
In this section, we detail some of the notation and conventions used throughout the book. In writing our work, we have attempted to use the same notation as the original cited publications to maintain a high fidelity to the original literature. However, in some cases, we have modified the notation to make equations easier to read.


image denotes the set of nonnegative integers.

image denotes the set of real numbers.

image denotes the space of complex numbers.

image denotes the N-dimensional space of complex numbered vectors.


We make extensive use of asymptotic notation. For two functions f, g : imageimage, we write:

f(x) = O(g(x)) if and only if there exists a positive constant C and an integer x0 such that |f(x)| ≤ C|g(x)| for all xx0.

f(x) = Ω(g(x)) if and only if g(x) = O(f(x)).

f(x) = Θ(g(x)) if and only if f(x) = O(g(x)) and f(x) = Ω(g(x)).

ab refers to the XOR operation between two binary bits, a and b.


image generally refers to the first derivative of the differentiable function f(x).

image generally refers to the second derivative of the differentiable function f(x).


I generally refers to the identity matrix of appropriate size (unless otherwise stated).

• det(A) refers to the determinant of the matrix A.

A refers to the conjugate transpose of A.

F+ denotes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of F.


refers to Planck’s constant.

• |ψimage refers to a ket, which is generally a state vector for a quantum state.

imageψ| refers to a bra, the conjugate transpose of the vector |ψimage.

• ρ generally refers to the density matrix of a quantum system (unless otherwise stated).

U generally refers to a unitary matrix where UU = UU = I (unless otherwise stated).

imageϕ|ψimage refers to the inner product between the vectors |ϕimage and |ψimage).

imageϕ|A|ψimage refers to the inner product between ϕ and Aψ.

• |ϕimage ⊗ |ψimage refers to a tensor product between |ϕimage and |ψimage.

• |ϕimage |ψimage also refers to the tensor product between |ϕimage and |ψimage.

• |ψimageN refers to the quantum state (in superposition) of the composite system with N interacting quantum systems, each having quantum state |ψimage.

σx often refers to the Pauli-X matrix image.

σy often refers to the Pauli-Y matrix image where i = image.

σz often refers to the Pauli-Z matrix image.

• [A, B] often refers to a commutation operator [A, B] = ABBA.

• A set of matrices {Ki} is a set of Kraus matrices if it satisfies image

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