The KPIs tab in a nutshell

The KPIs tab has very good display choices. The months and years are readily visible, inviting selections. The use of the red/green stoplight combined with the slider bar actually functions as a selection box to change the bar graph. So, when selecting a specific KPI, we immediately see whether or not the measure is above or below budget. If our CFO happens to be red/green color-blind, we might want to switch our stoplight colors to blue and yellow or other alternating pictures (although happy faces and frowning faces are probably considered juvenile). The budget data is only loaded for 2011 for demonstration purposes.


Don't forget that, sometimes, numbers will need to be reversed in order to be displayed in the correct way, such as when we multiplied Sales by -1 in the previous chapter.

Click on Expenses: % of Sales, and you will notice that the bar chart adds a red line graph to represent the current year's (2011) budget. Other than that special case, the bar chart either just displays the KPI by month or displays the KPI and the budgeted KPI.

The KPIs tab in a nutshell

Figure 3-2: KPIs on the CFO dashboard

Delving into sheet objects

Across the top of sheet, we have three text objects. The first one is formatted to show the title of the page: Key Performance Indicators. By right-clicking on the first text object, we can choose Properties and examine the properties that can be set for the text object. Each Text Object Properties wizard has five tabs:

  • General
  • Actions
  • Font
  • Layout
  • Caption

In the case of the text object title, the only properties that are set are on the General tab and the Font tab. The General tab contains the foreground text to display and the background color. The Font tab has the font display choices. We would use the Layout tab to create borders around the text object, if desired.

The second text object contains instructions and, like the title, just uses the General tab and the Font tab.

The third text object in the first row

The third text object in the first row of objects is a little more interesting. It looks like a button and, indeed, if clicked on, it has an action—to clear all the selections. Look at the Properties of the text object that looks like a button that says Clear All. On the very first tab, the General tab, we can see that it is indeed a picture instead of text such as the title. This particular picture even has the words Clear All right in it. We just learned that text objects can actually contain pictures. An actual Button object could have been used instead of the text object with Actions. Either object functions the same way based on the Actions associated with it.

The third text object in the first row

Figure 3-3: The Button object created to clear selections

Several kinds of picture formats can be used: bitmaps (.bmp), jpegs (.jpg or .jpeg), graphic interchange formats (.gif), and portable network graphics (.png) will be the types listed if you click on the radio button for Image and then the Change… button to choose an image.

On the Actions tab, there is a box that shows what Action is selected, if any. This particular instance of text object has the Clear All action selected. If you click on the Add button below the box, then the types of actions are displayed on the left-hand side. And when you select one of the action types, the different actions associated with that Action type are displayed on the right-hand side to be selected.

The third text object in the first row

Figure 3-4: Selection type action choices

There are five action types for text objects:

  1. Selection: These actions can be linked to what happens in our other sheet objects being displayed. This is where the Clear All action comes from. We can create other actions that occur on click, such as Select Excluded, Toggle Select, Lock Field, Unlock, and Clear All. Selection has the most menu items in its wizard. QlikView help lists all of the selections and what they do.


    One Selection action that probably needs further explanation is Pareto Select. To make a pareto selection in the specified field, it should be based on an expression and a percentage. This type of selection is used to select the top contributors to a measure, typically defaulting to a general 80/20 rule. For example, to find the top sales outlet that contributes to 80 percent of the sales, Sales Outlet should be used as the field, sum (Sales) should be used as the expression, and 80 should be used as the percentage.


    In any wizard dialog with the ellipses (...) button, it is possible to enter a calculated formula.

  2. Layout: The second Action type, Layout, works to move between sheets, such as web page links, or to change the size of sheet objects. For example, you can minimize or maximize the graph on the sheet. Related to webpage links, Activate Object also works in web mode.


    To switch to web mode, navigate to the View menu at the top of the QlikView interface and then scroll down the View menu popup to choose the Turn on/off WebView toggle. For now, we will work with WebView off. Working with WebView to create objects requires drag-and-drop techniques, and they will not be covered in this book. If you are interested in learning more about objects in WebView, please see my previous book about QlikView: Instant QlikView Application Development, also published by Packt Publishing.

    The third text object in the first row

    Figure 3-5: Layout type action choices

  3. Bookmark: Bookmark actions are the third Action type. They also work like web page links by allowing us to create actions that move the QlikView user from one page tab to another page tab. You can see this in action by going back to the CFO dashboard Introduction tab and clicking on the deep-blue colored Get Started button. The button then takes you to the KPIs tab that we are currently examining.
    The third text object in the first row

    Figure 3-6: Bookmark type Action choices


    Bookmarks can also be created independent of Text Box actions with other Sheet objects using the Bookmark menu at the top of the QlikView document. Here, you can add, replace, or remove Bookmark. More… in the Bookmark menu allows you to view all the Bookmarks in a QlikView document.

  4. Print: Print actions are the fourth set of actions available. From Print actions, you can choose Print Object, Print Sheet, and Print Report. How well these actions work depends on how much QlikView is allowed to interact with your computer environment. Print Report specifically needs Reports designed to interact with it. Reports can be designed through the QlikView Reports menu at the top of a QlikView document; this has one option, Edit Reports. Learning to design QlikView Print Reports is beyond the scope of this book.
  5. External: The final set of actions available is External.
    The third text object in the first row

    Figure 3-7: External type Action choices

    The use of External actions is highly dependent on how much QlikView is allowed to interact with the environment. A few clients will not handle these settings and most External actions only function in WebView or when connected to QlikView server. Some run only with the proprietary QlikView Server Ajax ZFC client, and others will not run with the Ajax client. If your QlikView application for your CFO or other C level officer is going to need one of these specific functionalities, please review the requirements in QlikView help, and coordinate with your technology department for application and environment support.

    The actions available from the External actions menu are explained next:

    • Export: This exports a table containing a specific set of fields, but only those records that are applicable according to the sheet selection are exported.
    • Launch: This launches an external program, such as Excel or Word.

      It has parameters to be specified, such as:

      • Application : This is the program that should be launched
      • Filename: The path to the file that should be opened with the application specified earlier
      • Parameters: This includes any additional information needed for the program being launched
      • Working Directory: This sets the directory for the application to be launched
      • Exit application: This forces the application to be closed when QlikView is closed


        Launch will not function as a document and sheet trigger.

    • Open URL opens the URL specified in the default web browser.
    • Open QlikView Document opens the specified QlikView document:
      • The file extension must be included.
      • Mark the Transfer State checkbox to transfer the selections from the original document to the one you wish to open. The opened document will first be cleared of selections. Mark Apply State on top of the current to retain the second document's selections and apply the original document's selections on top of them.


        Using Apply State on top of the current document can cause unpredictable results if the two document selections are conflicting. Using the Transfer State option should be sufficient in most cases.

      • Open in same window opens the new document in the same browser tab but only when using a QlikView server environment with the AJAX ZFC client.


        The Open QlikView document action is not supported when using the Internet Explorer plugin. This does not mean that it will not work, depending upon the version of Internet Explorer. It is only that it is not supported (not guaranteed to work).

    • Run Macro allows the running of an external macro:
      • Enter the path and name of the macro to be run.
      • Type a name for the macro that you have already created or will create later in the Edit Module dialog. You can also do this in a calculated expression for dynamic updates.
    • Set Variable assigns a value to the specified variable.
    • Show Information shows the associated information, such as a text file or an image for the field specified by Field. This function does not work in the AJAX ZFC client.
    • Close This Document closes the active QlikView document.
    • Reload performs a reload on the current document. This function does not work in the AJAX ZFC client.
    • Dynamic Update performs a dynamic update of the data in the currently loaded document. The intended usage of Dynamic Update allows a QlikView administrator to feed limited amounts of data into a QlikView document from a single source without running a reload of the document. Analysis can then be performed by multiple clients connecting to QlikView server.


      The uploaded information is only stored in RAM. Any data added or updated using Dynamic Update will be lost if the document is reloaded.

The second row of sheet objects

In the second row of sheet objects, we find alternating text objects to describe the list boxes. So, the words Filter by Year are in a text object, and the actual years that can be selected are in a List Box displayed as 2009|2010|2011 and available for selection. Next comes another text object that identifies that the next List Box contains Month for selection. What we have failed to notice is that there is actually a sheet object between the first row of text and the second row of text. If you right-click the pale-blue line in between and choose Properties, you will see that it is a Line/Arrow object [] with three linked objects. Using Properties in the General tab, experiment with making Line/Arrow objects appear in different colors.

The second row of sheet objects

Figure 3-8: Line/Arrow Properties | General tab | Color Area

The third row of sheet objects

What looks like a third row of sheet objects is actually an interconnected set of text objects with Actions and layered charts, along with a block of layered, invisible charts made visible by Set Variable Action. So, when we click on a row with the stoplight circle, we are actually selecting a text object and that, in turn, makes the associated blue bar chart visible. The first stoplight row, Revenue vs Budget , is text object TX103 and passes the vShowChart variable set to a value of 1. This makes chart object CH54 visible because, in the Layout tab of the Properties chart, the Show section picks up the vShowChart variable when the value is 1. The next stoplight row in the table-like structure uses the same variable vShowChart (as does each of the other rows), but the variable is set to equal 2 (or 3, 4, and so on) to control its associated chart.

The Layout tab of Properties also contains the Layer designation. There are three standard Layer designations—Top, Normal, and Bottom—corresponding to the internally numbered layers 1, 0, and -1, respectively. Custom layer values between -128 and 127 are accepted. Choose Custom to enter a value of your choice.

The third row of sheet objects

Figure 3-9: Chart CH54 Layout tab with Show Conditional Variable

An additional chart object is layered under the rows of Text objects. For each row of the table-like structure, they use images to display the appropriate red or green circle images as an Image Chart object. Next in Chart object, Text Chart object is used to display the percentage. Finally, to get the bar line, Linear Gauge is used. These are all a single chart object with multiple displays. For example, for the last text object row in the KPIs measures block—Inventory-Turns per Year—the three charts in the chart object are set up in the following manner:

On the Dimension Limits tab, the dimension used is this formula:

=If([Dashboard Metric]='AR: Day Sales O/S' or [Dashboard Metric]='Inventory - Turns p77781er Year',[Dashboard Metric]) 

Then, on the Expressions tab, we have three representations of the same information. The first is Image, the second Text, and the third Linear Gauge:

The third row of sheet objects

Figure 3-10: The Expressions tab with three chart types selected

Only the stoplight image chart has a definition entered on the Expressions tab. In the previous image, we can see the tail end of the expression definition with eight parentheses. The definition is an expression that tells the chart to flip between the red and green images. This is the definition code used for the Inventory – Turns per Year:

If([Dashboard Metric]='Inventory - Turns per Year',
   If((Sum(ThroughputQty*CostPrice)/Sum(StockOH*CostPrice))<=10 and (Sum(ThroughputQty*CostPrice)/Sum(StockOH*CostPrice))>5,'qmem://<bundled>/BuiltIn/led_g.png',

The parts of the code line in single quotes with the extension .png are the image files and their paths. We will create our own image display in Chapter 9, QlikView Expenses Dashboard.

Load script for the KPIs dashboard tab

The following is the load script used with the KPIs dashboard tab. It has the standard English language settings for date and time formats and thousands separator. If we had chosen a different language, other standard settings would be part of the script. The very first line with the word Binary is loading data and dimensions from another QlikView document. It must come first in the script and loads very fast. As you read more of the script, you can also notice that, for function commands such as SET, LET, and NUM, the script is case-insensitive:

Binary [executive dashboard.qvw];

SET ThousandSep=',';
SET DecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyThousandSep=',';
SET MoneyDecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)';
SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT';
SET DateFormat='M/D/YYYY';
SET TimestampFormat='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT';
SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec';
SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun';

LET vCurrentMonthNum = NUM(Month(Makedate(Year(Today()),5,31)));
LET vCurrentMonth = Month(Makedate(Year(Today()),5,31));
Let vCurrentYear = num(year(today()));
Let vTodaysDate = num(today());
Let v12month = num(Makedate(Year(Today())-1,5,31));
Let vRolling12months = Num#($(v12month),'YYYYMM'),
LET vOldDate = num(Makedate(2003,5,31));
LET vTodaysDate = num(Makedate(Year(Today()),5,31));
LET vToday = (Makedate(Year(Today()),5,31));
LET vAdjDays = $(vTodaysDate) - $(vOldDate); //the gap between july 2003 and today

  Display as

[Dasboard Metrics]:
  Dashboard Metric
  Revenue vs Budget
  Revenue vs Last Year
  Margin vs Last Year
  Margin % Revenue
  Expenses: % of Sales
  AR: % Overdue
  AR: Day Sales O/S
  Inventory - Turns per Year

After the language-related standards are defined with SET statements, we use LET statements to define global variables, such as the current date, current month, and current year. SET statements assign a specific value to a variable. LET statements use expressions to calculate based on the values assigned to the variables within the expression. That is why LET statements should come before SET statements in your script.

Following the LET statements, we can see that the data is loaded INLINE. This means that we will type the data into the script and not load it from an Excel or other file. We use the Inline Data Wizard for help with the creation of LOAD INLINE statements.

The Inline Data Wizard dialog is opened from the menu path:

File | Edit Script | Insert menu | Load Statement | Load Inline

This wizard is used to create the load inline statements in the script. The following screenshot shows this:

Load script for the KPIs dashboard tab

Figure 3-11: The path to the Load Inline statement

The wizard contains something that looks similar to a spreadsheet and, in fact, works much like one. However, calculation formulas will not be evaluated in this spreadsheet as they would in Excel.

Each column represents a field to be loaded into QlikView in a manner similar to the Excel spreadsheets we used in Chapter 1, Getting That Financial Data into QlikView and Chapter 2, QlikView Dashboard Financial KPIs. Just as with the Excel spreadsheets we used, each row is a record in the table. A data cell is selected by clicking on it. A value can then be typed or pasted from the clipboard. Just as with Excel, press Enter or any arrow key to accept the value and move to another cell.

The top (label) row of the inline wizard data entry form is reserved for the dimension labels. Double-click in a label cell to enter a name. If no custom labels are entered in the label row, the field names F1, F2, and so on will be used.

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