
One time Noah was in the ocean, and a wave crashed on top of him and took his breath away as it pulled him deeper into the sea. Just as he started to recover his breath, another wave dropped on top. It extracted much of his remaining energy. It pulled him even deeper into the ocean. Just as he started to recover, yet another wave crashed down on top. The more he would fight the waves and the sea, the more energy was drained. He seriously wondered if he would die at that moment. He couldn’t breathe, his body ached, and he was terrified he was going to drown. Being close to death helped him focus on the only thing that could save him, which was conserving his energy and using the waves—not fighting them.

Being in a startup that doesn’t practice DevOps is a lot like that day at the beach. There are production fires that burn for months; everything is manual, alerts wake you up for days on end damaging your health. The only escape from this death spiral is the DevOps way.

Do one right thing, then another, until you find clarity. First, set up a build server, start testing your code, and automate manual tasks. Do something; it can be anything, but have a “bias for action.” Do that first thing right and make sure it is automated.

A common trap in startups or any company is the search for superheroes. “We need a performance engineer” because they will fix our performance problems. “We need a Chief Revenue Officer” because they will fix all sales problems. “We need DevOps engineers” because they will fix our deployment process.

At one company, Noah had a project that was over a year late, and the web application had been rewritten three times in multiple languages. This next release only needed a “performance engineer” to get it finished. I remember being the only one brave or stupid enough to say, “What is a performance engineer?” This engineer made everything work at scale. He realized at that point that they were looking for a superhero to save them. Superhero hiring syndrome is the best way to pick up on something being very wrong on a new product or a new startup. No employee will save a company unless they first save themselves.

At other companies, Noah heard similar things: “If we could only hire a senior Erlang engineer,” or “If we could only hire someone to make us revenue,” or “If we could only hire someone to teach us to be financially disciplined,” or “If we could only hire a Swift developer,” etc. This hire is the last thing your startup or new product needs—it needs to understand what it is doing wrong that only a superhero can save the day.

In the case of the company that wanted to hire a performance engineer, it turned out that the real issue was inadequate technical supervision. The wrong people were in charge (and verbally shouting down the people who could fix it). By removing a poor performer, listening to an existing team member who knew how to fix the problem all along, deleting that job listing, doing one right thing at a time, and inserting qualified engineering management, the issue resolved itself without a superhero hire.

No one will save you at your startup; you and your team have to protect yourselves by creating great teamwork, a great process, and believing in your organization. The solution to the problem isn’t a new hire; it is being honest and mindful about the situation you are in, how you got there, and doing one right thing at a time until you work your way out. There is no superhero unless it is you.

Just like being in the ocean in a storm and slowly drowning, no one is going to save you or the company unless it is you. You are the superhero your company needs, and you might discover your coworkers are too.

There is a way out of the chaos, and this book can be your guide. Let’s get started.

What Does DevOps Mean to the Authors?

Many abstract concepts in the software industry are hard to define precisely. Cloud Computing, Agile, and Big Data are good examples of topics that can have many definitions depending on whom you talk to. Instead of strictly defining what DevOps is, let’s use some phrases that show evidence DevOps is occurring:

  • Two-way collaboration between Development and Operation teams.

  • Turnaround of Ops tasks in minutes to hours, not days to weeks.

  • Strong involvement from developers; otherwise, it’s back to Devs versus Ops.

  • Operations people need development skills—at least Bash and Python.

  • Developer people need operational skills—their responsibilities don’t end with writing the code, but with deploying the system to production and monitoring alerts.

  • Automation, automation, automation: you can’t accurately automate without Dev skills, and you can’t correctly automate without Ops skills

  • Ideally: self-service for developers, at least in terms of deploying code.

  • Can be achieved via CI/CD pipelines.

  • GitOps.

  • Bidirectional everything between Development and Operations (tooling, knowledge, etc.).

  • Constant collaboration in design, implementation, deployment—and yes, automation—can’t be successful without cooperation.

  • If it isn’t automated, it’s broken.

  • Cultural: Hierarchy < Process.

  • Microservices > Monolithic.

  • The continuous deployment system is the heart and soul of the software team.

  • There are no superheroes.

  • Continuous delivery isn’t an option; it is a mandate.

How to Use This Book

This book is useful in any order. You can randomly open any chapter you like, and you should be able to find something helpful to apply to your job. If you are an experienced Python programmer, you may want to skim Chapter 1. Likewise, if you are interested in war stories, case studies, and interviews, you may want to read the Chapter 16 first.

Conceptual Topics

The content is broken up into several conceptual topics. The first group is Python Foundations, and it covers a brief introduction to the language as well as automating text, writing command-line tools, and automating the file system.

Next up is Operations, which includes useful Linux utilities, package management, build systems, monitoring and instrumentation, and automated testing. These are all essential topics to master to become a competent DevOps practitioner.

Cloud Foundations are in the next section, and there are chapters on Cloud Computing, Infrastructure as Code, Kubernetes, and Serverless. There is currently a crisis in the software industry around finding enough talent trained in the Cloud. Mastering this section will pay immediate dividends to both your salary and your career.

Next up is the Data section. Machine Learning Operations and Data Engineering are both covered from the perspective of DevOps. There is also a full soup to nuts machine learning project walkthrough that takes you through the building, deploying, and operationalizing of a machine learning model using Flask, Sklearn, Docker, and Kubernetes.

The last section is Chapter 16 on case studies, interviews, and DevOps war stories. This chapter makes for good bed time reading.

Python Foundations
Cloud Foundations
Case Studies

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.

Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.

Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.

Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by context.


This element signifies a tip or suggestion.


This element signifies a general note.


This element indicates a warning or caution.

Using Code Examples

Supplemental material (code examples, exercises, etc.) is available for download at You can also view DevOps content related to the code in the book at the Pragmatic AI Labs YouTube channel.

If you have a technical question for the authors or a problem using the code examples, please email .

This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, if example code is offered with this book, you may use it in your programs and documentation. You do not need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does not require permission. Selling or distributing examples from O’Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this book into your product’s documentation does require permission.

We appreciate, but generally do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Python for DevOps by Noah Gift, Kennedy Behrman, Alfredo Deza, and Grig Gheorghiu. (O’Reilly). Copyright 2020 Noah Gift, Kennedy Behrman, Alfredo Deza, Grig Gheorghiu, 978-1-492-05769-7.”

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To start off, the authors would like to thank the two main technical reviewers of the book:

Wes Novack is an architect and engineer specializing in public cloud systems and web-scale SaaS applications. He designs, builds, and manages complex systems that enable highly available infrastructure, continuous delivery pipelines, and rapid releases within large, polyglot microservice ecosystems hosted on AWS and GCP. Wes makes extensive use of languages, frameworks, and tools to define Infrastructure as Code, drive automation, and eliminate toil. He is vocal in the tech community by participating in mentorship, workshops, and conferences, and he is also a Pluralsight video course author. Wes is an advocate for the CALMS of DevOps; Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, and Sharing. You can find him on Twitter @WesleyTech or visit his personal blog.

Brad Andersen is a software engineer and architect. He has designed and developed software professionally for 30 years. He works as a catalyst for change and innovation; he has assumed leadership and development roles across a spectrum from enterprise organizations to startups. Brad is currently pursuing a master’s degree in data science at the University of California, Berkeley. You can find more information on Brad’s LinkedIn profile.

We would also like to thank Jeremy Yabrow and Colin B. Erdman for chipping in with many great ideas and bits of feedback.


I would like to thank the coauthors of the book: Grig, Kennedy, and Alfredo. It was incredible working with a team that was this effective.


Thanks to my coauthors, it has been a pleasure to work with you. And thanks for the patience and understanding of my family.


In 2010—nine years ago as of this writing—I landed my first software engineering job. I was 31 years old with no college education and no previous engineering experience. That job meant accepting a reduced salary and no health insurance. I learned a lot, met amazing people, and gained expertise through relentless determination. Throughout those years, it would’ve been impossible to get here without people opening opportunities and pointing me in the right direction.

Thanks to Chris Benson, who saw that I was hungry for learning and kept finding opportunities to have me around.

Thanks to Alejandro Cadavid, who realized that I could fix things nobody else wanted to fix. You helped me get work when no one (including myself) thought I could be useful.

Carlos Coll got me into programming and didn’t let me quit even when I asked him to. Learning to program changed my life, and Carlos had the patience to push me to learn and land my first program in production.

To Joni Benton, for believing in me and helping me land my first full-time job.

Thanks to Jonathan LaCour, an inspiring boss who continues to help me get to a better place. Your advice has always been invaluable to me.

Noah, thanks for your friendship and guidance you are a tremendous source of motivation to me. I always enjoy working together, like that one time when we rebuilt infrastructure from scratch. Your patience and guidance when I had no idea about Python was life-changing.

Lastly, a tremendous thanks to my family. My wife Claudia, who never doubts my ability to learn and improve, and so generous and understanding of the time I spent working toward this book. My children, Efrain, Ignacio, and Alana: I love you all.


My thanks to all creators of open source software. Without them, our jobs would be so much more bleak and unfulfilling. Also thank you to all who blog and share your knowledge freely. Lastly, I also wish to thank the coauthors of this book. It’s been a really fun ride.

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