Command-Line Options

Command lines are used to launch Python programs from a system shell prompt. Command-line options intended for Python itself appear before the specification of the program code to be run. Options intended for the code to be run appear after the program specification. Command lines have the following format:

python [option*]
  [ scriptfilename | -c command | -m module | - ] [arg*]

Python Options


Issues warnings for calling str() with a bytes or bytearray object, and comparing a bytes or bytearray with a str. Option -bb issues errors instead.


Do not write .pyc or .pyo byte-code files on imports.


Turns on parser debugging output (for developers of the Python core).


Ignores Python environment variables described ahead (such as PYTHONPATH).


Prints help message and exit.


Enters interactive mode after executing a script. Useful for postmortem debugging.


Optimizes generated byte-code (create and use .pyo byte-code files). Currently yields a minor performance improvement.


Operates like -O, the previous option, but also removes docstrings from byte-code.


Do not add the user site directory to the sys.path module search path.


Do not imply “import site” on initialization.


Forces stdout and stderr to be unbuffered and binary.


Prints a message each time a module is initialized, showing the place from which it is loaded; repeats this flag for more verbose output.


Prints Python version number and exit.

-W arg

Functions as warning control; arg takes the form action:message:category:module:lineno. See warnings module documentation in the Python Library Reference manual (available at


Skips first line of source, allowing use of non-Unix forms of #!cmd.

Program Specification


Denotes the name of a Python scriptfile to execute as the main, topmost file of a program execute (e.g., python The script’s name is made available in sys.argv[0].

-c command

Specifies a Python command (as a string) to execute (e.g., python -c "print('spam' * 8)" runs a print call). sys.argv[0] is set to -c.

-m module

Runs library module as a script: searches for module on sys.path, and runs it as a top-level file (e.g., python -m profile runs the Python profiler located in a standard library directory). sys.argv[0] is set to the module’s full path name.

Reads Python commands from stdin (the default); enters interactive mode if stdin is a tty (interactive device). sys.argv[0] is set to .


Indicates that anything else on the command line is passed to the scriptfile or command (and appears in the built-in list of strings sys.argv[1:]).

If no scriptfilename, command, or module is given, Python enters interactive mode, reading commands from stdin (and using GNU readline, if installed, for input).

Besides using traditional command lines at a system shell prompt, you can also generally start Python programs by clicking their filenames in a file explorer GUI, by calling functions in the Python/C API, by using program launch menu options in IDEs such as IDLE, Komodo, Eclipse, NetBeans, and so on.


Python 2.6 does not support the -b option, which is related to Python 3.0’s string type changes. It supports additional options:

  • -t issues warnings for inconsistent mixtures of tabs and spaces in indentation (-tt issues errors instead). Python 3.0 always treats such mixtures as syntax errors.

  • -Q division-related options: -Qold (the default), -Qwarn, -Qwarnall, and –Qnew. These are subsumed by the new true division behavior of Python 3.0.

  • −3 issues warnings about any Python 3.X incompatibilities in code.

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