviews 111, 115; media 132; objectivity and 65, 82, 83; phone-in hosts 177; pronunciation 152; public service 370; specialist programmes 213; vox pops 141

credits 384

crime 80; Codes of Practice 21, 67, 354; giving offence 96; incitement to 351; legal issues in reporting 845

crossfade 33, 311

cubicles 29, 31, 34, 35

cues 1427, 262, 267, 341

culture: cross-cultural differences in meaning 77; radio’s contribution to 14

cynicism 6970

dangerous environments 99, 270

DAT 39, 41, 358

data protection 59, 204

data storage 3578

databases 36, 37, 190, 199

Decca ‘tree’ 275

decency 351

deception, obtaining stories through 90, 3256

dedications 187, 200, 203

defamation 176

Deighton, Len 329

delay, channel 285

delay, in programme transmission 179, 180

democracy 8, 14, 65, 67, 81, 84

Department for International Development (DFID) 1011, 82

development 1011, 80

devil’s advocate 119, 1612

dialogue 299, 3002, 304, 305, 308, 311, 318

diaries: audience research 363, 364; newsroom 100, 102; planning 226

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) 5, 12, 13, 54

digital audio workstations (DAWs) 424, 291

digital compression 34, 389, 276, 2834

digital effects 238, 249, 284, 315; see also reverberation

digital mixers 345, 37

Digital Rights Management (DRM) 53, 54

Dimbleby, Richard 2689

direct inject (DI) box 282

directional microphones 457, 48, 277, 279

disadvantaged communities 1011

disasters 602, 80, 227, 2556, 26970, 3801

discussions 16170, 188; documentaries 327; feature programmes 330; knowing the audience 333; magazines 218, 224; phone-ins 179

distinctiveness 361

distress, causing 97

diversity 8, 14, 16, 64, 362

DJ shows 2059, 211, 250, 342, 349

documentary interviews 112

documentary programmes 305, 31929, 331, 333, 361, 380

Dorris, Bill 3023, 305

double meanings 767

‘doubling’ 278, 289

drama 2, 221, 293318; accuracy 361; acoustics 30911; actors 3079, 317, 318; adaptation for radio 295; characterisation 299300; costs 16; dialogue 3002; feature programmes 319, 330; ideas 296; knowing the audience 333; music in 31516; from personal stories 3025; production technique 31618; script layout 3067; settings 2989; sound effects 31115; story construction 2968; studio features 310, 311; training 379; truth vs 305

Duracell 2345

dynamic control 2834

‘early lines’ 1812

echo 34, 2845, 286, 288, 311, 340; see also reverberation

editing 445, 46, 340; interviews 114, 1245, 127, 1289; live music recording 291; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255; training 376; vox pops 135, 137, 13941

editorial policy 91, 176, 350, 351

editorial responsibility 329, 342

education 6, 1112, 17, 18990

effects see sound effects

‘effects’ microphones 258

emails 171, 188, 217, 219, 365, 368

embargoes 109

emergencies 602, 227, 2556, 26970, 3801

eminence 361

emotional interviews 112

engineers 254

entertainment 17

equalisation (EQ) 34, 238, 2823

equality policies 22

equipment 28, 304; borrowed 340; faults 50, 157, 340; live music 282; news reporting 1068; outside broadcasts 246, 24950, 251; training on new 372; see also computers; microphones; recorders

errors 1578, 373; complaints 355; corrections 82, 154; interviews 113, 114; see also faults

ethics 6378; bad practice 6870; Codes of Practice 63; declarations of intent 645; limitation of harm 678; objectivity and impartiality 657; status of the media 701; watchdog role of media 68; whistleblowers 68

evaluation 35970; audience 3629; cost 36970; production 35962; training 376, 3812

evasion 1202

events 1923; commentary 25870; cost of coverage 370; outside broadcasts 24557

executive producers 34358

exhibitions 193, 249

expectations 210, 355

experts 14, 172, 175, 179, 181, 182, 1845, 188

eye contact 122, 136

fabrication 325

Facebook 51, 56, 57, 61, 188

facts 66, 92, 270, 319, 355; see also truth

faders 30, 33, 34, 35, 36; drama 309; live music 276, 286, 288; stereo recording 49

fair comment 86

fairness 82, 956, 146, 383; Codes of Practice 21, 65; phone-ins 1823; programme evaluation 361

Falklands War 69, 989

Farming Today 329

faults 50, 157, 340; see also errors

feature programmes 31920, 3301

featurettes 220, 224

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 201, 22930, 346

feedback: executive producer’s role 345; from listeners 341, 365, 3689; producer’s role 335, 337; programme evaluation 360; training 374, 3778, 381; see also howl-round

festivals 192; religious 346

‘fills’ 158

finance 9, 23, 344; commissioning programmes 350; resource planning 334; see also budgets; costs

First Response Radio (FRR) 2556, 257

flexibility 9, 227

FM 13, 39, 54, 240

foldback 314

follow-up 6, 18990; discussions 164; helplines 191; phone-ins 185, 186

Francis, Sir Richard 69

Freberg, Stan 2934

freedom of speech/expression 64, 84, 354

freedom of the press 67, 71

frequency allocation 9

frequency control 2823

funding 23

Future Radio (Norwich) 25, 160

gatekeepers 333, 343

Gavigan, Bart 299

Gervais, Ricky 54

Gilliam, Laurence 330, 331

‘good taste’ 96, 3389, 351

Google 52, 55, 63

governing boards 1920, 22

government 17, 19, 23, 63, 82, 83; investigative reporting into 89; political interviewing 125; relationship with media 70; sources of news 99, 100

gratuities 255

Greene, Sir Hugh 83

guests: discussions 16170; guest programmes 2045; studio layout 31; visitors to the station 191; see also experts

guitars 282

Hall, Lee 318

Handbook for Journalists 98

handheld microphones 123, 130

handheld/portable recorders 89; commentary 265; drama 317; interviews 127, 129, 1302; outside broadcasts 249; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255; vox pops 133, 1378, 139

hand signals 167, 261, 338

handovers 157, 261, 262, 338

Hanrahan, Brian 989

Harcup, Tony 66

harm, limitation of 21, 678

Hatch, David 343

hazard assessment 249

headphones 31, 32, 131, 1589; discussions 1689; drama 309; live music 277; monitoring 29; news reporting 107; outside broadcasts 249; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255

headroom 288

Health Education Authority 2378

helplines 1901

Hillsborough Stadium disaster 26970

holistic quality 361

‘hooks’ 221

‘hotboxes’ 1423

howl-round 29, 279, 284

human rights 65, 98

humour 159, 213, 355; advertising 236, 2424; drama 221

hyper-cardioid microphones 47, 272, 279

ideas: documentary programmes 320; drama 296; producers 3323; sequences and magazines 21617, 226

idents see station identification

images 76, 263

imagination 12, 294, 301, 330

impartiality 657, 83, 91, 109; Broadcasting Code 21; discussions 168; interviews 112; see also objectivity

Independent Press Standards Organisation 68

indexing 357

inflection 153, 155, 236

information content 214

informational interviews 111

‘informed naivety’ 117

innovation 2267, 361

inserts 31, 142, 146, 168, 209, 336; see also pre-recorded items

instant messaging 59

integrity 16, 17, 64

intelligibility 935

‘interesting’, definition of 7981, 144

interference 13

International Federation of Journalists 63

International Principles of Professional Ethics in Journalism 64

Internet 2, 4, 6, 5162, 339; ACMA regulation 22; audience research 365; FCC regulation 20; Internet radio 13, 40, 524; news reporting 106; online presence 52; online safety 56; podcasts 6, 545; research 556; as source of ideas 216; transfer of audio data via 39; web analytics 369; see also social media; websites

internships 27

interpretive interviews 11112

interviews 11032; audience research 363; Codes of Practice 354; ‘cold’ 126; cues 143, 145; definition of 110; devil’s advocate 119; documentaries 3223, 3245, 3278; editing 44; feature programmes 330; information provided to the interviewee 11314; location 12732; magazines 216, 222; misrepresentation 69, 82, 132; newsroom operation 102; non-verbal communication 122; post-interview activities 1245; pre-interview discussions 11516; preparation for 11415; questions to ask 115, 11622, 123; role of the interviewer 11011, 116, 119; securing the interviewee 113; sequences and magazines 217; stereo recording 49; style 1256; training 372; translation in 1267; ‘triangle of trust’ 132; types of 11113; winding up 124; see also vox pops

investigative reporting 8990

iPad 137, 290

iPods 53, 54, 196

ISDN lines 106, 2467, 253

item order: music 201; news 87; sequences and magazines 2215; see also running order

ITN 84

It’s Your World 171

jargon 155, 167

job, getting a 267

Jones, Peter 26970

journalists 99, 342; accountability 81; background of 95, 96; bias 656; campaigning journalism 91; Codes of Practice 645, 82; equipment in the field 1068; ethics 63, 645; investigative reporting 8990; legal issues 85; limitation of harm 678; newsroom operation 1001, 102; online safety 56; personal motivations 17, 95, 109; scepticism 70; training 374; war reporting 989; see also news

juxtaposition 222, 324

Kolb, David 371

language issues 1267, 295

laptops 4, 12, 106; digital compression 39; Internet radio 53; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255; virtual mixers 35; see also computers

lead sheets 2868

leadership 226; see also executive producers

leading questions 1201

learning objectives 3734

learning styles 3712, 376

legal issues: blogs 60; consumer affairs 182; copyright 1945, 334; data protection 59, 204; executive producer’s role 351; interviewing children 136; location interviews 127; news 812, 846, 103; phone-ins 176, 181; recording off transmission 183; terrorism 82; triggers for training 372; see also Codes of Practice; regulation

length of programme 3201

lesson plans 3756

letters 187, 188, 219

libel 56, 856, 176, 351

library material 348

links 147, 206, 21314, 324

lip microphones 261

listeners: audience research 3, 346, 3629; commentator’s attitude to 2589; complaints from 189, 3545, 373; cost per 9, 370; definition of 363; discussions 164; drama 294, 299; expectations 210, 355; information for 1447, 159; Internet radio 53; interviews 111, 132; items of interest to 7981, 878, 144, 159; joining 156; knowing the audience 26, 93, 3334; music programming 196, 200, 2023, 204; participation 9, 18793, 21920; personal enhancement 361; phone-ins 169, 17186; relationship with 1489, 187, 189, 203, 349, 383; scheduling 3468; social media 568; staying in touch with 332; vox pops 141; writing for 723; see also target audience

lists, reading 1545

‘live’ broadcasts 246, 253, 272, 337, 340, 381

‘live’ music 16, 195, 27192

live streaming 53; see also streaming

local radio 21; DJ shows 209; live music 271; newsroom operation 101; selection of news items 88

location: drama recording on 31718; interviews on 12732; see also outside broadcasts

log of output 5, 21

long-term planning 2256

loudspeakers 30, 31, 323, 35; drama 314; live music 277, 288; outside broadcasts 249, 250

magazines 21027, 361, 380

Makenda 208

malpractice 5

management 3412, 3445

managers 24, 25

Marie Curie Cancer Care 235

McArdle, Fiona 303

meaning 74, 767, 935, 1523

metadata 196

metering formula 48

meters, personal 363, 3645

microphones 29, 31, 458; commentary 261, 262, 267; digital audio workstations 42; discussions 168; drama 308, 309, 311, 314; ‘effects’ 258; interviews 123, 1278, 12931; live music 2725, 277, 27982, 283, 285, 286; news reporting 107; outside broadcasts 246, 249, 250, 251; stereo 48; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255; USB 55; vox pops 138

MIDI 290, 291

‘mind maps’ 321

minorities 16, 370

mixers 29, 30, 31, 32, 33; anti-howl facility 279; digital 345, 37; digital audio workstations 42; effects 284; live music 2823, 284, 285, 290; outside broadcasts 249, 251, 252, 254; pan-pots 489; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255; virtual 35, 36

mixing 33, 434, 2868, 290

mobile devices 53, 103; see also smartphones; tablets

monitoring 29, 30, 31, 32; headphones 1589; live music 275, 288; outside broadcasts 252; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255

mono 48

monologue 318

mood: commentary 258, 2623, 268; drama 295, 297; feature programmes 319; music 238, 316

motivation 1718, 95, 109, 378, 383

movement, in drama 3089

MP3 format 39, 289

MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) 39

‘multi-faceted’ discussions 161, 163, 218

multi-track recording 28990

Munich Charter (1971) 65

music 12, 401, 194209; administration 341; attitudes to 195; background noise in interviews 129; BBC Radio 6 Music 58; ceremonial events 259; choosing 2001, 205; clock format 1979; Codes of Practice 354; commercials 23841; computerised selection of 199; copyright 1945, 240, 292; digital audio workstation 434; DJ shows 2059; documentaries 326, 327; in drama 2, 294, 297, 306, 31516; editing 45; guest programmes 2045; item order 201; likes and dislikes 196; ‘live’ 16, 195, 27192; metadata 196; outside broadcasts 254; prefading to time 202; preparation of listeners’ material 2023; requests 187, 200, 201, 203, 204; sequences and magazines 218; signature tunes 212; sound levels 34; standby 158, 348; trails 160

musical directors (MDs) 2878, 289, 291, 292

narrators: documentaries 324, 327, 328; drama 298, 302, 304, 318

national regulator 19, 202, 68, 82, 346, 351

nervousness 116, 166, 167

news 2, 13, 79109, 368; archival policy 357; bad practice 69; bias 656; campaigning journalism 901; causing distress 97; Codes of Practice 812; commentary 264, 2656; complaints 354; costs 16; crisis reporting 979; definition of 79; equipment in the field 1068; fairness 956; featurettes 220; getting the facts right 923; giving offence 967; intelligibility in the writing 935; interest to listeners 7981, 878; investigative reporting 8990; legal issues 846; magazine item order 222; news screen 143; newsroom operation 99103; objectivity 824; policy 823, 91, 101, 1034; press releases 100, 1089; quality 361, 362; routine activities 91; Search Engine Optimisation 357; selection of news items 869, 1012; smartphones and mobile devices 103; studio layout 31; style books 1034; training 374, 3767; use of vehicles 1046; values 869, 109; websites 356; see also journalists

news conferences 108

newspapers: comparison with 78, 99; podcasts 54

newsreading 148, 1505, 378

newsrooms 99103; BBC 80; copy flow 102; diaries 100, 102; training 377

non-answers 1212

non-questions 121

non-verbal communication 122, 167, 168, 338

normalisation of music tracks 196

numbers, reading 1545

objectives: commercial radio 21; executive producers 345; producer’s role 3412; training 3734, 375; see also programme aims

objectivity 657, 6970, 824, 95, 109, 146

offence, giving 21, 22, 967, 177, 179, 339, 351, 354, 355

Office of Communication (Ofcom) 82, 346; advertising 229; community radio 25; music 196; regulation 12; research 3, 7, 8, 21

omni-directional microphones 45, 47, 107, 129, 275

‘on-demand’ radio 6, 7, 53

open lines 1723

Open University 12

oral histories 11213

orchestras 273

organisational structure 24, 25

out-cues 124

outside broadcasts (OBs) 192, 24557; commentary 25870; echo plates 284; live music 272; see also location; remote locations

‘over-production’ 334

pace 14950

‘padding’ 121

pan-pots 489, 286

panel operators 1778

panels: discussions 162; phone-ins 179, 181, 182; research 3656

Parker, Charles 330

parody 240

pauses 44, 149, 150

payments 689, 114, 194, 255, 341

performance management 345

Performing Right Society (PRS) 194

permissions 58, 127, 133, 335

personal counselling 172, 1835

personal enhancement 361

personal motivations 1718, 95, 109, 378, 383

personality 8; DJs 2089; phone-in hosts 176; presentation 149

‘personality interviews’ 110

Philippines 80, 255

‘phone-backs’ 1812

phone-ins 86, 169, 17186, 220

phone-outs 183

phoneBOX solo 172

Phonographic Performance Ltd (PPL) 194

pianos 281, 283

pitch 149, 153, 154, 308

planning: commentary 262; documentary programmes 3201; lesson plans 3756; outside broadcasts 2456; resources 334; sequences and magazines 2256; strategic 349; see also preparation

podcasts 6, 545

politics 4, 14, 17; fairness in reporting 82; FCC regulation 201; interviews with politicians 111, 125; political discussions 162, 163

‘pop-stoppers’ 279, 280

portable recorders 89; commentary 265; drama 317; interviews 127, 129, 1302; outside broadcasts 249; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255; vox pops 133, 1378, 139

post-production 165, 340

posture 149

pre-interview discussions 11516

pre-recorded items 145, 146, 209, 336; see also inserts

prefading to time 401, 202, 204, 224, 225

premise, product or service 2312

preparation 384; commentary 25960; discussions 1645; DJs 2089; interviews 113, 11415; listeners’ material 2023; newsreading 150; producers 3346

presence 238, 282

presentation 14860, 215, 384

presenters 14860, 342; cues 1424; discussion chairpersons 164, 16670; DJs 2059; links 147; listener participation 187, 188; live music 279; music programming 197, 1989, 200, 2023, 205; phone-ins 1724, 1767, 180, 1845; sequences and magazines 21213, 222, 223, 226; Twitter accounts 589

Press Councils 645

press releases 100, 1089, 341

primacy effect 87

Pritikin, Robert 232

privacy 21, 59, 64, 67, 185

private ownership 23

producers 24, 289, 33242; campaigning journalism 91; commercials 228; complaints 355; documentaries 323, 328, 329; drama 300, 31618; ideas 217, 3323; knowing the audience 3334; legal issues 86; live music recording 2912; magazines 226; monitoring of interviewing style 1256; outside broadcasts 252, 254; phone-ins 172, 174, 181; preparation of material 3346; programme evaluation 360, 370; resource planning 334; selection of news items 868; talkback 1689; training 372

product placement 21

production evaluation 35960

programme aims: discussions 161; documentaries 3213; drama 294; evaluation 35960, 370; interviews 110, 11112, 123; magazines 211; music 200, 205; phone-ins 171, 172, 181, 186; see also objectives

programme circuits 30

programme evaluation 35970; audience 3629; cost 36970; production 35962

programme structure: documentaries 324, 328; sequences and magazines 21416, 222, 224

programme titles 211, 321, 349

projection 149, 308, 309, 311

promos 15960, 341

pronunciation 149, 150, 1512, 203

provocative material 21

public address (PA) systems 457, 253, 272, 279, 284

public interest 17, 64, 65, 67, 84, 109; discussions 161, 170; interviews 112; investigative reporting 89; vox pops 133

public opinion 69, 133, 196; see also vox pops

public relations (PR) 2545, 341

public service 1517, 23, 227, 370

public service announcements 158, 230, 380

public sources of news 100

publicity 193, 2534, 341

punctuality 384

qualified privilege 86

quality: programme 3602, 381; sound 28

question-and-answer sessions 193

questionnaires 365, 3668

questions: interviews 115, 11618, 123; vox pops 1346, 1389

quiz programmes 349

quotes, reading 1534

race relations 834, 86, 351

Radio Abracadabra 191

radio cars 1046

radio conferences 193

Radio Data System (RDS) 12

Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR) 363

radio mics 47, 246, 249, 279

radio on demand 6, 7, 53

rapport 113, 122, 159, 209, 244, 361

rate card 230

reach 3, 57, 363

recency effect 87

recorders (handheld/portable) 89; commentary 265; drama 317; interviews 127, 129, 1302; outside broadcasts 249; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255; vox pops 133, 1378, 139

recording 5; commentary 261; drama 317; formats 412; interviews 123, 1245, 127, 129, 1302; live music 27192; news reporting 107; outside broadcasts 253; permissions 335; phone-ins 183; training 378, 380; vox pops 1378, 139

recording off transmission (ROT) 183, 186

reference material 177

regulation: advertising 228, 22930; national regulator 19, 202, 68, 82, 346, 351; outside broadcasts 250; see also Codes of Practice; legal issues

rehearsal 336, 337; commentary 260; drama 295, 307, 317; live music 276, 288, 289, 291

religion 23, 82; advertising rules 229; Codes of Practice 21, 354; follow-up services 18990; giving offence 96; religious festivals 346; signature tunes 212

remote locations 39, 42, 1046, 24557; see also location; outside broadcasts

repeats 348

requests 187, 200, 201, 203, 204

rescheduling 3489

research: audience research 3, 346, 3629; commentary 259; discussions 164; documentaries 3234; Internet 556; interviews 113, 126; music 196; outside broadcasts 2523; phone-ins 175, 177; sequences and magazines 219

research panels 3656

resource planning 334

Restricted Service Licence (RSL) 23

reverberation 274, 275, 2845, 31011, 312; see also echo

ribbon microphones 279

‘rifle’ mics 47

rights of listeners 81, 92, 354

risk assessment 249, 334

roadshows 192

role models 14

Roosevelt, Theodore 384

‘rubber banding’ 43

running order 34, 367, 336, 340; documentaries 321; music programming 201; news values 87; outside broadcasts 2523; sequences and magazines 220, 2215, 226

running stories 183

safety: dangerous environments 99, 270; live music 282; outside broadcasts 246, 249, 2501

sampling rates 389

satellite technology 13, 104, 248

‘scene-setting’ 2634, 268

scepticism 70, 221

scheduling 9, 3468; see also time of day considerations; transmission times

School of the Air 12

scoops 90

scripts 73, 74, 778; alterations to 154; commentary 260, 268; documentaries 328; drama 221, 296, 3067, 316, 317; editing 340; feature programmes 3301; newsreading 151, 155; outside broadcasts 250; producer’s role 335, 336, 3378

SD cards 41, 54, 289

search engines 52, 63, 357

SEAT 2412

selectivity of radio 7

self-operation (self-op) 29, 42, 175

self-organisation 34

sensationalism 17, 96

sequences 209, 21027

seven Ps of presentation 14950, 378

sex 80

share 3, 57, 364

‘shock jocks’ 177, 205

signature tunes 212, 224

signposting 75, 144; commentary 268; documentaries 328; drama 294; sequences and magazines 214

silences 445, 149; commentary 267; drama 294, 300

simplicity 89, 159

‘Singing the Fishing’ 330

site visits 246, 247, 259, 262

smartphones 4, 39, 227; commentary 260; Internet radio 53; interviews 131; news reporting 103, 104, 106, 107; outside broadcasts 249; ‘studio in a suitcase’ 255; texting 190; vox pops 138, 139, 140

‘social gain’ 21

social media 568, 227; blogs 5960; case study 602; listener participation 188; personal Twitter accounts 589; as source of ideas 216

society, benefits of radio for 14

Society of Professional Journalists 67

software 358; browsers 52; editing 45; EQ 283; multi-tracked music recording 290; music playout 40; music selection 199; outside broadcasts 249

solid state technology 10, 41, 54

SONAR (Sharing Opportunities in Nations and Regions) 3456

sound effects 241, 340; documentaries 325; drama 2, 294, 306, 307, 31115, 317; sequences and magazines 219

sound levels 334, 168, 276

speaker control 1667

speakers 30, 31, 323, 35; drama 314; live music 277, 288; outside broadcasts 249, 250

special involvement of listeners 192

specialist programmes see magazines

speech: drama 294, 295; editing 445; mixed with music 195, 207, 209, 218, 225, 240; sound levels 34

speed of radio 4

sponsorship 21, 23, 245

spontaneity 177, 203, 213

Spoonface Steinberg 318

sport 80; commentary 262, 2667; jargon 155; reading results 1545

‘spot’ effects 313

staff development 3456; see also training

stakeholders, radio station 1920

standards 9, 63; advertising 228; production evaluation 359

standby material 158, 348

station identification 156, 157, 159

station management 3445

station structure 24, 25

stereo 4850; commercials 2412; discussions 169; interviews 129; live music 277, 286

stories 76, 1656, 2934, 2967; see also drama

strategic planning 349

streaming 2, 6, 40, 523, 54, 55

stress 116, 176, 177, 254

stressing, vocal 1523

structure, organisational 24, 25

studio discipline 3367

‘studio in a suitcase’ 2557

studio layout 29, 31; drama 310; live music recording 2779

studio operations 2850; digital audio workstations 424, 291; digital development 39; editing 445; equipment 304, 50; faults and errors 50; microphones 458; music playout 401; phone-ins 1778; recording formats 412; software 358; stereo 4850

style: commentary 258, 259; consistency 210, 212, 213, 223; DJs 205; interviews 1256; links 147; newsreading 153; phone-in hosts 176; presentation 149; station 148, 1556

style books 1034

subject control 1678

subscription stations 23

subtitles 331

support staff 1734, 186, 189

surprise, capacity for 1213

syndicated news 150, 151

tablets 4, 7, 12, 196; commentary 260; news reporting 103, 106; outside broadcasts 249

‘talk-overs’ 195

talkback 31, 1689, 337; commentators 261, 262; live music recording 279, 291

tape, storage of 358

target audience 2, 3334, 339; commercials 228, 2301, 239; commissioning programmes 351; drama 296; magazines 211, 213; music 196, 205; news 87; outside broadcasts 257; programme evaluation 360; scheduling 3468; writing 93; see also listeners

taste 96, 3389, 351

team building 345

technical innovation 361

telephone facilities 172, 1789

telephone interviews 113, 363

television: ‘back-announcements’ 145; comparison with 2, 3, 6, 9; personal meters 3645; smart televisions 53

terrorism 82, 269, 348

testing of commercials 244

texts 188, 190, 217, 220, 227, 368

tidiness 2545

tie-clip mics 272, 311

time of day considerations 185, 1989, 212, 333, 3468; see also transmission time

timing: commentary 262, 267; continuity presentation 1567; discussions 169; interviews 114, 122, 123; magazines 2235; music 202, 204; newsreading 151; producer’s role 337

titles 211, 321, 349

topicality 217

touch-screens 34, 35, 37, 172

trails 157, 15960, 293, 341

training 37182; see also staff development

transient nature of radio 56

translation in interviews 1267

transmission times 185, 1989, 212, 333; see also time of day considerations

travelling roadshows 192

trials, reporting on 845

trivialisation 87, 222

trust, triangle of 132

truth 64, 221, 305; documentaries 320, 325; feature programmes 330; news reporting 79, 83, 109; objectivity 65, 66

Twitter/tweets 51, 56, 57, 589, 61, 188, 227

United Nations (UN) 64, 71

United Nations Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 64, 98

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 64

unpredictability 220, 223

USB connections 34

USB microphones 55

values 14; investigative reporting 89; news 869, 109

Vardon, Harry 383

variety 210, 216, 221

ViLoR (Virtualisation of Local Radio) system 39

virtual mixers 35, 36

vision 349

visitors 191

visualisation 232, 263

vocal stressing 1523

voice-overs 178

voice pieces 217, 226

voice projection 149, 308, 309, 311

voicework 3778

volume 32, 34, 401, 130, 196

volunteers 25, 189

vox pops 127, 13341, 217, 327; feature programmes 330; training 3789, 380

war 69, 80, 83, 97, 989, 269, 348

War and Peace 31718

watchdog role of media 68, 109

web analytics 369

web browsers 52, 53

websites 6, 52, 53, 56, 58, 3557, 369

whistleblowers 68

windshields 103, 107, 131, 138, 249, 279

WINS New York 256

words 745

World Wide Web 512

wristwatch meters 363, 3645

writing 728; advertising copy 2325; conversational language 734; double meanings 767; drama 296; intelligibility 935; for listeners 723; pictures and stories 76; press releases 108; structure and signposting 756; subject matter 73; use of words 745; see also scripts

written programme responses 3689

younger listeners 58

YouTube 51

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