Real-world case studies

Now, we will move on to some real-world machine learning scenarios. First, we will build a recommender system, and then we will look into some integrated pest management systems in greenhouses.

Building a recommender system

Recommender systems are a type of information filtering, and there are two general approaches: content-based filtering and collaborative filtering. In content-based filtering, the system attempts to model a user's long term interests and select items based on this. On the other hand, collaborative filtering chooses items based on the correlation with items chosen by people with similar preferences. As you would expect, many systems use a hybrid of these two approaches.

Content-based filtering

Content-based filtering uses the content of items, which is represented as a set of descriptor terms, and matches them with a user profile. A user profile is constructed using the same terms extracted from items that the user has previously viewed. A typical online book store will extract key terms from texts to create a user profile and to make recommendations. This procedure of extracting these terms can be automated in many cases, although in situations where specific domain knowledge is required, these terms may need to be added manually. The manual addition of terms is particularly relevant when dealing with non-text based items. It is relatively easy to extract key terms from, say, a library of books, say by associating fender amplifiers with electric guitars. In many cases, this will involve a human creating these associations based on specific domain knowledge, say by associating fender amplifiers with electric guitars. Once this is constructed, we need to choose a learning algorithm that can learn a user profile and make appropriate recommendations. The two models that are most often used are the vector space model and the latent semantic indexing model. With the vector space model, we create a sparse vector representing a document where each distinct term in a document corresponds to a dimension of the vector. Weights are used to indicate whether a term appears in a document. When it does appear, it shows the weight of 1, and when it does not, it shows the weight of 0. Weights based on the number of times a word appears are also used.

The alternative model, latent semantic indexing, can improve the vector model in several ways. Consider the fact that the same concept is often described by many different words, that is, with synonyms. For example, we need to know that a computer monitor and computer screen are, for most purposes, the same thing. Also, consider that many words have more than one distinct meaning, for example, the word mouse can either be an animal or a computer interface. Semantic indexing incorporates this information by building a term-document matrix. Each entry represents the number of occurrences of a particular term in the document. There is one row for each of the terms in a set of documents, and there is one column for every document. Through a mathematical process known as single value decomposition this single matrix can be decomposed into three matrices representing documents and terms as vectors of factor values. Essentially this is a dimension reduction technique whereby we create single features that represent multiple words. A recommendation is made based on these derived features. This recommendation is based on semantic relationships within the document rather than simply matching on identical words. The disadvantages of this technique is that it is computationally expensive and may be slow to run. This can be a significant constraint for a recommender system that has to work in realtime.

Collaborative filtering

Collaborative filtering takes a different approach and is used in a variety of settings, particularly, in the context of social media, and there are a variety of ways to implement it. Most take a neighborhood approach. This is based on the idea that you are more likely to trust your friends' recommendations, or those with similar interests, rather than people you have less in common with.

In this approach, a weighted average of the recommendations of other people is used. The weights are determined by the correlation between individuals. That is, those with similar preferences will be weighted higher than those that are less similar. In a large system with many thousands of users, it becomes infeasible to calculate all the weights at runtime. Instead, the recommendations of a neighborhood are used. This neighborhood is selected either by using a certain weight threshold, or by selecting based on the highest correlation.

n the following code, we use a dictionary of users and their ratings of music albums. The geometric nature of this model is most apparent when we plot users' ratings of two albums. It is easy to see that the distance between users on the plot is a good indication of how similar their ratings are. The Euclidean distance measures how far apart users are, in terms of how closely their preferences match. We also need a way to take into account associations between two people, and for this we use the Pearson correlation index. Once we can compute the similarity between users, we rank them in order of similarity. From here, we can work out what albums could be recommended. This is done by multiplying the similarity score of each user by their ratings. This is then summed and divided by the similarity score, essentially calculating a weighted average based on the similarity score.

Another approach is to find the similarities between items. This is called item-based collaborative filtering; this in contrast with user-based collaborative filtering, which we used to calculate the similarity score. The item-based approach is to find similar items for each item. Once we have the similarities between all the albums, we can generate recommendations for a particular user.

Let's take a look at a sample code implementation:

import pandas as pd 
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

userRatings={'Dave': {'Dark Side of Moon': 9.0,
  'Hard Road': 6.5,'Symphony 5': 8.0,'Blood Cells': 4.0},'Jen': {'Hard Road': 7.0,'Symphony 5': 4.5,'Abbey Road':8.5,'Ziggy Stardust': 9,'Best Of Miles':7},'Roy': {'Dark Side of Moon': 7.0,'Hard Road': 3.5,'Blood Cells': 4,'Vitalogy': 6.0,'Ziggy Stardust': 8,'Legend': 7.0,'Abbey Road': 4},'Rob': {'Mass in B minor': 10,'Symphony 5': 9.5,'Blood Cells': 3.5,'Ziggy Stardust': 8,'Black Star': 9.5,'Abbey Road': 7.5},'Sam': {'Hard Road': 8.5,'Vitalogy': 5.0,'Legend': 8.0,'Ziggy Stardust': 9.5,'U2 Live': 7.5,'Legend': 9.0,'Abbey Road': 2},'Tom': {'Symphony 5': 4,'U2 Live': 7.5,'Vitalogy': 7.0,'Abbey Road': 4.5},'Kate': {'Horses': 8.0,'Symphony 5': 6.5,'Ziggy Stardust': 8.5,'Hard Road': 6.0,'Legend': 8.0,'Blood Cells': 9,'Abbey Road': 6}}

# Returns a distance-based similarity score for user1 and user2
def distance(prefs,user1,user2):
    # Get the list of shared_items
    for item in prefs[user1]:
        if item in prefs[user2]:
    # if they have no ratings in common, return 0
    if len(si)==0: return 0
    # Add up the squares of all the differences
    for item in prefs[user1] if item in prefs[user2]])
    return 1/(1+sum_of_squares)

def Matches(prefs,person,n=5,similarity=pearsonr):
        for other in prefs if other!=person]
    scores.sort( )
    scores.reverse( )
    return scores[0:n]

def getRecommendations(prefs,person,similarity=pearsonr):
    for other in prefs:
        if other==person: continue
        if sim<=0: continue
        for item in prefs[other]:
            # only score albums not yet rated
            if item not in prefs[person] or prefs[person][item]==0:
                # Similarity * Score
                # Sum of similarities
    # Create a normalized list
    rankings=[(total/simSums[item],item) for item,total in totals.items( )]
    # Return a sorted list
    rankings.sort( )
    rankings.reverse( )
    return rankings

def transformPrefs(prefs):
    for person in prefs:
        for item in prefs[person]:
            # Flip item and person
    return result


def calculateSimilarItems(prefs,n=10):
    # Create a dictionary similar items
    # Invert the preference matrix to be item-centric
    for item in itemPrefs:
#        if c%100==0: print("%d / %d" % (c,len(itemPrefs)))
    return result

def getRecommendedItems(prefs,itemMatch,user):

    # Loop over items rated by this user
    for (item,rating) in userRatings.items( ):

        # Loop over items similar to this one
        for (similarity,item2) in itemMatch[item]:

            # Ignore if this user has already rated this item
            if item2 in userRatings: continue

            # Weighted sum of rating times similarity

            # Sum of all the similarities

    # Divide each total score by total weighting to get an average
    rankings=[(score/totalSim[item],item) for item,score in scores.items( )]

    # Return the rankings from highest to lowest
    rankings.sort( )
    rankings.reverse( )
    return rankings


def plotDistance(album1, album2):
    for i in userRatings.keys():
            data.append((i,userRatings[i][album1], userRatings[i][album2]))
    df=pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns = ['user', album1, album2])
    for i,t in enumerate(df.user):
        plt.annotate(t,(df[album1][i], df[album2][i]))

plotDistance('Abbey Road', 'Ziggy Stardust')
print(getRecommendedItems(userRatings, itemsim,'Dave'))

You will observe the following output:

Collaborative filtering

Here we have plotted the user ratings of two albums, and based on this, we can see that the users Kate and Rob are relatively close, that is, their preferences with regard to these two albums are similar. On the other hand, the users Rob and Sam are far apart, indicating different preferences for these two albums. We also print out recommendations for the user Dave and the similarity score for each album recommended.

Since collaborative filtering is reliant on the ratings of other users, a problem arises when the number of documents becomes much larger than the number of ratings, so the number of items that a user has rated is a tiny proportion of all the items. There are a few different approaches to help you fix this. Ratings can be inferred from the type of items they browse for on the site. Another way is to supplement the ratings of users with content-based filtering in a hybrid approach.

Reviewing the case study

Some important aspects of this case study are as follows:

  • It is part of a web application. It must run in realtime, and it relies on user interactivity.
  • There are extensive practical and theoretical resources available. This is a well thought out problem and has several well defined solutions. We do not have to reinvent the wheel.
  • This is largely a marketing project. It has a quantifiable metric of success in that of sale volumes based on recommendation.
  • The cost of failure is relatively low. A small level of error is acceptable.

Insect detection in greenhouses

A growing population and increasing climate variability pose unique challenges for agriculture in the 21st century. The ability of controlled environments, such as greenhouses, to provide optimum growing conditions and maximize the efficient use of inputs, such as water and nutrients, will enable us to continue to feed growing populations in a changing global climate.

There are many food production systems that today are largely automated, and these can be quite sophisticated. Aquaculture systems can cycle nutrients and water between fish tanks and growing racks, in essence, creating a very simple ecology in an artificial environment. The nutrient content of the water is regulated, as are the temperature, moisture levels, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels. These features exist within very precise ranges to optimize for production.

The environmental conditions inside greenhouses can be very conducive to the rapid spread of disease and pests. Early detection and the detection of precursor symptoms, such as fungi or insect egg production, are essential to managing these diseases and pests. For environmental, food quality, and economic reasons, we want to only apply minimum targeted controls, since this mostly involves the application, a pesticide, or any other bio agent.

The goal here is to create an automated system that will detect the type and location of a disease or insect and subsequently choose, and ideally implement, a control. This is quite a large undertaking with a number of different components. Many of the technologies exist separately, but here we are combining them in a number of non-standard ways. The approach is largely experimental:

Insect detection in greenhouses

The usual method of detection has been direct human observation. This is a very time intensive task and requires some particular skills. It is also very error prone. Automating this would be of huge benefit in itself, as well as being an important starting point for creating an automated IPM system. One of the first tasks is to define a set of indicators for each of the targets. A natural approach would be to get an expert, or a panel of experts, to classify short video clips as either being pest free or infected with one or more target species. Next, a classifier is trained on these clips, and hopefully, it is able to obtain a prediction. This approach has been used in the past, for example, Early Pest Detection in Greenhouses (Martin, Moisan, 2004), in the detection of insect pests.

In a typical setup, video cameras are placed throughout the greenhouse to maximize the sampling area. For the early detection of pests, key plant organs such as the stems, leaf nodes, and other areas are targeted. Since video and image analysis can be computationally expensive, motion sensitive cameras that are intelligently programmed to begin recording when they detect insect movement can be used.

The changes in early outbreaks are quite subtle and can be indicated to be a combination of plant damage, discolorations, reduced growth, and the presence of insects or their eggs. This difficulty is compounded by the variable light conditions in greenhouses. A way of coping with these issues is to use a cognitive vision approach. This divides the problem into a number of sub-problems, each of which is context dependent. For example, the use a different model for when it is sunny, or based on the light conditions at different times of the day. The knowledge of this context can be built into the model at a preliminary, weak learning stage. This gives it an inbuilt heuristic to apply an appropriate learning algorithm in a given context.

An important requirement is that we distinguish between different insect species, and a way to do this is by capturing the dynamic components of insects, that is, their behavior. Many insects can be distinguished by their type of movement, for example, flying in tight circles, or stationary most of the time with short bursts of flight. Also, insects may have other behaviors, such as mating or laying eggs, that might be an important indicator of a control being required.

Monitoring can occur over a number of channels, most notably video and still photography, as well as using signals from other sensors such as infrared, temperature, and humidity sensors. All these inputs need to be time and location stamped so that they can be used meaningfully in a machine learning model.

Video processing first involves subtracting the background and isolating the moving components of the sequence. At the pixel-level, the lighting condition results in a variation of intensity, saturation, and inter-pixel contrast. At the image level, conditions such as shadows affect only a portion of the image, whereas backlighting affects the entire image.

In this example, we extract frames from the video recordings and process them in their own separate path in the system. As opposed to video processing, where we were interested in the sequence of frames over time in an effort to detect movement, here we are interested in single frames from several cameras, focused on the same location at the same time. This way, we can build up a three-dimensional model, and this can be useful, especially for tracking changes to biomass volume.

The final inputs for our machine learning model are environmental sensors. Standard control systems measure temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide levels, and light. In addition, hyper-spectral and multi-spectral sensors are capable of detecting frequencies outside the visible spectrum. The nature of these signals requires their own distinctive processing paths. As an example of how they might be used, consider that one of our targets is a fungus that we know exists in a narrow range of humidity and temperature. Supposing an ultraviolet sensor in a part of the greenhouse briefly detects the frequency range indicative of the fungi. Our model would register this, and if the humidity and temperature are in this range, then a control may be initiated. This control may be simply the opening of a vent or the switching on of a fan near the possible outbreak to locally cool the region to a temperature at which the fungi cannot survive.

Clearly, the most complex part of the system is the action controller. This really comprises of two elements: A multi label classifier outputting a binary vector representing the presence or not of the target pests and the action classifier itself which outputs a control strategy.

There are many different components and a number of distinct systems that are needed to detect the various pathogens and pests. The standard approach has been to create a separate learning model for each target. This multi-model approach works if we are instigating controls for each of these as separate, unrelated activities. However, many of the processes, such as the development and spread of disease and a sudden outbreak of insects, may be precipitated by a common cause.

Reviewing the case study

Some important aspects of this case study are as follows:

  • It is largely a research project. It has a long timeline involving a large space of unknowns.
  • It comprises a number of interrelated systems. Each one can be worked on separately, but at some point needs to be integrated back into the entire system.
  • It requires significant domain knowledge.
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