Object Persistence Modules

Three modules comprise the object persistence interface.

dbm (anydbm in Python 2.X)

Key-based string-only storage files.

pickle (and cPickle in Python 2.X)

Serializes an in-memory object to/from file streams.


Key-based persistent object stores: pickles objects to/from dbm files.

The shelve module implements persistent object stores. shelve in turn uses the pickle module to convert (serialize) in-memory Python objects to byte-stream strings and the dbm module to store serialized byte-stream strings in access-by-key files.


In Python 2.X, dbm is named anydbm, and the cPickle module is an optimized version of pickle that may be imported directly and is used automatically by shelve, if present. In Python 3.0, cPickle is renamed _pickle and is automatically used by pickle if present—it need not be imported directly and is acquired by shelve.

Also note that in Python 3.0 the Berkeley DB (a.k.a. bsddb) interface for dbm is no longer shipped with Python itself, but is a third-party open source extension which must be installed separately (see the Python 3.0 Library Reference for resources).

dbm and shelve Modules

dbm is an access-by-key filesystem: strings are stored and fetched by their string keys. The dbm module selects the keyed-access file implementation in your Python interpreter and presents a dictionary-like API for scripts. A persistent object shelve is used like a simple dbm file, except that the dbm module is replaced by shelve, and the stored value can be almost any kind of Python object (though keys are still strings). In most respects, dbm files and shelves work like dictionaries that must be opened before use, and closed after making changes; all mapping operations and some dictionary methods work.

import shelve
import dbm

Gets whatever dbm support library is available: dbm.bsd, dbm.gnu, dbm.ndbm, or dbm.dumb.


file = shelve.open(filename 
   [, flag='c' 
   [, protocol=None 
   [, writeback=False]]])
file = dbm.open(filename 
   [, flag='r' 
   [, mode]])

Creates a new or opens an existing dbm file.

flag is the same in shelve and dbm (shelve passes it on to dbm). It can be 'r' to open an existing database for reading only (dbm default); 'w' to open an existing database for reading and writing; 'c' to create the database if it doesn’t exist (shelve default); or 'n', which will always create a new empty database. The dbm.dumb module (used by default in 3.0 if no other library is installed) ignores flag—the database is always opened for update and is created if it doesn’t exist.

For dbm, the optional mode argument is the Unix mode of the file, used only when the database has to be created. It defaults to octal 0o666.

For shelve, the protocol argument is passed on from shelve to pickle. It gives the pickling protocol number (described ahead) used to store shelved objects; it defaults to 0 in Python 2.6, and to 2 in Python 3.0. By default, changes to objects fetched from shelves are not automatically written back to disk. If the optional writeback parameter is set to True, all entries accessed are cached in memory, and written back at close time; this makes it easier to mutate mutable entries in the shelve, but can consume memory for the cache, making the close operation slow because all accessed entries are written back.

file['key'] = value

Store: creates or changes the entry for 'key'. Value is a string for dbm, or an arbitrary object for shelve.

value = file['key']

Fetch: loads the value for the 'key' entry. For shelve, reconstructs object in memory.

count = len(file)

Size: returns the number of entries stored.

index = file.keys()

Index: fetches the stored keys (can use in a for or other iteration context).

found = 'key' in file (or has_key() in 2.X only)

Query: sees if there’s an entry for 'key'.

del file['key']

Delete: removes the entry for 'key'.


Manual close; required to flush updates to disk for some underlying dbm interfaces.

pickle Module

The pickle interface converts nearly arbitrary in-memory Python objects to/from serialized byte-streams. These byte-streams can be directed to any file-like object that has the expected read/write methods. Unpickling re-creates the original in-memory object (with the same value, but a new identity [address]).

See the prior note about Python 2.X’s cPickle and Python 3.0’s _pickle optimized modules. Also see the makefile method of socket objects for shipping serialized objects over networks.

Pickling interfaces

P = pickle.Pickler(fileobject [, protocol=None])

Makes a new pickler, for saving to an output file object.


Writes an object onto the pickler’s file/stream.

pickle.dump(object, fileobject [, protocol=None])

Combination of the previous two: pickles object onto file.

string = pickle.dumps(object [, protocol=None])

Returns pickled representation of object as a string (a bytes string in Python 3.0).

Unpickling interfaces

U = pickle.Unpickler(fileobject, encoding="ASCII", errors="strict")

Makes unpickler, for loading from input file object.

object = U.load()

Reads object from the unpickler’s file/stream.

object = pickle.load(fileobject, encoding="ASCII", errors="strict")

Combination of the previous two: unpickles object from file.

object = pickle.loads(string, encoding="ASCII", errors="strict")

Reads object from a character string (a bytes string in Python 3.0).

Usage notes

  • In Python 3.0, files used to store pickled objects should always be opened in binary mode for all protocols, because the pickler produces bytes strings, and text mode files do not support writing bytes (text mode files encode and decode Unicode text in 3.0).

  • In Python 2.6, files used to store pickled objects must be opened in binary mode for all pickle protocols >= 1, to suppress line-end translations in binary pickled data. Protocol 0 is ASCII-based, so its files may be opened in either text or binary mode, as long as they are done so consistently.

  • fileobject is an open file object, or any object that implements file object attributes called by the interface. Pickler calls the file write method with a string argument. Unpickler calls the file read method with a byte-count and readline without arguments.

  • protocol is an optional argument that selects a format for pickled data, available in both the Pickler constructor and the module’s dump and dumps convenience functions. This argument takes a value 0...3, where higher protocol numbers are generally more efficient, but may also be incompatible with unpicklers in earlier Python releases. The default protocol number in Python 3.0 is 3, which cannot be unpickled by Python 2.X. The default protocol in Python 2.6 is 0, which is less efficient but most portable. Protocol −1 automatically uses the highest protocol supported. When unpickling, protocol is implied by pickled data contents.

  • The unpickler’s encoding and errors optional keyword-only arguments are available in Python 3.0 only. They are used to decode 8-bit string instances pickled by Python 2.X. These default to 'ASCII' and 'strict', respectively.

  • Pickler and Unpickler are exported classes that may be customized by subclassing. See the Python Library Reference for available methods.

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