Built-in Exceptions

This section describes the exceptions that Python might raise during a program’s execution. Beginning with Python 1.5, all built-in exceptions are class objects (prior to 1.5 they were strings). Built-in exceptions are provided in the built-in scope namespace. Many built-in exceptions have associated state information that provides exception details.

Superclasses (Categories)

The following exceptions are used only as superclasses for other exceptions.


The root superclass for all built-in exceptions. It is not meant to be directly inherited by user-defined classes; use Exception for this role instead. If str() is called on an instance of this class, the representation of the constructor argument(s) passed when creating the instance are returned (or the empty string if there were no such arguments). These instance constructor arguments are stored and made available in the instance’s args attribute as a tuple. Subclasses inherit this protocol.


The root superclass for all built-in and non-system-exiting exceptions. This is a direct subclass of BaseException.

User-defined exceptions should inherit (be derived) from this class. This derivation is required for user-defined exceptions in Python 3.0; Python 2.6 requires this of new-style classes, but also allows standalone exception classes.

try statements that catch this exception will catch all but system exit events, because this class is superclass to all exceptions but SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, and GeneratorExit (these three derive directly from BaseException instead).


Arithmetic error exceptions category: the superclass of OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError, and FloatingPointError, and a subclass of Exception.


Sequence and mapping index errors: the superclass for IndexError and KeyError, and a subclass of Exception.


The category for exceptions that occur outside Python: the superclass for IOError and OSError, and a subclass of Exception. The raised instance includes informational attributes errno and strerror (and possible filename for exceptions involving file paths), which are also in args.

Specific Exceptions Raised

The following classes are exceptions that are actually raised. In addition, NameError, RuntimeError, SyntaxError, ValueError, and Warning are specific exceptions and superclasses to other built-in exceptions.


Raised when an assert statement’s test is false.


Raised on attribute reference or assignment failure.


Raised when the immediate end-of-file is hit by input() (or raw_input() in Python 2). File read methods return an empty object at end of file instead.


Raised on floating-point operation failure.


Raised when a generator’s close() method is called. This directly inherits from BaseException instead of Exception since it is not an error.


Raised on I/O or file-related operation failures. Derived from EnvironmentError with state information described above.


Raised when an import or from fails to find a module or attribute.


Raised when improper indentation is found in source code. Derived from SyntaxError.


Raised on out-of-range sequence offsets (fetch or assign). Slice indexes are silently adjusted to fall in the allowed range; if an index is not an integer, TypeError is raised.


Raised on references to nonexistent mapping keys (fetch). Assignment to a nonexistent key creates that key.


Raised on user entry of the interrupt key (normally Ctrl-C or Delete). During execution, a check for interrupts is made regularly. This exception inherits directly from BaseException to prevent it from being accidentally caught by code that catches Exception and thus prevents interpreter exit.


Raised on recoverable memory exhaustion. This causes a stack-trace to be displayed if a runaway program was its cause.


Raised on failures to find a local or global unqualified name.


Raised on failures to define expected protocols. Abstract class methods may raise this when they require a method to be redefined. Derived from RuntimeError. (This is not to be confused with NotImplemented, a special built-in object returned by some operator-overloading methods when operand types are not supported.)


Raised on os module errors (its os.error exception). Derived from EnvironmentError with state information described earlier.


Raised on excessively large arithmetic operations. This cannot occur for integers as they support arbitrary precision, and most floating-point operations are not checked either.


Raised in conjunction with weak references. See the weakref module.


A rarely used catch-all exception.


Raised on the end of values progression in iterator objects. Raised by the next(X) built-in and X.__next__() methods (X.next() in Python 2).


Raised when parsers encounter a syntax error. This may occur during import operations, calls to eval() and exec(), and when reading code in a top-level script file or standard input. Instances of this class have attributes filename, lineno, offset, and text for access to details; str() of the exception instance returns only the message.


Raised on interpreter internal errors that are not serious enough to shut down (these should be reported).


Raised on a call to sys.exit(N). If not handled, the Python interpreter exits, and no stack traceback is printed. If the passed value is an integer, it specifies the system exit status (passed on to C’s exit function); if it is None, the exit status is zero; if it has another type, the object’s value is printed and the exit status is one. Derived directly from BaseException to prevent it from being accidentally caught by code that catches Exception and thus prevents interpreter exit.

sys.exit() raises this exception so that clean-up handlers (finally clauses of try statements) are executed, and so that a debugger can execute a script without losing control. The os._exit() function exits immediately when needed (e.g., in the child process after a call to fork()). Also see the atexit standard library module for exit function specification.


Raised when an improper mixture of spaces and tabs is found in source code. Derived from IndentationError.


Raised when an operation or function is applied to an object of inappropriate type.


Raised on references to local names that have not yet been assigned a value. Derived from NameError.


Raised on Unicode-related encoding or decoding errors; a superclass category, and a subclass of ValueError.


Raised on Unicode-related processing errors; subclasses of UnicodeError.


Raised when a built-in operation or function receives an argument that has the correct type but an inappropriate value, and the situation is not described by a more specific exception like IndexError.


Raised on Windows-specific errors; a subclass of OSError.


Raised on division or modulus operations with 0 on the right.

Warning Category Exceptions

The following exceptions are used as warning categories:


The superclass for all of the following warning categories; it is a direct subclass of Exception.


Warnings generated by user code.


Warnings about deprecated features.


Warnings about features that will be deprecated in the future.


Warnings about dubious syntax.


Warnings about dubious runtime behavior.


Warnings about constructs that will change semantically in the future.


Warnings about probable mistakes in module imports.


Warnings related to Unicode.


Warnings related to bytes and buffer (memory-view) objects.

Warnings Framework

Warnings are issued when future language changes might break existing code in a future Python release—and in other contexts. Warnings may be configured to print messages, raise exceptions, or be ignored. The warnings framework can be used to issue warnings by calling the warnings.warn function:

warnings.warn("feature obsolete", DeprecationWarning)

In addition, you can add filters to disable certain warnings. You can apply a regular expression pattern to a message or module name to suppress warnings with varying degrees of generality. For example, you can suppress a warning about the use of the deprecated regex module by calling:

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings(action = 'ignore',
                        message='.*regex module*',
                        module = '__main__')

This adds a filter that affects only warnings of the class DeprecationWarning triggered in the __main__ module, applies a regular expression to match only the message that names the regex module being deprecated, and causes such warnings to be ignored. Warnings can also be printed only once, printed every time the offending code is executed, or turned into exceptions that will cause the program to stop (unless the exceptions are caught). See the warnings module documentation in version 2.1 and later for more information. See also the -W argument in the section Command-Line Options.

Python 2.X Built-in Exceptions

The set of available exceptions, as well as the shape of the exception class hierarchy, varies slightly in Python 2.6 from the 3.0 description of the prior section. For example, in Python 2.X:

  • Exception is the topmost root class (not BaseException, which is absent in Python 2).

  • StandardError is an additional Exception subclass, and is a root class above all built-in exceptions except SystemExit.

See Python 2.6 manuals for full details.

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