Operations and Calls

  1. Do not treat one-way calls as asynchronous calls.

  2. Do not treat one-way calls as concurrent calls.

  3. Expect exceptions out of a one-way operation.

  4. Enable reliability even on one-way calls. Use of ordered delivery is optional for one-way calls.

  5. Avoid one-way operations on a sessionful service. If used, make it the terminating operation:

    [ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required)]
    interface IOrderManager
       void SetCustomerId(int customerId);
       [OperationContract(IsInitiating = false)]
       void AddItem(int itemId);
       [OperationContract(IsInitiating = false)]
       decimal GetTotal( );
       [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true,IsInitiating = false,IsTerminating =
       void ProcessOrders( );
  6. Name the callback contract on the service side after the service contract suffixed by Callback:

    interface IMyContractCallback
    [ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IMyContractCallback))]
    interface IMyContract
  7. Strive to mark callback operations as one-way.

  8. Use callback contracts for callbacks only.

  9. Avoid mixing regular callbacks and events on the same callback contract.

  10. Event operations should be well-designed:

    1. void return type

    2. No out parameters

    3. Marked as one-way operations

  11. Avoid using raw callback contracts for event management, and prefer using the publish-subscribe framework.

  12. Always provide explicit methods for callback setup and teardown:

    [ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IMyContractCallback))]
    interface IMyContract
       void DoSomething( );
       void Connect( );
       void Disconnect( );
    interface IMyContractCallback
  13. Use the type-safe DuplexClientBase<T,C> instead of DuplexClientBase<T>.

  14. Use the type-safe DuplexChannelFactory<T,C> instead of DuplexChannelFactory<T>.

  15. When debugging or in intranet deployment of callbacks over WSDualHttpBinding, use the CallbackBaseAddressBehaviorAttribute with CallbackPort set to 0:

    [CallbackBaseAddressBehavior(CallbackPort = 0)]
    class MyClient : IMyContractCallback
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