Case study

One of the fields in which Python is the most popular these days is data science. Let's implement a basic machine learning algorithm! Machine learning is a huge topic, but the general idea is to make predictions or classifications about future data by using knowledge gained from past data. Uses of such algorithms abound, and data scientists are finding new ways to apply machine learning every day. Some important machine learning applications include computer vision (such as image classification or facial recognition), product recommendation, identifying spam, and speech recognition. We'll look at a simpler problem: given an RGB color definition, what name would humans identify that color as?

There are more than 16 million colors in the standard RGB color space, and humans have come up with names for only a fraction of them. While there are thousands of names (some quite ridiculous; just go to any car dealership or makeup store), let's build a classifier that attempts to divide the RGB space into the basic colors:

  • Red
  • Purple
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Grey
  • White
  • Pink

The first thing we need is a dataset to train our algorithm on. In a production system, you might scrape a list of colors website or survey thousands of people. Instead, I created a simple application that renders a random color and asks the user to select one of the preceding nine options to classify it. This application is included with the example code for this chapter in the kivy_color_classifier directory, but we won't be going into the details of this code as its only purpose here is to generate sample data.


Kivy has an incredibly well-engineered object-oriented API that you may want to explore on your own time. If you would like to develop graphical programs that run on many systems, from your laptop to your cell phone, you might want to check out my module, Creating Apps In Kivy, O'Reilly.

For the purposes of this case study, the important thing about that application is the output, which is a comma-separated value (CSV) file that contains four values per row: the red, green, and blue values (represented as a floating-point number between zero and one), and one of the preceding nine names that the user assigned to that color. The dataset looks something like this:


I made 200 datapoints (a very few of them untrue) before I got bored and decided it was time to start machine learning on this dataset. These datapoints are shipped with the examples for this chapter if you would like to use my data (nobody's ever told me I'm color-blind, so it should be somewhat reasonable).

We'll be implementing one of the simpler machine-learning algorithms, referred to as k-nearest neighbor. This algorithm relies on some kind of "distance" calculation between points in the dataset (in our case, we can use a three-dimensional version of the Pythagorean theorem). Given a new datapoint, it finds a certain number (referred to as k, as in k-nearest neighbors) of datapoints that are closest to it when measured by that distance calculation. Then it combines those datapoints in some way (an average might work for linear calculations; for our classification problem, we'll use the mode), and returns the result.

We won't go into too much detail about what the algorithm does; rather, we'll focus on some of the ways we can apply the iterator pattern or iterator protocol to this problem.

Let's now write a program that performs the following steps in order:

  1. Load the sample data from the file and construct a model from it.
  2. Generate 100 random colors.
  3. Classify each color and output it to a file in the same format as the input.

Once we have this second CSV file, another Kivy program can load the file and render each color, asking a human user to confirm or deny the accuracy of the prediction, thus informing us of how accurate our algorithm and initial data set are.

The first step is a fairly simple generator that loads CSV data and converts it into a format that is amenable to our needs:

import csv

dataset_filename = 'colors.csv'

def load_colors(filename):
    with open(filename) as dataset_file:
        lines = csv.reader(dataset_file)
        for line in lines:
            yield tuple(float(y) for y in line[0:3]), line[3]

We haven't seen the csv.reader function before. It returns an iterator over the lines in the file. Each value returned by the iterator is a list of strings. In our case, we could have just split on commas and been fine, but csv.reader also takes care of managing quotation marks and various other nuances of the comma-separated value format.

We then loop over these lines and convert them to a tuple of color and name, where the color is a tuple of three floating value integers. This tuple is constructed using a generator expression. There might be more readable ways to construct this tuple; do you think the code brevity and the speed of a generator expression is worth the obfuscation? Instead of returning a list of color tuples, it yields them one at a time, thus constructing a generator object.

Now, we need a hundred random colors. There are so many ways this can be done:

  • A list comprehension with a nested generator expression: [tuple(random() for r in range(3)) for r in range(100)]
  • A basic generator function
  • A class that implements the __iter__ and __next__ protocols
  • Push the data through a pipeline of coroutines
  • Even just a basic for loop

The generator version seems to be most readable, so let's add that function to our program:

from random import random

def generate_colors(count=100):
    for i in range(count):
        yield (random(), random(), random())

Notice how we parameterize the number of colors to generate. We can now reuse this function for other color-generating tasks in the future.

Now, before we do the classification step, we need a function to calculate the "distance" between two colors. Since it's possible to think of colors as being three dimensional (red, green, and blue could map to x, y, and z axes, for example), let's use a little basic math:

import math

def color_distance(color1, color2):
    channels = zip(color1, color2)
    sum_distance_squared = 0
    for c1, c2 in channels:
        sum_distance_squared += (c1 - c2) ** 2
    return math.sqrt(sum_distance_squared)

This is a pretty basic-looking function; it doesn't look like it's even using the iterator protocol. There's no yield function, no comprehensions. However, there is a for loop, and that call to the zip function is doing some real iteration as well (remember that zip yields tuples containing one element from each input iterator).

Note, however, that this function is going to be called a lot of times inside our k-nearest neighbors algorithm. If our code ran too slow and we were able to identify this function as a bottleneck, we might want to replace it with a less readable, but more optimized, generator expression:

def color_distance(color1, color2):
    return math.sqrt(sum((x[0] - x[1]) ** 2 for x in zip(
    color1, color2)))

However, I strongly recommend not making such optimizations until you have proven that the readable version is too slow.

Now that we have some plumbing in place, let's do the actual k-nearest neighbor implementation. This seems like a good place to use a coroutine. Here it is with some test code to ensure it's yielding sensible values:

def nearest_neighbors(model_colors, num_neighbors):
    model = list(model_colors)
    target = yield
    while True:
        distances = sorted(
            ((color_distance(c[0], target), c) for c in model),
        target = yield [
            d[1] for d in distances[0:num_neighbors]

model_colors = load_colors(dataset_filename)
target_colors = generate_colors(3)
get_neighbors = nearest_neighbors(model_colors, 5)

for color in target_colors:
    distances = get_neighbors.send(color)
    for d in distances:
        print(color_distance(color, d[0]), d[1])

The coroutine accepts two arguments, the list of colors to be used as a model, and the number of neighbors to query. It converts the model to a list because it's going to be iterated over multiple times. In the body of the coroutine, it accepts a tuple of RGB color values using the yield syntax. Then it combines a call to sorted with an odd generator expression. See if you can figure out what that generator expression is doing.

It returns a tuple of (distance, color_data) for each color in the model. Remember, the model itself contains tuples of (color, name), where color is a tuple of three RGB values. Therefore, the generator is returning an iterator over a weird data structure that looks like this:

(distance, (r, g, b), color_name)

The sorted call then sorts the results by their first element, which is distance. This is a complicated piece of code and isn't object-oriented at all. You may want to break it down into a normal for loop to ensure you understand what the generator expression is doing. It might also be a good exercise to imagine how this code would look if you were to pass a key argument into the sorted function instead of constructing a tuple.

The yield statement is a bit less complicated; it pulls the second value from each of the first k (distance, color_data) tuples. In more concrete terms, it yields the ((r, g, b), color_name) tuple for the k values with the lowest distance. Or, if you prefer more abstract terms, it yields the target's k-nearest neighbors in the given model.

The remaining code is just boilerplate to test this method; it constructs the model and a color generator, primes the coroutine, and prints the results in a for loop.

The two remaining tasks are to choose a color based on the nearest neighbors, and to output the results to a CSV file. Let's make two more coroutines to take care of these tasks. Let's do the output first because it can be tested independently:

def write_results(filename="output.csv"):
    with open(filename, "w") as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file)
        while True:
            color, name = yield
            writer.writerow(list(color) + [name])

results = write_results()
for i in range(3):
    results.send(((i, i, i), i * 10))

This coroutine maintains an open file as state and writes lines of code to it as they are sent in using send(). The test code ensures the coroutine is working correctly, so now we can connect the two coroutines with a third one.

The second coroutine uses a bit of an odd trick:

from collections import Counter
def name_colors(get_neighbors):
    color = yield
    while True:
        near = get_neighbors.send(color)
        name_guess = Counter(
            n[1] for n in near).most_common(1)[0][0]
        color = yield name_guess

This coroutine accepts, as its argument, an existing coroutine. In this case, it's an instance of nearest_neighbors. This code basically proxies all the values sent into it through that nearest_neighbors instance. Then it does some processing on the result to get the most common color out of the values that were returned. In this case, it would probably make just as much sense to adapt the original coroutine to return a name, since it isn't being used for anything else. However, there are many cases where it is useful to pass coroutines around; this is how we do it.

Now all we have to do is connect these various coroutines and pipelines together, and kick off the process with a single function call:

def process_colors(dataset_filename="colors.csv"):
    model_colors = load_colors(dataset_filename)
    get_neighbors = nearest_neighbors(model_colors, 5)
    get_color_name = name_colors(get_neighbors)
    output = write_results()

    for color in generate_colors():
        name = get_color_name.send(color)
        output.send((color, name))


So, this function, unlike almost every other function we've defined, is a perfectly normal function without any yield statements. It doesn't get turned into a coroutine or generator object. It does, however, construct a generator and three coroutines. Notice how the get_neighbors coroutine is passed into the constructor for name_colors? Pay attention to how all three coroutines are advanced to their first yield statements by calls to next.

Once all the pipes are created, we use a for loop to send each of the generated colors into the get_color_name coroutine, and then we pipe each of the values yielded by that coroutine to the output coroutine, which writes it to a file.

And that's it! I created a second Kivy app that loads the resulting CSV file and presents the colors to the user. The user can select either Yes or No depending on whether they think the choice made by the machine-learning algorithm matches the choice they would have made. This is not scientifically accurate (it's ripe for observation bias), but it's good enough for playing around. Using my eyes, it succeeded about 84 percent of the time, which is better than my grade 12 average. Not bad for our first ever machine learning experience, eh?

You might be wondering, "what does this have to do with object-oriented programming? There isn't even one class in this code!". In some ways, you'd be right; neither coroutines nor generators are commonly considered object-oriented. However, the functions that create them return objects; in fact, you could think of those functions as constructors. The constructed object has appropriate send() and __next__() methods. Basically, the coroutine/generator syntax is a syntax shortcut for a particular kind of object that would be quite verbose to create without it.

This case study has been an exercise in bottom-up design. We created various low-level objects that did specific tasks and hooked them all together at the end. I find this to be a common practice when developing with coroutines. The alternative, top-down design sometimes results in more monolithic pieces of code instead of unique individual pieces. In general, we want to find a happy medium between methods that are too large and methods that are too small and it's hard to see how they fit together. This is true, of course, regardless of whether the iterator protocol is being used as we did here.

Case study
Case study
Case study
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