Predicting Stock Prices with Artificial Neural Networks

Continuing the same project of stock price prediction from the last chapter, in this chapter I will introduce and explain neural network models in depth. We will start by building the simplest neural network and go deeper by adding more layers to it. We will cover neural network building blocks and other important concepts, including activation functions, feedforward, and backpropagation. We will also implement neural networks from scratch with scikit-learn and TensorFlow. We will pay attention to how to learn with neural networks efficiently without overfitting, utilizing dropout and early stopping techniques. Finally, we will train a neural network to predict stock prices and see whether it can beat what we achieved with the three regression algorithms in the previous chapter.

We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

  • Demystifying neural networks
  • From shallow neural networks to deep learning
  • Implementation of neural networks from scratch
  • Implementation of neural networks with scikit-learn
  • Implementation of neural networks with TensorFlow
  • Activation functions
  • Dropout
  • Early stopping
  • Predicting stock prices with neural networks
  • Fine-tuning a neural network

Demystifying neural networks

Here comes probably the most frequently mentioned model in the media, artificial neural networks (ANNs); more often we just call them neural networks. Interestingly, the neural network has been (falsely) considered equivalent to machine learning or artificial intelligence by the general public.

The ANN is just one type of algorithm among many in machine learning. And machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence. It is one of the ways we achieve general artificial intelligence.

Regardless, it is one of the most important machine learning models and has been rapidly evolving along with the revolution of deep learning (DL). Let's first understand how neural networks work.

Starting with a single-layer neural network

I will first talk about different layers in a network, then the activation function, and finally training a network with backpropagation.

Layers in neural networks

A simple neural network is composed of three layers: the input layerhidden layer, and output layer, as shown in the following diagram:

\ by Example 3EBookDraftsLiu2Eassets�b3d7fe4-df9f-4c33-87c0-9f53ffe8e4a3.png

Figure 8.1: A simple shallow neural network

A layer is a conceptual collection of nodes (also called units), which simulate neurons in a biological brain. The input layer represents the input features, x, and each node is a predictive feature, x. The output layer represents the target variable(s).

In binary classification, the output layer contains only one node, whose value is the probability of the positive class. In multiclass classification, the output layer consists of n nodes, where n is the number of possible classes and the value of each node is the probability of predicting that class. In regression, the output layer contains only one node, the value of which is the prediction result.

The hidden layer can be considered a composition of latent information extracted from the previous layer. There can be more than one hidden layer. Learning with a neural network with two or more hidden layers is called DL. In this chapter, we will focus on one hidden layer to begin with.

Two adjacent layers are connected by conceptual edges (sort of like the synapses in a biological brain), which transmit signals from one neuron in a layer to another neuron in the next layer. The edges are parameterized by the weights, W, of the model. For example, W(1) in the preceding diagram connects the input and hidden layers and W(2) connects the hidden and output layers.

In a standard neural network, data are conveyed only from the input layer to the output layer, through a hidden layer(s). Hence, this kind of network is called a feedforward neural network. Basically, logistic regression is a feedforward neural network with no hidden layer where the output layer connects directly with the input layer. Neural networks with one or more hidden layers between the input and output layer should be able to learn more about the underlying relationship between the input data and the target.

Activation functions

Suppose the input, x, is of n dimensions and the hidden layer is composed of H hidden units. The weight matrix, W(1), connecting the input and hidden layer is of size n by H, where each column, , represents the coefficients associating the input with the h-th hidden unit. The output (also called activation) of the hidden layer can be expressed mathematically as follows:

Here, f(z) is an activation function. As its name implies, the activation function checks how activated each neuron is, simulating the way our brains work. Typical activation functions include the logistic function (more often called the sigmoid function in neural networks) and the tanh function, which is considered a re-scaled version of the logistic function, as well as ReLU (short for Rectified Linear Unit), which is often used in DL:

We plot these three activation functions as follows:

  • The logistic (sigmoid) function where the output value is in the range of (0, 1):
\ by Example 3EBookDraftsLiu2Eassetse5b40c46-fa21-4365-859d-5c3d24d517c1.png

Figure 8.2: The logistic function

  • The tanh function plot where the output value is in the range of (-1, 1):
\ by Example 3EBookDraftsLiu2Eassetsc7476002-4c19-4949-8ec3-43fa27a674fd.png

Figure 8.3: The tanh function

  • The ReLU function plot where the output value is in the range of (0, +inf):
\ by Example 3EBookDraftsLiu2Eassetsf8cf814-27b2-40d5-aefa-396b1d0b5293.png

Figure 8.4: The ReLU function

As for the output layer, let's assume there is one output unit (regression or binary classification) and the weight matrix, W(2), connecting the hidden layer to the output layer is of size H by 1. In regression, the output can be expressed mathematically as follows (for consistency, I here denote it as a(3) instead of y):


So, how can we obtain the optimal weights, W = {W(1), W(2)}, of the model? Similar to logistic regression, we can learn all weights using gradient descent with the goal of minimizing the mean squared error (MSE) cost, J(W). The difference is that the gradients, ΔW, are computed through backpropagation. After each forward pass through a network, a backward pass is performed to adjust the model's parameters.

As the word back in the name implies, the computation of the gradient proceeds backward: the gradient of the final layer is computed first and the gradient of the first layer is computed last. As for propagation, it means that partial computations of the gradient on one layer are reused in the computation of the gradient on the previous layer. Error information is propagated layer by layer, instead of being calculated separately.

In a single-layer network, the detailed steps of backpropagation are as follows:

  1. We travel through the network from the input to output and compute the output values, a(2), of the hidden layer as well as the output layer, a(3). This is the feedforward step.
  2. For the last layer, we calculate the derivative of the cost function with regard to the input to the output layer:
  3. For the hidden layer, we compute the derivative of the cost function with regard to the input to the hidden layer:
  4. We compute the gradients by applying the chain rule:
  5. We update the weights with the computed gradients and learning rate, 

    Here, m is the number of samples.

    We repeatedly update all the weights by taking these steps with the latest weights until the cost function converges or the model goes through enough iterations.

This might not be easy to digest at first glance, so right after the next section, we will implement it from scratch, which will help you to understand neural networks better.

Adding more layers to a neural network: DL

In real applications, a neural network usually comes with multiple hidden layers. That is how DL got its name—learning using neural networks with "stacked" hidden layers. An example of a DL model follows:

Figure 8.5: A deep neural network

In a stack of multiple hidden layers, the input of one hidden layer is the output of its previous layer, as you can see from Figure 8.5. Features (signals) are extracted from each hidden layer. Features from different layers represent patterns from different levels. Going beyond shallow neural networks (usually with only one hidden layer), a DL model (usually with two or more hidden layers) with the right network architectures and parameters can better learn complex non-linear relationships from data.

Let's see some typical applications of DL so that you will be more motivated to get started with upcoming DL projects.

Computer vision is widely considered the area with massive breakthroughs in DL. You will learn more about this in Chapter 12, Categorizing Images of Clothing with Convolutional Neural Networks. For now, here is a list of common applications in computer vision:

  • Image recognition, such as face recognition and handwritten digit recognition. Handwritten digit recognition, along with the common evaluation dataset MNIST (http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/), has become a "Hello, World!" project in DL.
  • Image-based search engines heavily utilize DL techniques in their image classification and image similarity encoding components.
  • Machine vision, which is a critical part of autonomous vehicles, perceives camera views to make real-time decisions.
  • Color restoration from black and white photos and art transfer that ingeniously blends two images of different styles. The artificial masterpieces in Google Arts & Culture (https://artsandculture.google.com/) are impressive.

Natural language processing (NLP) is another field where you can see the dominant use of DL in its modern solutions. You will learn more about this in Chapter 13, Making Predictions with Sequences Using Recurrent Neural Networks. But let's quickly look at some examples now:

  • Machine translation, where DL has dramatically improved accuracy and fluency, for example, the sentence-based Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT) system.
  • Text generation, which reproduces text by learning the intricate relationships between words in sentences and paragraphs with deep neural networks. You can become a virtual J. K. Rowling or a virtual Shakespeare if you train a model right on their works.
  • Image captioning, also known as image to text, leverages deep neural networks to detect and recognize objects in images, and "describe" those objects in a comprehensible sentence. It couples recent breakthroughs in computer vision and NLP. Examples can be found at http://cs.stanford.edu/people/karpathy/deepimagesent/generationdemo/ (developed by Andrej Karpathy from Stanford University).
  • In other common NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis and information retrieval and extraction, DL models have achieved state-of-the-art performance.

Similar to shallow networks, we learn all the weights in a deep neural network using gradient descent with the goal of minimizing the MSE cost, J(W). And gradients, ΔW, are computed through backpropagation. The difference is that we backpropagate more than one hidden layer. In the next section, we will implement neural networks by starting with shallow networks then moving on to deep ones.

Building neural networks

This practical section will start with implementing a shallow network from scratch, followed by a deep network with two layers using scikit-learn. We will then implement a deep network with TensorFlow and Keras.

Implementing neural networks from scratch

We will use sigmoid as the activation function in this example.

We first define the sigmoid function and its derivative function:

>>> def sigmoid(z):
...     return 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
>>> def sigmoid_derivative(z):
...     return sigmoid(z) * (1.0 - sigmoid(z))

You can derive the derivative yourself if you are interested in verifying it.

We then define the training function, which takes in the training dataset, the number of units in the hidden layer (we will only use one hidden layer as an example), and the number of iterations:

>>> def train(X, y, n_hidden, learning_rate, n_iter):
...     m, n_input = X.shape
...     W1 = np.random.randn(n_input, n_hidden)
...     b1 = np.zeros((1, n_hidden))
...     W2 = np.random.randn(n_hidden, 1)
...     b2 = np.zeros((1, 1))
...     for i in range(1, n_iter+1):
...         Z2 = np.matmul(X, W1) + b1
...         A2 = sigmoid(Z2)
...         Z3 = np.matmul(A2, W2) + b2
...         A3 = Z3
...         dZ3 = A3 - y
...         dW2 = np.matmul(A2.T, dZ3)
...         db2 = np.sum(dZ3, axis=0, keepdims=True)
...         dZ2 = np.matmul(dZ3, W2.T) * sigmoid_derivative(Z2)
...         dW1 = np.matmul(X.T, dZ2)
...         db1 = np.sum(dZ2, axis=0)
...         W2 = W2 - learning_rate * dW2 / m
...         b2 = b2 - learning_rate * db2 / m
...         W1 = W1 - learning_rate * dW1 / m
...         b1 = b1 - learning_rate * db1 / m
...         if i % 100 == 0:
...             cost = np.mean((y - A3) ** 2)
...             print('Iteration %i, training loss: %f' % 
                                                  (i, cost))
...     model = {'W1': W1, 'b1': b1, 'W2': W2, 'b2': b2}
...     return model

Note that besides weights, W, we also employ bias, b. Before training, we first randomly initialize weights and biases. In each iteration, we feed all layers of the network with the latest weights and biases, then calculate the gradients using the backpropagation algorithm, and finally update the weights and biases with the resulting gradients. For training performance inspection, we print out the loss and the MSE for every 100 iterations.

To test the model, we will use Boston house prices as the toy dataset. As a reminder, data normalization is usually recommended whenever gradient descent is used. Hence, we will standardize the input data by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance:

>>> boston = datasets.load_boston()
>>> num_test = 10 # the last 10 samples as testing set
>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
>>> X_train = boston.data[:-num_test, :]
>>> X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
>>> y_train = boston.target[:-num_test].reshape(-1, 1)
>>> X_test = boston.data[-num_test:, :]
>>> X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)
>>> y_test = boston.target[-num_test:]

With the scaled dataset, we can now train a one-layer neural network with 20 hidden units, a 0.1 learning rate, and 2000 iterations:

>>> n_hidden = 20
>>> learning_rate = 0.1
>>> n_iter = 2000
>>> model = train(X_train, y_train, n_hidden, learning_rate, n_iter)
Iteration 100, training loss: 13.500649
Iteration 200, training loss: 9.721267
Iteration 300, training loss: 8.309366
Iteration 400, training loss: 7.417523
Iteration 500, training loss: 6.720618
Iteration 600, training loss: 6.172355
Iteration 700, training loss: 5.748484
Iteration 800, training loss: 5.397459
Iteration 900, training loss: 5.069072
Iteration 1000, training loss: 4.787303
Iteration 1100, training loss: 4.544623
Iteration 1200, training loss: 4.330923
Iteration 1300, training loss: 4.141120
Iteration 1400, training loss: 3.970357
Iteration 1500, training loss: 3.814482
Iteration 1600, training loss: 3.673037
Iteration 1700, training loss: 3.547397
Iteration 1800, training loss: 3.437391
Iteration 1900, training loss: 3.341110
Iteration 2000, training loss: 3.255750

Then, we define a prediction function, which will take in a model and produce the regression results:

>>> def predict(x, model):
...     W1 = model['W1']
...     b1 = model['b1']
...     W2 = model['W2']
...     b2 = model['b2']
...     A2 = sigmoid(np.matmul(x, W1) + b1)
...     A3 = np.matmul(A2, W2) + b2
...     return A3

Finally, we apply the trained model on the testing set:

>>> predictions = predict(X_test, model)

Print out the predictions and their ground truths to compare them:

>>> print(predictions)
 [20.5675095 ]
>>> print(y_test)
[19.7 18.3 21.2 17.5 16.8 22.4 20.6 23.9 22. 11.9]

After successfully building a neural network model from scratch, we will move on to the implementation with scikit-learn.

Implementing neural networks with scikit-learn

We will utilize the MLPRegressor class (MLP stands for multi-layer perceptron, a nickname for neural networks):

>>> from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
>>> nn_scikit = MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=(16, 8), 
...                          activation='relu', solver='adam',
...                          learning_rate_init=0.001, 
...                          random_state=42, max_iter=2000)

The hidden_layer_sizes hyperparameter represents the number of hidden neurons. In this example, the network contains two hidden layers with 16 and 8 nodes, respectively. ReLU activation is used.

We fit the neural network model on the training set and predict on the testing data:

>>> nn_scikit.fit(X_train, y_train)
>>> predictions = nn_scikit.predict(X_test)
>>> print(predictions)
[16.79582331 18.55538023 21.07961496 19.21362606 18.50955771 23.5608387 22.27916529 27.11909153 24.70251262 22.05522035]

And we calculate the MSE on the prediction:

>>> print(np.mean((y_test - predictions) ** 2))

We've implemented a neural network with scikit-learn. Let's do so with TensorFlow in the next section.

Implementing neural networks with TensorFlow

In the industry, neural networks are often implemented with TensorFlow. Other popular DL (multilayer neural network) frameworks include PyTorch (https://pytorch.org/), which we will use in Chapter 14, Making Decisions in Complex Environments with Reinforcement Learning, and Keras (https://keras.io/), which is already included in TensorFlow 2.x. Now let's implement neural networks with TensorFlow by following these steps:

  1. First, we import the necessary modules and set a random seed, which is recommended for reproducible modeling:
    >>> import tensorflow as tf
    >>> from tensorflow import keras
    >>> tf.random.set_seed(42)
  2. Next, we create a Keras Sequential model by passing a list of layer instances to the constructor, including two fully connected hidden layers with 20 nodes and 8 nodes, respectively. And again, ReLU activation is used:
    >>> model = keras.Sequential([
    ...     keras.layers.Dense(units=20, activation='relu'),
    ...     keras.layers.Dense(units=8, activation='relu'),
    ...     keras.layers.Dense(units=1)
    ... ])
  3. And we compile the model by using Adam as the optimizer with a learning rate of 0.02 and MSE as the learning goal:
    >>> model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error',
    ...               optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.02))

    The Adam optimizer is a replacement for the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. It updates the gradients adaptively based on training data. For more information about Adam, check out the paper at https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980.

  4. After defining the model, we now train it against the training set:
    >>> model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=300)
    Train on 496 samples
    Epoch 1/300
    496/496 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/sample - loss: 459.1884
    Epoch 2/300
    496/496 [==============================] - 0s 76us/sample - loss: 102.3990
    Epoch 3/300
    496/496 [==============================] - 0s 62us/sample - loss: 35.7367
    Epoch 298/300
    496/496 [==============================] - 0s 60us/sample - loss: 2.8095
    Epoch 299/300
    496/496 [==============================] - 0s 60us/sample - loss: 3.0976
    Epoch 300/300
    496/496 [==============================] - 0s 56us/sample - loss: 3.3194

    We fit the model with 300 iterations. In each iteration, the training loss (MSE) is displayed.

  5. Finally, we use the trained model to predict the testing cases and print out the predictions and their MSE:
    >>> predictions = model.predict(X_test)[:, 0]
    >>> print(predictions)
    [18.078342 17.279167 19.802671 17.54534  16.193192 24.769335 22.12822 30.43017  26.262056 20.982824]
    >>> print(np.mean((y_test - predictions) ** 2))

As you can see, we add layer by layer to the neural network model in the TensorFlow Keras API. We start from the first hidden layer (with 20 nodes), then the second hidden layer (with eight nodes), and finally the output layer (with one unit, the target variable). It is quite similar to building LEGOs. Next, we will look at how to choose the right activation functions.

Picking the right activation functions

So far, we have used the ReLU and sigmoid activation functions in our implementations. You may wonder how to pick the right activation function for your neural networks. Detailed answers to when to choose a particular activation function are given next:

  • Linear: f(z) = z. You can interpret this as no activation function. We usually use it in the output layer in regression networks as we don't need any transformation to the outputs.
  • Sigmoid (logistic) transforms the output of a layer to a range between 0 and 1. You can interpret it as the probability of an output prediction. Therefore, we usually use it in the output layer in binary classification networks. Besides that, we sometimes use it in hidden layers. However, it should be noted that the sigmoid function is monotonic but its derivative is not. Hence, the neural network may get stuck at a suboptimal solution.
  • Softmax. As was mentioned in Chapter 5, Predicting Online Ad Click-Through with Logistic Regression, softmax is a generalized logistic function used for multiclass classification. Hence, we use it in the output layer in multiclass classification networks.
  • Tanh is a better version of the sigmoid function with stronger gradients. As you can see in the plots, the derivatives in the tanh function are steeper than those for the sigmoid function. It has a range of -1 to 1. It is common to use the tanh function in hidden layers.
  • ReLU is probably the most frequently used activation function nowadays. It is the "default" one in hidden layers in feedforward networks. Its range is from 0 to infinity, and both the function itself and its derivative are monotonic. One drawback of the ReLU function is the inability to appropriately map the negative part of the input where all negative inputs are transformed to zero. To fix the "dying negative" problem in ReLU, Leaky ReLU was invented to introduce a small slope in the negative part. When z < 0, f(z) = az, where a is usually a small value, such as 0.01.

To recap, ReLU is usually in hidden layer activation. You can try Leaky ReLU if ReLU doesn't work well. Sigmoid and tanh can be used in hidden layers but are not recommended in deep networks with many layers. For the output layer, linear activation (or no activation) is used in the regression network; sigmoid is for the binary classification network and softmax is for the multiple classification case.

Picking the right activation is important, and so is avoiding overfitting in neural networks. Let's see how to do this in the next section.

Preventing overfitting in neural networks

A neural network is powerful as it can derive hierarchical features from data with the right architecture (the right number of hidden layers and hidden nodes). It offers a great deal of flexibility and can fit a complex dataset. However, this advantage will become a weakness if the network is not given enough control over the learning process. Specifically, it may lead to overfitting if a network is only good at fitting to the training set but is not able to generalize to unseen data. Hence, preventing overfitting is essential to the success of a neural network model.

There are mainly three ways to impose restrictions on our neural networks: L1/L2 regularization, dropout, and early stopping. We practiced the first method in Chapter 5, Predicting Online Ad Click-Through with Logistic Regression, and will discuss another two in this section.


Dropout means ignoring a certain set of hidden nodes during the learning phase of a neural network. And those hidden nodes are chosen randomly given a specified probability. In the forward pass during a training iteration, the randomly selected nodes are temporarily not used in calculating the loss; in the backward pass, the randomly selected nodes are not updated temporarily.

In the following diagram, we choose three nodes in the network to ignore during training:

Figure 8.6: Three nodes to ignore

Recall that a regular layer has nodes fully connected to nodes from the previous layer and the following layer. It will lead to overfitting if a large network develops and memorizes the co-dependency between individual pairs of nodes. Dropout breaks this co-dependency by temporarily deactivating certain nodes in each iteration. Therefore, it effectively reduces overfitting and won't disrupt learning at the same time.

The fraction of nodes being randomly chosen in each iteration is also called the dropout rate. In practice, we usually set a dropout rate no greater than 50%. In TensorFlow, we use the tf.keras.layers.Dropout module to add dropout to a layer. An example is as follows:

>>> model = keras.Sequential([
...    keras.layers.Dense(units=32, activation='relu'),
...    tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)
...    keras.layers.Dense(units=1)

In the preceding example, 50% of nodes randomly picked from the 16-node layer are ignored in an iteration during training.

Keep in mind that dropout only occurs in the training phase. In the prediction phase, all nodes are fully connected again.

Early stopping

As the name implies, training a network with early stopping will end if the model performance doesn't improve for a certain number of iterations. The model performance is measured on a validation set that is different from the training set, in order to assess how well it generalizes. During training, if the performance degrades after several (let's say 50) iterations, it means the model is overfitting and not able to generalize well anymore. Hence, stopping the learning early in this case helps prevent overfitting.

In TensorFlow, we use the tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping module to incorporate early stopping. I will demonstrate how to use it later in this chapter.

Now that you've learned about neural networks and their implementation, let's utilize them to solve our stock price prediction problem.

Predicting stock prices with neural networks

We will build the stock predictor with TensorFlow in this section. We will start with feature generation and data preparation, followed by network building and training. After that, we will fine-tune the network and incorporate early stopping to boost the stock predictor.

Training a simple neural network

We prepare data and train a simple neural work with the following steps:

  1. We load the stock data, generate features, and label the generate_features function we developed in Chapter 7, Predicting Stock Prices with Regression Algorithms:
    >>> data_raw = pd.read_csv('19880101_20191231.csv', index_col='Date')
    >>> data = generate_features(data_raw)
  2. We construct the training set using data from 1988 to 2018 and the testing set using data from 2019:
    >>> start_train = '1988-01-01'
    >>> end_train = '2018-12-31'
    >>> start_test = '2019-01-01'
    >>> end_test = '2019-12-31'
    >>> data_train = data.loc[start_train:end_train]
    >>> X_train = data_train.drop('close', axis=1).values
    >>> y_train = data_train['close'].values
    >>> data_test = data.loc[start_test:end_test]
    >>> X_test = data_test.drop('close', axis=1).values
    >>> y_test = data_test['close'].values
  3. We need to normalize features into the same or a comparable scale. We do so by removing the mean and rescaling to unit variance:
    >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
    >>> scaler = StandardScaler()

    We rescale both sets with the scaler taught by the training set:

    >>> X_scaled_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
    >>> X_scaled_test = scaler.transform(X_test)
  4. We now build a neural network model using the Keras Sequential API:
    >>> from tensorflow.keras import Sequential
    >>> from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense
    >>> model = Sequential([
    ...     Dense(units=32, activation='relu'),
    ...     Dense(units=1)
    ... ])

    The network we begin with has one hidden layer with 32 nodes followed by a ReLU function.

  5. And we compile the model by using Adam as the optimizer with a learning rate of 0.1 and MSE as the learning goal:
    >>> model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error',
    ...               optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.1))
  6. After defining the model, we now train it against the training set:
    >>> model.fit(X_scaled_train, y_train, epochs=100, verbose=True)
    Train on 7558 samples
    Epoch 1/100
    7558/7558 [==============================] - 1s 175us/sample - loss: 31078305.1905
    Epoch 2/100
    7558/7558 [==============================] - 0s 58us/sample - loss: 2062612.2298
    Epoch 3/100
    7558/7558 [==============================] - 0s 56us/sample - loss: 474157.7456
    Epoch 98/100
    7558/7558 [==============================] - 0s 56us/sample - loss: 21777.9346
    Epoch 99/100
    7558/7558 [==============================] - 0s 55us/sample - loss: 19343.1628
    Epoch 100/100
    7558/7558 [==============================] - 0s 52us/sample - loss: 20780.1686
  7. Finally, we use the trained model to predict the testing data and display metrics:
    >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score
    >>> print(f'MSE: {mean_squared_error(y_test,predictions):.3f}')
    MSE: 43212.312
    >>> print(f'MAE: {mean_absolute_error(y_test, predictions):.3f}')
    MAE: 160.936
    >>> print(f'R^2: {r2_score(y_test, predictions):.3f}')
    R^2: 0.962

We achieve 0.962 R2 with a simple neural network model.

Fine-tuning the neural network

Can we do better? Of course, we haven't fine-tuned the hyperparameters yet. We perform model fine-tuning in TensorFlow with the following steps:

  1. We rely on the hparams module in TensorFlow, so we import it first:
    >>> from tensorboard.plugins.hparams import api as hp
  2. We want to tweak the number of hidden nodes in the hidden layer (again, we are using one hidden layer for this example), the number of training iterations, and the learning rate. We pick the following values of hyperparameters to experiment on:
    >>> HP_HIDDEN = hp.HParam('hidden_size', hp.Discrete([64, 32, 16]))
    >>> HP_EPOCHS = hp.HParam('epochs', hp.Discrete([300, 1000]))
    >>> HP_LEARNING_RATE = hp.HParam('learning_rate', hp.RealInterval(0.01, 0.4))

    Here, we experiment with three options for the number of hidden nodes (discrete value), 16, 32, and 64; we use two options for the number of iterations (discrete value), 300 and 1000; and we use the range of 0.01 to 4 for the learning rate (continuous value).

  3. After initializing the hyperparameters to optimize, we now create a function to train and validate the model that will take the hyperparameters as arguments, and output the performance:
    >>> def train_test_model(hparams, logdir):
    ...     model = Sequential([
    ...         Dense(units=hparams[HP_HIDDEN], activation='relu'),
    ...         Dense(units=1)
    ...     ])
    ...     model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error',
    ...                   optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(
    ...                   metrics=['mean_squared_error'])
    ...     model.fit(X_scaled_train, y_train, 
                      validation_data=(X_scaled_test, y_test), 
                      epochs=hparams[HP_EPOCHS], verbose=False,
    ...               callbacks=[
    ...                   tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(logdir), 
    ...                   hp.KerasCallback(logdir, hparams), 
    ...                   tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(
    ...                       monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0, 
                              patience=200, verbose=0, mode='auto',
    ...                   )
    ...               ],
    ...               )
    ...     _, mse = model.evaluate(X_scaled_test, y_test)
    ...     pred = model.predict(X_scaled_test)
    ...     r2 = r2_score(y_test, pred)
    ...     return mse, r2

    Here, we build, compile, and fit a neural network model based on the given hyperparameters, including the number of hidden nodes, the learning rate, and the number of training iterations. There's nothing much different here from what we did before. But when we train the model, we also run several callback functions, including updating TensorBoard using tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(logdir), logging hyperparameters and metrics using hp.KerasCallback(logdir, hparams), and early stopping using tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(...).

    The TensorBoard callback function is straightforward. It provides visualization for the model graph and metrics during training and validation.

    The hyperparameters logging callback logs the hyperparameters and metrics.

    The early stopping callback monitors the performance on the validation set, which is the testing set in our case. If the MSE doesn't decrease after 200 epochs, it stops the training process.

    At the end of this function, we output the MSE and R2 of the prediction on the testing set.

  4. Next, we develop a function to initiate a training process with a combination of hyperparameters to be assessed and to write a summary with the metrics for MSE and R2 returned by the train_test_model function:
    >>> def run(hparams, logdir):
    ...     with tf.summary.create_file_writer(logdir).as_default():
    ...         hp.hparams_config(
    ...             hparams=[HP_HIDDEN, HP_EPOCHS, HP_LEARNING_RATE],
    ...             metrics=[hp.Metric('mean_squared_error', 
    ...                      hp.Metric('r2', display_name='r2')],
    ...         )
    ...         mse, r2 = train_test_model(hparams, logdir)
    ...         tf.summary.scalar('mean_squared_error', mse, step=1)
    ...         tf.summary.scalar('r2', r2, step=1)
  5. We now train the model for each different combination of the hyperparameters in a gridsearch manner:
    >>> for hidden in HP_HIDDEN.domain.values:
    ...     for epochs in HP_EPOCHS.domain.values:
    ...         for learning_rate in 
                              HP_LEARNING_RATE.domain.max_value, 5):
    ...             hparams = {
    ...                 HP_HIDDEN: hidden,
    ...                 HP_EPOCHS: epochs,
    ...                 HP_LEARNING_RATE: 
    ...             }
    ...             run_name = "run-%d" % session_num
    ...             print('--- Starting trial: %s' % run_name)
    ...             print({h.name: hparams[h] for h in hparams})
    ...             run(hparams, 'logs/hparam_tuning/' + run_name)
    ...             session_num += 1

    For each experiment, a discrete value (the number of hidden nodes and iterations) is picked from the predefined value pool and a continuous value (the learning rate) is chosen from five evenly spaced values over the interval (from 0.01 to 0.4). It will take a few minutes to run these experiments. You will see the following output:

    --- Starting trial: run-0
    {'hidden_size': 16, 'epochs': 300, 'learning_rate': 0.01}
    2020-04-29 08:06:43.149021: I tensorflow/core/profiler/lib/profiler_session.cc:184] Profiler session started.
    =================================================] - 0s 42us/sample - loss: 62625.1632 - mean_squared_error: 55865.6680
    --- Starting trial: run-29
    {'hidden_size': 64, 'epochs': 1000, 'learning_rate': 0.4}
    2020-04-29 08:28:03.036671: I tensorflow/core/profiler/lib/profiler_session.cc:184] Profiler session started.
    =================================================] - 0s 54us/sample - loss: 51182.3352 - mean_squared_error: 59099.1250
  6. You will notice that a new folder, logs, is created after the experiments start. It contains the training and validation performance for each experiment. After 30 experiments finish, it's time to launch TensorBoard. We use the following command:
        tensorboard --logdir ls/hparam_tuning
    Serving TensorBoard on localhost; to expose to the network, use a proxy or pass --bind_all
    TensorBoard 2.0.0 at http://localhost:6006/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

    Once it is launched, you will see the beautiful dashboard at http://localhost:6006/. See the screenshot of the expected result here:

    Figure 8.7: Screenshot of TensorBoard

    Click on the HPARAMS tab to see the hyperparameter logs. You can see all the hyperparameter combinations and the respective metrics (MSE and R2) displayed in a table, as shown here:

    Figure 8.8: Screenshot of TensorBoard for hyperparameter tuning

    The combination of (hidden_size=16, epochs=1000, learning_rate=0.21) is the best performing one, with which we achieve an R2 of 0.97122.

  7. Finally, we use the optimal model to make predictions:
    >>> model = Sequential([
    ...     Dense(units=16, activation='relu'),
    ...     Dense(units=1)
    ... ])
    >>> model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error',
    ...               optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.21))
    >>> model.fit(X_scaled_train, y_train, epochs=1000, verbose=False)
    >>> predictions = model.predict(X_scaled_test)[:, 0]
  8. Plot the prediction along with the ground truth as follows:
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> plt.plot(data_test.index, y_test, c='k')
    >>> plt.plot(data_test.index, predictions, c='b')
    >>> plt.plot(data_test.index, predictions, c='r')
    >>> plt.plot(data_test.index, predictions, c='g')
    >>> plt.xticks(range(0, 252, 10), rotation=60)
    >>> plt.xlabel('Date')
    >>> plt.ylabel('Close price')
    >>> plt.legend(['Truth', 'Neural network prediction'])
    >>> plt.show()

Refer to the following screenshot for the end result:

Figure 8.9: Prediction and ground truth of stock prices

The fine-tuned neural network does a good job of predicting stock prices.

In this section, we further improved the neural network stock predictor by utilizing the hparams module in TensorFlow. Feel free to use more hidden layers and re-run model fine-tuning to see whether you can get a better result.


In this chapter, we worked on the stock prediction project again, but with neural networks this time. We started with a detailed explanation of neural networks, including the essential components (layers, activations, feedforward, and backpropagation), and transitioned to DL. We moved on to implementations from scratch with scikit-learn and TensorFlow. You also learned about ways to avoid overfitting, such as dropout and early stopping. Finally, we applied what we covered in this chapter to solve our stock price prediction problem.

In the next chapter, we will explore NLP techniques and unsupervised learning.


  1. As mentioned, can you use more hidden layers in the neural network stock predictor and re-run the model fine-tuning? Can you get a better result, maybe using dropout and early stopping?
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