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What if you want to find connections between two cities that typically do not have direct flights? For example, let's find out the possible routes between San Francisco and Buffalo:

subsetOfPaths = graph.bfs(
fromExpr = "id = 'SFO'",
toExpr = "id = 'BUF'",
maxPathLength = 1)



The OK in this case indicates that there are no direct flights between San Francisco and Buffalo as we could not retrieve a single edge (at least from this dataset). But to find out whether there are any layover flights, just change maxPathLength = 2 (to indicate a single stopover city):

subsetOfPaths = graph.bfs(
fromExpr = "id = 'SFO'",
toExpr = "id = 'BUF'",
maxPathLength = 2)


As you can see here, there are many flights with a single stopover connecting San Francisco and Buffalo:

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