Chapter 18. Asynchronous Alternatives

For I/O bound code (meaning code that spends a lot of time doing input/output), the best-performing architectures are usually asynchronous (AKA async) ones—as long as the I/O operations can be made nonblocking, meaning that your code can initiate an operation, go on doing other things while that operation is in progress, and then find out when the operation is finished.

Async architectures are also sometimes known as event-driven ones, since the completion of I/O operations (new data becoming available on an input channel, or an output channel becoming ready to accept new data) can be modeled as “events,” external to your code, to which your code responds appropriately.

Asynchronous architectures can be classified into three broad categories:

  • In what is sometimes known as a multiplexed async architecture, your code keeps track of the I/O channels on which operations may be pending; when you can do no more until one or more of the pending I/O operations completes, the thread running your code goes into a blocking wait (this situation is usually referred to as “your code blocks”), specifically waiting for any completion on the relevant set of channels. When a completion wakes up the blocking wait, your code deals with the specifics of that completion (such “dealing with” may include initiating more I/O operations), then, usually, goes back to the blocking wait. Python offers several low-level modules supporting multiplexed async architectures, but the best one to use is the higher-level selectors module, covered in “The selectors Module”.

  • In a callback-based async architecture, your code associates with each expected event a callback—a function or other callable that the asynchronous framework calls when the event occurs. The association can be explicit (passing a function in order to request that it get called back when appropriate), or implicit in various ways (for example, extending a base class and overriding appropriate methods). Python’s standard library’s direct support for callbacks-based async architectures is not particularly strong nor up-to-date, and we do not recommend it nor cover it further in this book; if you’re keen to use such an architecture, we recommend third-party frameworks Twisted (or alternatively, Tornado—more specialized, especially for web tasks, but supports coroutines as mentioned in the next section).

  • The third, most modern alternative category is coroutine-based async architectures, covered in the next section.

In this chapter, after explaining the general concepts of coroutine-based async architectures, we cover the v3-only module asyncio, which lets you implement such architectures as well as callback-based ones, and the lower-level module selectors (in the standard library in v3, but also available as a third-party backport download for v2), which lets you implement multiplexed architectures.

Coroutine-Based Async Architectures

A frequent problem with both multiplexed and callback-based architectures is that code that would, with blocking I/O, be a single, rather linear function gets fragmented into pieces without an immediately clear connection to each other; this can make the code harder to develop and debug.

To avoid this problem, we need functions able to suspend their execution, hand control over to a framework while preserving their internal state, and later resume, from right after the suspension point, when the framework gives them the go-ahead. Such functions are known as coroutines.

Coroutine functions and coroutine objects

The term coroutine is used to describe two different but related entities: the function defining the coroutine (e.g., in 3.5, one starting with async def), more precisely known as a coroutine function when disambiguation is needed; and the object returned by a coroutine function, representing some combination of I/O and computation that eventually terminates. The latter is more precisely known as a coroutine object when disambiguation is needed.

You can think of a coroutine function as a factory for coroutine objects; more directly, remember that calling a coroutine function does not cause any user-written code to execute, but rather just builds and returns a coroutine object. Coroutine objects are not callable: rather, you schedule them for execution via appropriate calls in a framework such as asyncio, or await them in the body of another coroutine object.

v2’s stdlib offers no coroutine-based async architecture support; v3, on the other hand, has strong support for coroutine-based async architectures, through the asyncio module.

To write coroutine-based async libraries that work with v2 as well as v3, specifically for web uses, consider the third-party framework Tornado, an async web server with a bundled web application framework.

To write an application, target a specific Python version

When you write an application, rather than a library, always pick a specific Python version (we strongly recommend v3), thus freeing yourself of any worry about cross-compatibility concerns, and leaving you free to write the best code for the specific task at hand.

To make writing and using coroutines clearer and faster, the v3 release that’s most recent at the time of this writing (Python 3.5) introduces two new keywords, async and await, covered in “async and await”. You should use them instead of making coroutines via yield from as mentioned in “yield from (v3-only)”, “The asyncio Module (v3 Only)” and “asyncio coroutines”, as you had to in 3.4 and earlier: using async and await keeps full interoperability with yield from-based coroutines, but makes your code more explicit and readable, avoids certain kinds of errors, and also helps with performance. tornado now also supports async/await-based coroutines.

One thing all async architectures have is an event loop—code (either within the framework or explicit at the application level) that loops waiting for events (changes of state on I/O channels being watched or—depending on the nature of the application—other external occurrences such as user interactions on a user interface). Coroutine objects can only run when the event loop is running.

Lastly, all kinds of async architectures can also usefully support objects known as futures (or sometimes as promises or deferreds), analogous to the ones covered in Table 14-1 (although the latter rely on a pool of threads or processes, while async futures reflect the completion of some nonblocking I/O operation). Futures wrapping a coroutine object can only run when the event loop is running.

The asyncio Module (v3 Only)

The asyncio module is at the core of v3’s modern approach to asynchronous programming, especially for network-related tasks. asyncio as supplied by the standard library focuses on providing infrastructure and components at a relatively low level of abstraction. However, you can find higher-abstraction modules at this wiki page—building blocks such as aiohttp (supporting HTTP servers and clients, including WebSocket), web frameworks (some working on top of aiohttp , some standalone), AsyncSSH (supporting SSH servers and clients), and so forth.

Contribute to the asyncio ecosystem

If you find yourself coding a higher-abstraction module for some task or protocol not yet well covered in modules listed at the wiki page, but maybe of general interest, we strongly recommend you make your module high-quality via tests and docs (that serves you well in any case!), package it up and upload it to PyPI as covered in Chapter 25, and then edit the wiki page to add a pointer to it. Fame as an open source code author awaits, and so does help from other programmers in improving your module!

When you write Python code based on asyncio (ideally also using add-on modules from, you’ll usually be writing coroutine functions. Up to Python 3.4 included, such functions are generators using the yield from statement covered in “yield from (v3-only)”, decorated with @asyncio.coroutine, covered in “asyncio coroutines”; since Python 3.5, although you could still use the yield from (+ decorator) approach for backward compatibility with previous releases, it’s better to use the new async def statement covered in “async and await”. In the rest of this chapter, we tag as coroutine those functions or methods supplied by asyncio that are, indeed, coroutine functions, thus nonblocking and returning coroutine objects (they internally use async def in 3.5 and later, and, compatibly, @asyncio.coroutine and yield from in the body in 3.4 and earlier).

Coroutines in asyncio

For backward compatibility with Python 3.4, v3 (by which, as always, we mean Python 3.5) lets you implement coroutines in either of two different ways: as appropriately decorated generators using the yield from statement; or as native coroutines, using the new keywords async and await.

asyncio coroutines

As mentioned in “Coroutine-Based Async Architectures”, the core concept used in asyncio is that of a coroutine—a function able to suspend its execution, preserving its internal state; explicitly hand control back to the framework that’s orchestrating it (in asyncio’s case, that’s the event loop, covered in “asyncio’s Event Loop”); and resume execution from the point at which it had suspended, when the framework tells it to resume.

Just as a generator function immediately executes, runs no user code, and returns a generator object, a coroutine function immediately executes, runs no user code, and returns a coroutine object. In fact, up to Python 3.4, a coroutine function was just a specific kind of generator function: a generator function is any function containing one or more occurrences of the yield keyword, and a coroutine function was one specifically containing one or more occurrences of the expression yield from iterable…although such a statement could also occur in a generator function not intended for use as a coroutine function, as covered in “yield from (v3-only)” (the resulting ambiguity, although marginal, was suboptimal, whence the introduction in Python 3.5 of async and await, which remove any ambiguity). To mark such a yield from–based coroutine function explicitly as being a coroutine, and ensure it was usable in asyncio, you decorated it with @asyncio.coroutine. For example, here’s a coroutine that sleeps for delay seconds, then returns a result:

def delayed_result(delay, result):
  yield from asyncio.sleep(delay)
  return result

Calling, for example, delayed_result(1.5, 23), gives you a generator object (specifically a coroutine object) poised to wait a second and a half, then return 23. Note that the generator object in question won’t execute until it’s properly connected to an event loop, covered in “asyncio’s Event Loop”, and the event loop runs; for example,

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
x = loop.run_until_complete(delayed_result(1.5, 23))

sets x to 23 after a delay of a second and a half.

Mostly for debugging purposes, you can check whether some object f is a coroutine function with asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(f); you can check whether some object x is a coroutine object with asyncio.iscoroutine(x).

async and await

To allow more explicit and readable code, Python 3.5 introduces the keywords async and await.1 Use async to create coroutines (with async def), to create asynchronous context managers (with async with), and for asynchronous iteration (with async for).

When you use async def instead of def, and await instead of yield from,2 the function becomes an explicit coroutine function, with no need for decoration (and without being a generator function as a side effect). For example:

async def new_way(delay, result):
  await asyncio.sleep(delay)
  return result

gives you a coroutine function new_way that’s fully equivalent to the delayed_result in the previous example (you could decorate new_way with @asyncio.coroutine, but this is not required nor recommended usage). In this way, you can also write a coroutine function that never awaits anything. (It may seem peculiar to need that, but it comes in handy in prototyping, testing, and refactoring.) An async def coroutine function cannot contain any yield; conversely, you can use await only within an async def coroutine function.

Within a native coroutine function (meaning one defined with async def) only, you can also use two useful new constructs: async with and async for.

async with

The async with statement is just like the with statement, except that the context manager (the object that’s the result of the expression just after the keyword with) must be an asynchronous context manager, implementing the special methods __aenter__ and __aexit__, corresponding to __enter__ and __exit__ in a plain context manager (a class might conceivably choose to implement all four special methods, making its instances usable in both plain with and async with statements). __aenter__ and __aexit__ must return awaitable objects (each is typically a coroutine function defined with async def, thus intrinsically returning a coroutine object, which is of course awaitable); async with x: implicitly uses await x.__aenter__() at entry and await x.__aexit__(type, value, tb) at exit, elegantly achieving seamless async context-manager behavior.

async for

The async for statement is just like the for statement, except that the iterable (the object that’s the result of the expression just after the keyword for) must be an asynchronous iterable, implementing the special method __aiter__,3 corresponding to __iter__ in a plain iterable (a class might conceivably choose to implement both special methods, making its instances usable in both plain for and async for statements). __aiter__ must return an asynchronous iterator (implementing the special method __anext__, corresponding to __next__ in a plain iterator, but returning an awaitable object); async for x: implicitly uses x.__aiter__() at entry and await y.__anext__() on the eventually returned asynchronous iterator y, elegantly achieving seamless async looping behavior.

asyncio’s Event Loop

asyncio supplies an explicit event loop interface, and some basic implementations of that interface, as by far the largest component of the framework.

The event loop interface is a very broad and rich interface supplying several categories of methods; the interface is embodied in the asyncio.BaseEventLoop class. asyncio offers a few alternative implementations of event loops, depending on your platform, and third-party add-on packages let you add still more, for example, to integrate with specific user interface frameworks such as Qt. The core idea is that all event loop implementations implement the same interface.

In theory, your application can have multiple event loops and manage them through multiple, explicit event loop policies; in practice, such complexity is rarely needed, and you can get away with a single event loop, normally in your main thread, managed by a single, implicit global policy. The main exception to this state of things occurs when you want to run asyncio code on multiple threads of your program; in that case, while you may still get away with a single policy, you need multiple event loops—a separate one per each thread calling event-loop methods other than call_soon_threadsafe, covered in Table 18-1. Each thread can only call methods on a loop instantiated and running in that thread.4

In the rest of this chapter, we assume (except when we explicitly state otherwise) that you’re using a single event loop, usually the default one obtained by calling loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() near the start of your code. Sometimes, you force a specific implementation, by first instantiating loop explicitly as your specific platform or third-party framework may require, then immediately calling asyncio.set_event_loop(loop); ignoring platform-specific or framework-specific semantic peculiarities, which we don’t cover in this book, the material in the rest of this chapter applies equally well in this second, somewhat-rarer use case.

The following sections cover nine categories of methods supplied by an asyncio.BaseEventLoop instance loop, and a few closely related functions and classes supplied by asyncio.

Loop state and debugging mode

loop can be in one of three states: stopped (that’s the state loop is when just created: nothing yet runs on loop), running (all functionality runs on loop), or closed (loop is irreversibly terminated, and cannot be started again). Independently, loop can be in debug mode (checking sanity of operations, and giving ample information to help you develop code) or not (faster and quieter operation; that’s the normal mode to use “in production,” as opposed to development, debugging, and testing), as covered in “asyncio developing and debugging”. Regarding state and mode, loop supplies the following methods:



Sets loop to closed state; loses pending callbacks, flushes queues, asks loop’s executor to shut down. You can call loop.close() only when loop.is_running() is False. After loop.close(), call no further methods on loop, except loop.is_closed() or loop.is_closing() (both return True in this case) and loop.close() (which does nothing in this case).



Returns True when loop is in debug mode; otherwise, returns False. The initial value is True when the environment variable PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG is a nonempty string; otherwise, False.



Returns True when loop is closed; otherwise, returns False.



Returns True when loop is closing or already closed; otherwise, returns False.



Returns True when loop is running; otherwise, returns False.



Runs loop until loop.stop() is called. Returns, eventually, after a call to stop has placed loop in stopped mode.



Runs until future (an instance of asyncio.Future, covered in “Futures”) completes; if future is a coroutine object or other awaitable, it’s wrapped with asyncio.ensure_future, covered in “Tasks”. When future is done, run_until_complete returns future’s result or raises its exception.



Sets loop’s debug mode to bool(debug).



If called when loop is stopped, stop polls the I/O selector once, with a timeout of zero; runs all callbacks scheduled (previously, or in response to I/O events that occurred in that one-off poll of the I/O selector); then exits and leaves loop in the stopped state.

If called when loop is running (e.g., in run_forever), stop runs the currently scheduled callbacks, then exits and leaves loop in the stopped state (in this case, callbacks newly scheduled by other callbacks don’t execute; they remain queued, to execute when run_forever is called again). After this, the run_forever that had put loop in running mode returns to its caller.

asyncio developing and debugging

When you develop code using asyncio, sanity checking and logging help a lot.

Besides calling loop.set_debug(True) (or setting the environment variable PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG to a nonempty string), set logging to DEBUG level: for example, call logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) at startup.

In debug mode, you get useful ResourceWarning warnings when transports and event loops are not explicitly closed (frequently a symptom of a bug in your code): enable warnings, as covered in “The warnings Module”—for example, use the command-line option -Wdefault (with no space between -W and default) when you start Python, as mentioned in Table 2-1.

For more tips and advice on developing and debugging with asyncio, see the appropriate section in the online docs.

Calls, time, and sleep

A key functionality of the asyncio event loop is to schedule calls to functions (see Table 18-1)—either “as soon as convenient” or with specified delays. For the latter purpose, loop maintains its own internal clock (in seconds and fractions), not necessarily coincident with the system clock covered in Chapter 12.

Use functools.partial when you need to pass named arguments in calls

loop’s methods to schedule calls don’t directly support passing named arguments. If you do need to pass named arguments, wrap the function to be called in functools.partial, covered in Table 7-4. This is the best way to achieve this goal (superior to alternatives such as using lambda or closures), because debuggers (including asyncio’s debug mode) introspect such wrapped functions to supply more and clearer information than they could with alternative approaches.

Table 18-1.  


call_at(when, callback, *args)

Schedules callback(*args) to be called when loop.time() equals when (or, as soon as feasible after that, should something else be running at that precise time). Returns an instance of asyncio.Handle, on which you can call the method cancel() to cancel the callback (innocuous if the call has already occurred).


call_later(delay, callback, *args)

Schedules callback(*args) to be called delay seconds from now (delay can include a fractional part) (or, as soon as feasible after that, should something else be running at that precise time). Returns an instance of asyncio.Handle, on which you can call method cancel() to cancel the callback (innocuous if the call has already occurred).


call_soon(callback, *args)

Schedules callback(*args) to be called as soon as possible (in first-in, first-out order with regard to other scheduled callbacks). Returns an instance of asyncio.Handle, on which you can call method cancel() to cancel the callback (innocuous if the call has already occurred).


call_soon_threadsafe(callback, *args)

Like call_soon, but safe to call from a thread different from the one loop is running in (loop should normally run in the main thread, to allow signal handling and access from other processes).



Returns a float that is loop’s current internal time.

Besides loop’s own methods, the current event loop’s internal time is also used by one module-level function (i.e., a function supplied directly by the module asyncio):


coroutine sleep(delay, result=None)

A coroutine function to build and return a coroutine object that completes after delay seconds and returns result (delay can include a fractional part).

Connections and server

loop can have open communication channels of several kinds: connections that reach out to other systems’ listening sockets (stream or datagram or—on Unix—unix sockets), ones that listen for incoming connections (grouped in instances of the Server class), and ones built on pipes to/from subprocesses. Here are the methods loop supplies to create the various kinds of connections:


coroutine create_connection(protocol_factory,
host=None, port=None, *, ssl=None, family=0,
proto=0, flags=0, sock=None, local_addr=None,

protocol_factory, the one argument that’s always required, is a callable taking no arguments and returning a protocol instance. create_connection is a coroutine function: its resulting coroutine object, as loop runs it, creates the connection if required, wraps it into a transport instance, creates a protocol instance, ties the protocol instance to the transport instance with the protocol’s connection_made method, and finally—once all is done—returns a pair (transport, protocol) as covered in “Transports and protocols”.

When you have an already-connected stream socket that you just want to wrap into a transport and protocol, pass it as the named argument sock, and avoid passing any of host, port, family, proto, flags, local_addr; otherwise, create_connection creates and connects a new stream socket for you (family AF_INET or AF_INET6 depending on host, or family if explicitly specified; type SOCK_STREAM), and you need to pass some or all of those arguments to specify the details of the socket to connect.

Optional arguments must be passed as named arguments, if at all.

ssl, when true, requests an SSL/TLS transport (in particular, when it’s an instance of ssl.SSLContext, as covered in “SSLContext”, that instance is used to create the transport); in this case, you may optionally pass server_hostname as the hostname to match the server’s certificate against (or an empty string, disabling hostname matching, but that’s a serious security risk). When you specify host, you may omit server_hostname; in this case, host is the hostname that must match the certificate.

All other optional named-only arguments can be passed only if sock is not passed. family, proto, and flags are passed through to getaddrinfo to resolve the host; local_addr is a (local_host, local_port) pair passed through to getaddrinfo to resolve the local address to which to bind the socket being created.


local_addr=None, remote_addr=None, *, family=0,
proto=0, flags=0, reuse_address=True,
reuse_port=None, allow_broadcast=None,

Much like create_connection, except that the connection is a datagram rather than stream one (i.e., socket type is SOCK_DGRAM). remote_addr can be optionally be passed as a (remote_host, remote_port) pair. reuse_address, when true (the default), means to reuse a local socket without waiting for its natural timeout to expire. reuse_port, when true, on some Unix-like systems, allows multiple datagram connections to be bound to the same port. allow_broadcast, when true, allows this connection to send datagrams to the broadcast address.


create_server(protocol_factory, host=None,
port=None, *, family=socket.AF_UNSPEC,
flags=socket.AI_PASSIVE, sock=None, backlog=100,
ssl=None, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None)

Like create_connection, except that it creates or wraps a listening socket and returns an instance of the class asyncio.Server (with the attribute sockets, the list of socket objects the server is listening to; the method close() to close all sockets asynchronously; and the coroutine method wait_closed() to wait until all sockets are closed).

host can be a string, or a sequence of strings in order to bind multiple hosts; when None, it binds all interfaces. backlog is the maximum number of queued connections (passed on to the underlying socket’s listen method). reuse_address, when true, means to reuse a local socket without waiting for its natural timeout to expire. reuse_port, when true, on some Unix-like systems, allows multiple listening connections to be bound to the same port.


coroutine create_unix_connection(protocol_factory,
path, *, ssl=None, sock=None,

Like create_connection, except that the connection is on a Unix socket (socket family AF_UNIX, socket type SOCK_STREAM) on the given path. Unix sockets allow very fast, secure communication, but only between processes on a single Unix-like computer.


coroutine create_unix_server(protocol_factory,
path=None, *, sock=None, backlog=100, ssl=None)

Same as create_server, but for Unix-socket connections on the given path.

Besides sockets, event loops can connect subprocess pipes, using these methods:


coroutine connect_read_pipe(protocol_factory, pipe)

Returns a (transport, protocol) pair wrapping read-mode, nonblocking file-like object pipe.


coroutine connect_write_pipe(protocol_factory, pipe)

Returns a (transport, protocol) pair wrapping write-mode, nonblocking file-like object pipe.


An asyncio task (asyncio.Task, covered in “Tasks”, is a subclass of asyncio.Future, covered in “Futures”) wraps a coroutine object and orchestrates its execution. loop offers a method to create a task:



Creates and returns a Future (usually, a Task) wrapping the coroutine object coro.

You can also customize the factory loop uses to create tasks, but that is rarely needed except to write custom implementations of event loops, so we don’t cover it.

Another roughly equivalent way to create a task is to call asyncio.ensure_future with a single argument that is a coroutine object or other awaitable; the function in this case creates and returns a Task instance wrapping the coroutine object. (If you call asyncio.ensure_future with an argument that’s a Future instance, it returns the argument unchanged.)

Create tasks with loop.create_task

We recommend using more explicit and readable loop.create_task instead of the roughly equivalent asyncio.ensure_future.

Watching file descriptors

You can choose to use loop at a somewhat-low abstraction level, watching for file descriptors to become ready for reading or writing, and calling callback functions when they do. (On Windows, with the default SelectorEventLoop implementation of loop, you can use these methods only on file descriptors representing sockets; with the alternative ProactorEventLoop implementation that you can choose to explicitly instantiate, you cannot use these methods at all.) loop supplies the following methods related to watching file descriptors:


add_reader(fd, callback, *args)

When fd becomes available for reading, call callback(*args).


add_writer(fd, callback, *args)

When fd becomes available for writing, call callback(*args).



Stop watching for fd to become available for reading.



Stop watching for fd to become available for writing.

socket operations; hostnames

Also at a low level of abstraction, loop supplies four coroutine-function methods corresponding to methods on socket objects covered in Chapter 17:


coroutine sock_accept(sock)

sock must be nonblocking, bound to an address, and listening for connections. sock_accept returns a coroutine object that, when done, returns a pair (conn, address), where conn is a new socket object to send and receive data on the connection and address is the address bound to the socket of the counterpart.


coroutine sock_connect(sock, address)

sock must be nonblocking and not already connected. address must be the result of a getaddrinfo call, so that sock_connect doesn’t have to use DNS itself (for example, for network sockets, address must include an IP address, not a hostname). sock_connect returns a coroutine object that, when done, returns None and leaves sock appropriately connected as requested.


coroutine sock_recv(sock, nbytes)

sock must be nonblocking and connected. nbytes is an int, the maximum number of bytes to receive. sock_recv returns a coroutine object that, when done, returns a bytes object with the data received on the socket (or raises an exception if a network error occurs).


coroutine sock_sendall(sock, data)

sock must be nonblocking and connected. sock_sendall returns a coroutine object that, when done, returns None, having sent all the bytes in data on the socket. (In case of a network error, an exception is raised; there is no way to determine how many bytes, if any, were sent to the counterpart before the network error occurred.)

It’s often necessary to perform DNS lookups. loop supplies two coroutine-function methods that work like the same-name functions covered in Table 17-1, but in an async, nonblocking way:


coroutine getaddrinfo(host, port, *, family=0, type=0,
proto=0, flags=0)

Returns a coroutine object that, when done, returns a five-items tuple (family, type,
proto, canonname, sockaddr)
, like socket.getaddrinfo.


coroutine getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags=0)

Returns a coroutine object that, when done, returns a pair (host, port), like socket.getnameinfo.

Unix signals

On Unix-like platforms, loop (when run on the main thread) supplies two methods to add and remove handlers for signals (a Unix-specific, limited form of inter-process communication, well covered on Wikipedia) the process may receive:


add_signal_handler(signum, callback, *args)

Sets the handler for signal number signum to call callback(*args).



Removes the handler for signal number signum, if any. Returns True when it removes a handler, and False when there was no handler to remove (in either case, signum now has no handler).


loop can arrange for a function to run in an executor, a pool of threads or processes as covered in “The concurrent.futures Module”: that’s useful when you must do some blocking I/O, or CPU-intensive operations (in the latter case, use as executor an instance of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor). The two relevant methods are:


coroutine run_in_executor(executor, func, *args)

Returns a coroutine object that runs func(*args) in executor and, when done, returns func’s result. executor must be an Executor instance, or None, to use loop’s current default executor.



Sets loop’s executor to executor, which must be an Executor instance, or None, to use the default (thread pool) executor.

Error handling

You can customize exception handling in the event loop; loop supplies four methods for this purpose:



Call loop’s current exception handler.



The exception handler supplied by loop’s class; it’s called when an exception occurs and no handler is set, and may be called by a handler to defer a case to the default behavior.



Gets and returns loop’s current exception handler, a callable accepting two arguments, loop and context.



Sets loop’s current exception handler to handler, a callable accepting two arguments, loop and context.

context is a dict with the following contents (more keys may be added in future releases). All keys, except message, are optional; use context.get(key) to avoid a KeyError on accessing some key in the context:


Exception instance


asyncio.Future instance


asyncio.Handle instance


str instance, the error message


asyncio.Protocol instance


socket.socket instance


asyncio.Transport instance

The following sections cover three more concepts you need in order to use asyncio, and functionality supplied by asyncio for each of these concepts.


The asyncio.Future class is almost compatible with the Future class supplied by the module concurrent.futures and covered in Table 14-1 (in some future version of Python, the intention is to fully unify the two Future interfaces, but this goal cannot be guaranteed). The main differences between an instance af of asyncio.Future and an instance cf of concurrent.futures.Future are:

  • af is not thread-safe

  • af can’t be passed to functions wait and as_completed of module concurrent.futures

  • Methods af.result and af.exception don’t take a timeout argument, and can only be called when af.done() is True

  • There is no method af.running()

For thread-safety, callbacks added with af.add_done_callback get scheduled, once af is done, via loop.call_soon_threadsafe.

af also supplies three extra methods over and above those of cf:



Removes all instances of func from the list of af’s callbacks; returns the number of instances it removed.



Marks af done, and set its exception to exception. If af is already done, set_exception raises an exception.



Marks af done, and sets its result to value. If af is already done, set_result raises an exception.

(In fact, cf has methods set_exception and set_result, too, but in cf’s case they’re meant to be called strictly and exclusively by unit tests and Executor implementations; af’s identical methods do not have such constraints.)

The best way to create a Future in asyncio is with loop’s create_future method, which takes no arguments; at worst, loop.create_future() just performs exactly the same as return futures.Future(loop), but, this way, alternative loop implementations get a chance to override the method and provide a better implementation of futures.


asyncio.Task is a subclass of asyncio.Future: an instance at of asyncio.Task wraps a coroutine object and schedules its execution in loop.

The class defines two class methods: all_tasks(), which returns the set of all tasks defined on loop; and current_task(), which returns the task currently executing (None if no task is executing).

at.cancel() has slightly different semantics from the cancel method of other futures: it does not guarantee the cancellation of the task, but rather raises a CancelledError inside the wrapped coroutine—the latter may intercept the exception (intended to enable clean-up work, but also makes it possible for the coroutine to refuse cancellation). at.cancelled() returns True only when the wrapped coroutine has propagated (or spontaneously raised) CancelledError.

asyncio supplies several functions to ease working with tasks and other futures. All accept an optional (named-only) argument loop=None to use an event loop different from the current default one (None means to use the current default event loop); for all, arguments that are futures can also be coroutine objects (which get automatically wrapped into instances of asyncio.Task). The functions are:


as_completed(futures, *, loop=None, timeout=None)

Returns an iterator whose values are Future instances (yielded approximately in order of completion). When timeout is not None, it’s a value in seconds (which may have a fractional part), and in that case as_completed raises asyncio.TimeOuterror after timeout seconds unless all futures have completed by then.


gather(*futures, *, loop>=None,

Returns a single future f whose result is a list of the results of the futures arguments, in the same order, when all have completed (all must be futures in the same event loop). When return_exceptions is false, any exception raised in a contained future immediately propagates through f; when return_exceptions is true, contained-future exceptions are put in f’s result list, just like contained-future results.

f.cancel() cancels any contained future that’s not yet done. If any contained future is separately cancelled, that’s just as if it had raised a CancelledError (therefore, this does not cancel f, as long as return_exceptions is true).


run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop)

Submits coroutine object coro to event loop loop, returns a concurrent.futures.Future instance to access the result. This function is meant to allow other threads to safely submit coroutine objects to loop.


shield(f, *, loop=None)

Waits for Future instance f, shielding f against cancellation if the coroutine doing await asyncio.shield(f) (or yield from asyncio.shield(f)) is cancelled.


timeout(timeout, *, loop=None)

Returns a context manager that raises an asyncio.TimeoutError if a block has not completed after timeout seconds (timeout may have a fractional part). For example:

    with asyncio.timeout(0.5):
        await first()
        await second()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
    print('Alas, too slow!')
    print('Made it!')

This snippet prints Made it! when the two awaitables first() and second(), in sequence, both complete within half a second; otherwise, it prints Alas, too slow!


coroutine wait(futures, *, loop=None, timeout=None,

This coroutine function returns a coroutine object that waits for the futures in nonempty iterable futures, and returns a tuple of two sets of futures, (done, still_pending). return_when must be one of three constants defined in module concurrent.futures: ALL_COMPLETED, the default, returns when all futures are done (so the returned still_pending set is empty); FIRST_COMPLETED returns as soon as any of the futures is done; FIRST_EXCEPTION is like ALL_COMPLETED but also returns if and when any future raises an exception (in which case still_pending may be nonempty).


coroutine wait_for(f, timeout, *, loop=None)

This coroutine function returns a coroutine object that waits for future f for up to timeout seconds (timeout may have a fractional part, or may be None, meaning to wait indefinitely) and returns f’s result (or raises f’s exception, or asyncio.TimeoutError if a timeout occurs).

Transports and protocols

For details about transports and protocols, see the section about them in the online docs. In this section, we’re offering just the conceptual basis, some core details about working with them, and two examples. The core idea is that a transport does all that’s needed to ensure that a stream (or datagram) of “raw,” uninterpreted bytes is pushed to an external system, or pulled from an external system; a protocol translates those bytes to and from semantically meaningful messages.

A transport class is a class supplied by asyncio to abstract any one of various kinds of communication channels (TCP, UDP, SSL, pipes, etc.). You don’t directly instantiate a transport class: rather, you call loop methods that create the transport instance and the underlying channel, and provide the transport instance when done.

A protocol class is one supplied by asyncio to abstract various kinds of protocols (streaming, datagram-based, subprocess-pipes). Extend the appropriate one of those base classes, overriding the callback methods in which you want to perform some action (the base classes supply empty default implementations for such methods, so just don’t override methods for events you don’t care about). Then, pass your class as the protocol_factory argument to loop methods.

A protocol instance p always has an associated transport instance t, in 1-to-1 correspondence. As soon as the connection is established, loop calls p.connection_made(t): p must save t as an attribute of self, and may perform some initialization-setting method calls on t.

When the connection is lost or closed, loop calls p.connection_lost(exc), where exc is None to indicate a regular closing (typically via end-of-file, EOF), or else an Exception instance recording what error caused the connection to be lost.

Each of connection_made and connection_lost gets called exactly once on each protocol instance p. All other callbacks to p’s methods happen between those two calls; during such other callbacks, p gets informed by t about data or EOF being received, and/or asks t to send data out. All interactions between p and t occur via callbacks by each other on the other one’s methods.

Protocol-based examples: echo client and server

Here is a protocol-based implementation of a client for the same simple echo protocol shown in “A Connection-Oriented Socket Client”. (Since asyncio exists only in v3, we have not bothered maintaining any compatibility with v2 in this example’s code.)

import asyncio

data = """A few lines of text
including non-ASCII characters: €£
to test the operation
of both server
and client."""

class EchoClient(asyncio.Protocol):

  def __init__(self):
      self.data_iter = iter(data.splitlines())

  def write_one(self):
      chunk = next(self.data_iter, None)
      if chunk is None:
          line = chunk.encode()
          print('Sent:', chunk)

  def connection_made(self, transport):
      self.transport = transport
      print('Connected to server')

  def connection_lost(self, exc):
      print('Disconnected from server')

  def data_received(self, data):
      print('Recv:', data.decode())

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
echo = loop.create_connection(EchoClient, 'localhost', 8881)
transport, protocol = loop.run_until_complete(echo)

You wouldn’t normally bother using asyncio for such a simplistic client, one that is doing nothing beyond sending data to the server, receiving replies, and using print to show what’s happening. However, the purpose of the example is to show how to use asyncio (and, specifically, asyncio’s protocols) in a client (which would be handy if a client had to communicate with multiple servers and/or perform other nonblocking I/O operations simultaneously).

Nevertheless, this example, for conciseness, takes shortcuts (such as calling loop.stop when connection is lost) that would not be acceptable in high-quality production code. For a critique of simplistic echo examples, and a thoroughly productionized counterexample, see Łukasz Langa’s aioecho.

Similarly, here is a v3-only protocol-based server for the same (deliberately simplistic) echo functionality:

import asyncio

class EchoServer(asyncio.Protocol):

  def connection_made(self, transport):
      self.transport = transport
      self.peer = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
      print('Connected from', self.peer)

  def connection_lost(self, exc):
      print('Disconnected from', self.peer)

  def data_received(self, data):
      print('Recv:', data.decode())
      print('Echo:', data.decode())

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
echo = loop.create_server(EchoServer, 'localhost', 8881)
server = loop.run_until_complete(echo)
print('Serving at', server.sockets[0].getsockname())

This server code has no intrinsic limits on how many clients at a time it can be serving, and the transport deals with any network fragmentation.

asyncio streams

Fundamental operations of transports and protocols, as outlined in the previous section, rely on a callback paradigm. As mentioned in “Coroutine-Based Async Architectures”, this may make development harder when you need to fragment what could be a linear stream of code into multiple functions and methods; with asyncio, you may partly finesse that by using coroutines, futures, and tasks for implementation—but there is no intrinsic connection between protocol instances and such tools, so you’d essentially be building your own. It’s reasonable to wish for a higher level of abstraction, focused directly on coroutines, for the same networking purposes you could use transports, protocols, and their callbacks for.

asyncio comes to the rescue by supplying coroutine-based streams, as documented online. Four convenience coroutine functions based on streams are directly supplied by asyncio: open_connection, open_unix_connection, start_server, and start_unix_server. While usable on their own, they’re mostly supplied as examples of how to best create streams, and the docs explicitly invite you to copy them into your code and edit them as necessary. You can easily find the source code, for example on GitHub. The same logic applies, and is explicitly documented in source code comments, to the stream classes themselves—StreamReader and StreamWriter; the classes wrap transports and protocols and supply coroutine methods where appropriate.

Here is a streams-based implementation of a client for the same simple echo protocol shown in “A Connection-Oriented Socket Client”, coded using the legacy (pre–Python 3.5) approach to coroutines:

import asyncio

data = """A few lines of data
including non-ASCII characters: €£
to test the operation
of both server
and client."""

def echo_client(data):
    reader, writer = yield from asyncio.open_connection(
        'localhost', 8881)
    print('Connected to server')
    for line in data:
        print('Sent:', line)
        response = yield from
        print('Recv:', response.decode())
    print('Disconnected from server')

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

asyncio.open_connection eventually (via its coroutine-object immediate result, which yield from waits for) returns a pair of streams, reader and writer, and the rest is easy (with another yield from to get the eventual result of The modern native (Python 3.5) kind of coroutine is no harder:

import asyncio

data = """A few lines of data
including non-ASCII characters: €£
to test the operation
of both server
and client."""

async def echo_client(data):
    reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(
        'localhost', 8881)
    print('Connected to server')
    for line in data:
        print('Sent:', line)
        response = await
        print('Recv:', response.decode())
    print('Disconnected from server')

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

The transformation needed in this case is purely mechanical: remove the decorator, change def to async def, and change yield from to await.

Similarly for streams-based servers—here’s one that uses legacy coroutines:

import asyncio

def handle(reader, writer):
    address = writer.get_extra_info('peername')
    print('Connected from', address)

    while True:
        data = yield from
        if not data: break
        s = data.decode()
        print('Recv:', s)
        yield from writer.drain()
        print('Echo:', s)

    print('Disconnected from', address)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
echo = asyncio.start_server(handle, 'localhost', 8881)
server = loop.run_until_complete(echo)

print('Serving on {}'.format(server.sockets[0].getsockname()))
except KeyboardInterrupt:

And here’s the equivalent using modern native coroutines, again with the same mechanical transformation:

import asyncio

async def handle(reader, writer):
    address = writer.get_extra_info('peername')
    print('Connected from', address)

    while True:
        data = await
        if not data: break
        s = data.decode()
        print('Recv:', s)
        await writer.drain()
        print('Echo:', s)

    print('Disconnected from', address)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
echo = asyncio.start_server(handle, 'localhost', 8881)
server = loop.run_until_complete(echo)

print('Serving on {}'.format(server.sockets[0].getsockname()))
except KeyboardInterrupt:

The same considerations as in the previous section apply to these client and server examples: each client, as it stands, may be considered “overkill” for the very simple task it performs (but is useful to suggest how asyncio-based clients for more complex tasks would proceed); each server is intrinsically unbounded in the number of clients it can serve, and immune to any data fragmentation that might have occurred during network transmission.

Synchronization and Queues

asyncio offers classes (to synchronize coroutines) that are very similar to the ones that the threading module offers (to synchronize threads), as covered in “Thread Synchronization Objects”, and queues similar to the thread-safe queues covered in “The queue Module”. This section documents the small differences between the synchronization and queue classes supplied by asyncio, and the classes with the same names covered in Chapter 14.

Asyncio synchronization primitives

asyncio supplies the classes BoundedSemaphore, Condition, Event, Loop, and Semaphore, very similar to the classes of the same names covered in “Thread Synchronization Objects”, except of course that the classes in asyncio synchronize coroutines, not threads. The asyncio synchronization classes and their methods do not accept a timeout argument (use asyncio.wait_for instead to apply a timeout to a coroutine or asyncio future).

Several methods of asyncio synchronization classes (all that deal with acquiring or waiting for a synchronization class’s instance, and therefore could possibly block) are coroutine methods returning coroutine objects. Specifically, this applies to BoundedSemaphore.acquire, Condition.acquire, Condition.wait, Condi⁠tion.wait_​for, Event.wait, Loop.acquire, and Semaphore.acquire.

Asyncio queues

asyncio supplies the class Queue, and its subclasses LifoQueue and PriorityQueue, very similar to the classes of the same names covered in “The queue Module”, except of course that the classes in asyncio queue data between coroutines, not between threads. The asyncio queue classes and their methods do not accept a timeout argument (use asyncio.wait_for instead to apply a timeout to a coroutine or asyncio future).

Several methods of asyncio queue classes (all that could possibly block) are coroutine methods, returning coroutine objects. Specifically, this applies to the methods get, join, and put, of the class Queue and of both subclasses.

The selectors Module

selectors is in Python’s standard library only in v3. However, you can install a v2 backport via pip2 install selectors34, then, for portability, code your import as:

    import selectors
except ImportError:
    import selectors34 as selectors

selectors supports I/O multiplexing by picking whatever mechanism is best on your platform from a lower-level module, select; you do not need to know the low-level details of select, and therefore we do not cover select in this book.

The kind of files that selectors can handle depend on your platform. Sockets (covered in Chapter 17) are supported on all platforms; on Windows, no other kinds of files are supported. On Unix-like systems, other kinds may be supported (to open a file in nonblocking mode, use the low-level call, with the flag os.O_NONBLOCK, covered in Table 10-5).

selectors Events

selectors provides two constants, EVENT_READ (meaning that a file is available for reading) and EVENT_WRITE (meaning that a file is available for writing). To indicate both events together, use the “bitwise or” operator |, as in:

selectors.EVENT_READ | selectors.EVENT_WRITE

The SelectorKey Class

Methods of selector classes return instances of the class SelectorKey, a named tuple that supplies four attributes:


Data associated with the file object when you registered it with the selector


Either of the constants covered in “selectors Events”, or their “bitwise or”


The file descriptor on which the event occurred


The file object registered with the selector class: can either be an int (in which case it’s equal to fd) or an object with a fileno() method (in which case fd equals fileobj.fileno()).

The BaseSelector Class

Call selectors.DefaultSelector() to get an instance of the concrete subclass of the BaseSelector abstract class that’s optimal on your platform. (Don’t worry about what specific concrete subclass you’re getting; they all implement the same functionality.) Each such class is a context manager, and therefore suitable for use in a with statement to ensure that the selector is closed when you’re done with it:

with selectors.DefaultSelector() as sel:
    # use sel within this block, or in functions called within it
# here, after the block's done, sel is properly closed

A selector instance s supplies the following methods:



Frees all of s’s resources. You can’t use s after calling s.close().



Returns the SelectorKey associated with fileobj, or raises KeyError when fileobj is not registered.



Returns a mapping with files as keys, and SelectorKey instances as values.


modify(fileobj, events, data=None)

Like s.unregister(fileobj) followed by s.register(fileobj, events, data), but faster. Returns the SelectorKey associated with fileobj, or raises KeyError when fileobj is not registered.


register(fileobj, events, data=None)

Registers a file object for selection, monitoring the requested events, and associating with it an arbitrary item of data. fileobj is either an int (a file descriptor) or any object with a .fileno() method returning a file descriptor. events is EVENT_READ, EVENT_WRITE, or their “bitwise or.” data is any arbitrary object; a frequently used idiom is to pass, as data, a function to call when the monitored events occur.

Returns a new SelectorKey instance, or raises KeyError when fileobj is already registered, and ValueError when fileobj and/or events are invalid.



Returns a list of pairs (sk, events) for file objects that have become ready for reading and/or writing. Returns an empty list if the waiting times out (or, depending on Python versions, if the waiting is interrupted by a signal). sk is a SelectorKey instance; events is EVENT_READ, EVENT_WRITE, or their “bitwise or” if both events are being monitored and both have occurred.

When timeout>0, select won’t wait for more than that number of seconds (optionally including a fractional part), possibly returning an empty list.



Deregisters file object fileobj from monitoring; s.unregister a file before you close that file. Returns the SelectorKey associated with fileobj, or raises KeyError when fileobj was not registered.

When to Use selectors

selectors is quite low-level, but can sometimes come in handy when performance is key, particularly when the task to perform on the sockets is simple.

selectors echo server example

Here is a selectors-based example server for the simplistic echo protocol shown in “A Connection-Oriented Socket Client”. This example is fully coded to run equally well in v2 (as long as you’ve installed the selectors34 backport; see “The concurrent.futures Module”) and v3; it provides more informational prints than example “A Connection-Oriented Socket Server”, to better show the low-level mechanisms involved in communication with multiple clients “at once,” in byte chunks of whatever size optimizes all I/O operations:

from __future__ import print_function
import socket
    import selectors
except ImportError:
    import selectors34 as selectors
ALL = selectors.EVENT_READ | selectors.EVENT_WRITE

# mapping socket -> bytes to send on that socket when feasible
data = {}

# set of sockets to be closed and unregistered when feasible
socks_to_close = set()

def accept(sel, data, servsock, unused_events):
    # accept a new connection, register it with the selector
    sock, address = servsock.accept()
    print('Connected from', address)
    sel.register(sock, ALL, handle)

def finish(sel, data, sock):
    # sock needs to be closed & unregistered if it's in the selector
    if sock in sel.get_map():
        ad = sock.getpeername()
        print('Disconnected from {}'.format(ad))
    data.pop(sock, None)

def handle(sel, data, sock, events):
    # a client socket just became ready to write and/or read
    ad = sock.getpeername()
    if events & selectors.EVENT_WRITE:
        tosend = data.get(sock)
        if tosend:
            # send as much as the client's ready to receive
            nsent = sock.send(tosend)
            s = tosend.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
            print(u'{} bytes sent to {} ({})'.format(nsent, ad, s))
            # bytes to be sent later, if any
            tosend = tosend[nsent:]
        if tosend:
            # more bytes to send later, keep track of them
            print('{} bytes remain for {}'.format(len(tosend), ad))
            data[sock] = tosend
            # no more bytes to send -> ignore EVENT_WRITE for now
            print('No bytes remain for {}'.format(ad))
            data.pop(sock, None)
            sel.modify(sock, selectors.EVENT_READ, handle)
    if events & selectors.EVENT_READ:
        # receive up to 1024 bytes at a time
        newdata = sock.recv(1024)
        if newdata:
            # add new data received as needing to be sent back
            s = newdata.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
            print(u'Got {} bytes from {} ({})'.format(
                  len(newdata), ad, s))
            data[sock] = data.get(sock, b'') + newdata
            sel.modify(sock, ALL, handle)
            # recv empty string means client disconnected

    servsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    servsock.bind(('', 8881))
    print('Serving at', servsock.getsockname())
    with selectors.DefaultSelector() as sel:
        sel.register(servsock, selectors.EVENT_READ, accept)
        while True:
            for sk, events in
      , data, sk.fileobj, events)
            while socks_to_close:
                sock = socks_to_close.pop()
                finish(sel, data, sock)
except KeyboardInterrupt:

selectors does not supply an event loop; the event loop needed in async programming, in the preceding example, is the simple loop using while True:.

The low-level approach, as shown in this example, makes us write a lot of code compared to the simplicity of the task, a task that is made especially simple by the fact that the server does not need to examine or process incoming bytes (for most network jobs, incoming streams or chunks of bytes do need to be parsed into semantically meaningful messages). The payback comes in the high performance one can attain, with such a no-overhead approach, consuming minimal resources.

Moreover, it’s worth noticing (as is emphasized by the detailed informational prints) that this example does not share the limitations of “A Connection-Oriented Socket Server”: the code, as presented, can handle any number of clients, up to the limits of available memory, as well as arbitrary network fragmentation of data along the arbitrarily high number of simultaneous connections.

1 Pseudokeywords, currently: for backward compatibility, you can also still use async and await as normal identifiers—but don’t do that, as it makes your code less readable and in some future version it will become a syntax error.

2 However, you can’t await an arbitrary iterable object—only an awaitable object, such as a coroutine object or an asyncio.Future instance.

3 Note that __aiter__ must not be a coroutine, while all the other dunder methods in these sections with names starting with __a must be coroutines.

4 For some subtleties regarding event loops on Windows and event-loop backward compatibility with old releases of macOS, see the event loops page of the online docs; there are no such subtleties on other platforms.

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