Reviewing Core Python


  • The basic features of the Python language
  • How to use the Python module mechanism
  • How to create a new module
  • How to create a new package


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This chapter starts with a brief review of Python—in case you have forgotten some of the basics—and provides a foundation upon which the rest of the book is built. If you are confident in your ability with basic Python coding, feel free to skip ahead until you see content that might be of interest to you. After all, you can always come back to this chapter later if you find you need a refresher.

In this chapter you start off by looking at the Python ecosystem, the data types, and the major control structures and then move on to defining functions and classes. Next, you look at the Python module and package system. And, finally, you create a basic new package of modules.

By the end of this chapter, you should be ready to take the next step and start working with the standard Python modules on real project tasks.

Exploring the Python Language and the Interpreter

Python is a dynamic but strictly typed programming language. It is both interpreted and compiled in that the original source code is compiled into byte code and then interpreted, but this happens transparently to the user; you do not have to explicitly ask Python to compile your code.

The Python language has several implementations, but the most common is the version written in C, often referred to as CPython. Other implementations include Jython, written in Java, and IronPython, written for the Microsoft .NET platform. CPython is the implementation used in this book.

Python programs are written in text files that customarily have the extension .py. The Python interpreter, called python (in lowercase) does not actually care about the extension; it is only for the user’s benefit (and in some operating systems to allow the file and interpreter to be linked).

You can also input Python code directly to the interpreter. This method makes for a highly interactive development style where ideas are prototyped or tested in the interpreter and then transferred into a code editor. The Python interpreter is a powerful learning tool when you are starting to use a new concept or code module.

When working in this mode, you start the interpreter by typing python at an operating system command prompt. The system will respond with a message telling you the Python version and some build details, followed by the interactive prompt at which you type code. It looks like this:

  ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
  Python 3.3.2 (default, Sep 16 2013, 23:10:06) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

This message says that this interpreter is for version of Python, it is the ActiveState distribution (as opposed to the python.org distribution), and it was built for 32-bit Windows. Your message may differ slightly, but should contain the same types of information.

If instead of running the Python interpreter interactively you want to execute a program stored in a file, then at the operating system prompt you simply append the name of the file after the python command:

$ python myscript.py

Python comes with two helpful functions that assist you in exploring the language: dir(name) and help(name). dir(name) tells you all of the names available in the object identified by name. help(name) displays information about the object called name. When you first import a new module, you will often not know what functions or classes are included. By looking at the dir() listing of the module, you can see what is available. You can then use help() on any of the features listed. Be sure to experiment with these functions; they are an invaluable source of information.

Reviewing the Python Data Types

Python supports many powerful data types. Superficially, these look like their counterparts in other programming languages, but in Python they often come with super powers. Everything in Python is an object and, therefore, has methods. This means that you can perform a host of operations on any variable. The built-in dir() and help() functions will reveal all. In this section you look at the standard data types and their most important operations.

You need to be aware of some underlying concepts in Python. First, Python variables are just names. You create variable names by assigning them to objects that are instances of types. Variables do not, of themselves, have a type; it is the object to which they are bound that has a type. The name is just a label and, as such, it can be reassigned to a completely different object. Assignment is performed using =, so assigning a value to a variable looks like this:

  aVariable = aValue

This code binds the value aValue to the variable name aVariable and, if the name does not already exist, the interpreter adds the name to the appropriate namespace.

The distinction between a variable and its underlying value (an object) is thus crucial in Python. You can test variables for equality using a double equal sign (==) and object identity (that is, if two names refer to the same object) is compared using the is operator, as shown:

>>> aString = 'I love spam'>>> anotherString = 'I love spam'>>> anInt = 6>>> intAlias = anInt>>> aString == anotherString     # test equality of value
  >>> aString is anotherString     # test object identity
  >>> anInt == intAlias            # same value
  >>> anInt is intAlias            # also same object identity

Python groups types according to how you can use them. For example, all types are either categorized as mutable or immutable. If a type is immutable, it means you can’t change an object of that type once it’s created. You can create a new data item and assign it to the same variable, but you cannot change the original immutable value.

Python also supports several collection types, sometimes referred to as sequences. (Strictly speaking collections are a subset of sequences, the distinction will be made clearer later in the chapter.) Sequences share a common set of operations, although not all sequences support all of the operations.

Some Python data types are callable. That means you can use the type name like a function to produce a new instance of the type. If no value is given, a default value is returned. You will see examples of this behavior in the following descriptions of the individual data types.

Now that you understand the basics of working with Python data types, it’s time to take a look at the different data types, including the numeric, boolean, and None types, as well as the various collection types.

Numeric Types: Integer and Float

Python supports several numeric types including the most basic forms: integer and floating point.

Python integers are unusual in that they are theoretically of infinite size. In practice, integers are limited by the size of your computer’s memory. Integers support all the usual numeric operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and so on. You perform arithmetic operations using traditional infix notation. For example, to add two integers,

  >>> 5 + 4


>>> result = 12 + 8>>> print (result)

Literal integer values are, by default, expressed in decimal. You can use other bases by prefixing the number with a zero and the base’s initial. Thus, binary is represented as 0bnnn, octal as 0onnn, and hexadecimal as 0xnnn.

The type of an integer is int, and you can use it to create integers from floating-point numbers or numeric string representations such as '123', like this:

>>> int(5.0)
  >>> int('123')

int can also convert from nondecimal bases (covering any base up to 36, not just the usual binary, octal, and hexadecimal) using a second, optional, parameter. To convert a hexadecimal (base 16) string representation to an integer, you can use:

>>> intValue = int('AB34',16)

Python floating-point numbers are of type float. Like int you can use float() to convert string representations, like '12.34' to float, and you can also use it to convert an integer number to a float value. Unlike integers, float() cannot handle strings for different bases.

The float type also supports the normal arithmetic operations, as well as several rounding options. Python floats are based on the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (IEEE) standards and have the same ranges as the underlying computer architecture. They also suffer the same levels of imprecision that make comparing float values a risky option. Python provides modules for handling fixed precision decimal numbers (decimal) and rational fractions (fractions) to help alleviate this issue. Python also natively supports a complex, or imaginary, number type called complex. These are all typically used for fairly special purposes, so they are not covered here.

The Boolean Type

Python supports a Boolean type, bool, with literal values True and False. The default value of a bool is False; that is, bool() yields False.

Python also supports the concept of truth-like values for other types. For example, integers are considered False if their value is zero. Anything else is considered True. The same applies to float values where 0.0 is False and anything else is True.

You can convert Boolean values to integers using int(), in which case False is represented as 0 and True as 1.

The Boolean type has most of the Boolean algebra operations you’d expect, including and, or, and not, but—surprisingly—not xor.

In addition to the Boolean type, Python also supports bitwise Boolean operations on integers. That is to say that Python treats each corresponding pair of bits within two integers as Boolean values in their own right and applies the corresponding operation to each pair of bits. These operations include bitwise and (&), or (|), not (^) and, this time, xor (~), as well as bit shift operators for moving bit patterns left (<<) or right (>>). You look more closely at these bitwise operations later in the chapter.

The None Type

The None type represents a null object. There is only one None object in the Python environment, and all references to None use that same single instance. This means that equality tests with None are usually replaced by an identity test, like so,

  aVariable is None

rather than:

  aVariable == None

None is the default return value of a Python function. It is also often used as a place marker or flag for default parameters in functions. None is not callable and so cannot be used as a conversion function to convert other types to None. None is considered to have a Boolean value of False.

Collection Types

As already mentioned Python has several types representing different kinds of collections or sequences. These are: strings, bytes, tuples, lists, dictionaries and sets. You will see the similarities and differences in each as they are discussed in the following sections. A standard library module called collections provides several other more specialized collection types. You will see occasional references to these in the sections that follow.

Several common features apply to all collections, and rather than bore you by repeating them for each type, they are covered here.

You can get the length of any collection in Python by using the built-in len() function. It takes a collection object argument and returns the number of elements.

You can access the individual elements of a collection using indexing. You do this by providing an index number (or a valid key value for dictionaries) inside square brackets. Collection indices start at zero. You can also index backward from the end by using negative indices so that the last item in the collection will have an index of –1.

Whereas indexing is used to access just one particular element of a collection, you can use slicing to access multiple items in the collection. Slicing consists of a start index, an end index, and a step size, and the numbers are separated by colons. Slicing is not valid for dictionaries or sets. The step size argument enables you to, for example, select every other element. All values are optional, and the defaults are the start of the collection, the last item in the collection, and a step size of one. The slice returned consists of all (selected) elements from start to end-1.

Here are a few examples of slicing applied to a string, entered at the Python interactive prompt:

>>> '0123456789'[:]
  >>> '0123456789'[3:]
  >>> '0123456789'[:3]
  >>> '0123456789'[3:7]
  >>> '0123456789'[3:7:2]
  >>> '0123456789'[::3]

You can sort most collections by using the sorted() function. The return value is a sorted list containing the original collection elements. Optional arguments to sorted() provide flexibility in how the elements are sorted and in what order.

In general, empty collections are treated as False in Boolean expressions and True otherwise. Two functions, any() and all(), refine the concept to allow more precise tests. The any() function takes a collection as an argument and returns True if any member of the collection is true. The all() function takes a collection as an argument and returns True if—and only if—all the members are true.


Python strings are essentially collections of Unicode characters. (The implications of using Unicode are discussed in Chapter 4.) The default encoding is UTF8. If you are working in English, most things will work as you expect. Once you start to use non-English characters, things get more interesting! For now you will be working in English and sticking with UTF8.

Python requires that literal strings be enclosed within quotation marks. Python is extremely flexible in this regard and accepts single quotes (Joe), double quotes (“Joe”), triple single quotes (‘‘‘Joe’’’), and triple double quotes (“““Joe”””) to delimit a string. Obviously, the start and end quotes must be of the same type, but any other quote can be contained inside the string. This is most useful for apostrophes and similar grammatical cases (‘He said, “Hi!”’ or “My brother’s hat”). Triple quotes of either type can span multiple lines. Here are a few examples:

>>> 'using single quotes'
  'using single quotes'
  >>> "using double quotes"
  'using double quotes'
  >>> print('''triple single quotes spanning... multiple lines ''')
  triple single quotes spanning
  multiple lines

A literal string at the start of a module, class, or function that is not assigned to a variable is treated as documentation and displayed as part of the built-in help() output for that object.

Special characters such as tabs ( ) or newlines ( ) must be prefixed, or quoted, with a backslash character, and literal backslashes must be quoted so they look like double backslashes. You can avoid this by preceding the entire string with the letter r (for raw) to indicate that special character processing should not be done. Nonprintable characters can be included in a string using a backslash followed by their hex code. For example, the escape character is x1A. (Note that there is no leading zero as is used for hexadecimal integer literals.)

Strings are immutable in that you cannot directly modify or add to a string once it is formed. You can, however, create a new string based on an existing one, and that is how many of the Python string operations work. Python supports a wide range of operations on strings, and these are mostly implemented as methods of the string class. Some of the most common operations are listed in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 String Operations

+ Concatenation. This is a somewhat inefficient operation, and you can usually avoid it by using join() instead.
* Multiplication. This produces multiple copies of the string concatenated together.
upper, lower, capitalize These change the case of a string.
center, ljust, rjust These justify the string as needed within a given character width, padding as needed with the specified fill character (defaulting to a space).
startswith, endswith These test a substring matching the start or end of a line. Optional parameters control the actual subsection of the string that is tested so the names are slightly misleading. They can also test multiple substrings at once if they are passed as a tuple.
find, index, rfind These return the lowest index where the given substring is found. find returns -1 on failure whereas index raises a ValueError exception.
rfind starts at the right-hand side and, therefore, returns the highest index where the substring is found.
isalpha, isdigit,isalnum, and so on. These test the string content. Several test types exist, the most commonly used being those listed; for alphabetic, numeric, and alphanumeric characters respectively.
join This joins a list of strings using the active string as the separator. It is common to build a string using either a single space or no space as the separator. This is faster and more memory efficient than using string concatenation.
split, splitlines, partition These split a string into a list of substrings based on a given separator (the default is whitespace). Note that the separators are removed in the process. splitlines() returns a list of lines, effectively splitting using the newline character. partition() splits a string based on the given separator, but only up to the first occurrence; it then returns the first string, the separator, and the remaining string.
strip, lstrip,rstrip These strip whitespace (the default) or the specified characters from the ends of the string. lstrip strips only the left side; rstrip strips only the right. None of them remove whitespace from the middle of a string; they only remove outer characters. To globally remove characters, use the replace operation.
replace This performs string replacement. By specifying an empty string as the replacement, it can be used to effectively delete characters.
format This replaces the older C printf-style string formatting used in Python version 2. Printf style is still available in version 3, but is deprecated in favor of format(). String formatting is explained in detail in the Python documentation. The basic concept is that pairs of braces embedded in the string form placeholders for data passed as arguments to format(). The braces can contain optional style information, such as padding characters. (You can find examples throughout this book.)

Several other string operations are available, but those listed in Table 1.1 are the ones you will use most often.

Empty strings are treated as False in Boolean expressions. All other strings are treated as True.

Bytes and ByteArrays

Python supports two byte-oriented data types. A byte is an 8-bit value, equivalent to an integer from 0–255, and represents the raw bit patterns stored by the computer or transmitted over a network. They are very similar to strings in use and support many of the same methods. The type names are spelled as byte and bytearray respectively.

Literal byte strings are represented in quotes preceded by the letter b. Byte strings are immutable. Byte arrays are similar, but they are mutable.

In practice you will rarely use byte strings or byte arrays unless handling binary data from a file or network. One issue that can catch you by surprise is that if you access an individual element using indexing, the returned value is an integer. This means that comparing a single character byte string with an indexed string value results in a False response, which is different from what would happen using strings in the same way. Here is an example:

>>> s = b'Alphabet soup'>>> c = b'A'>>> s[0] == c
  >>> s[0] == c[0]

As you can see, the key is to use indexing on both sides of the comparison.

You can use the struct module to convert binary data from the bytes representation to normal Python types. Of course, to use this you will still have to know what types the byte patterns represent in the first place.

Empty byte strings are treated as False in Boolean expressions. All other byte strings are treated as True.


Tuples are collections of arbitrary objects. The fact that they are collected together suggests that there is probably a logical connection between them, but the language puts no restriction on the objects contained. Tuples are often described as being the Python equivalent to records, or structs, in other languages.

Literal tuples consist of a series of values (or variables) separated by commas. Often, to prevent syntax ambiguity, the tuple as a whole will be contained in parentheses, but this is not a requirement of the tuple itself.

Tuples are immutable, so you cannot modify or extend the tuple once it is created. You can create a new tuple based on an existing one in the same way you did for strings, and you can create a new empty tuple using the tuple() type function. You can use a tuple as a key in a dictionary because they are immutable.

One feature of Python tuples that is very useful is known as unpacking. This enables you to extract the values of a tuple into discrete variables. You most often see this when a function returns a tuple of values and you want to store the individual values in separate variables. An example is shown here using the divmod() function, which returns the quotient and remainder of an integer division as a tuple:

>>> print(divmod(12,7))
  (1, 5)
  >>> q,r = divmod(12,7)>>> print (q)
  >>> print (r)

Notice how q and r can be treated as new, single-valued variables.

A namedtuple class in the collections module allows elements to be indexed by name rather than position. This combines some of the advantages of a dictionary with the compactness and immutability of a tuple.

Empty tuples are treated as False in Boolean expressions. All other tuples are treated as True.


Lists in Python are highly flexible and powerful data structures. They can be used to mimic the behavior of many classic data structures and to form the basis of others in the form of custom classes. They are dynamic and, like tuples, can hold any kind of object but, unlike tuples, they are mutable, so you can modify their contents. You can also use tuple-style unpacking to assign list items to discrete variables.

A literal list is expressed as a comma-separated sequence of objects enclosed in square brackets. You can create an empty list either by specifying a pair of empty square brackets or by using the default value of the list() type function. Lists come with several methods for adding and removing members, and they also support some arithmetic-style operations for concatenating and copying lists in a similar fashion to strings.

You can initialize a list directly by using lists of values, or you can build them programmatically using list comprehensions. The latter looks like a single-line for loop inside list brackets. Here is an example that builds a list of the even squares from 1 to 10:

>>> [n*n for n in range(1,11) if not n*n % 2]
  [4, 16, 36, 64, 100]

Table 1.2 lists some of the most common list operations.

Table 1.2 List operations

+ This concatenates two lists.
* This creates a list of multiple copies of the first list. Note that the copies all refer to the same object, which often results in surprising side effects when an object is modified. Often, list slicing or list comprehension is a better option.
append This adds an element to the end of an existing list. The new element could itself be a list. The operation is effective in-place, and None is returned.
extend This adds the contents of a list to the end of another list, effectively joining the two lists. The original list is modified in place. None is returned.
pop This removes an item from the end of a list or at the specified index if one is provided. Returns the item.
index This returns the index of the first occurrence of an item in a list. Raise a ValueError if not found. (The string operation of the same name has similar behavior.)
count This returns a count of the specified item in the list.
insert This inserts an element before the specified index. If the index is too large, it is appended to the end of the list.
remove This removes the first occurrence of the specified item. It raises a ValueError if the item does not exist.
reverse This reverses the elements of the list in-place.
sort This sorts the elements of the list in-place. Optional parameters provide flexibility in how the sort is performed. To get a sorted copy of the list without modifying the original, use the sorted() function.

Empty lists are treated as False in Boolean expressions. All other lists are treated as True.


Dictionaries are super powerful data structures that beginners frequently overlook. They offer solutions to lots of common programming problems. A dictionary is used like a list, but its elements are accessed by using a key-value mechanism rather than a numeric index. The elements of a Python dictionary are thus a (non-ordered) sequence of key-value pairs.

The key can be any immutable value, including a tuple. Keys must be unique. The value can be any kind of Python object, including another dictionary, a list, or anything else that Python recognizes as an object.

Dictionaries are highly optimized, so lookup times are very fast. In fact Python makes extensive use of dictionaries internally, to implement namespaces and classes, among other things. Dictionaries also provide a solution anywhere that dynamically named values need to be stored and accessed. Dictionaries are also efficient where the keys are not sequential because Python uses a hashing algorithm to map the keys into a sparse array structure. (If you didn’t understand that last sentence, don’t worry, you are not alone, and you don’t really need to know. What it means for you is that Python dictionaries are fast, and they use memory efficiently.)

Dictionary literals are composed of comma-separated key-value pairs. The keys and their values are separated by colons, and the whole is contained in a pair of curly braces, or {}. It looks like this:

>>> {'aKey':'avalue', 2:7, 'booleans':{False:0,True:1}}
  {'aKey': 'avalue', 2: 7, 'booleans': {False: 0, True: 1}}

You access the stored values by “indexing” the dictionary using the key rather than a numeric index. If the preceding example were stored in a variable called D, you could access the aKey and the True values like this:

>>> D['aKey']
  >>> D['booleans'][True]

You can create an empty dictionary by using an empty pair of braces or by using the default value of the dict() type function.

Dictionaries come with some extra operations for extracting lists of keys and values and handling default values. Some of these are described in Table 1.3.

Table 1.3 Dictionary Operations

keys, values, items These methods return list-like objects (called dictionary views) containing the keys, values, and key-value tuples respectively. These views are dynamic, so any changes to the dictionary (deletions and so on) after they are created are reflected in the view.
get, pop These methods take a key and an optional default value. get returns the value for a key from the dictionary if the key exists or a specified default if the key does not exist. pop works the same way, but also removes the item from the dictionary if it exists. get has a default value of None, but pop raises a KeyError if no default is given.
setdefault This operation acts like get, but also creates a new key-value pair in the dictionary using the given key and the default value if the key does not exist.
fromkeys This operation initializes a dictionary using a sequence to provide the keys and a given default value (or None if no value is given). Usually called directly as dict.fromkeys() rather than on an existing dictionary.

Dictionaries are, by the nature of their implementation, unsorted. Indeed the order may change when new data is inserted. The collections module contains an OrderedDict class that maintains the order of insertion should that be required. The sorted() function returns a sorted list of keys if the keys are comparable. If the keys are incompatible (as in the preceding example), sorted() raises a TypeError.

The collections module also provides a defaultdict class that enables you to specify a default value that is returned any time a nonexistent key is used. In addition to returning the default value, it also creates a new element for the given key with the default value. This is similar to the setdefault method described earlier. This can be a mixed blessing because it can result in bogus entries for badly spelled keys!

Empty dictionaries are treated as False in Boolean expressions. All other dictionaries are treated as True.


Sets embody a mathematical concept that is frequently used in programming where a unique group of elements is required. In Python, sets are a lot like dictionaries with keys but no corresponding values.

Sets have the Python type set. The same basic rules apply as for dictionary keys in that set values must be immutable and unique (indeed that’s what makes it a set!). The default value from set() is the empty set, and this is the only way to express an empty set because {} is already used for an empty dictionary. The set() function accepts any kind of collection as its argument and converts it to a set (dictionary values will be lost).

There is another type of set in Python, called frozenset, that is immutable and is basically a read-only set. Its constructor works like set(), but it supports only a subset of the operations. You can use a frozenset as an element of a regular set because frozenset is immutable.

Set literals are expressed with curly braces surrounding elements separated by commas:

  myset = {1,2,3,4,5}

Sets do not support indexing or slicing and, like dictionaries, they do not have any inherent order. The sorted() function returns an ordered list of values. Sets have a bunch of math-style set operations that are distinct from other collections. Table 1.4 shows those operations that are common to both the set and frozenset types.

Table 1.4 Set Operations

in This tests whether a single element exists in the set. Note: If the tested item is itself a set, S1, the result will be true only if S1, as a set, is an element of the target set. This is different from the subset() test.
issubset, <=, < These test whether one set is a subset of the target—that is, whether all members of the tested set are also members of the target. If the sets are identical, the test will return True in the first two cases, but False for the < operator.
issuperset, >=, > These test whether one set is a superset of the other—that is, whether all the members of the target set are members of the source. If they are equal, the first two operations return True; the last operation will return False.
union, | These return the union of two (or more) sets. The union method takes a comma-separated list of sets as arguments while the pipe operator is used infixed between the sets.
intersection, & These return the intersection set of two (or more) sets. Usage is similar to union().
difference, - These return the members of the source set that are not members of the target set.
symmetric_difference, ^ Returns the elements of both sets that are not in the intersection. The method works only for two sets, but the ^ operator can be applied to multiple sets in infix style.

Note that the method variations in Table 1.4 will accept any collection type as an argument whereas the infix operations will work only with sets.

Table 1.5 looks at the modifier operations that are applicable only to sets. These cannot be used on a frozenset, although a frozenset can be used as an argument for several of them. Note that these operations adjust the source set itself; they do not return a set—they return the Python default value of None. The infix operations work only on two sets (unlike those in Table 1.4) and work only on actual sets, not other collection types. You can use the methods on multiple sets, and other collection types are converted to a set where needed.

Table 1.5 Set Modifier Operations

update, |= These add the elements of the target set (or sets) to the source set.
intersection_update, &= These remove all elements except those in the intersection of source and target sets. If more than two sets are involved, the result is the intersection of all sets involved.
difference_update, -= These remove all elements found in the intersection of the sets. If multiple sets are provided, the items removed are in the intersection of the source with any of the other sets.
symmetric_difference_update, ^= These return the set of values in both sets involved excepting those in the intersection. Note that this operation works only on two sets at a time.
add This adds the given element to the set.
remove This removes the specified element from the set. If the element is not found it raises a KeyError.
discard This removes the given element from the set if it is present. No KeyError is raised in this case if the element is not found.
pop This removes and returns an arbitrary member from the set. Raises KeyError if the set is empty.
clear This removes all elements from a set.

Empty sets are treated as False in Boolean expressions. All other sets are treated as True.

In the next section, you will use the data types in code as you explore the different control structures that Python offers.

Using Python Control Structures

In this section you first look at the overall structure of a Python program and then consider each of the basic structures: sequence, selection, and iteration. Finally, you look at how Python handles errors, review context managers, and investigate how to exchange data with the outside world.

Structuring Your Program

Python programs do not have any required, predefined entry point (for example a main() function) and are simply expressed as source code in a text file that is read and executed in order starting at the top of the file. (Definitions, such as functions, are executed in the sense that the function is created and assigned to a name, but the internal code is not executed until the function is called.)

Python does not have any special syntax to indicate whether a source file is a program or a module and, as you will see, a given file can be used in either role. A typical executable program file consists of a set of import statements to bring in any code modules needed, some function and class definitions, and some directly executable code.

In practice, for a nontrivial program, most function and class definitions will exist in module files and be included in the imports. This leaves a short section of driver code to start the application. Often this code will be placed in a function, and the function will often be called main(), but that is purely a nod to programming convention, not a requirement of Python.

Finally this “main” function needs to be called. This is often done within a special if statement at the end of the main script. It looks like this:

  if __name__ == "__main__":

When Python detects that a program file is being executed by the interpreter rather than imported as a module, it sets the special variable __name__ (note the double underscores on either side) to "__main__". This means that any code inside this if block is executed only when the script is run as a main program and not when the file is imported by another program. If the file is only ever expected to be used as a module, the main() function may be replaced by a test() function that executes a set of unit tests. Again, the actual name used is of no significance to Python.

Using Sequences, Blocks and Comments

The most fundamental programming structure is a sequence of statements. Normally Python statements occur on a line by themselves, so a sequence is simply a series of lines.

  x = 2
  y = 7
  z = 9

In this case the statements are all assignments. Other valid statements include function calls, module imports or definitions. Definitions include functions and classes. The various control structures described in the following sections are also valid statements.

Python is a block-structured language, and blocks of code are indicated by indentation level. The amount of indentation is quite flexible; although most Python programmers stick to using three or four spaces to optimize readability, Python doesn’t care. Different Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and text editors have their own ideas about how indentation is done. If you use multiple programming tools, you may find you get indentation errors reported because the tools have used different combinations of tabs and spaces. If possible, set up your editor to use spaces instead of tabs.

The exception to the indentation rule is comments. A Python comment starts with a # symbol and continues to the end of the line. Python accepts comments that start anywhere on the line regardless of current indentation level, but by convention, programmers tend to retain indentation level, even for comments.

Selecting an Execution Path

Python supports a limited set of selection options. The most basic structure is the if/elif/else construct. The elif and else parts are optional. It looks like this:

  if pages < 9:
      print("It's too short")
  elif pages > 99:
      print("It's too long")
  else: print("Perfect")

Notice the colon at the end of each test expression. That is Python’s indicator that a new block of code is coming up. It has no start and end block markers (such as {}); the colon is the only indication, and the block must either occur on the same line as the colon, if it’s only a single line block, or as an indented block of code. Many Python programmers prefer the indented block style even for single line blocks.

Also note that there can be an arbitrary number of elif tests, but only a single else clause—or none at all.

The other selection structure you will find in Python is the conditional expression selector. This produces one of several values depending on the given test conditions. It looks like this:

  <a value> if <an expression> else <another value>

An example might be where a screen coordinate is being incremented until a certain limit (perhaps the screen’s maximum resolution) and then reset to 0. That could be written as:

  coord = coord + increment if coord < limit else 0

This is equivalent to the more traditional structure shown here:

  if coord < limit
      coord += increment
      coord = 0

You should use caution when using conditional expressions because it is very easy to create obscure code. If in doubt you should use the expanded if/else form.

One final comment on Python’s comparison expressions is worth making here. In many programming languages, if you want to test whether a value lies between two limits, you need two separate tests, like this:

  if aValue < upperLimit and aValue > lowerLimit:
      # do something here

Python will be quite happy to process code like that, but it offers a useful shortcut in that you can combine the comparisons as shown here:

  if lowerLimit < avalue < upperLimit:
      # do something here


Python offers several alternatives for iteration. The most fundamental and general is the while loop. It looks like this:

  while BooleanExpression:

Notice the colon (:) at the end of the while statement, which signifies that a block of code follows. Also notice the indentation of the block. The block will, in principle, be executed for as long as BooleanExpression remains true. However, there are two ways you can exit out of a while loop regardless of the BooleanExpression value. These are the break statement, which exits the loop immediately, and a return statement if the loop is inside a function definition. A return statement exits the function immediately and so will also exit any loop within the function.

The else clause is optional and is rarely used in practice. It is executed any time the BooleanExpression is False, including when the loop exits normally. It will not be executed if the loop is exited by a break or return statement.

One very common while loop idiom is to use True as the test condition to create an infinite loop and then have a break test within the body of the loop. Here is an example where the loop reads user commands and processes them. If the command contains the letter q, it exits.

  while True:
      command = input('Enter a command[rwq]: ')
      if 'q' in command.lower(): break
      if command.lower() == 'r':
         # process 'r'
      elif command.lower() == 'w':
         # process 'w'
         print('Invalid command, try again')

There is a companion statement to break, namely continue. Whereas break exits both the block and the loop, continue exits the block for the current loop iteration only. Control then returns to the while statement and, if appropriate, a new iteration of the block will commence.

The next significant looping construct in Python is the for loop, which looks like this:

  for item in <iterable>:
      code block
      another code block

The for loop takes each item in the iterable and executes the code block once per item. You can terminate the loop early using break or return as described for the while loop. You can terminate a single iteration of the loop using continue as described earlier.

The else block is executed when all the iterations are completed. It will not be executed if the loop exits via a break or return.

The iterable is anything that complies with Python’s iterator protocol. In practice this is usually a collection such as a list, tuple, or a function that returns a collection of values such as range(). The open() function returns a file iterator that enables you to loop over a file without first reading it into memory. It’s possible to define your own custom iterable classes, too.

One common function that is particularly used with for loops is enumerate(). This function returns tuples containing both the iterable item and a sequence number that, by default, is equivalent to a list index. This means that the for block can more easily update the iterable directly. enumerate() takes a second optional argument that specifies the sequence starting number, which you could use, for example, to indicate the line number in a file, starting with 1 rather than the 0 default.

Here is an example that illustrates some of these points printing a file with associated line numbers:

  for number, line in enumerate(open('myfile.txt')):
      print(number, '	', line)

Finally, Python has a couple of inline loop structures. You saw one of these, the list comprehension, in the discussion of lists earlier in the chapter.

A list comprehension is a specific application of a more general loop form known as a generator expression that you can use where you might otherwise have a sequence of literal values. If you recall the list comprehension example earlier in the chapter, you used it to populate a list with the even squares from 1 to 10, like this:

>>> [n*n for n in range(1,11) if not n*n % 2]
  [4, 16, 36, 64, 100]

The part inside the square brackets is a generator expression and the general form is as follows:

  <result expression> for <loop variable> in <iterable> if <filter expression>

Comparing that with the list comprehension example you see that the result expression was n*n, the loop variable was n, and the iterable was range(1,11). The filter expression was if not n*n % 2.

You can rewrite that as a conventional for loop, like this:

  result = []
  for n in range(1,11):
      if n*n % 2:

One important point to appreciate about generator expressions is that they do not generate the whole data set at once. Rather they generate (hence the name) the data items on demand, which can lead to a significant saving in memory resources when dealing with large data sets. You find out more about this later in the chapter when you look at a special type of function called a generator function.

Handling Exceptions

There are two approaches to detecting errors. The first involves explicitly checking each action as it’s performed; the other attempts the operations and relies on the system generating an error condition, or exception, if something goes wrong. Although the first approach is appropriate in some situations, in Python, it’s far more common to use the second. Python supports this technique with the try/except/else/finally construct. In its general form, it looks like this:

      A block of application code
  except <an error type> as <anExceptionObject>:
      A block of error handling code
      Another block of application code
      A block of clean-up code

The except, else, and finally are all optional, although at least one of except or finally must exist if a try statement is used. There can be multiple except clauses, but only one else or finally. You can omit the as… part of an except statement line if the exception details are not required.

The try block is executed and, if an error is encountered, the exception class is tested. If an except statement exists for that type of error, the corresponding block is executed. (If multiple exception blocks specify the same exception type, only the first matching clause is executed.) If no matching except statement is found, the exception is propagated upwards until the top-level interpreter is reached and Python generates its usual traceback error report. Note that an empty except statement will catch any error type; however, this is usually a bad idea because it hides the occurrence of any unexpected errors.

The else block is executed if the try block succeeds without any errors. In practice the else is rarely used. Regardless of whether an error is caught or propagated, or whether the else clause is executed, the finally clause will always be executed, thus providing an opportunity to release any computing resources in a locked state. This is true even when the try/except clause is left via a break or return statement.

You can use a single except statement to process multiple exception types. You do this by listing the exception classes in a tuple (parentheses are required). The optional exception object contains details of where the exception occurred and provides a string conversion method so that a meaningful error message may be provided by printing the object.

It is possible to raise exceptions from your own code. It is also possible to use any of the existing exception types or to define your own by subclassing from the Exception class. You can also pass arguments to exceptions you raise, and you can access these in the exception object in the except clause using the args attribute of the error object.

Here is an example of raising a standard ValueError with a custom argument and then catching that error and printing the given argument.

>>> try:... raise ValueError('wrong value')... except ValueError as error:... print (error.args)...
  ('wrong value',)

Note that you didn’t get a full traceback, only the print output from the except block. You can also re-raise the original exception after processing by simply calling raise with no arguments.

Managing Context

Python has the concept of a runtime context. This typically includes a temporary resource of some kind that your program wants to interact with. A typical example might be an open file or a concurrent thread of execution. To handle this Python uses the keyword with and a context manager protocol. This protocol enables you to define your own context manager classes, but you will mostly use the managers provided by Python.

You use a context manager by invoking the with statement:

  with open(filename, mode) as contextName:
      process file here

The context manager ensures the file is closed after use. This is fairly typical of a context manager’s role—to ensure that valuable resources are freed after use or that proper sharing precautions are taken on first use. Context managers often remove the need for a try/finally construct. The contextlib module provides support for building your own context managers.

You have now seen the different types of data that Python can process as well as the control structures you can use to do that processing. It is now time to find out how to get data into and out of your Python programs and that is the subject of the next section.

Getting Data In and Out of Python

Basic input and output of data is a major requirement of any programming language. You need to consider how your programs will interact with users and with data stored in files.

Interacting with Users

To send data to users via stdout, you use the print() function, which you’ve seen several times already. You learn how to control the output more precisely in this section. To read data from users, you use the input() function, which prompts the user for input and then returns a string of raw characters from stdin.

The print() function is more complex than it first appears in that it has several optional parameters. At its simplest level, you simply pass a string and print() displays it on stdout followed by an end-of-line (eol) character. The next level of complexity involves passing non-string data that print() then converts to a string (using the str() type function) before displaying the result. Stepping up a gear, you can pass multiple items at once to print(), and it will convert and display them in turn separated by a space.

The previous paragraph identified three fixed elements in print()’s behavior:

  • It displays output on stdout.
  • It terminates with an eol character.
  • It separates items with a space.

In fact, none of these are really fixed, and print() enables you to modify any or all of them using optional parameters. You can change the output by specifying a file argument; the separator is defined by the sep argument, and the terminating character is defined by the end argument. The following line prints the infamous “hello world” message, specified as two strings, to a file using a hyphen separator and the string "END" as an end marker:

  with open("tmp.txt", "w") as tmp:
      print("Hello", "World", end="END", sep="-", file=tmp)

The content of the file should be: "Hello-WorldEND".

The string format() method really comes into its own when combined with print(). This combination is capable of presenting your data neatly and clearly separated. In addition using format() can often be more efficient that trying to print a long list of objects and string fragments. There are many examples of how to use format() in the Python documentation.

You can also communicate with the user using the input() function that reads values typed by the user in response to a given on-screen prompt. It is your responsibility to convert the returned characters to whatever data type is represented and handle any errors resulting from that conversion.

Here is an example that asks the user to enter a number. If the number is too high or too low it prints a warning. (This could form the core of a guessing game if you cared to experiment with it.)

  target = 66

  while True :
      value = input("Enter an integer between 1 and 100")
      value = int(value)
  except ValueError:
      print("I said enter an integer!")

  if value > target:
      print (value, "is too high")
  elif int(value) < target:
      print("too low")

Here the user is provided with a prompt to enter an integer in the appropriate range. The value read is then converted to an integer using int(). If the conversion fails, a ValueError exception is raised, and the error message is then displayed. If the conversion succeeds, you can break out of the while loop and proceed to test it against the target, confident that you have a valid integer.

Using Text Files

Text files are the workhorses of programming when it comes to saving data, and Python supports several functions for dealing with text files.

You saw the open() function used in previous sections and it takes a filename and a mode as arguments. The mode can be any of r, w, rw, and a for read, write, read-write, and append respectively. (Some other modes are less often used. There are also a few optional parameters that control how the data is interpreted, see the documentation for details.) The r mode requires the file to exist; the w and rw modes create a new empty file (or overwrite any existing file of the same name). The a mode opens an existing file or creates a new empty file if a file of the specified filename does not already exist. The file object returned is also a context manager and can be used in a with block as you saw in the context manager section. If a with block is not used, you should explicitly close the file using the close() method when you are finished with it, thus ensuring that any data sitting in memory buffers is sent to the physical file on disk. The with construct calls close() automatically, which is one of the advantages of using the context manager approach.

Once you have an open file object, you can use read(), readlines(), or readline() as required. read()reads the entire file contents as a single string complete with embedded newline characters. readlines() reads line by line into a list, and the newline characters are retained. readline() reads the next line in the file, again retaining the newline. The file object is an iterable, so you can use it directly in a for loop without the need for any of the read methods. The recommended pattern for reading the lines in a file is therefore:

  with open(filename, mode) as fileobject:
      for line in fileobject:
          # process line

You can write to a writable file object using the write() or writelines() methods, which are the equivalents to the similarly named read methods. Note that there is no writeline() method for writing a single line.

If you are using the rw mode, you might want to move to a specific position in the file to overwrite the existing data. You can find your current position in the file using the tell() method. You can go to a specific position (possibly one you recorded with tell() earlier) using the seek() method. seek() has several modes of calculating position; the default is simply the offset from the start of the file.

You now have all of the basic skills to write working Python programs. However, to tackle larger projects, which are the focus of this book, you will want to extend Python’s capabilities. The next section starts to explore how you can do just that.

Extending Python

The simplest way of extending Python is by writing your own functions. You can define these in the same file as the code that uses them, or you can create a new module and import the functions from there. You look at modules in the next section; for now you will create the functions and use them in the same file. In fact, you will mostly be using the interactive prompt for the examples in this section.

The next step in creating new functionality in Python is to define your own classes and create objects from them. Again, it is common to create classes in modules, and you see how to do so in the next section. The examples here are simple enough that you can just use the Python prompt.

Python programmers frequently use documentation strings in their programs. Documentation strings are string literals that are not assigned to a variable and respect the indentation level at which they are defined. You use documentation strings to describe functions, classes, or modules. The help() function reads and presents documentation strings.

Defining and Using Functions

Several types of functions are available in Python. This section looks at the standard variety first, followed by a generator function, and concludes with the slightly enigmatic lambda function.

You define functions in Python using the def keyword. The form looks like this:

  def functionName(parameter1, param2,...):
      function block

Python functions always return a value. You can specify an explicit return value using the return keyword; otherwise, Python returns None by default. (If you find unexpected None values appearing in your output, check that the function concerned has an explicit return statement in its body.) You can give default values to parameters by following the name with an equals sign and the value. You see an example in the odds() generator function in the next section.

You can most easily understand how a function definition is created and used by trying it out.

Generator Functions

The next form of function you look at is the generator function. Generator functions look exactly like standard functions except that instead of using return to pass back a value, they use the keyword yield. (In theory they can use return in addition to yield, but only the yield expressions produce the generator behavior.)

The bit of Pythonic magic that makes generator functions special is that they act like a freeze-frame camera. When a standard function reaches a return statement, it returns the value and the function then throws away all of its internal data. The next time the function is called, everything starts off from scratch.

The yield statement does something different. It returns a value, just like return does, but it doesn’t cause the function to throw away its data; instead, everything is preserved. The next call of the function picks up from the yield statement, even if that’s in the middle of a block or part of a loop. There can even be multiple yield statements in a single function. Because the yield statement can be inside a loop, it is possible to create a function that effectively returns an infinite series of results. Here is an example that returns an incrementing series of odd numbers:

  def odds(start=1):
      ''' return all odd numbers from start upwards'''
      if int(start) % 2 == 0: start = int(start) + 1
      while True:
          yield start
          start += 2

In this function you first check that the start argument passed is an odd integer (an even integer divided by 2 has a zero remainder), and if not, you force it to be the next highest odd integer by adding 1. You then create an infinite while loop. Normally this would be a very bad idea because your program would just block forever. However, because this is a generator function, you are using yield to return the value of start so the function exits at this point, returning the value of start at this moment in time. The next time the function is called, execution starts right where you left off. So start is incremented by 2, and the loop goes round again, yielding the next odd number and exiting the function until the next time.

Python ensures that generator functions become iterators so that you can use them in for loops, like so:

  for n in odds():
       if n > 7: break
       else: print(n)

You use odds() just like a collection. Every time the loop goes around, it calls the generator function and receives the next odd value.

You avoid an infinite loop by inserting the break test so you never call odds() beyond 7.

Now that you understand how generator functions work, you may have realized that the generator expressions introduced earlier in this chapter are effectively just anonymous generator functions. Generator expressions are effectively a disguised form of a generator function without a name.

This provides a perfect segue to the final function type we will be learning about here—the lambda function.

Lambda Functions

The term lambda comes from a form of mathematical calculus invented by Alonzo Church. The good news is that you don’t need to know anything about the math to use lambda functions! The idea behind a lambda function is that it is an anonymous function block, usually very small, that you can insert into code that then calls the lambda function just like a normal function. Lambda functions are not things you will use often, but they are very handy when you would otherwise have to create a lot of small functions that are used only once. They are often used in GUI or network programming contexts, where the programming toolkit requires a function to call back with a result.

A lambda function is defined like this:

  lambda <param1, param2, ...,paramN> : <expression>

That’s the literal word lambda, followed by an optional, comma-separated list of parameter names, a colon, and an arbitrary Python expression that, usually, uses the input parameters. Note that the expression does not have the word return in front of it.

Some languages allow lambda functions to be arbitrarily complex; however, Python limits you to a single expression. The expression can become quite complex, but in practice it’s better to create a standard function if that is the case because it will be easier to read and debug if things go wrong.

You can assign lambda functions to variables, in which case those variables look exactly like standard Python function names. For example, here is the straight_line example function re-implemented as a lambda function:

>>> straight_line = lambda m,x,c: m*x+c>>> straight_line(2,4,-3)

You see lambda functions popping up later in the book. Just remember that they are simply a concise way to express a short, single expression, function.

Defining and Using Classes and Objects

Python supports object-oriented programming using a traditional class-based approach. Python classes support multiple inheritance and operator overloading (but not method overloading), as well as the usual mechanisms of encapsulation and message passing. Python classes do not directly implement data hiding, although some naming conventions are used to provide a thin layer of privacy for attributes and to suggest when attributes should not be used directly by clients. Class methods and data are supported as well as the concepts of properties and slots. Classes have both a constructor (__new__()) and an initializer (__init__()), as well as a destructor mechanism (__del__()), although the latter is not always guaranteed to be called. Classes act as namespaces for the methods and data defined therein.

Objects are instances of classes. Instances can have their own attributes added after instantiation, although this is not normal practice.

A class is defined using the class keyword followed by the class name and a parenthesized list of super-classes. The class definition contains a set of class data and method definitions. A method definition has as its first parameter a reference to the calling instance, traditionally called self. A simple class definition looks like this:

  class MyClass(object):
      instance_count = 0
      def __init__(self, value):
          self.__value = value
          MyClass.instance_count += 1
          print("instance No {} created".format(MyClass.instance_count))
      def aMethod(self, aValue):
          self.__value *= aValue
      def __str__(self):
          return "A MyClass instance with value: " + str(self.__value)
      def __del__(self):
          MyClass.instance_count -= 1

The class name traditionally starts with an uppercase letter. In Python 3 the super class is always object unless specifically stated otherwise, so the use of object as the super class in the preceding example is actually redundant. The instance_count data item is a class attribute because it does not appear inside any of the class’ methods. The __init__() function is the initializer (constructors are rarely used in Python unless inheriting from a built-in class). It sets the instance variable self.__value, increments the previously defined class variable instance_count, and then prints a message. The double underscores before value indicate that it is effectively private data and should not be used directly. The__init__() method is called automatically by Python immediately after the object is constructed. The instance method aMethod() modifies the instance attribute created in the __init__() method. The __str__() method is a special method used to return a formatted string so that instances passed to the print function, for example, will be printed in a meaningful way. The destructor__del__() decrements the class variable instance_count when the object is destroyed.

You can create an instance of the class like this:

  myInstance = MyClass(42)

This creates an instance in memory and then calls MyClass.__init__() with the new instance as self and 42 as value.

You can call the aMethod() method using dot notation like this:


This is translated to the more explicit invocation,

  MyClass.aMethod(myInstance, 66)

and results in the desired behavior whereby the value of the __value attribute is adjusted.

You can see the __str__() method in action if you print the instance, like this:


This should print the message:

  A MyClass instance with value: 2772

You could also print the instance_count value before and after creating/destroying an instance:

  inst = MyClass(44)

This should show the count being incremented and then later decremented again. (There may be a slight delay before the destructor is called during garbage collection, but it should only be a few moments.)

The __init__(), __del__(), and __str__() methods are not the only special methods. Several of these exist, all signified by the use of double underscores (they are sometimes called dunder methods). Operator overloading is supported via a set of these special methods including: __add__(), __sub__(), __mul__(), __div__(), and so on. Other methods provide for the implementation of Python protocols such as iteration or context management. You can override these methods in your own classes. You should never define your own dunder methods; otherwise, future enhancements to Python could break your code.

You can override methods in subclasses, and the new definitions can invoke the inherited version of the method by using the super() function, like this:

  class SubClass(Parent):
      def __init__(self, aValue):

The call to super().__init__() translates to a call to the __init__() method of Parent. Using super() avoids problems, particularly with multiple inheritance, where a class could be inherited multiple times and you usually don’t want it to be initialized more than once.

Slots are a memory-saving device, and you invoke them by using the __slots__ special attribute and providing a list of the object attribute names. Often __slots__ are a premature optimization, and you should use them only if you have a specific, known need.

Properties are another feature available for data attributes. They enable you to make an attribute read only (or even write only) by forcing access to be via a set of methods even though the usual method syntax is not used. This is best seen by an example where you create a Circle class with a radius attribute and area() method. You want the radius value to always be positive, so you don’t want clients changing it directly in case they pass a negative value. You also want area to look like a read-only data attribute even though it is implemented as a method. You achieve both objectives by making radius and area properties.

Having seen how to extend Pythons capabilities using functions and classes, the next section shows you how to enclose these extensions in modules and packages for reusability.

Creating and Using Modules and Packages

Modules are fundamental to most programming environments intended for nontrivial programming tasks. They allow programs to be broken up into manageable chunks and provide a mechanism for code reuse across projects. In Python, modules are simply source files, ending in .py and located somewhere that Python can find them. In practice, that means the file must be located in the current working directory or a folder listed in the sys.path variable. You can add your own folders to this path by specifying them in the PYTHONPATH environment variable for your system or dynamically at run time.

Although modules provide a useful way of packaging up small amounts of source code for reuse, they are not entirely satisfactory for larger projects such as GUI frameworks or mathematical function libraries. For these Python provides the concept of a package. A package is essentially a folder full of modules. The only requirement is that the folder should contain a file called __init__.py, which may be empty. To the user a package looks a lot like a module, and the submodules within the package look like module attributes.

Using and Creating Modules

You access modules using the import keyword, which has many variations in Python. The most common forms are shown here:

  import aModule
  import aModule as anAlias
  import firstModule, secondModule, thirdModule...
  from aModule import anObject
  from aModule import anObject as anAlias
  from aModule import firstObject,secondObject, thirdObject...
  from aModule import *

The last form imports all the visible names from aModule into the current namespace. (You learn how to control visibility shortly.) This carries a significant risk of creating naming conflicts with built-in names or names you have defined, or will define, locally. It is therefore recommended that you use only the last import form for testing modules at the Python prompt. The small amount of extra typing involved in using the other forms is a small price to pay compared to the confusion that can result from a name clash. The other from... forms are much safer because you only import specified names and, if necessary, rename them with an alias. This makes clashes with other local names much less likely.

Once you import a module using any of the first three forms, you can access its contents by prefixing the required name with the module name (or alias) using dot notation. You have already seen examples of that in the previous sections; for example, sys.path is an attribute of the sys module.

Having said that modules are simply source files, in practice, you should observe some do’s and don’ts when creating modules. You should avoid top-level code that will be run when the module is imported, except, possibly, for some initialization of variables that may depend on the local environment. This means that the code you want to reuse should be packaged as a function or a class. It’s also common to provide a test function that exercises all the functions and classes in the module. Module names are also traditionally lowercase only.

You can control visibility of the objects within your module in one of two ways. The first is similar to the privacy mechanism used in classes in that you can prefix a name with an underscore. Such names will not be exported when a from x import * style statement is used. The other way to control visibility is to list only the names that you want exported in a top-level variable called __all__. This ensures that only the names you specifically want to be exported will be and is recommended over the underscore method if visibility is important to you.

You put most of this into practice in the next Try It Out, but first, you need to look at packages and how they differ from modules.

Using and Creating Packages

You discovered at the start of this section that a Python package is just a folder with a file called __init__.py. All other Python files within that folder are the modules of the package. Python considers packages as just another type of module, which means that Python packages can contain other packages within them to an arbitrary depth—provided each subpackage also has its own __init__.py file, it is a valid package.

The __init__.py file itself is not particularly special; it is just another Python file, and it will be loaded when you import the package. This means that the file can be empty, in which case importing the package simply gives access to the included modules, or it can have Python code within it like any other module. In particular it can define an __all__ list, as described earlier, to control visibility, effectively enabling a package to have private implementation files that are not exported when a client imports the package.

A common requirement when you create a package is to have a set of functions or data shared between all the included modules. You can achieve this by putting the shared code into a module file called, say, common.py at the top level of the package and having all of the other modules import common. It will be visible to them as part of the package, but if it is not explicitly included in the __all__ list, external consumers of the packages will not see it.

When it comes to using a package, you treat it much like any other module. You have all the usual styles of import available, but the naming scheme is extended by using dot notation to specify which submodules you need from the package hierarchy. When you import a submodule using the dot notation, you effectively define two new names: the package and the module. Consider, for example, this statement:

  import os.path

This code imports the path submodule of the os package. But it also makes the whole of the os module visible as well. You can proceed to access os functions without having a separate import statement for os itself. One implication of this is that Python automatically executes all of the __init__.py files that it finds in the imported hierarchy. So in the case of os.path, it executes os.__init__.py and then path.__init__.py.

On the other hand, if you use an alias after the import, like this,

  import os.path as pth

only the os.path module is exposed. If you want to use the os module functions, you will need an explicit import. Although only path is exposed, as the name pth, both os and path __init__.py files will still be run.

The Python standard library contains several packages including the os package just mentioned. Others of note include the UI frameworks tkinter and curses, the email package, and the web-focused urllib, http, and html packages. You use several of these later in the book.

You have now covered all of the theory about modules and packages. In the next section, you put this information to work by creating some modules and a package.

Creating an Example Package

You’ve read the theory; now it’s time to put it into practice. In this section you create a couple of modules and bundle them as a package. You utilize the bitwise logical operators mentioned in “The Boolean Type” section. The intention is to provide a functional interface to those operators and extend their scope to include testing of individual bit values. In doing this you also see several of the Python core language features that were discussed previously. The modules you develop are not optimized for performance, but are designed to illustrate the concepts. However, it would not be difficult to refine them into genuinely useful tools.

So you see that you now have a working module that you can import and use just like any other module in Python. You could enhance the module further by providing a test function and wrapping that in an if __name__ clause if you wanted, but for now you can proceed to look at how to move from a single module to a package.

Knowing how to create—and use—the standard modules and packages, as well as ones you create yourself, is a great starting point. However, there are many more modules and packages available on the internet, just waiting to be downloaded. The next section explains how you can do that.

Using Third-Party Packages

Many third-party packages are available for Python. Binary distributions of many of these packages, complete with installer programs, are available for most common operating systems. If a binary installer is available, either on the package website or, for Linux users, in your package management tool, you should use it because it will be the simplest way of getting things up and running. If a binary package is not available, you need to download and install the base package.

You can find many of these third-party packages in the Python Package Index (PyPI) at https://pypi.python.org/pypi. They are distributed in a special format that itself requires the installation of a third-party package! This chicken-and-egg situation often confuses beginners, so this section describes how to set up your environment such that you can access these third-party packages.

PyPI packages come in the form of something called an egg. A Python egg is capable of delivering either a standard Python package or a binary package written in C, or a mix of Python and C code.

Installing an egg requires a tool called pip. Fortunately, installing pip does not require pip. As of version 3.4 of Python, pip is included in the standard library, which simplifies the process somewhat. If pip is not included in your version of Python, you can install pip by going to https://pip.pypa
.io/en/latest/reference/pip_install.html and following the instructions.

Download the get-pip.py file using the link on the page into any convenient folder on your computer. Change into that folder, make sure you are connected to the Internet, and run the following:

  python get-pip.py

This will take a few moments and downloads some stuff from the Internet. You will see a few messages like this:

$ python3 get-pip.py
  Downloading/unpacking pip
      Downloading pip-1.5.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.2MB): 1.2MB downloaded
  Installing collected packages: pip
  Successfully installed pip
  Cleaning up...

Once pip is installed, you can use it to install a PyPI package using:

  pip install SomePackageName

This installs the latest version of the specified package. You can uninstall a package just as easily using:

  pip uninstall SomePackageName

Many other options are available to use, and they are described on the pip documentation page at: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/reference/index.html.

Not all packages use pip, and other install options and tools exist. The package documentation should explain what you need to do. The current state of confusion should resolve itself in the near future as explained in the earlier sidebar box: “The Future of Python Packaging.”


In this chapter you reviewed the core language features of Python. You looked at the interpreter environment, the core data types, and the language control structures and syntax. You also considered how Python can be extended by writing functions, classes, modules, and packages.

The core data types are Boolean (bool), integer (int), and floating point (float) numbers, as well as the special None type. Python also supports several collection types including strings, bytes, lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets.

The control structures cover all of the structured programming concepts including sequences, selection, and iteration. Selection is done using if/elif/else and a conditional expression form. Iteration is supported via two loop constructs: for, which iterates over a collection or iterable object, and while, which is a more general, and potentially infinite, loop. Python also supports exception management via a try/except/finally construct.

In addition to a large number of built-in functions and a standard library of modules, Python enables you to extend its capabilities by writing your own functions using the def or lambda keywords. You can also extend the standard data types by creating your own data types using the class keyword and then creating instances of those classes. Functions and classes can be stored in separate files, which constitute Python modules that can be imported into other code, thus facilitating cross program reuse. Modules can in turn be grouped into packages, which are simply folders containing an __init__.py file.


  1. How do you convert between the different Python data types? What data quality issues arise when converting data types?

  2. Which of the Python collection types can be used as the key in a dictionary? Which of the Python data types can be used as a value in a dictionary?

  3. Write an example program using an if/elif chain involving at least four different selection expressions.

  4. Write a Python for loop to repeat a message seven times.

  5. How can an infinite loop be created using a Python while loop? What potential problem might this cause? How could that issue be resolved?

  6. Write a function that calculates the area of a triangle given the base and height measurements.

  7. Write a class that implements a rotating counter from 0 to 9. That is, the counter starts at 0, increments to 9, resets to 0 again, and repeats that cycle indefinitely. It should have increment() and reset() methods, the latter of which returns the current count then sets the count back to 0.

    Answers to exercises can be found in Appendix A.


Python infrastructure The Python interpreter can be called without arguments to get an interactive shell. If a filename is given as an argument, the interpreter will execute it and exit.
Simple data types Python supports integers, floating-point Boolean, and None data types. The type names can be used as conversion functions. Python types are objects and support a rich set of operations.
Collection data types Python supports Unicode and byte strings plus lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. Strings and tuples are immutable (cannot be changed), and dictionaries and sets require immutable types as keys. Most collections are iterables and can be used in for loops.
Basic control structures Python supports sequences, selection, and repetition. Sequences are simple lines of code; there are no block markers or statement terminators required. Selection is via the if/elif/else structure. Two loops are provided: for and while.
Code blocks are indicated by a terminating colon on the previous line, and the block will be indented under that line. Restoring the indentation level ends the block.
Error handling Python supports exception handling through the try/except/.else/finally structure.
Users can define their own exceptions or parameterize the built-in errors.
Input/output User input can be read, as a string, using the input() function.
User output can be displayed via the print() function.
Text files can be opened, read from, and written to. File navigation is possible using tell() and seek().
Defining functions New functions can be defined using the def or lambda keywords. Functions can receive input via parameters and provide results via the return keyword.
Defining classes Classes are defined using the class keyword. Classes support single and multiple inheritance, polymorphism, operator overloading, and method overriding. Class attributes can be treated as properties and/or slots. Attributes are accessed via dot notation. Classes are objects, too.
Modules and packages Modules are just files containing Python code that exist in any of the folders listed in sys.path. Packages are folders containing modules and a (possibly empty) file called __init__.py. Packages are modules, too. Names within a module are accessed via dot notation.
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