When you have completed this chapter you should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following:

  • the reasons for change control and configuration management;
  • change control procedures:
    • the role of the change control board;
    • the generation, evaluation and authorisation of change requests;
  • configuration management:
    • purpose and procedures;
    • the identification of configuration items;
    • product baselines;
    • the content and use of configuration management databases.


Change management is a major concern to organisations: business changes have many implications outside the narrow confines of IT development, including their impact on staffing levels and on the skills and responsibilities required of employees. The particular focus in this chapter, however, is on the many events during a project that result in alterations to the planned work. The project manager’s skill lies in controlling those changes so that minimal disruption is caused to the planned objectives of time, cost and quality. Change management ensures modifications to any aspect of the project are only accepted after a formal review of their impact upon the project as a whole.

The procedures for managing change should be established at the beginning of the project. Organisations which have kept responsibility for the maintenance of IT systems rather than outsourcing this will need some way to keep track of changes to their systems as they evolve over time in response to user and business needs. The Canal Dreams ebooking enhancement project will create new software components, change some existing software components and expand IT infrastructure: the effect of this on existing systems needs to be tracked. As well as the changes to the existing system, the planned functionality to be implemented in the ebooking enhancement may be modified during the project as the needs of the users and the business are clarified. A change control system needs to be devised and implemented, especially if outside contractors are writing the software.

Allowances need to be made within the project plans for the possibility of additional work caused by requested changes. These allowances could be part of the tolerances delegated to the project manager (see Chapter 3). The project manager needs to ensure that the effect of any change on the plan does not exceed these allowances. Where the allowance for changes is exceeded, a new project plan (the exception plan mentioned in Section 3.6) would need to be drafted and approved by the steering committee or project board.

Change management, at some level, should be applied to all changes, whether they arise from a change to user requirements or are due to design modifications. It requires participation by the users and the developers, guided by the project manager. The user must decide whether a change is essential, desirable or optional. The project manager must identify the cost, time and quality impact, and assess the feasibility of the change. Once account has been taken of users’ and developers’ advice, if it is decided to go ahead with the change, it is the responsibility of the project manager to implement the change.


In Chapters 2 and 3, we introduced the idea of the project as a sequence of activities, each of which take certain inputs and use them to produce outputs. The outputs from one process may be inputs to other processes. For example, a specification could be an input to a process that creates a system design (that is, the format of the user interfaces with the system) which will then be implemented as code. During the process, the proposed interface designs may change rapidly as the designers try out different designs and the users give feedback on them. This does not need a formal change process. At some point, however, a decision needs to be taken that the design is now in a satisfactory state to be used as a basis for constructing the system. At this point the design will need to be frozen; in other words, the design is baselined. If changes are made to the application after it has been baselined, then rigorous change control is needed because of the potential impact on subsequent phases.

The idea of baselines was introduced in Chapter 3 with regard to project plans. A baselined plan may be regarded as an agreed plan against which variations will be measured. Any change can also be seen as a potential change to a baselined plan. For projects, the baselines include:

  • the agreed scope and quality of work;
  • the agreed schedule;
  • the agreed cost.

As noted in Chapter 3, these will tend to be interdependent. For example, if the scope of the work is expanded, then the cost will also have to be increased. Cost or scheduled duration could be reduced by decreasing the functionality in the IT application that is to be delivered.

Variations on these baselines can be categorised as follows:

  • Changes of scope

    This type of variation generally originates outside the project, usually by the user changing the requirements or by the cost or time constraints of the project changing. In the case of the Canal Dreams ebooking enhancement scenario the users may, for example, add a requirement that when booking a boat online the client should also be able to purchase holiday insurance. On the other hand, a reduction in the project budget may mean that some system features that were planned must be dropped.

  • Development changes

    This type of variation originates within the project and includes changes which are routinely carried out as part of the normal process of developing and refining a product. Typically, this can be something as simple as an adjustment to a screen layout.

  • Faults

    This type of variation also originates within the project and is caused by the project team making an error. For example, errors in coding may result in erroneous results being produced.

Some discretion will be exercised in accepting or rejecting scope and development changes but changes due to design errors will normally be obligatory, since the system may not work satisfactorily unless they are corrected.


In order to encourage the UK canal holiday industry, the government decides that VAT on canal holiday bookings will be zero-rated with immediate effect. The management of Canal Dreams calculate that this could increase the demand for bookings by 30%. At the same time, the government introduces a special tax on canal holiday insurance which has to be accounted for separately on invoices. When considering the implications of changes, the project team realise that although holiday insurance was included in the original requirement, it has been missed out from the system design. What effect might these changes have on the project?


It is important to clarify the various roles and responsibilities within change management. We are going to use a very specific set of terms here to identify and explain the various roles and responsibilities. In a real project environment, it is very unlikely that these precise terms will be used. However, there should be people who carry out the following roles, whatever they may be called.

  • The project manager oversees the process and ensures that all requests for change (RFCs) are handled appropriately. In most cases, the project manager also has the role of change manager.

    Project managers must ensure that user representatives agree to any changes made to the project requirements. They also control the scope of the system to be developed: additional features will require more effort and increase costs. When the project sponsor agrees to additional features, adjustments may need to be made to the contractual price for the project. The project manager also needs to be on the lookout for informal changes made outside the process. Informal changes are often discovered during project reviews and a retrospective RFC form may need to be completed so that records remain accurate.

  • The change requestor recognises a need for a change to the project and formally communicates this requirement to the change manager, by completing the RFC form.
  • The change manager (likely to be the project manager) is responsible for logging RFCs in the change register. The change manager also decides whether or not a feasibility study is required for the change. Where this is desirable, for example because the extent of the impact of the change is uncertain, one or more people will be assigned to carry out the study.
  • The change feasibility group appointed above investigates the feasibility of a proposed change. It is responsible for researching how the change may be implemented and assessing the costs, benefits and impact of each option. Its findings are documented in a feasibility study report. If the staff who are carrying out the feasibility study are also project team members, then there is a risk that project activities may be delayed.
  • The change control board (CCB) decides whether to accept or reject the RFC forwarded by the change manager. The CCB is responsible for:
    • reviewing all RFCs forwarded by the change manager;
    • approving or rejecting each RFC based on its merits;
    • resolving change conflict, where several changes overlap;
    • resolving problems that may arise from any change;
    • approving the change implementation timetable.
  • The change implementation group carries out the change. It is usually made up of staff from the project team.


We have already outlined some of the processes involved in implementing a change:

  • submission and receipt of change requests;
  • review and logging of change requests;
  • determination of the feasibility of change requests;
  • approval of change requests (or rejection or putting on hold);
  • implementation and closure of change requests.

It is likely that there will be a change register which is used to track the progress of an RFC through the change management process.

4.4.1 Submit request for change

In the Canal Dreams ebooking enhancement project, the project manager has been allocated the role of change manager. The office manager of the current bookings call centre is selected to act as change requestor. Requests for change can come from anyone but are all passed to the change requestor, who, in consultation with colleagues, decides whether the requested change is desirable from the users’ point of view. If they decide that there is a genuine need, a request for a change is submitted to the change manager. The RFC provides a summary of the change required, including:

  • a description of the change needed;
  • the reasons for change, including the business implications;
  • the benefits of change;
  • supporting documentation.

4.4.2 Review request for change

The change manager reviews the RFC and decides the nature and scope of the feasibility study/impact analysis required for the CCB to assess the full impact of the change. In the Canal Dreams ebooking enhancement project, one request was to add the sale of holiday insurance to the online booking system. On receiving the RFC, the change manager sees that it is difficult to assess the scope of the change as some of the details of the requirement are still unclear. The impact of the change on the existing design also needs to be carefully considered. The change manager opens an RFC entry in the change register and records that a feasibility study is required.

4.4.3 Assess feasibility of change

Once the change has been logged, an assessment must be made of its feasibility and impact upon the project in terms of time, cost and quality. For small changes, a team member may assess the impact of the change in a relatively informal manner. For major changes, the feasibility study could involve several people and last for some time. Different change options will be investigated and reported on. The change feasibility study will culminate in definition of the:

  • change requirements;
  • change options;
  • costs and benefits;
  • risks and issues;
  • change impact;
  • recommendations and plan.

A quality review of the feasibility study is then performed in order to ensure that it has been conducted as requested and the final deliverable is approved, ready for release to the CCB. All change documentation is then collated by the change manager and submitted to the CCB for final review.

The feasibility study itself carries a cost and sometimes the project manager records these costs in the change register. These costs may well increase the budget. For external client projects, the feasibility study may be an additional service which has to be paid for by the customer.

In the Canal Dreams ebooking enhancement project, two staff are assigned to look at the requested change for a facility to purchase holiday insurance online. One is a business analyst who should understand the nature of the business and the other is an experienced developer who will be able to judge the technical impact of the requested change. After discussing the matter with the user representatives they find that the change requires two additional input fields on the booking screen, two additional data items on one of the tables in the database and some minor changes to some of the printed outputs from the system. They estimate that the changes will require three additional staff days of effort.

4.4.4 Approve request for change

A project may have a range of levels at which changes can be reviewed and approved:

  • Team leaders may be allowed to accept changes that will not require additional resources and which do not affect other baselined products.
  • The project manager may be allowed to decide upon changes which have a minor impact on project objectives within a tolerance level which has been agreed with the steering committee or project board.
  • The CCB decides upon changes which will have a larger impact upon project objectives, but are constrained by any limitations on the budget available for changes.
  • Some changes may be particularly large, but have compelling reasons for their adoption. These changes may need resources not envisaged in the original plans. In these cases, an exception report will need to be produced for consideration by the steering committee/project board.

Whatever the level of review, the change needs to be recorded and reported.

The CCB will do one of the following:

  • reject the change;
  • request more information related to the change;
  • approve the change as requested;
  • approve the change subject to specified conditions;
  • put the change on hold.

The CCB will need to take account of the overall profile of possible changes. A large number of minor changes could have an overall effect that is out of all proportion to their individual significance. Approved changes will necessitate revisions to the schedule and cost plan. The CCB should prioritise changes so that those which are essential are carried out first, while non-essential changes are delayed until they can be made with the least impact on work schedules.

In the Canal Dreams ebooking enhancement project, the holiday insurance change is only one of several changes that have been requested. The CCB has a budget of only 10 staff days left to allocate, but has requests that need a total of 15 days. The CCB may accept changes requiring up to six days’ effort, including the change to incorporate the holiday insurance requirements.

4.4.5 Implement request for change

This involves the complete implementation of the change, including any additional testing that may be required. On completion, the change will be signed off in the change register. Where the additional work has been carried out by an external supplier, additional invoices for the additional work will be raised by the supplier. Additional payments would not be made, however, where the change was to correct an error made by the supplier.


The change control system described above is needed to ensure that an endless sequence of changes does not undermine the business case for the project – for example, by increasing costs so that they exceed the value of the benefits that the project will produce or by extending the time needed for development and implementation and thus reducing the benefits. Once a change has been agreed, there are further problems, such as ensuring that all documents and other products of the project are modified to reflect the change.


What deliverables of a project may be affected by the change to the Canal Dreams specification to allow for holiday insurance to be recorded when a customer books a boat online?

A project has a wealth of documents that relate to each phase of the project, along with software objects such as database structures and code segments. A very basic need is therefore for a central project repository or library where master copies of all documents and software objects are stored. Another basic requirement is that there should be a system of version numbers for all products so that successive baselines can be identified. These requirements mean that it is essential for one or more people involved in the project to take up a role variously called project or configuration librarian or configuration manager. Part of that role is to make sure that all project products are controlled, so that, for example, we can make sure that all software developers working on components that exchange information are working from the latest specifications for those components.

Configuration management has three major elements:

  • configuration item identification;
  • configuration status accounting;
  • configuration control.

4.5.1 Configuration item identification

The items which will be subject to the configuration management system (CMS) need to be identified. Typically these are baselined specifications, design documents, software components, operational and support documentation, and key planning documents such as schedules and budgets. Other items, such as IT equipment, may also be subject to configuration management. These items will be defined as configuration items (CIs) and their details will be recorded in a configuration management database (CMDB). Among the details recorded in the CMDB for a configuration item are:

  • a CI reference number;
  • its current status;
  • its version number;
  • any larger configurations of which it is a part;
  • any components that it has;
  • other products that it is derived from;
  • other products that are derived from it.

4.5.2 Configuration status accounting

After a change to a CI has been agreed, the project librarian sets the status of the CI accordingly. This process is called configuration status accounting and it maintains a continuous record of the status of the individual items which make up the system.

4.5.3 Configuration control

Configuration control ensures that due account is taken of the status of each CI. For example, when recording the change to add holiday insurance to the boat booking transaction, the configuration librarian may access the CMDB to see the current status of the software component. The librarian may find that the software component is already booked out to a software developer who is implementing a different approved change to the module. If the librarian were to release a copy of the baselined code to a second developer to add holiday insurance, that would create two different versions of the same software. The new change may be given to the developer already working on the component or there may need to be a delay while the first change is completed.

When a developer is happy that all the work associated with a change is complete, the new version of the software is passed to the librarian. The librarian then records the CI as having a new version number and as being ready for acceptance testing. Acceptance testing is usually carried out in a separate IT environment to operational processing. If the designated user representative approves the revised version of the system, a request can be made to the librarian to make the revised application operational. The former version of the software is retained in case there is a need to ‘fall back’ to it, if the new version turns out to be problematic.


1. The change control board should consist of:

(a) representatives of the key stakeholders in the project

(b) the project manager and team leader

(c) the people on the project board

(d) the project support office

2. If there are doubts about the projected costs of a proposed change, it would be the responsibility of which of the following to investigate?

(a) the change requestor

(b) the change manager

(c) the change feasibility group

(d) the change control board

3. As a documented procedure, what is the purpose of configuration management?

(a) to ensure the project remains within budget

(b) to identify and document functional characteristics of a system

(c) to record and report changes and their implementation status

(d) to verify conformance with requirements


1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c)



The changes may have the following effects on the project:

  • The change to the rate of VAT should not involve changing the application, as there should already be a system function that allows VAT rates to be changed.
  • The potential increase in bookings would not change the functional requirements, but would probably change the quality or ‘non-functional’ requirements. For example, the database would need to be able to hold more records. The equipment needed to run the application may need to be upgraded (this is a change to the scope of the project).
  • The statutory change to accommodate holiday insurance tax could well mean changes to input screens and report layouts (this is a change to the scope of the project).
  • The design’s not including functions to deal with holiday insurance is a straightforward fault and the project team must correct it.


Among the many deliverables that may be affected are:

  • the interface design – screens and report layouts;
  • software components;
  • the database structure;
  • test data and expected results;
  • user manuals;
  • training materials.
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